Paula D Riggs
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | SOM-PSYCH |
Phone | 303/724-2235 |
Research R01DA053288 (DANIELSON, CARLA KMETT)Aug 15, 2021 - Jun 30, 2026 NIH Evaluation of Clinical Effectiveness, Cost, and Implementation Factors to Optimize Scalability of Treatment for Co-Occurring SUD and PTSD Among Teens Role: Co-Principal Investigator |
| R01DA022284 (RIGGS, PAULA DEGRAFFENREID)Aug 15, 2008 - Jun 30, 2014 NIH Bupropion for ADHD in Adolescents with Substance Use Disorders Role: Principal Investigator |
| U10DA013716 (RIGGS, PAULA DEGRAFFENREID)Sep 30, 2000 - Nov 30, 2007 NIH ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGIONAL CLINICAL TRIALS NODE Role: Principal Investigator |
| K12DA000357 (GRAY, KEVIN M)Jan 1, 1998 - May 31, 2025 NIH AACAP Physician Scientist Program in Substance Use Role: Principal Investigator |
| K20DA000271 (RIGGS, PAULA)Sep 30, 1995 - Aug 31, 2001 NIH PEMOLINE--EFFECT ON DRUG ABUSE IN DELINQUENTS WITH ADHD Role: Principal Investigator |
Riggs P. A Pragmatic Clinical Approach to Substance Abuse Prevention. Psychiatr Clin North Am. 2023 12; 46(4):741-748. PMID: 37879835.
Riggs P. Epilogue. Psychiatr Clin North Am. 2023 Dec; 46(4):801-804. PMID: 37879840.
Riggs P, Hinckley JD, Ross JM. Addressing Cannabis Use During Adolescence. Psychiatr Clin North Am. 2023 12; 46(4):xiii-xv. PMID: 37879841.
Olsavsky AK, Chirico I, Ali D, Christensen H, Boggs B, Svete L, Ketcham K, Hutchison K, Zeanah C, Tottenham N, Riggs P, Epperson CN. Maternal Childhood Maltreatment, Internal Working Models, and Perinatal Substance Use: Is There a Role for Hyperkatifeia? A Systematic Review. Subst Abuse. 2023; 17:11782218231186371. PMID: 37476500.
Riggs P, Hinckley JD, Ross JM. Addressing Cannabis Use During Adolescence. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2023 01; 32(1):xiii-xv. PMID: 36410909.
Riggs P. A Pragmatic Clinical Approach to Substance Abuse Prevention. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2023 01; 32(1):107-114. PMID: 36410897.
Riggs P. Epilogue. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2023 01; 32(1):169-172. PMID: 36410903.
Riggs P, Blundell-Hunter G, Hagelberger J, Ren G, Ettwiller L, Berkmen M. Insertion Specificity of the hATx-6 Transposase of Hydra magnipapillata. Front Mol Biosci. 2021; 8:734154. PMID: 34988112.
Ellingson JM, Hinckley JD, Ross JM, Schacht JP, Bidwell LC, Bryan AD, Hopfer CJ, Riggs P, Hutchison KE. The Neurocognitive Effects of Cannabis Across the Lifespan. Curr Behav Neurosci Rep. 2021 Dec; 8(4):124-133. PMID: 35979200.
L?non M, Ke N, Ren G, Meuser ME, Loll PJ, Riggs P, Berkmen M. A useful epitope tag derived from maltose binding protein. Protein Sci. 2021 06; 30(6):1235-1246. PMID: 33896065.
Bonn-Miller MO, Sisley S, Riggs P, Yazar-Klosinski B, Wang JB, Loflin MJE, Shechet B, Hennigan C, Matthews R, Emerson A, Doblin R. The short-term impact of 3 smoked cannabis preparations versus placebo on PTSD symptoms: A randomized cross-over clinical trial. PLoS One. 2021; 16(3):e0246990. PMID: 33730032.
Reuter WH, Masuch T, Ke N, Lenon M, Radzinski M, Van Loi V, Ren G, Riggs P, Antelmann H, Reichmann D, Leichert LI, Berkmen M. Utilizing redox-sensitive GFP fusions to detect in vivo redox changes in a genetically engineered prokaryote. Redox Biol. 2019 09; 26:101280. PMID: 31450103.
Riggs P. Editorial: Prescription for Addiction. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2019 07; 58(7):659-660. PMID: 31002865.
Hinckley JD, Riggs P. Integrated Treatment of Adolescents with Co-occurring Depression and Substance Use Disorder. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2019 07; 28(3):461-472. PMID: 31076120.
Mikulich-Gilbertson SK, Wagner BD, Grunwald GK, Riggs PD, Zerbe GO. Using empirical Bayes predictors from generalized linear mixed models to test and visualize associations among longitudinal outcomes. Stat Methods Med Res. 2019 05; 28(5):1399-1411. PMID: 29488446.
Al-Tayyib A, Riggs P, Mikulich-Gilbertson S, Hopfer C. Prevalence of Nonmedical Use of Prescription Opioids and Association With Co-occurring Substance Use Disorders Among Adolescents in Substance Use Treatment. J Adolesc Health. 2018 02; 62(2):241-244. PMID: 29174697.
Hsiao RC, Riggs PD. The Changing Landscape of Adolescent Substance Treatment. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2016 Oct; 25(4):xv-xvi. PMID: 27613353.
Al-Tayyib AA, Koester S, Riggs P. Prescription opioids prior to injection drug use: Comparisons and public health implications. Addict Behav. 2017 02; 65:224-228. PMID: 27569698.
Robinson ZD, Riggs PD. Cooccurring Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorders. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2016 Oct; 25(4):713-22. PMID: 27613347.
Lobstein J, Emrich CA, Jeans C, Faulkner M, Riggs P, Berkmen M. Erratum to: SHuffle, a novel Escherichia coli protein expression strain capable of correctly folding disulfide bonded proteins in its cytoplasm. Microb Cell Fact. 2016 Jul 13; 15(1):124. PMID: 27411489.
LeNoue SR, Riggs PD. Substance Abuse Prevention. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2016 Apr; 25(2):297-305. PMID: 26980131.
Robinson MP, Ke N, Lobstein J, Peterson C, Szkodny A, Mansell TJ, Tuckey C, Riggs PD, Colussi PA, Noren CJ, Taron CH, DeLisa MP, Berkmen M. Efficient expression of full-length antibodies in the cytoplasm of engineered bacteria. Nat Commun. 2015 Aug 27; 6:8072. PMID: 26311203.
Chatelle C, Kraemer S, Ren G, Chmura H, Marechal N, Boyd D, Roggemans C, Ke N, Riggs P, Bardwell J, Berkmen M. Converting a Sulfenic Acid Reductase into a Disulfide Bond Isomerase. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2015 Oct 20; 23(12):945-57. PMID: 26191605.
Wagner B, Riggs P, Mikulich-Gilbertson S. The importance of distribution-choice in modeling substance use data: a comparison of negative binomial, beta binomial, and zero-inflated distributions. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 2015; 41(6):489-97. PMID: 26154448.
Riggs P. Want change? Try honey instead of vinegar. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2015 Jun; 54(6):440-1. PMID: 26004657.
Benningfield MM, Riggs P, Stephan SH. The role of schools in substance use prevention and intervention. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2015 Apr; 24(2):291-303. PMID: 25773325.
Mikulich-Gilbertson SK, Wagner BD, Riggs PD, Zerbe GO. On estimating and testing associations between random coefficients from multivariate generalized linear mixed models of longitudinal outcomes. Stat Methods Med Res. 2017 Jun; 26(3):1130-1145. PMID: 25636408.
Belendiuk KA, Riggs P. Treatment of Adolescent Substance Use Disorders. Curr Treat Options Psychiatry. 2014 Jun 01; 1(2):175-188. PMID: 24855595.
Martin A, Drell MJ, Brown LK, Axelson DA, Riggs PD. Hats off: Journal awards 2013. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2013 Dec; 52(12):1360-4. PMID: 24290469.
Riggs PD. Stimulant medication for ADHD not associated with subsequent substance use disorders. Evid Based Med. 2014 Apr; 19(2):78. PMID: 24282168.
Al-Tayyib AA, Rice E, Rhoades H, Riggs P. Association between prescription drug misuse and injection among runaway and homeless youth. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2014 Jan 01; 134:406-409. PMID: 24300900.
Tamm L, Trello-Rishel K, Riggs P, Nakonezny PA, Acosta M, Bailey G, Winhusen T. Predictors of treatment response in adolescents with comorbid substance use disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. J Subst Abuse Treat. 2013 Feb; 44(2):224-30. PMID: 22889694.
Lobstein J, Emrich CA, Jeans C, Faulkner M, Riggs P, Berkmen M. SHuffle, a novel Escherichia coli protein expression strain capable of correctly folding disulfide bonded proteins in its cytoplasm. Microb Cell Fact. 2012 May 08; 11:56. PMID: 22569138.
Winhusen TM, Lewis DF, Riggs PD, Davies RD, Adler LA, Sonne S, Somoza EC. Subjective effects, misuse, and adverse effects of osmotic-release methylphenidate treatment in adolescent substance abusers with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol. 2011 Oct; 21(5):455-63. PMID: 22040190.
Warden D, Riggs PD, Min SJ, Mikulich-Gilbertson SK, Tamm L, Trello-Rishel K, Winhusen T. Major depression and treatment response in adolescents with ADHD and substance use disorder. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2012 Jan 01; 120(1-3):214-9. PMID: 21885210.
Tamm L, Adinoff B, Nakonezny PA, Winhusen T, Riggs P. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder subtypes in adolescents with comorbid substance-use disorder. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 2012 Jan; 38(1):93-100. PMID: 21834613.
Riggs PD, Winhusen T, Davies RD, Leimberger JD, Mikulich-Gilbertson S, Klein C, Macdonald M, Lohman M, Bailey GL, Haynes L, Jaffee WB, Haminton N, Hodgkins C, Whitmore E, Trello-Rishel K, Tamm L, Acosta MC, Royer-Malvestuto C, Subramaniam G, Fishman M, Holmes BW, Kaye ME, Vargo MA, Woody GE, Nunes EV, Liu D. Randomized controlled trial of osmotic-release methylphenidate with cognitive-behavioral therapy in adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and substance use disorders. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2011 Sep; 50(9):903-14. PMID: 21871372.
Gray KM, Riggs PD, Min SJ, Mikulich-Gilbertson SK, Bandyopadhyay D, Winhusen T. Cigarette and cannabis use trajectories among adolescents in treatment for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and substance use disorders. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2011 Sep 01; 117(2-3):242-7. PMID: 21411243.
Walker IH, Hsieh PC, Riggs PD. Mutations in maltose-binding protein that alter affinity and solubility properties. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2010 Sep; 88(1):187-97. PMID: 20535468.
Thurstone C, Salomensen-Sautel S, Riggs PD. How adolescents with substance use disorder spend research payments. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2010 Oct 01; 111(3):262-4. PMID: 20627618.
Thurstone C, Riggs PD, Salomonsen-Sautel S, Mikulich-Gilbertson SK. Randomized, controlled trial of atomoxetine for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in adolescents with substance use disorder. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2010 Jun; 49(6):573-82. PMID: 20494267.
Shouldice SR, Cho SH, Boyd D, Heras B, Eser M, Beckwith J, Riggs P, Martin JL, Berkmen M. In vivo oxidative protein folding can be facilitated by oxidation-reduction cycling. Mol Microbiol. 2010 Jan; 75(1):13-28. PMID: 19968787.
Jaffee WB, Bailey GL, Lohman M, Riggs P, McDonald L, Weiss RD. Methods of recruiting adolescents with psychiatric and substance use disorders for a clinical trial. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 2009; 35(5):381-4. PMID: 20180668.
Riggs P. Non-medical use and abuse of commonly prescribed medications. Curr Med Res Opin. 2008 Mar; 24(3):869-77. PMID: 18267053.
Riggs P, Levin F, Green AI, Vocci F. Comorbid psychiatric and substance abuse disorders: recent treatment research. Subst Abus. 2008; 29(3):51-63. PMID: 19042206.
Riggs PD, Thompson LL, Tapert SF, Frascella J, Mikulich-Gilbertson S, Dalwani M, Laudenslager M, Lohman M. Advances in neurobiological research related to interventions in adolescents with substance use disorders: research to practice. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2007 Dec 01; 91(2-3):306-11. PMID: 18038460.
Riggs PD, Mikulich-Gilbertson SK, Davies RD, Lohman M, Klein C, Stover SK. A randomized controlled trial of fluoxetine and cognitive behavioral therapy in adolescents with major depression, behavior problems, and substance use disorders. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2007 Nov; 161(11):1026-34. PMID: 17984403.
Thurstone C, Riggs PD, Klein C, Mikulich-Gilbertson SK. A one-session human immunodeficiency virus risk-reduction intervention in adolescents with psychiatric and substance use disorders. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2007 Sep; 46(9):1179-1186. PMID: 17712241.
Drell MJ, Josephson A, Pleak R, Riggs P, Rosenfeld A. Clinical problem solving: the case of John, Part III. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2006 Nov; 45(11):1370-80. PMID: 17075360.
Drell MJ, Josephson A, Pleak R, Riggs P, Rosenfeld A. Clinical problem solving: the case of John, Part II: excerpts from Sessions 2-7. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2006 Oct; 45(10):1243-51. PMID: 17003670.
Drell MJ, Josephson A, Pleak R, Riggs P, Rosenfeld A. Clinical problem solving: the case of John, part I. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2006 Sep; 45(9):1124-31. PMID: 16926620.
Libby AM, Riggs PD. Integrated substance use and mental health treatment for adolescents: aligning organizational and financial incentives. J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol. 2005 Oct; 15(5):826-34. PMID: 16262598.
Libby AM, Orton HD, Stover SK, Riggs PD. What came first, major depression or substance use disorder? Clinical characteristics and substance use comparing teens in a treatment cohort. Addict Behav. 2005 Oct; 30(9):1649-62. PMID: 16098679.
Helstrom A, Bryan A, Hutchison KE, Riggs PD, Blechman EA. Tobacco and alcohol use as an explanation for the association between externalizing behavior and illicit drug use among delinquent adolescents. Prev Sci. 2004 Dec; 5(4):267-77. PMID: 15566052.
Riggs PD, Hall SK, Mikulich-Gilbertson SK, Lohman M, Kayser A. A randomized controlled trial of pemoline for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in substance-abusing adolescents. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2004 Apr; 43(4):420-9. PMID: 15187802.
Riggs PD. Treating adolescents for substance abuse and comorbid psychiatric disorders. Sci Pract Perspect. 2003 Aug; 2(1):18-29. PMID: 18552718.
Riggs P, La Vallie ER, McCoy JM. Introduction to expression by fusion protein vectors. Curr Protoc Mol Biol. 2001 May; Chapter 16:Unit16.4A. PMID: 18265130.
Riggs P. Expression and purification of maltose-binding protein fusions. Curr Protoc Mol Biol. 2001 May; Chapter 16:Unit16.6. PMID: 18265133.
Riggs P. Expression and purification of recombinant proteins by fusion to maltose-binding protein. Mol Biotechnol. 2000 May; 15(1):51-63. PMID: 10911622.
Deas D, Riggs P, Langenbucher J, Goldman M, Brown S. Adolescents are not adults: developmental considerations in alcohol users. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2000 Feb; 24(2):232-7. PMID: 10698377.
Riggs PD, Mikulich SK, Whitmore EA, Crowley TJ. Relationship of ADHD, depression, and non-tobacco substance use disorders to nicotine dependence in substance-dependent delinquents. Drug Alcohol Depend. 1999 May 03; 54(3):195-205. PMID: 10372793.
Riggs PD, Leon SL, Mikulich SK, Pottle LC. An open trial of bupropion for ADHD in adolescents with substance use disorders and conduct disorder. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 1998 Dec; 37(12):1271-8. PMID: 9847499.
Riggs PD. Clinical approach to treatment of ADHD in adolescents with substance use disorders and conduct disorder. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 1998 Mar; 37(3):331-2. PMID: 9519639.
Nastri HG, Evans PD, Walker IH, Riggs PD. Catalytic and DNA binding properties of PvuII restriction endonuclease mutants. J Biol Chem. 1997 Oct 10; 272(41):25761-7. PMID: 9325303.
Whitmore EA, Mikulich SK, Thompson LL, Riggs PD, Aarons GA, Crowley TJ. Influences on adolescent substance dependence: conduct disorder, depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and gender. Drug Alcohol Depend. 1997 Aug 25; 47(2):87-97. PMID: 9298330.
Riggs P. Detection and isolation of recombinant protein based on binding affinity reporter. Maltose binding protein. Methods Mol Biol. 1997; 63:85-101. PMID: 9113644.
Riggs PD, Mikulich SK, Coffman LM, Crowley TJ. Fluoxetine in drug-dependent delinquents with major depression: an open trial. J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol. 1997; 7(2):87-95. PMID: 9334894.
Harmon RJ, Riggs PD. Clonidine for posttraumatic stress disorder in preschool children. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 1996 Sep; 35(9):1247-9. PMID: 8824068.
Riggs PD, Thompson LL, Mikulich SK, Whitmore EA, Crowley TJ. An open trial of pemoline in drug-dependent delinquents with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 1996 Aug; 35(8):1018-24. PMID: 8755798.
Thompson LL, Riggs PD, Mikulich SK, Crowley TJ. Contribution of ADHD symptoms to substance problems and delinquency in conduct-disordered adolescents. J Abnorm Child Psychol. 1996 Jun; 24(3):325-47. PMID: 8836804.
Evans PD, Cook SN, Riggs PD, Noren CJ. LITMUS: multipurpose cloning vectors with a novel system for bidirectional in vitro transcription. Biotechniques. 1995 Jul; 19(1):130-5. PMID: 7669286.
Riggs PD, Baker S, Mikulich SK, Young SE, Crowley TJ. Depression in substance-dependent delinquents. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 1995 Jun; 34(6):764-71. PMID: 7608050.
Crowley TJ, Riggs PD. Adolescent substance use disorder with conduct disorder and comorbid conditions. NIDA Res Monogr. 1995; 156:49-111. PMID: 8594479.
Schatz PJ, Riggs PD, Jacq A, Fath MJ, Beckwith J. The secE gene encodes an integral membrane protein required for protein export in Escherichia coli. Genes Dev. 1989 Jul; 3(7):1035-44. PMID: 2673920.
Maina CV, Riggs PD, Grandea AG, Slatko BE, Moran LS, Tagliamonte JA, McReynolds LA, Guan CD. An Escherichia coli vector to express and purify foreign proteins by fusion to and separation from maltose-binding protein. Gene. 1988 Dec 30; 74(2):365-73. PMID: 3073105.
di Guan C, Li P, Riggs PD, Inouye H. Vectors that facilitate the expression and purification of foreign peptides in Escherichia coli by fusion to maltose-binding protein. Gene. 1988 Jul 15; 67(1):21-30. PMID: 2843437.
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