Nicholas Anthony Alfonso
Title | Assistant Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | SOM-ORTHO General Operations |
Title | Director-Faculty |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | SOM-ORTHO General Operations |
Richman EH, Richman OT, Lee MS, Qubain L, Heylmun L, Awad ME, Alfonso N. Social Media and Digital Footprints in Orthopaedic Trauma: An Analysis of 1465 Orthopaedic Trauma Association Members. J Orthop Trauma. 2024 01 01; 38(1):e36. PMID: 37559214.
Awad ME, Chung JY, Griffin N, Stoneback JW, Alfonso NA. Prophylactic Intrawound Antibiotics Significantly Reduce the Risk of Deep Infections in Fracture Fixation: Subgroup Meta-analyses of the Type of Fracture, Antibiotics, and Organism. J Orthop Trauma. 2023 10 01; 37(10):e400-e409. PMID: 37296086.
Belton M, Kelley N, Baldini T, Steward J, Alfonso N. Diagnosis of traumatic shoulder arthrotomies using saline load test with intra-articular pressure monitoring. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. 2023 Jul; 33(5):2137-2142. PMID: 36269430.
Abu-Shawareb H, Acree R, Adams P, Adams J, Addis B, Aden R, Adrian P, Afeyan BB, Aggleton M, Aghaian L, Aguirre A, Aikens D, Akre J, Albert F, Albrecht M, Albright BJ, Albritton J, Alcala J, Alday C, Alessi DA, Alexander N, Alfonso J, Alfonso N, Alger E, Ali SJ, Ali ZA, Alley WE, Amala P, Amendt PA, Amick P, Ammula S, Amorin C, Ampleford DJ, Anderson RW, Anklam T, Antipa N, Appelbe B, Aracne-Ruddle C, Araya E, Arend M, Arnold P, Arnold T, Asay J, Atherton LJ, Atkinson D, Atkinson R, Auerbach JM, Austin B, Auyang L, Awwal AS, Ayers J, Ayers S, Ayers T, Azevedo S, Bachmann B, Back CA, Bae J, Bailey DS, Bailey J, Baisden T, Baker KL, Baldis H, Barber D, Barberis M, Barker D, Barnes A, Barnes CW, Barrios MA, Barty C, Bass I, Batha SH, Baxamusa SH, Bazan G, Beagle JK, Beale R, Beck BR, Beck JB, Bedzyk M, Beeler RG, Beeler RG, Behrendt W, Belk L, Bell P, Belyaev M, Benage JF, Bennett G, Benedetti LR, Benedict LX, Berger R, Bernat T, Bernstein LA, Berry B, Bertolini L, Besenbruch G, Betcher J, Bettenhausen R, Betti R, Bezzerides B, Bhandarkar SD, Bickel R, Biener J, Biesiada T, Bigelow K, Bigelow-Granillo J, Bigman V, Bionta RM, Birge NW, Bitter M, Black AC, Bleile R, Bleuel DL, Bliss E, Bliss E, Blue B, Boehly T, Boehm K, Boley CD, Bonanno R, Bond EJ, Bond T, Bonino MJ, Borden M, Bourgade JL, Bousquet J, Bowers J, Bowers M, Boyd R, Bozek A, Bradley DK, Bradley KS, Bradley PA, Bradley L, Brannon L, Brantley PS, Braun D, Braun T, Brienza-Larsen K, Briggs TM, Britten J, Brooks ED, Browning D, Bruhn MW, Brunner TA, Bruns H, Brunton G, Bryant B, Buczek T, Bude J, Buitano L, Burkhart S, Burmark J, Burnham A, Burr R, Busby LE, Butlin B, Cabeltis R, Cable M, Cabot WH, Cagadas B, Caggiano J, Cahayag R, Caldwell SE, Calkins S, Callahan DA, Calleja-Aguirre J, Camara L, Camp D, Campbell EM, Campbell JH, Carey B, Carey R, Carlisle K, Carlson L, Carman L, Carmichael J, Carpenter A, Carr C, Carrera JA, Casavant D, Casey A, Casey DT, Castillo A, Castillo E, Castor JI, Castro C, Caughey W, Cavitt R, Celeste J, Celliers PM, Cerjan C, Chandler G, Chang B, Chang C, Chang J, Chang L, Chapman R, Chapman T, Chase L, Chen H, Chen H, Chen K, Chen LY, Cheng B, Chittenden J, Choate C, Chou J, Chrien RE, Chrisp M, Christensen K, Christensen M, Christopherson AR, Chung M, Church JA, Clark A, Clark DS, Clark K, Clark R, Claus L, Cline B, Cline JA, Cobble JA, Cochrane K, Cohen B, Cohen S, Collette MR, Collins G, Collins LA, Collins TJB, Conder A, Conrad B, Conyers M, Cook AW, Cook D, Cook R, Cooley JC, Cooper G, Cope T, Copeland SR, Coppari F, Cortez J, Cox J, Crandall DH, Crane J, Craxton RS, Cray M, Crilly A, Crippen JW, Cross D, Cuneo M, Cuotts G, Czajka CE, Czechowicz D, Daly T, Danforth P, Darbee R, Darlington B, Datte P, Dauffy L, Davalos G, Davidovits S, Davis P, Davis J, Dawson S, Day RD, Day TH, Dayton M, Deck C, Decker C, Deeney C, DeFriend KA, Deis G, Delamater ND, Delettrez JA, Demaret R, Demos S, Dempsey SM, Desjardin R, Desjardins T, Desjarlais MP, Dewald EL, DeYoreo J, Diaz S, Dimonte G, Dittrich TR, Divol L, Dixit SN, Dixon J, Dodd ES, Dolan D, Donovan A, Donovan M, D?ppner T, Dorrer C, Dorsano N, Douglas MR, Dow D, Downie J, Downing E, Dozieres M, Draggoo V, Drake D, Drake RP, Drake T, Dreifuerst G, DuBois DF, DuBois PF, Dunham G, Dylla-Spears R, Dymoke-Bradshaw AKL, Dzenitis B, Ebbers C, Eckart M, Eddinger S, Eder D, Edgell D, Edwards MJ, Efthimion P, Eggert JH, Ehrlich B, Ehrmann P, Elhadj S, Ellerbee C, Elliott NS, Ellison CL, Elsner F, Emerich M, Engelhorn K, England T, English E, Epperson P, Epstein R, Erbert G, Erickson MA, Erskine DJ, Erlandson A, Espinosa RJ, Estes C, Estabrook KG, Evans S, Fabyan A, Fair J, Fallejo R, Farmer N, Farmer WA, Farrell M, Fatherley VE, Fedorov M, Feigenbaum E, Feit M, Ferguson W, Fernandez JC, Fernandez-Panella A, Fess S, Field JE, Filip CV, Fincke JR, Finn T, Finnegan SM, Finucane RG, Fischer M, Fisher A, Fisher J, Fishler B, Fittinghoff D, Fitzsimmons P, Flegel M, Flippo KA, Florio J, Folta J, et al. Lawson Criterion for Ignition Exceeded in an Inertial Fusion Experiment. Phys Rev Lett. 2022 Aug 12; 129(7):075001. PMID: 36018710.
Alfonso NA, Ryan W, Baldini T, Reiter M, Joyce C, Mauffrey C. Fixation of Transverse Acetabular Fractures With Precontoured Plates Alone Causes Fracture Malreduction: A Biomechanical Assessment. J Orthop Trauma. 2020 Feb; 34(2):89-94. PMID: 31567698.
Ryan W, Alfonso NA, Baldini T, Kumparatana P, Reiter M, Joyce C, Wei C, Zhang Y, Mauffrey C. Precontoured Quadrilateral Surface Acetabular Plate Fixation Demonstrates Increased Stability When Compared With Pelvic Reconstruction Plates: A Biomechanical Study. J Orthop Trauma. 2019 Sep; 33(9):e325-e330. PMID: 31436712.
Alfonso NA, Baldini T, Stahel PF. A New Fastener With Improved Bone-To-Implant Interface Shows Superior Torque Stripping Resistance Compared With the Standard Buttress Screw. J Orthop Trauma. 2019 Apr; 33(4):e137-e142. PMID: 30893221.
Stahel PF, Alfonso NA, Henderson C, Baldini T. Introducing the "Bone-Screw-Fastener" for improved screw fixation in orthopedic surgery: a revolutionary paradigm shift? Patient Saf Surg. 2017; 11:6. PMID: 28321265.
Diawara MM, Litt JS, Unis D, Alfonso N, Martinez L, Crock JG, Smith DB, Carsella J. Arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury in surface soils, Pueblo, Colorado: implications for population health risk. Environ Geochem Health. 2006 Aug; 28(4):297-315. PMID: 16752202.
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