John Patrick Kociolek
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Boulder |
Department | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology |
Na X, Liu J, Zhang Y, Kociolek JP, Kulikovskiy M, Lu X, Sui F, Zhu H, Liu G, Fan Y, Liu Y. ?A new species of genus Crenotia (Bacillariophyta) from Tibet, China. PhytoKeys. 2024; 237:23-35. PMID: 38250523.
Rybak M, Peszek L, Luthfi OM, Arsad S, Kociolek JP, Witkowski A. ?Description of five new Luticola D.G.Mann (Bacillariophyta, Diadesmidaceae) species from Indonesia with comments on the morphological boundaries of the genus. PhytoKeys. 2024; 237:1-22. PMID: 38222972.
Kulikovskiy MS, Thacker M, Glushchenko AM, Kuznetsova IV, Iurmanov AA, Karthick B, Kociolek JP. Gandhia gen. nov.-A New Diatom Genus with Unusual Morphology Split Off from the Genus Navicula Bory. Plants (Basel). 2023 Nov 23; 12(23). PMID: 38068578.
Kulikovskiy MS, Glushchenko AM, Genkal SI, Kuznetsova IV, Maltsev YI, Kociolek JP. Is Sellaphora the New Navicula? Cymbosellaphora (Cymbellales), a New Genus Based on Taxa Previously Assigned to Sellaphora. Plants (Basel). 2023 Nov 17; 12(22). PMID: 38005787.
Kulikovskiy M, Glushchenko A, Kezlya E, Kuznetsova I, Kociolek JP, Maltsev Y. The Genus Pinnularia Ehrenberg (Bacillariophyta) from the Transbaikal Area (Russia, Siberia): Description of Seven New Species on the Basis of Morphology and Molecular Data with Discussion of the Phylogenetic Position of Caloneis. Plants (Basel). 2023 Oct 12; 12(20). PMID: 37896016.
Kulikovskiy MS, Kociolek JP, Solak CN, Kuznetsova IV, Glushchenko AM. New and Interesting Taxa from the Diatom Genus Gomphonema Ehrenberg in Shallow, Nearshore Sites on the Eastern Coast of Lake Baikal. Plants (Basel). 2023 Apr 29; 12(9). PMID: 37176894.
Glushchenko AM, Maltsev YI, Kociolek JP, Kuznetsova IV, Kulikovskiy MS. Molecular and Morphological Investigations of Two Giant Diatom Cymbella Species from the Transbaikal Area (Russia, Siberia) with Comments on Their Distributions. Plants (Basel). 2022 Sep 19; 11(18). PMID: 36145844.
Kulikovskiy MS, Glushchenko AM, Kuznetsova IV, Kociolek JP. Planoplatessa gen. nov.-A New, Neglected Monoraphid Diatom Genus with a Cavum. Plants (Basel). 2022 Sep 03; 11(17). PMID: 36079695.
Glushchenko A, Kezlya E, Maltsev Y, Genkal S, Kociolek JP, Kulikovskiy M. Description of the Soil Diatom Sellaphora terrestris sp. nov. (Bacillariophyceae, Sellaphoraceae) from Vietnam, with Remarks on the Phylogeny and Taxonomy of Sellaphora and Systematic Position of Microcostatus. Plants (Basel). 2022 Aug 18; 11(16). PMID: 36015452.
Long JY, Kociolek JP, Williams DM, Liu B, Mo WH, Chen JH. ?Two new freshwater species of Surirella (Bacillariophyta) from the Wuling Mountains, China. PhytoKeys. 2022; 201:35-49. PMID: 36762311.
Kulikovskiy MS, Chudaev DA, Glushchenko AM, Kuznetsova IV, Kociolek JP. ?Two new species of Navicula (Bacillariophyta) from Southeast Asia. PhytoKeys. 2022; 190:69-85. PMID: 35437382.
Rybak M, Witkowski A, Peszek L, Kociolek JP, Risjani Y, Nguyen DH, Zhang J, Nguyen VD, Gastineau R, Duong TT, Rosa P, Meleder V. Marine and brackish Luticola D.G.Mann (Bacillariophyta) species from the Java Sea and South China Sea coasts with the description of three new species. PhytoKeys. 2021; 183:115-142. PMID: 34754265.
Glushchenko A, Gusev E, Maltsev Y, Kociolek JP, Kuznetsova I, Kulikovskiy M. Cymbopleuranatellia - a new species from Transbaikal area (Russia, Siberia) described on the basis of molecular and morphological investigation. PhytoKeys. 2021; 183:95-105. PMID: 34744474.
Maltsev Y, Maltseva S, Kociolek JP, Jahn R, Kulikovskiy M. Publisher Correction: Biogeography of the cosmopolitan terrestrial diatom Hantzschia amphioxys sensu lato based on molecular and morphological data. Sci Rep. 2021 May 07; 11(1):10207. PMID: 33963256.
Peszek L, Rybak M, Lange-Bertalot H, Kociolek JP, Witkowski A. Three new Luticola D.G.Mann (Bacillariophyta) species from Rapa Nui (Easter Island) found in terrestrial diatom assemblages dominated by widely distributed taxa. PeerJ. 2021; 9:e11142. PMID: 33868817.
Kapustin DA, Glushchenko AM, Kociolek JP, Kulikovskiy MS. Encyonopsis indonesica sp. nov. (Bacillariophyceae, Cymbellales), a new diatom from the ancient lake Matano (Sulawesi, Indonesia). PhytoKeys. 2021; 175:1-11. PMID: 33786008.
Tseplik ND, Maltsev YI, Glushchenko AM, Kuznetsova IV, Genkal SI, Kociolek JP, Kulikovskiy MS. Achnanthidium tinea sp. nov. - a new monoraphid diatom (Bacillariophyceae) species, described on the basis of molecular and morphological approaches. PhytoKeys. 2021; 174:147-163. PMID: 33776528.
Maltsev Y, Maltseva S, Kociolek JP, Jahn R, Kulikovskiy M. Biogeography of the cosmopolitan terrestrial diatom Hantzschia amphioxys sensu lato based on molecular and morphological data. Sci Rep. 2021 02 19; 11(1):4266. PMID: 33608589.
Maltsev Y, Maltseva I, Maltseva S, Kociolek JP, Kulikovskiy M. A New Species of Freshwater Algae Nephrochlamys yushanlensis sp. nov. (Selenastraceae, Sphaeropleales) and Its Lipid Accumulation during Nitrogen and Phosphorus Starvation. J Phycol. 2021 04; 57(2):606-618. PMID: 33296071.
Kulikovskiy M, Maltsev Y, Glushchenko A, Kuznetsova I, Kapustin D, Gusev E, Lange-Bertalot H, Genkal S, Kociolek JP. Gogorevia, a New Monoraphid Diatom Genus for Achnanthes exigua and Allied Taxa (Achnanthidiaceae) Described on the Basis of an Integrated Molecular and Morphological Approach. J Phycol. 2020 12; 56(6):1601-1613. PMID: 32871027.
Glushchenko AM, Kociolek JP, Kuznetsova IV, Kulikovskiy MS. Four new species from the diatom (Bacillariophyceae) genus Adlafia Moser, Lange-Bertalot & Metzeltin from waterbodies of Vietnam. PhytoKeys. 2020; 162:13-27. PMID: 33110383.
Kociolek JP, You Q, Liu Q, Liu Y, Wang Q. Continental diatom biodiversity discovery and description in China: 1848 through 2019. PhytoKeys. 2020; 160:45-97. PMID: 32982550.
Maltsev Y, Maltseva I, Maltseva S, Kociolek JP, Kulikovskiy M. Fatty Acid Content and Profile of the Novel Strain of Coccomyxa elongata (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta) Cultivated at Reduced Nitrogen and Phosphorus Concentrations. J Phycol. 2019 10; 55(5):1154-1165. PMID: 31318981.
Hamsher SE, Keepers KG, Pogoda CS, Stepanek JG, Kane NC, Kociolek JP. Extensive chloroplast genome rearrangement amongst three closely related Halamphora spp. (Bacillariophyceae), and evidence for rapid evolution as compared to land plants. PLoS One. 2019; 14(7):e0217824. PMID: 31269054.
Kulikovskiy M, Maltsev Y, Andreeva S, Glushchenko A, Gusev E, Podunay Y, Ludwig TV, Tusset E, Kociolek JP. Description of a new diatom genus Dorofeyukea gen. nov. with remarks on phylogeny of the family Stauroneidaceae. J Phycol. 2019 02; 55(1):173-185. PMID: 30379324.
Pogoda CS, Keepers KG, Hamsher SE, Stepanek JG, Kane NC, Kociolek JP. Comparative analysis of the mitochondrial genomes of six newly sequenced diatoms reveals group II introns in the barcoding region of cox1. Mitochondrial DNA A DNA Mapp Seq Anal. 2019 01; 30(1):43-51. PMID: 29527965.
Thomas EW, Stepanek JG, Kociolek JP. Historical and Current Perspectives on the Systematics of the 'Enigmatic' Diatom Genus Rhoicosphenia (Bacillariophyta), with Single and Multi-Molecular Marker and Morphological Analyses and Discussion on the Monophyly of 'Monoraphid' Diatoms. PLoS One. 2016; 11(4):e0152797. PMID: 27045763.
Sherwood AR, Carlile AL, Neumann JM, Kociolek JP, Johansen JR, Lowe RL, Conklin KY, Presting GG. The Hawaiian freshwater algae biodiversity survey (2009-2014): systematic and biogeographic trends with an emphasis on the macroalgae. BMC Ecol. 2014 Oct 25; 14:28. PMID: 25343968.
Stepanek JG, Kociolek JP. Molecular phylogeny of Amphora sensu lato (Bacillariophyta): an investigation into the monophyly and classification of the amphoroid diatoms. Protist. 2014 Mar; 165(2):177-95. PMID: 24646793.
Kociolek JP, Williams DM. UNICELL ONTOGENY and PHYLOGENY: EXAMPLES FROM THE DIATOMS. Cladistics. 1987 Sep; 3(3):274-284. PMID: 34949043.
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2014 | 2 | 2016 | 1 | 2018 | 2 | 2019 | 2 | 2020 | 3 | 2021 | 8 | 2022 | 5 | 2023 | 4 | 2024 | 2 |
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