Douglas K Novins
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | SOM-PSYCH |
Phone | 303/724-1472 |
Research R34DA046897 (NOVINS, DOUGLAS K)Sep 15, 2018 - Jun 30, 2021 NIH Optimizing Implementation of Medication Assisted Treatment for American Indians and Alaska Natives. Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01DA022239 (NOVINS, DOUGLAS K)May 15, 2008 - Feb 28, 2014 NIH Evidence-Based Practices and Substance Abuse Treatment for Native Americans Role: Principal Investigator |
| R34MH077872 (NOVINS, DOUGLAS K)Sep 21, 2006 - Jun 30, 2010 NIH Intervention Development for Traumatized American Indian Adolescents Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01AA013800 (NOVINS, DOUGLAS K)Sep 1, 2002 - Jul 31, 2006 NIH Alcohol Health Disparities in 2 Indian Populations Role: Principal Investigator |
| K20MH001253 (NOVINS, DOUGLAS K)Jan 1, 1995 - Dec 31, 2001 NIH COMORBIDITY AND TREATMENT PATHS FOR INDIAN ADOLESCENTS Role: Principal Investigator |
Novins DK, Althoff RR, Brotman MA, DelBello MP, Doyle AE, Fortuna LR, Fristad MA, Middeldorp CM, Njoroge WFM, Rogers CE, Singh MK. Editors' Best of 2023. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2024 01; 63(1):3-6. PMID: 38154857.
Novins DK, Singh MK, Althoff RR, Bagot KS, Brotman MA, DelBello MP, Dickstein DP, Doyle AE, Drury SS, Findling RL, Fortuna LR, Fristad MA, Middeldorp CM, Njoroge WFM, Rogers CE, Pumariega AJ, Bath E, Tob?n AL, Thompson-Felix T, Billingsley MK. Editors' Note: Third Annual Report Regarding JAACAP's Antiracist Journey. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2023 12; 62(12):1287-1294. PMID: 38035913.
Novins DK, Althoff RR, Billingsley MK. Study Registration: Encouraging the Practice of Hypothetical-Deductive Research in the Journal Revisited. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2023 12; 62(12):1295-1296. PMID: 38035914.
Novins DK, Carlson GA, Fadus MC, Vande Voort JL, Croarkin PE, Arnold LE. Hats Off: Journal Awards 2023. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2023 12; 62(12):1382-1383. PMID: 38035915.
Novins DK, Martin AS. Schuyler W. Henderson, MD, MPH (1972-2022). J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2023 Jul 31. PMID: 37536662.
Novins DK, Althoff RR, Brotman MA, Cortese S, DelBello M, Doyle A, Drury SS, Fortuna L, Frazier JA, Fristad M, Henderson SW, McCauley E, Middeldorp C, Njoroge WFM, Rogers CE, White T. Editors' Best of 2022. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2023 01; 62(1):1-7. PMID: 36581385.
Novins DK, Althoff RR, Cortese S, Drury SS, Frazier JA, Henderson SW, McCauley E, Njoroge WFM, Singh MK, White T, Bath E, Billingsley MK. Editors' Note: Second Annual Report Regarding JAACAP's Antiracist Journey. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2022 12; 61(12):1405-1410. PMID: 36182011.
McBride AB, Henderson SW, Billingsley MK, Gambino MA, Schreiber J, Williams JC, Novins DK. Best of JAACAP Connect. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2022 10; 61(10):1206-1207. PMID: 35872079.
Cortese S, Singh MK, Novins DK. The Neuroscience-based Nomenclature Child & Adolescent (NbN C&A) for Psychotropic Medications: Innovation in Progress. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2022 11; 61(11):1317-1318. PMID: 35697264.
Novins DK, Althoff RR, Cortese S, Drury SS, Frazier JA, Henderson SW, McCauley E, Njoroge WFM, White T. Editors' Best of 2021. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2022 01; 61(1):4-9. PMID: 34949338.
Novins DK, Althoff RR, Cortese S, Drury SS, Frazier JA, Henderson SW, McCauley E, Njoroge WFM, White T, Bath E. Editors' Note: First Annual Report Regarding JAACAP's Antiracist Journey. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2021 12; 60(12):1448-1451. PMID: 34648925.
Novins DK, Stoddard J, Althoff RR, Charach A, Cortese S, Cullen KR, Frazier JA, Glatt SJ, Henderson SW, Herringa RJ, Hulvershorn L, Kieling C, McBride AB, McCauley E, Middeldorp CM, Reiersen AM, Rockhill CM, Sagot AJ, Scahill L, Simonoff E, Stewart SE, Szigethy E, Taylor JH, White T, Zima BT. Editors' Note and Special Communication: Research Priorities in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Emerging From the COVID-19 Pandemic. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2021 05; 60(5):544-554.e8. PMID: 33741474.
Karnik NS, Cortese S, Njoroge WFM, Drury SS, Frazier JA, McCauley E, Henderson SW, White T, Althoff RR, Novins DK. Editorial: Analyzing Treatment and Prescribing in Large Administrative Datasets With a Lens on Equity. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2021 07; 60(7):818-820. PMID: 33359220.
Novins DK, Althoff RR, Cortese S, Drury SS, Frazier JA, Henderson SW, McCauley E, Njoroge WFM, White TJH. Editors' Best of 2020. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2021 01; 60(1):9-13. PMID: 33353662.
White TJH, Frazier JA, Althoff RR, Novins DK. What the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Is Looking for in Neuroimaging Submissions. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2021 03; 60(3):324-328. PMID: 33307124.
Avey JP, Moore L, Beach B, Hiratsuka VY, Dirks LG, Dillard DA, Novins D. Pilot of a screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment process for symptoms of trauma among primary care patients. Fam Pract. 2020 07 23; 37(3):374-381. PMID: 31836903.
Novins DK, Althoff RR, Cortese S, Drury SS, Frazier JA, Henderson SW, McCauley E, White TJH. Our Vision: An Antiracist Journal. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2020 10; 59(10):1105-1106. PMID: 32619589.
Cortese S, Novins DK. Editorial: Why JAACAP Published an "Inconclusive" Trial: Optimize, Optimize, Optimize Psychostimulant Treatment. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2021 02; 60(2):213-215. PMID: 32497602.
Novins DK, Althoff RR, Billingsley MK, Cortese S, Drury SS, Frazier JA, Henderson SW, McCauley E, White TJH. JAACAP's Role in Advancing the Science of Pediatric Mental Health and Promoting the Care of Youth and Families During the COVID-19 Pandemic. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2020 06; 59(6):686-688. PMID: 32389695.
McCauley E, Novins DK. Editorial: Research in Real-World Settings: Challenging the Limits of Experimental Design. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2020 06; 59(6):697-698. PMID: 32302671.
Geller DA, Althoff RR, Novins DK. OCD and Anxiety: The Annual Review Issue. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2020 01; 59(1):13-14. PMID: 31879007.
Novins DK, Althoff RR, Cortese S, Drury SS, Frazier JA, Henderson SW, McCauley E, White TJH. Editors' Best of 2019. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2020 01; 59(1):8-12. PMID: 31879011.
Legha RK, Moore L, Ling R, Novins D, Shore J. Telepsychiatry in an Alaska Native Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program. Telemed J E Health. 2020 Jul; 26(7):905-911. PMID: 31804905.
Hiratsuka VY, Moore L, Avey JP, Dirks LG, Beach BD, Dillard DA, Novins DK. An Internet-Based Therapeutic Tool for American Indian/Alaska Native Adults With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: User Testing and Developmental Feasibility Study. JMIR Form Res. 2019 Nov 13; 3(4):e13682. PMID: 31719027.
Freeman BJ, Bess G, Fleming CM, Novins DK. Transforming through leadership: a qualitative study of successful American Indian Alaska Native behavioral health leaders. BMC Public Health. 2019 Sep 18; 19(1):1276. PMID: 31533671.
Moullin JC, Moore LA, Novins DK, Aarons GA. Attitudes Towards Evidence-Based Practice in Substance Use Treatment Programs Serving American Indian Native Communities. J Behav Health Serv Res. 2019 Jul; 46(3):509-520. PMID: 30542903.
Novins DK, McCauley E. Editorial: Better Treatments and the Importance of Publishing Negative Clinical Trials. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2019 07; 58(7):668-669. PMID: 31082467.
Livingston R, Daily RS, Guerrero APS, Walkup JT, Novins DK. No Indians to Spare: Depression and Suicide in Indigenous American Children and Youth. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2019 07; 28(3):497-507. PMID: 31076123.
Althoff RR, Novins DK. Inaugural Review Issue. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2019 01; 58(1):6-7. PMID: 30577939.
Novins DK, Althoff RR, Cortese S, Drury SS, Frazier JA, Henderson SW, McCauley EA, White TJH. Editors' Best of 2018. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2019 01; 58(1):1-5. PMID: 30577925.
Brooks-Russell A, Runyan C, Betz ME, Tung G, Brandspigel S, Novins DK. Law Enforcement Agencies' Perceptions of the Benefits of and Barriers to Temporary Firearm Storage to Prevent Suicide. Am J Public Health. 2019 02; 109(2):285-288. PMID: 30571301.
Novins DK, Althoff RR, Billingsley MK, Cortese S, Drury SS, Frazier JA, Henderson SW, McCauley EA, White TJH. Study Registration: Encouraging the Practice of Hypothetical-Deductive Research in the Journal. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2018 12; 57(12):901-902. PMID: 30522731.
Kennedy H, Marley M, Torres K, Edelblute A, Novins D. "Be creative and you will reach more people": youth's experiences participating in an arts-based social action group aimed at mental health stigma reduction. Arts Health. 2020 02; 12(1):23-37. PMID: 31038428.
Chomos JC, Evans WP, Bolan M, Merritt L, Meyer A, Novins DK. USING SINGLE-CASE DESIGNS TO EVALUATE COMPONENTS OF TRIBAL HOME-VISITATION PROGRAMS. Infant Ment Health J. 2018 May; 39(3):335-346. PMID: 29726592.
Novins DK, Ferron C, Abramson L, Barlow A. ADDRESSING SUBSTANCE-USE PROBLEMS IN TRIBAL HOME VISITING. Infant Ment Health J. 2018 May; 39(3):287-294. PMID: 29722426.
Novins DK, Wagner KD. The Journal and the Academy. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2018 05; 57(5):299. PMID: 29706154.
Betz ME, Brooks-Russell A, Brandspigel S, Novins DK, Tung GJ, Runyan C. Counseling Suicidal Patients About Access to Lethal Means: Attitudes of Emergency Nurse Leaders. J Emerg Nurs. 2018 Sep; 44(5):499-504. PMID: 29704978.
Novins DK, Althoff RR, Billingsley MK, Cortese S, Drury SS, Frazier JA, Henderson SW, McCauley EA, White TJH, Karnik NS. Bias, the Scientific Method, and the Journal. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2018 02; 57(2):71. PMID: 29413147.
Novins DK, Althoff RR, Billingsley MK, Cortese S, Drury SS, Frazier JA, Henderson SW, McCauley EA, White TJH, Karnik NS. Conflict of Interest and the Journal Revisited. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2018 02; 57(2):72-73. PMID: 29413148.
Avey JP, Hiratsuka VY, Dirks LG, Moore LA, Beach B, Novins DK, Caindec K, Dillard DA. Disseminating Information on Trauma Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment in a Tribal Health Setting: A Case Study. Am Indian Alsk Native Ment Health Res. 2018; 25(1):43-61. PMID: 29671857.
Novins DK, Althoff RR, Cortese S, Drury SS, Frazier JA, Henderson SW, McCauley EA, White T. Simply the Best: Honoring the Outgoing Editorial Team. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2018 01; 57(1):3-5. PMID: 29301666.
Novins DK. Mentors. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2018 01; 57(1):2. PMID: 29301663.
Novins DK. Learning Together. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2018 01; 57(1):1. PMID: 29301658.
Dickerson D, Moore LA, Rieckmann T, Croy CD, Venner K, Moghaddam J, Gueco R, Novins DK. Correlates of Motivational Interviewing Use Among Substance Use Treatment Programs Serving American Indians/Alaska Natives. J Behav Health Serv Res. 2018 Jan; 45(1):31-45. PMID: 28236017.
Runyan CW, Brooks-Russell A, Tung G, Brandspigel S, Betz ME, Novins DK, Agans R. Hospital Emergency Department Lethal Means Counseling for Suicidal Patients. Am J Prev Med. 2018 02; 54(2):259-265. PMID: 29248278.
Thomas JF, Novins DK, Hosokawa PW, Olson CA, Hunter D, Brent AS, Frunzi G, Libby AM. The Use of Telepsychiatry to Provide Cost-Efficient Care During Pediatric Mental Health Emergencies. Psychiatr Serv. 2018 02 01; 69(2):161-168. PMID: 29032703.
Runyan CW, Brooks-Russell A, Brandspigel S, Betz M, Tung G, Novins D, Agans R. Law Enforcement and Gun Retailers as Partners for Safely Storing Guns to Prevent Suicide: A Study in 8 Mountain West States. Am J Public Health. 2017 11; 107(11):1789-1794. PMID: 28933926.
Rieckmann T, Moore L, Croy C, Aarons GA, Novins DK. National Overview of Medication-Assisted Treatment for American Indians and Alaska Natives With Substance Use Disorders. Psychiatr Serv. 2017 Nov 01; 68(11):1136-1143. PMID: 28712352.
Hiratsuka VY, Moore L, Dillard DA, Avey JP, Dirks LG, Beach B, Novins D. Development of a Screening and Brief Intervention Process for Symptoms of Psychological Trauma Among Primary Care Patients of Two American Indian and Alaska Native Health Systems. J Behav Health Serv Res. 2017 Apr; 44(2):224-241. PMID: 27328846.
Mullin BC, Pyle L, Haraden D, Riederer J, Brim N, Kaplan D, Novins D. A Preliminary Multimethod Comparison of Sleep Among Adolescents With and Without Generalized Anxiety Disorder. J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol. 2017 Mar-Apr; 46(2):198-210. PMID: 27736237.
Running Bear U, Beals J, Novins DK, Manson SM. Alcohol detoxification completion, acceptance of referral to substance abuse treatment, and entry into substance abuse treatment among Alaska Native people. Addict Behav. 2017 Feb; 65:25-32. PMID: 27705843.
Rieckmann T, Moore LA, Croy CD, Novins DK, Aarons G. A National Study of American Indian and Alaska Native Substance Abuse Treatment: Provider and Program Characteristics. J Subst Abuse Treat. 2016 Sep; 68:46-56. PMID: 27431046.
Bear UR, Beals J, Novins DK, Manson SM. Gender differences among Alaska Native people seeking alcohol withdrawal treatment. Subst Abus. 2016 Apr-Jun; 37(2):372-8. PMID: 26731436.
Novins DK, Croy CD, Moore LA, Rieckmann T. Use of evidence-based treatments in substance abuse treatment programs serving American Indian and Alaska Native communities. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2016 Apr 01; 161:214-21. PMID: 26898185.
Runyan CW, Becker A, Brandspigel S, Barber C, Trudeau A, Novins D. Lethal Means Counseling for Parents of Youth Seeking Emergency Care for Suicidality. West J Emerg Med. 2016 Jan; 17(1):8-14. PMID: 26823923.
Gloff NE, LeNoue SR, Novins DK, Myers K. Telemental health for children and adolescents. Int Rev Psychiatry. 2015; 27(6):513-24. PMID: 26540584.
Moore LA, Aarons GA, Davis JH, Novins DK. How do providers serving American Indians and Alaska Natives with substance abuse problems define evidence-based treatment? Psychol Serv. 2015 May; 12(2):92-100. PMID: 25961645.
Podlogar MC, Novins DK. Quality of care in American Indian child and adolescent behavioral health: A pilot study of patient and family perspectives. Psychol Serv. 2015 May; 12(2):112-122. PMID: 25961647.
Legha R, Raleigh-Cohn A, Fickenscher A, Novins D. Challenges to providing quality substance abuse treatment services for American Indian and Alaska Native communities: perspectives of staff from 18 treatment centers. BMC Psychiatry. 2014 Jun 17; 14:181. PMID: 24938281.
Running Bear U, Anderson H, Manson SM, Shore JH, Prochazka AV, Novins DK. Impact of adaptive functioning on readmission to alcohol detoxification among Alaska Native People. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2014 Jul 01; 140:168-74. PMID: 24837583.
Bolton SL, Elias B, Enns MW, Sareen J, Beals J, Novins DK. A comparison of the prevalence and risk factors of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in two American Indian population samples and in a general population sample. Transcult Psychiatry. 2014 Feb; 51(1):3-22. PMID: 24065607.
Jervis LL, Spicer P, Belcourt A, Sarche M, Novins DK, Fickenscher A, Beals J. The social construction of violence among Northern Plains tribal members with antisocial personality disorder and alcohol use disorder. Transcult Psychiatry. 2014 Feb; 51(1):23-46. PMID: 24045407.
Kaufman CE, Beals J, Croy C, Jiang L, Novins DK. Multilevel context of depression in two American Indian tribes. J Consult Clin Psychol. 2013 Dec; 81(6):1040-51. PMID: 24016293.
Savin DM, Legha RK, Cordaro AR, Ka S, Chak T, Chardavoyne J, Yager J, Novins D. Spanning distance and culture in psychiatric education: a teleconferencing collaboration between Cambodia and the United States. Acad Psychiatry. 2013 Sep; 37(5):355-9. PMID: 24026381.
Novins DK, Green AE, Legha RK, Aarons GA. Dissemination and implementation of evidence-based practices for child and adolescent mental health: a systematic review. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2013 Oct; 52(10):1009-1025.e18. PMID: 24074468.
Brooks E, Novins DK, Noe T, Bair B, Dailey N, Lowe J, Richardson WJ, Hawthorne K, Shore JH. Reaching rural communities with culturally appropriate care: a model for adapting remote monitoring to American Indian veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder. Telemed J E Health. 2013 Apr; 19(4):272-7. PMID: 23451811.
Hudziak JJ, Novins DK. Illuminating the complexities of developmental psychopathology: special series on longitudinal and birth cohort studies. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2013 Jan; 52(1):6-8. PMID: 23265628.
Fortney JC, Kaufman CE, Pollio DE, Beals J, Edlund C, Novins DK. Geographical access and the substitution of traditional healing for biomedical services in 2 American Indian tribes. Med Care. 2012 Oct; 50(10):877-84. PMID: 22982736.
Brooks E, Novins DK, Thomas D, Jiang L, Nagamoto HT, Dailey N, Bair B, Shore JH. Personal characteristics affecting veterans' use of services for posttraumatic stress disorder. Psychiatr Serv. 2012 Sep 01; 63(9):862-7. PMID: 22707088.
Whitesell NR, Beals J, Crow CB, Mitchell CM, Novins DK. Epidemiology and etiology of substance use among American Indians and Alaska Natives: risk, protection, and implications for prevention. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 2012 Sep; 38(5):376-82. PMID: 22931069.
Novins DK, Moore LA, Beals J, Aarons GA, Rieckmann T, Kaufman CE. A framework for conducting a national study of substance abuse treatment programs serving American Indian and Alaska native communities. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 2012 Sep; 38(5):518-22. PMID: 22931088.
Legha RK, Novins D. The role of culture in substance abuse treatment programs for American Indian and Alaska Native communities. Psychiatr Serv. 2012 Jul; 63(7):686-92. PMID: 22588198.
West AE, Williams E, Suzukovich E, Strangeman K, Novins D. A mental health needs assessment of urban American Indian youth and families. Am J Community Psychol. 2012 Jun; 49(3-4):441-53. PMID: 21972010.
Hudziak JJ, Novins DK. Proposed criteria for autism spectrum disorder in the DSM-5. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2012 Apr; 51(4):343. PMID: 22449637.
Novins DK, Boyd ML, Brotherton DT, Fickenscher A, Moore L, Spicer P. Walking on: celebrating the journeys of Native American adolescents with substance use problems on the winding road to healing. J Psychoactive Drugs. 2012 Apr-Jun; 44(2):153-9. PMID: 22880543.
Novins DK, Spicer P, Fickenscher A, Pescosolido B. Pathways to care: narratives of American Indian adolescents entering substance abuse treatment. Soc Sci Med. 2012 Jun; 74(12):2037-45. PMID: 22472275.
Allen J, Mohatt GV, Markstrom CA, Byers L, Novins DK. "Oh No, We are Just Getting to Know You": The Relationship in Research with Children and Youth in Indigenous Communities. Child Dev Perspect. 2012 Mar 01; 6(1):55-60. PMID: 22327297.
Novins DK, Aarons GA, Conti SG, Dahlke D, Daw R, Fickenscher A, Fleming C, Love C, Masis K, Spicer P. Use of the evidence base in substance abuse treatment programs for American Indians and Alaska Natives: pursuing quality in the crucible of practice and policy. Implement Sci. 2011 Jun 16; 6:63. PMID: 21679438.
O'Connell JM, Novins DK, Beals J, Whitesell NR, Spicer P. The association between substance use disorders and early and combined use of alcohol and marijuana in two American Indian populations. J Subst Use. 2011; 16(3):213-229. PMID: 26582968.
Savin D, Glueck DA, Chardavoyne J, Yager J, Novins DK. Bridging cultures: child psychiatry via videoconferencing. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2011 Jan; 20(1):125-34. PMID: 21092917.
Kataoka S, Novins DK, DeCarlo Santiago C. The practice of evidence-based treatments in ethnic minority youth. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2010 Oct; 19(4):775-89. PMID: 21056346.
Jervis LL, Fickenscher A, Beals J, Cullum CM, Novins DK, Manson SM, Arciniegas DB. Predictors of performance on the MMSE and the DRS-2 among American Indian elders. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2010; 22(4):417-25. PMID: 21037127.
Novins DK. Participatory research brings knowledge and hope to American Indian communities. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2009 Jun; 48(6):585-586. PMID: 19454913.
Beals J, Belcourt-Dittloff A, Freedenthal S, Kaufman C, Mitchell C, Whitesell N, Albright K, Beauvais F, Belcourt G, Duran B, Fleming C, Floersch N, Foley K, Jervis L, Kipp BJ, Mail P, Manson S, May P, Mohatt G, Morse B, Novins D, O'Connell J, Parker T, Quintero G, Spicer P, Stiffman A, Stone J, Trimble J, Venner K, Walters K. Reflections on a proposed theory of reservation-dwelling American Indian alcohol use: comment on Spillane and Smith (2007). Psychol Bull. 2009 Mar; 135(2):339-43; discussion 344-6. PMID: 19254084.
Novins DK, Beals J, Croy C, Manson SM. Methods for measuring utilization of mental health services in two epidemiologic studies. Int J Methods Psychiatr Res. 2008; 17(3):159-73. PMID: 18767205.
O'Connell JM, Novins DK, Beals J, Whitesell N, Libby AM, Orton HD, Croy CD. Childhood characteristics associated with stage of substance use of American Indians: Family background, traumatic experiences, and childhood behaviors. Addict Behav. 2007 Dec; 32(12):3142-52. PMID: 17804171.
Whitesell NR, Beals J, Mitchell CM, Novins DK, Spicer P, O'Connell J, Manson SM. Marijuana initiation in 2 American Indian reservation communities: comparison with a national sample. Am J Public Health. 2007 Jul; 97(7):1311-8. PMID: 17538072.
Jensen PS, Youngstrom EA, Steiner H, Findling RL, Meyer RE, Malone RP, Carlson GA, Coccaro EF, Aman MG, Blair J, Dougherty D, Ferris C, Flynn L, Green E, Hoagwood K, Hutchinson J, Laughren T, Leve LD, Novins DK, Vitiello B. Consensus report on impulsive aggression as a symptom across diagnostic categories in child psychiatry: implications for medication studies. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2007 Mar; 46(3):309-322. PMID: 17314717.
Whitesell NR, Beals J, Mitchell CM, Spicer P, Novins DK, Manson SM. Disparities in drug use and disorder: comparison of two American Indian reservation communities and a national sample. Am J Orthopsychiatry. 2007 Jan; 77(1):131-41. PMID: 17352594.
Deters PB, Novins DK, Fickenscher A, Beals J. Trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder symptomatology: patterns among American Indian adolescents in substance abuse treatment. Am J Orthopsychiatry. 2006 Jul; 76(3):335-45. PMID: 16981812.
Novins DK, Fickenscher A, Manson SM. American Indian adolescents in substance abuse treatment: diagnostic status. J Subst Abuse Treat. 2006 Jun; 30(4):275-84. PMID: 16716841.
Beals J, Novins DK, Spicer P, Whitesell NR, Mitchell CM, Manson SM. Help seeking for substance use problems in two American Indian reservation populations. Psychiatr Serv. 2006 Apr; 57(4):512-20. PMID: 16603747.
Savin D, Garry MT, Zuccaro P, Novins D. Telepsychiatry for treating rural American Indian youth. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2006 Apr; 45(4):484-8. PMID: 16601654.
Fickenscher A, Novins DK, Manson SM. Illicit peyote use among American Indian adolescents in substance abuse treatment: a preliminary investigation. Subst Use Misuse. 2006; 41(8):1139-54. PMID: 16798681.
O'Connell J, Novins DK, Beals J, Croy C, Bar?n AE, Spicer P, Buchwald D. The relationship between patterns of alcohol use and mental and physical health disorders in two American Indian populations. Addiction. 2006 Jan; 101(1):69-83. PMID: 16393193.
Whitesell NR, Beals J, Mitchell CM, Novins DK, Spicer P, Manson SM. Latent class analysis of substance use: comparison of two American Indian reservation populations and a national sample. J Stud Alcohol. 2006 Jan; 67(1):32-43. PMID: 16536127.
Shore JH, Savin DM, Novins D, Manson SM. Cultural aspects of telepsychiatry. J Telemed Telecare. 2006; 12(3):116-21. PMID: 16638232.
Fickenscher A, Novins DK, Beals J. A pilot study of motivation and treatment completion among American Indian adolescents in substance abuse treatment. Addict Behav. 2006 Aug; 31(8):1402-14. PMID: 16364556.
Croy CD, Novins DK. Methods for addressing missing data in psychiatric and developmental research. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2005 Dec; 44(12):1230-40. PMID: 16292114.
Duran B, Oetzel J, Lucero J, Jiang Y, Novins DK, Manson S, Beals J. Obstacles for rural American Indians seeking alcohol, drug, or mental health treatment. J Consult Clin Psychol. 2005 Oct; 73(5):819-29. PMID: 16287382.
Beals J, Novins DK, Whitesell NR, Spicer P, Mitchell CM, Manson SM. Prevalence of mental disorders and utilization of mental health services in two American Indian reservation populations: mental health disparities in a national context. Am J Psychiatry. 2005 Sep; 162(9):1723-32. PMID: 16135633.
Gnanadesikan M, Novins DK, Beals J. The relationship of gender and trauma characteristics to posttraumatic stress disorder in a community sample of traumatized northern plains American Indian adolescents and young adults. J Clin Psychiatry. 2005 Sep; 66(9):1176-83. PMID: 16187777.
Beals J, Manson SM, Whitesell NR, Mitchell CM, Novins DK, Simpson S, Spicer P. Prevalence of major depressive episode in two American Indian reservation populations: unexpected findings with a structured interview. Am J Psychiatry. 2005 Sep; 162(9):1713-22. PMID: 16135632.
Libby AM, Orton HD, Novins DK, Beals J, Manson SM. Childhood physical and sexual abuse and subsequent depressive and anxiety disorders for two American Indian tribes. Psychol Med. 2005 Mar; 35(3):329-40. PMID: 15841869.
Beals J, Manson SM, Whitesell NR, Spicer P, Novins DK, Mitchell CM. Prevalence of DSM-IV disorders and attendant help-seeking in 2 American Indian reservation populations. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2005 Jan; 62(1):99-108. PMID: 15630077.
O'Connell JM, Novins DK, Beals J, Spicer P. Disparities in patterns of alcohol use among reservation-based and geographically dispersed American Indian populations. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2005 Jan; 29(1):107-16. PMID: 15654299.
Fickenscher A, Novins DK, Beals J. Symptom endorsement of alcohol and other substance abuse and dependence criteria among American-Indian adolescents in residential substance abuse treatment. J Addict Dis. 2005; 24(4):65-78. PMID: 16368657.
Beals J, Novins DK, Spicer P, Orton HD, Mitchell CM, Bar?n AE, Manson SM, Big Crow CK, Buchwald D, Chambers B, Christensen ML, Dillard DA, DuBray K, Espinoza PA, Flemming CM, Frederick AW, Gurley D, Jervis LL, Jim SM, Kaufman CE, Keane EM, Klein SA, Lee D, McNutly MC, Middlebrook DL, Moore LA, Nez TD, Norton IM, Randall CJ, Sam A, Shore JH, Simpson SG, Yazzie LL. Challenges in operationalizing the DSM-IV clinical significance criterion. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2004 Dec; 61(12):1197-207. PMID: 15583111.
Simmons TM, Novins DK, Allen J. Words have power: (re)-defining serious emotional disturbance for American Indian and Alaska Native children and their families. Am Indian Alsk Native Ment Health Res. 2004 Aug 12; 11(2):59-64. PMID: 15322975.
Novins DK, LeMaster PL, Jumper Thurman P, Plested B. Describing community needs: examples from the Circles of Care initiative. Am Indian Alsk Native Ment Health Res. 2004 Aug 12; 11(2):42-58. PMID: 15322974.
Freeman B, Iron Cloud-Two Dogs E, Novins DK, LeMaster PL. Contextual issues for strategic planning and evaluation of systems of care for American Indian and Alaska Native communities: an introduction to Circles of Care. Am Indian Alsk Native Ment Health Res. 2004 Aug 12; 11(2):1-29. PMID: 15322972.
Novins DK, King M, Stone LS. Developing a plan for measuring outcomes in model systems of care for American Indian and Alaska Native children and youth. Am Indian Alsk Native Ment Health Res. 2004 Aug 12; 11(2):88-98. PMID: 15322977.
Novins DK, Beals J, Moore LA, Spicer P, Manson SM. Use of biomedical services and traditional healing options among American Indians: sociodemographic correlates, spirituality, and ethnic identity. Med Care. 2004 Jul; 42(7):670-9. PMID: 15213492.
Croy CD, Novins DK. Imputing missing data. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2004 Apr; 43(4):380. PMID: 15187797.
Novins DK, Bar?n AE. American Indian substance use: the hazards for substance use initiation and progression for adolescents aged 14 to 20 years. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2004 Mar; 43(3):316-24. PMID: 15076265.
LeMaster PL, Beals J, Novins DK, Manson SM. The prevalence of suicidal behaviors among Northern Plains American Indians. Suicide Life Threat Behav. 2004; 34(3):242-54. PMID: 15385179.
Libby AM, Orton HD, Novins DK, Spicer P, Buchwald D, Beals J, Manson SM. Childhood physical and sexual abuse and subsequent alcohol and drug use disorders in two American-Indian tribes. J Stud Alcohol. 2004 Jan; 65(1):74-83. PMID: 15000506.
Spicer P, Beals J, Croy CD, Mitchell CM, Novins DK, Moore L, Manson SM. The prevalence of DSM-III-R alcohol dependence in two American Indian populations. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2003 Nov; 27(11):1785-97. PMID: 14634495.
Beals J, Spicer P, Mitchell CM, Novins DK, Manson SM, Big Crow CK, Buchwald D, Chambers B, Christensen ML, Dillard DA, DuBray K, Espinoza PA, Fleming CM, Frederick AW, Gurley D, Jervis LL, Jim SM, Kaufman CE, Keane EM, Klein SA, Lee D, McNulty MC, Middlebrook DL, Moore LA, Nez TD, Norton IM, Orton HD, Randall CJ, Sam A, Shore JH, Simpson SG, Yazzie LL. Racial disparities in alcohol use: comparison of 2 American Indian reservation populations with national data. Am J Public Health. 2003 Oct; 93(10):1683-5. PMID: 14534221.
Spicer P, Novins DK, Mitchell CM, Beals J. Aboriginal social organization, contemporary experience and American Indian adolescent alcohol use. J Stud Alcohol. 2003 Jul; 64(4):450-7. PMID: 12921186.
Duclos CW, Beals J, Novins DK, Manson SM. Psychiatric disorders in detainees. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2003 Feb; 42(2):127. PMID: 12544169.
Mitchell CM, Beals J, Novins DK, Spicer P. Drug use among two American Indian populations: prevalence of lifetime use and DSM-IV substance use disorders. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2003 Jan 24; 69(1):29-41. PMID: 12536064.
Fisckenscher A, Novins D. Gender differences and conduct disorder among American Indian adolescents in substance abuse treatment. J Psychoactive Drugs. 2003 Jan-Mar; 35(1):79-84. PMID: 12733762.
Ross RG, Novins D, Farley GK, Adler LE. A 1-year open-label trial of olanzapine in school-age children with schizophrenia. J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol. 2003; 13(3):301-9. PMID: 14642018.
Middlebrook DL, LeMaster PL, Beals J, Novins DK, Manson SM. Suicide prevention in American Indian and Alaska Native communities: a critical review of programs. Suicide Life Threat Behav. 2001; 31 Suppl:132-49. PMID: 11326757.
Gurley D, Novins DK, Jones MC, Beals J, Shore JH, Manson SM. Comparative use of biomedical services and traditional healing options by American Indian veterans. Psychiatr Serv. 2001 Jan; 52(1):68-74. PMID: 11141531.
Novins DK, Beals J, Sack WH, Manson SM. Unmet needs for substance abuse and mental health services among Northern Plains American Indian adolescents. Psychiatr Serv. 2000 Aug; 51(8):1045-7. PMID: 10913461.
Novins DK, Fleming CM, Beals J, Manson SM. Commentary: quality of alcohol, drug, and mental health services for American Indian children and adolescents. Am J Med Qual. 2000 Jul-Aug; 15(4):148-56. PMID: 10948787.
Novins DK, Duclos CW, Martin C, Jewett CS, Manson SM. Utilization of alcohol, drug, and mental health treatment services among American Indian adolescent detainees. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 1999 Sep; 38(9):1102-8. PMID: 10504808.
Mitchell CM, Novins DK, Holmes T. Marijuana use among American Indian adolescents: a growth curve analysis from ages 14 through 20 years. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 1999 Jan; 38(1):72-8. PMID: 9893419.
Novins DK. Results of mental health needs assessments performed by four urban American Indian organizations. Am Indian Alsk Nativ Ment Health Res (1987). 1999; 8(3):vi-iv. PMID: 10681130.
Novins DK, Beals J, Roberts RE, Manson SM. Factors associated with suicide ideation among American Indian adolescents: does culture matter? Suicide Life Threat Behav. 1999; 29(4):332-46. PMID: 10636327.
Novins DK, Mitchell CM. Factors associated with marijuana use among American Indian adolescents. Addiction. 1998 Nov; 93(11):1693-702. PMID: 9926532.
Duclos CW, Beals J, Novins DK, Martin C, Jewett CS, Manson SM. Prevalence of common psychiatric disorders among American Indian adolescent detainees. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 1998 Aug; 37(8):866-73. PMID: 9695449.
Novins DK, Bechtold DW, Sack WH, Thompson J, Carter DR, Manson SM. The DSM-IV Outline for Cultural Formulation: a critical demonstration with American Indian children. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 1997 Sep; 36(9):1244-51. PMID: 9291726.
Novins DK, Beals J, Shore JH, Manson SM. Substance abuse treatment of American Indian adolescents: comorbid symptomatology, gender differences, and treatment patterns. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 1996 Dec; 35(12):1593-601. PMID: 8973065.
Novins DK, Harman CP, Mitchell CM, Manson SM. Factors associated with the receipt of alcohol treatment services among American Indian adolescents. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 1996 Jan; 35(1):110-7. PMID: 8567602.
Goldstein JL, Gerdis JE, Whitman LJ, Novins DK. A case of genital self-amputation in which reconstruction was proposed. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 1990 Nov; 12(6):401-2. PMID: 2245926.
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