Louis Diamond
Title | Working ORP Retiree - Faculty |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | SOP-DOCP General Operations |
Phone | 303/724-3527 |
Research S15ES007190 (DIAMOND, LOUIS)Jul 15, 1994 - Jul 14, 1995 NIH SMALL INSTRUMENTATION GRANT Role: Principal Investigator |
| S15CA058770 (DIAMOND, LOUIS)Jul 1, 1992 - Jun 30, 1993 NIH SMALL INSTRUMENTATION GRANT Role: Principal Investigator |
| S15CA056014 (DIAMOND, LOUIS)Aug 1, 1991 - Jul 31, 1992 NIH SMALL INSTRUMENTATION GRANT Role: Principal Investigator |
| S15CA053697 (DIAMOND, LOUIS)Aug 1, 1990 - Jul 31, 1991 NIH SMALL INSTRUMENTATION GRANT Role: Principal Investigator |
| S15HL044037 (DIAMOND, LOUIS)Sep 1, 1989 - Aug 31, 1990 NIH SMALL INSTRUMENTATION PROGRAM Role: Principal Investigator |
| S15HL041746 (DIAMOND, LOUIS)Jun 1, 1988 - May 31, 1989 NIH SMALL INSTRUMENTATION PROGRAM Role: Principal Investigator |
| S15CA046216 (DIAMOND, LOUIS)Jun 5, 1987 - Jun 4, 1988 NIH AMINCO DW-2000 UV-VISIBLE SPECTROPHOTOMETER Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01HL027025 (ALTIERE, RALPH J)Sep 1, 1981 - Nov 30, 1996 NIH LUNG NONADRENERGIC NONCHOLINERGIC INHIBITORY SYSTEM Role: Co-Principal Investigator |
| S07RR005831 (DIAMOND, LOUIS)Apr 1, 1980 - Sep 29, 1993 NIH BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH SUPPORT Role: Principal Investigator |
Diamond L, Dockhorn RJ, Grossman J, Kisicki JC, Posner M, Zinny MA, Koker P, Korts D, Wecker MT. A dose-response study of the efficacy and safety of ipratropium bromide nasal spray in the treatment of the common cold. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1995 May; 95(5 Pt 2):1139-46. PMID: 7751531.
Lindsay G, Diamond L, Thompson DC, Cibulsky SM, Altiere RJ. Nitric oxide. Role as a relaxant agonist and transmitter of nonadrenergic noncholinergic inhibitory nerves in guinea pig trachea. Chest. 1995 Mar; 107(3 Suppl):125S. PMID: 7874990.
Thompson DC, Diamond L, Altiere RJ. Atypical presynaptic alpha-adrenoceptor modulation of neurally-mediated cholinergic responses in guinea-pig tracheal smooth muscle. Pulm Pharmacol. 1992 Dec; 5(4):251-5. PMID: 1477481.
Altiere RJ, Diamond L, Thompson DC. Omega-conotoxin-sensitive calcium channels modulate autonomic neurotransmission in guinea pig airways. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1992 Jan; 260(1):98-103. PMID: 1309883.
Thompson DC, Diamond L, Altiere RJ. Enzymatic modulation of vasoactive intestinal peptide and nonadrenergic noncholinergic inhibitory responses in guinea pig tracheae. Am Rev Respir Dis. 1990 Nov; 142(5):1119-23. PMID: 2240834.
Thompson DC, Szarek JL, Altiere RJ, Diamond L. Nonadrenergic bronchodilation induced by high concentrations of sulfur dioxide. J Appl Physiol (1985). 1990 Nov; 69(5):1786-91. PMID: 2272972.
Thompson DC, Diamond L, Altiere RJ. Presynaptic alpha adrenoceptor modulation of neurally mediated cholinergic excitatory and nonadrenergic noncholinergic inhibitory responses in guinea pig trachea. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1990 Jul; 254(1):306-11. PMID: 2164097.
Thompson DC, Altiere RJ, Diamond L. Nicotinic agonist modulation of feline bronchomotor tone. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 1990 Feb; 17(2):83-97. PMID: 2328544.
Diamond L, Altiere RJ, Thompson DC. The airway nonadrenergic noncholinergic inhibitory nervous system. Chest. 1988 Jun; 93(6):1283-5. PMID: 3286146.
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