Valerie J McKenzie
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Boulder |
Department | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology |
Phone | 303/492-7557 |
Title | Faculty Fellow |
Institution | University of Colorado Boulder |
Department | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology |
Title | Assoc Chair |
Institution | University of Colorado Boulder |
Department | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology |
Korpita TM, Muths EL, Watry MK, McKenzie VJ. Captivity, Reintroductions, and the Rewilding of Amphibian-associated Bacterial Communities. Microb Ecol. 2023 Nov; 86(4):2271-2281. PMID: 37222806.
Alexiev A, Chen MY, Korpita T, Weier AM, McKenzie VJ. Together or Alone: Evaluating the Pathogen Inhibition Potential of Bacterial Cocktails against an Amphibian Pathogen. Microbiol Spectr. 2023 Jan 31; e0151822. PMID: 36719234.
Chen MY, Kueneman JG, Gonz?lez A, Humphrey G, Knight R, McKenzie VJ. Predicting fungal infection rate and severity with skin-associated microbial communities on amphibians. Mol Ecol. 2022 04; 31(7):2140-2156. PMID: 35076975.
Chen MY, Alexiev A, McKenzie VJ. Bacterial Biofilm Thickness and Fungal Inhibitory Bacterial Richness Both Prevent Establishment of the Amphibian Fungal Pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2022 03 08; 88(5):e0160421. PMID: 35044804.
Alexiev A, Chen MY, McKenzie VJ. Identifying fungal-host associations in an amphibian host system. PLoS One. 2021; 16(8):e0256328. PMID: 34411153.
Marden E, Abbott RJ, Austerlitz F, Ortiz-Barrientos D, Baucom RS, Bongaerts P, Bonin A, Bonneaud C, Browne L, Alex Buerkle C, Caicedo AL, Coltman DW, Cruzan MB, Davison A, DeWoody JA, Dumbrell AJ, Emerson BC, Fountain-Jones NM, Gillespie R, Giraud T, Hansen MM, Hodgins KA, Heuertz M, Hirase S, Hooper R, Hohenlohe P, Kane NC, Kelley JL, Kinziger AP, McKenzie VJ, Moreau CS, Nazareno AG, Pelletier TA, Pemberton JM, Qu Y, Renaut S, Riginos C, Rodr?guez-Ezpeleta N, Rogers SM, Russell JA, Schoville SD, Shi S, Smith M, Sork VL, Stone GN, Taberlet P, Videvall E, Waits L, Warschefsky E, Wayne RK, Whibley A, Willoughby J, Yoder JB, Zinger L, Sibbett B, Narum S, Rieseberg LH. Sharing and reporting benefits from biodiversity research. Mol Ecol. 2021 03; 30(5):1103-1107. PMID: 33159357.
Song SJ, Sanders JG, Delsuc F, Metcalf J, Amato K, Taylor MW, Mazel F, Lutz HL, Winker K, Graves GR, Humphrey G, Gilbert JA, Hackett SJ, White KP, Skeen HR, Kurtis SM, Withrow J, Braile T, Miller M, McCracken KG, Maley JM, Ezenwa VO, Williams A, Blanton JM, McKenzie VJ, Knight R. Comparative Analyses of Vertebrate Gut Microbiomes Reveal Convergence between Birds and Bats. mBio. 2020 01 07; 11(1). PMID: 31911491.
Song SJ, Sanders JG, Baldassarre DT, Chaves JA, Johnson NS, Piaggio AJ, Stuckey MJ, Nov?kov? E, Metcalf JL, Chomel BB, Aguilar-Seti?n A, Knight R, McKenzie VJ. Is there convergence of gut microbes in blood-feeding vertebrates? Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2019 07 22; 374(1777):20180249. PMID: 31154984.
Kueneman JG, Bletz MC, McKenzie VJ, Becker CG, Joseph MB, Abarca JG, Archer H, Arellano AL, Bataille A, Becker M, Belden LK, Crottini A, Geffers R, Haddad CFB, Harris RN, Holden WM, Hughey M, Jarek M, Kearns PJ, Kerby JL, Kielgast J, Kurabayashi A, Longo AV, Loudon A, Medina D, Nu?ez JJ, Perl RGB, Pinto-Tom?s A, Rabemananjara FCE, Rebollar EA, Rodr?guez A, Rollins-Smith L, Stevenson R, Tebbe CC, Vargas Asensio G, Waldman B, Walke JB, Whitfield SM, Zamudio KR, Z??iga Chaves I, Woodhams DC, Vences M. Community richness of amphibian skin bacteria correlates with bioclimate at the global scale. Nat Ecol Evol. 2019 03; 3(3):381-389. PMID: 30778181.
Resasco J, Bitters ME, Cunningham SA, Jones HI, McKenzie VJ, Davies KF. Experimental habitat fragmentation disrupts nematode infections in Australian skinks. Ecology. 2019 01; 100(1):e02547. PMID: 30488947.
Abarca JG, Vargas G, Zuniga I, Whitfield SM, Woodhams DC, Kerby J, McKenzie VJ, Murillo-Cruz C, Pinto-Tom?s AA. Assessment of Bacterial Communities Associated With the Skin of Costa Rican Amphibians at La Selva Biological Station. Front Microbiol. 2018; 9:2001. PMID: 30233511.
Prest TL, Kimball AK, Kueneman JG, McKenzie VJ. Host-associated bacterial community succession during amphibian development. Mol Ecol. 2018 04; 27(8):1992-2006. PMID: 29411448.
McKenzie VJ, Kueneman JG, Harris RN. Probiotics as a tool for disease mitigation in wildlife: insights from food production and medicine. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2018 10; 1429(1):18-30. PMID: 29479716.
Kueneman JG, Weiss S, McKenzie VJ. Composition of Micro-eukaryotes on the Skin of the Cascades Frog (Rana cascadae) and Patterns of Correlation between Skin Microbes and Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. Front Microbiol. 2017; 8:2350. PMID: 29276502.
Metcalf JL, Song SJ, Morton JT, Weiss S, Seguin-Orlando A, Joly F, Feh C, Taberlet P, Coissac E, Amir A, Willerslev E, Knight R, McKenzie V, Orlando L. Evaluating the impact of domestication and captivity on the horse gut microbiome. Sci Rep. 2017 11 14; 7(1):15497. PMID: 29138485.
Thompson LR, Sanders JG, McDonald D, Amir A, Ladau J, Locey KJ, Prill RJ, Tripathi A, Gibbons SM, Ackermann G, Navas-Molina JA, Janssen S, Kopylova E, V?zquez-Baeza Y, Gonz?lez A, Morton JT, Mirarab S, Zech Xu Z, Jiang L, Haroon MF, Kanbar J, Zhu Q, Jin Song S, Kosciolek T, Bokulich NA, Lefler J, Brislawn CJ, Humphrey G, Owens SM, Hampton-Marcell J, Berg-Lyons D, McKenzie V, Fierer N, Fuhrman JA, Clauset A, Stevens RL, Shade A, Pollard KS, Goodwin KD, Jansson JK, Gilbert JA, Knight R. A communal catalogue reveals Earth's multiscale microbial diversity. Nature. 2017 11 23; 551(7681):457-463. PMID: 29088705.
McKenzie VJ, Song SJ, Delsuc F, Prest TL, Oliverio AM, Korpita TM, Alexiev A, Amato KR, Metcalf JL, Kowalewski M, Avenant NL, Link A, Di Fiore A, Seguin-Orlando A, Feh C, Orlando L, Mendelson JR, Sanders J, Knight R. The Effects of Captivity on the Mammalian Gut Microbiome. Integr Comp Biol. 2017 10 01; 57(4):690-704. PMID: 28985326.
Bletz MC, Archer H, Harris RN, McKenzie VJ, Rabemananjara FCE, Rakotoarison A, Vences M. Host Ecology Rather Than Host Phylogeny Drives Amphibian Skin Microbial Community Structure in the Biodiversity Hotspot of Madagascar. Front Microbiol. 2017; 8:1530. PMID: 28861051.
Barnhart K, Forman ME, Umile TP, Kueneman J, McKenzie V, Salinas I, Minbiole KPC, Woodhams DC. Identification of Bufadienolides from the Boreal Toad, Anaxyrus boreas, Active Against a Fungal Pathogen. Microb Ecol. 2017 11; 74(4):990-1000. PMID: 28631214.
Piovia-Scott J, Rejmanek D, Woodhams DC, Worth SJ, Kenny H, McKenzie V, Lawler SP, Foley JE. Greater Species Richness of Bacterial Skin Symbionts Better Suppresses the Amphibian Fungal Pathogen Batrachochytrium Dendrobatidis. Microb Ecol. 2017 07; 74(1):217-226. PMID: 28064360.
Avena CV, Parfrey LW, Leff JW, Archer HM, Frick WF, Langwig KE, Kilpatrick AM, Powers KE, Foster JT, McKenzie VJ. Deconstructing the Bat Skin Microbiome: Influences of the Host and the Environment. Front Microbiol. 2016; 7:1753. PMID: 27909426.
Kueneman JG, Woodhams DC, Harris R, Archer HM, Knight R, McKenzie VJ. Probiotic treatment restores protection against lethal fungal infection lost during amphibian captivity. Proc Biol Sci. 2016 Sep 28; 283(1839). PMID: 27655769.
Hyde ER, Navas-Molina JA, Song SJ, Kueneman JG, Ackermann G, Cardona C, Humphrey G, Boyer D, Weaver T, Mendelson JR, McKenzie VJ, Gilbert JA, Knight R. The Oral and Skin Microbiomes of Captive Komodo Dragons Are Significantly Shared with Their Habitat. mSystems. 2016 Jul-Aug; 1(4). PMID: 27822543.
Mischler J, Johnson PT, McKenzie VJ, Townsend AR. Parasite infection alters nitrogen cycling at the ecosystem scale. J Anim Ecol. 2016 05; 85(3):817-28. PMID: 26919319.
Loudon AH, Venkataraman A, Van Treuren W, Woodhams DC, Parfrey LW, McKenzie VJ, Knight R, Schmidt TM, Harris RN. Vertebrate Hosts as Islands: Dynamics of Selection, Immigration, Loss, Persistence, and Potential Function of Bacteria on Salamander Skin. Front Microbiol. 2016; 7:333. PMID: 27014249.
Woodhams DC, Bletz M, Kueneman J, McKenzie V. Managing Amphibian Disease with Skin Microbiota. Trends Microbiol. 2016 Mar; 24(3):161-4. PMID: 26916805.
Vences M, Lyra ML, Kueneman JG, Bletz MC, Archer HM, Canitz J, Handreck S, Randrianiaina RD, Struck U, Bhuju S, Jarek M, Geffers R, McKenzie VJ, Tebbe CC, Haddad CF, Glos J. Gut bacterial communities across tadpole ecomorphs in two diverse tropical anuran faunas. Naturwissenschaften. 2016 Apr; 103(3-4):25. PMID: 26924012.
Rebollar EA, Antwis RE, Becker MH, Belden LK, Bletz MC, Brucker RM, Harrison XA, Hughey MC, Kueneman JG, Loudon AH, McKenzie V, Medina D, Minbiole KP, Rollins-Smith LA, Walke JB, Weiss S, Woodhams DC, Harris RN. Using "Omics" and Integrated Multi-Omics Approaches to Guide Probiotic Selection to Mitigate Chytridiomycosis and Other Emerging Infectious Diseases. Front Microbiol. 2016; 7:68. PMID: 26870025.
Kueneman JG, Woodhams DC, Van Treuren W, Archer HM, Knight R, McKenzie VJ. Inhibitory bacteria reduce fungi on early life stages of endangered Colorado boreal toads (Anaxyrus boreas). ISME J. 2016 Apr; 10(4):934-44. PMID: 26565725.
Peterson AC, McKenzie VJ. Investigating differences across host species and scales to explain the distribution of the amphibian pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. PLoS One. 2014; 9(9):e107441. PMID: 25222375.
Woodhams DC, Brandt H, Baumgartner S, Kielgast J, K?pfer E, Tobler U, Davis LR, Schmidt BR, Bel C, Hodel S, Knight R, McKenzie V. Interacting symbionts and immunity in the amphibian skin mucosome predict disease risk and probiotic effectiveness. PLoS One. 2014; 9(4):e96375. PMID: 24789229.
Loudon AH, Woodhams DC, Parfrey LW, Archer H, Knight R, McKenzie V, Harris RN. Microbial community dynamics and effect of environmental microbial reservoirs on red-backed salamanders (Plethodon cinereus). ISME J. 2014 Apr; 8(4):830-40. PMID: 24335825.
Kueneman JG, Parfrey LW, Woodhams DC, Archer HM, Knight R, McKenzie VJ. The amphibian skin-associated microbiome across species, space and life history stages. Mol Ecol. 2014 Mar; 23(6):1238-1250. PMID: 24171949.
McMahon TA, Brannelly LA, Chatfield MW, Johnson PT, Joseph MB, McKenzie VJ, Richards-Zawacki CL, Venesky MD, Rohr JR. Chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis has nonamphibian hosts and releases chemicals that cause pathology in the absence of infection. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Jan 02; 110(1):210-5. PMID: 23248288.
McKenzie VJ, Peterson AC. Pathogen pollution and the emergence of a deadly amphibian pathogen. Mol Ecol. 2012 Nov; 21(21):5151-4. PMID: 23075064.
McKenzie VJ, Bowers RM, Fierer N, Knight R, Lauber CL. Co-habiting amphibian species harbor unique skin bacterial communities in wild populations. ISME J. 2012 Mar; 6(3):588-96. PMID: 21955991.
Johnson PT, McKenzie VJ, Peterson AC, Kerby JL, Brown J, Blaustein AR, Jackson T. Regional decline of an iconic amphibian associated with elevation, land-use change, and invasive species. Conserv Biol. 2011 Jun; 25(3):556-66. PMID: 21342266.
McKenzie VJ, Goulet NE. Bird community composition linked to human West Nile virus cases along the Colorado front range. Ecohealth. 2010 Dec; 7(4):439-47. PMID: 21125307.
Torchin ME, McKenzie VJ. Introduction of Armand Kuris, recipient of the 2010 Clark P. Read Mentor Award. J Parasitol. 2010 Dec; 96(6):1041-3. PMID: 21158606.
Johnson PT, Townsend AR, Cleveland CC, Glibert PM, Howarth RW, McKenzie VJ, Rejmankova E, Ward MH. Linking environmental nutrient enrichment and disease emergence in humans and wildlife. Ecol Appl. 2010 Jan; 20(1):16-29. PMID: 20349828.
McKenzie VJ, Starks HA. Blood parasites of two Costa Rican amphibians with comments on detection and microfilaria density associated with adult filarial worm intensity. J Parasitol. 2008 Aug; 94(4):824-9. PMID: 18837576.
Torchin ME, Lafferty KD, Dobson AP, McKenzie VJ, Kuris AM. Introduced species and their missing parasites. Nature. 2003 Feb 06; 421(6923):628-30. PMID: 12571595.
McKenzie VJ, Caira JN. Three new genera and species of tapeworms from the longnose sawshark, Pristiophorus cirratus, with comments on their modes of attachment to the spiral intestine. J Parasitol. 1998 Apr; 84(2):409-21. PMID: 9576518.
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