Sondra Bland
Title | Associate Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Denver Campus |
Department | CLAS-Psychology |
Phone | 303/315-7129 |
Research R15HD100824 (BLAND, SONDRA T)Aug 1, 2020 - Jul 31, 2023 NIH Conditioned social fear, the prefrontal cortex, and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis Role: Principal Investigator |
| R15MH102717 (BLAND, SONDRA T)Jul 1, 2014 - Jun 30, 2018 NIH Adolescent Social Isolation, Social Behavior, and Prefrontal Cortex Role: Principal Investigator |
| R25NS080685 (RESTREPO, DIEGO)Sep 30, 2010 - Aug 31, 2021 NIH BRAiN: Building Research Achievement in Neuroscience Role: Co-Principal Investigator |
| R03DA029673 (BLAND, SONDRA T)Jul 1, 2010 - Jun 30, 2012 NIH Social Influences on drug reward and monoamines Role: Principal Investigator |
| F32DA016004 (BLAND, SONDRA T)Sep 1, 2003 - Aug 31, 2006 NIH Stressor controllability, drugs, &prefrontal cortex Role: Principal Investigator |
Moya NA, Tanner MK, Smith AM, Balolia A, Davis JKP, Bonar K, Jaime J, Hubert T, Silva J, Whitworth W, Loetz EC, Bland ST, Greenwood BN. Acute exercise enhances fear extinction through a mechanism involving central mTOR signaling. Neurobiol Learn Mem. 2020 12; 176:107328. PMID: 33075479.
Johnson RJ, Wilson WL, Bland ST, Lanaspa MA. Fructose and Uric Acid as Drivers of a Hyperactive Foraging Response: A Clue to Behavioral Disorders Associated with Impulsivity or Mania? Evol Hum Behav. 2021 May; 42(3):194-203. PMID: 33994772.
Dawud LM, Loetz EC, Lloyd B, Beam R, Tran S, Cowie K, Browne K, Khan T, Montoya R, Greenwood BN, Bland ST. A novel social fear conditioning procedure alters social behavior and mTOR signaling in differentially housed adolescent rats. Dev Psychobiol. 2021 01; 63(1):74-87. PMID: 32524583.
Fontenot J, Loetz EC, Ishiki M, Bland ST. Monoacylglycerol lipase inhibition alters social behavior in male and female rats after post-weaning social isolation. Behav Brain Res. 2018 04 02; 341:146-153. PMID: 29292159.
Lloyd BA, Hake HS, Ishiwata T, Farmer CE, Loetz EC, Fleshner M, Bland ST, Greenwood BN. Exercise increases mTOR signaling in brain regions involved in cognition and emotional behavior. Behav Brain Res. 2017 04 14; 323:56-67. PMID: 28130174.
Goodell DJ, Ahern MA, Baynard J, Wall VL, Bland ST. A novel escapable social interaction test reveals that social behavior and mPFC activation during an escapable social encounter are altered by post-weaning social isolation and are dependent on the aggressiveness of the stimulus rat. Behav Brain Res. 2017 01 15; 317:1-15. PMID: 27633556.
Ahern M, Goodell DJ, Adams J, Bland ST. Brain regional differences in social encounter-induced Fos expression in male and female rats after post-weaning social isolation. Brain Res. 2016 Jan 01; 1630:120-33. PMID: 26562664.
Grotewold SK, Wall VL, Goodell DJ, Hayter C, Bland ST. Effects of cocaine combined with a social cue on conditioned place preference and nucleus accumbens monoamines after isolation rearing in rats. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2014 Aug; 231(15):3041-53. PMID: 24553577.
Wall VL, Fischer EK, Bland ST. Isolation rearing attenuates social interaction-induced expression of immediate early gene protein products in the medial prefrontal cortex of male and female rats. Physiol Behav. 2012 Oct 10; 107(3):440-50. PMID: 22982514.
Hutchinson MR, Northcutt AL, Hiranita T, Wang X, Lewis SS, Thomas J, van Steeg K, Kopajtic TA, Loram LC, Sfregola C, Galer E, Miles NE, Bland ST, Amat J, Rozeske RR, Maslanik T, Chapman TR, Strand KA, Fleshner M, Bachtell RK, Somogyi AA, Yin H, Katz JL, Rice KC, Maier SF, Watkins LR. Opioid activation of toll-like receptor 4 contributes to drug reinforcement. J Neurosci. 2012 Aug 15; 32(33):11187-200. PMID: 22895704.
Bland ST, Beckley JT, Watkins LR, Maier SF, Bilbo SD. Neonatal Escherichia coli infection alters glial, cytokine, and neuronal gene expression in response to acute amphetamine in adolescent rats. Neurosci Lett. 2010 Apr 19; 474(1):52-7. PMID: 20223277.
Bland ST, Beckley JT, Young S, Tsang V, Watkins LR, Maier SF, Bilbo SD. Enduring consequences of early-life infection on glial and neural cell genesis within cognitive regions of the brain. Brain Behav Immun. 2010 Mar; 24(3):329-38. PMID: 19782746.
McDevitt RA, Szot P, Baratta MV, Bland ST, White SS, Maier SF, Neumaier JF. Stress-induced activity in the locus coeruleus is not sensitive to stressor controllability. Brain Res. 2009 Aug 18; 1285:109-18. PMID: 19524553.
Bland ST, Hutchinson MR, Maier SF, Watkins LR, Johnson KW. The glial activation inhibitor AV411 reduces morphine-induced nucleus accumbens dopamine release. Brain Behav Immun. 2009 May; 23(4):492-7. PMID: 19486648.
Hutchinson MR, Northcutt AL, Chao LW, Kearney JJ, Zhang Y, Berkelhammer DL, Loram LC, Rozeske RR, Bland ST, Maier SF, Gleeson TT, Watkins LR. Minocycline suppresses morphine-induced respiratory depression, suppresses morphine-induced reward, and enhances systemic morphine-induced analgesia. Brain Behav Immun. 2008 Nov; 22(8):1248-56. PMID: 18706994.
Rozeske RR, Der-Avakian A, Bland ST, Beckley JT, Watkins LR, Maier SF. The medial prefrontal cortex regulates the differential expression of morphine-conditioned place preference following a single exposure to controllable or uncontrollable stress. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2009 Mar; 34(4):834-43. PMID: 18368036.
Hutchinson MR, Bland ST, Johnson KW, Rice KC, Maier SF, Watkins LR. Opioid-induced glial activation: mechanisms of activation and implications for opioid analgesia, dependence, and reward. ScientificWorldJournal. 2007 Nov 02; 7:98-111. PMID: 17982582.
Hein AM, Stutzman DL, Bland ST, Barrientos RM, Watkins LR, Rudy JW, Maier SF. Prostaglandins are necessary and sufficient to induce contextual fear learning impairments after interleukin-1 beta injections into the dorsal hippocampus. Neuroscience. 2007 Dec 19; 150(4):754-63. PMID: 18035502.
Frank MG, Der-Avakian A, Bland ST, Watkins LR, Maier SF. Stress-induced glucocorticoids suppress the antisense molecular regulation of FGF-2 expression. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2007 May; 32(4):376-84. PMID: 17383826.
Der-Avakian A, Bland ST, Rozeske RR, Tamblyn JP, Hutchinson MR, Watkins LR, Maier SF. The effects of a single exposure to uncontrollable stress on the subsequent conditioned place preference responses to oxycodone, cocaine, and ethanol in rats. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2007 May; 191(4):909-17. PMID: 17211647.
Der-Avakian A, Rozeske RR, Bland ST, Watkins LR, Maier SF. The effects of a single session of inescapable tailshock on the subsequent locomotor response to brief footshock and cocaine administration in rats. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2007 May; 191(4):899-907. PMID: 17211648.
Bland ST, Tamlyn JP, Barrientos RM, Greenwood BN, Watkins LR, Campeau S, Day HE, Maier SF. Expression of fibroblast growth factor-2 and brain-derived neurotrophic factor mRNA in the medial prefrontal cortex and hippocampus after uncontrollable or controllable stress. Neuroscience. 2007 Feb 23; 144(4):1219-28. PMID: 17197100.
Wieseler-Frank J, Jekich BM, Mahoney JH, Bland ST, Maier SF, Watkins LR. A novel immune-to-CNS communication pathway: cells of the meninges surrounding the spinal cord CSF space produce proinflammatory cytokines in response to an inflammatory stimulus. Brain Behav Immun. 2007 Jul; 21(5):711-8. PMID: 16989980.
Bland ST, Schmid MJ, Greenwood BN, Watkins LR, Maier SF. Behavioral control of the stressor modulates stress-induced changes in neurogenesis and fibroblast growth factor-2. Neuroreport. 2006 Apr 24; 17(6):593-7. PMID: 16603918.
Der-Avakian A, Bland ST, Schmid MJ, Watkins LR, Spencer RL, Maier SF. The role of glucocorticoids in the uncontrollable stress-induced potentiation of nucleus accumbens shell dopamine and conditioned place preference responses to morphine. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2006 Jun; 31(5):653-63. PMID: 16584846.
Takase LF, Nogueira MI, Bland ST, Baratta M, Watkins LR, Maier SF, Fornal CA, Jacobs BL. Effect of number of tailshocks on learned helplessness and activation of serotonergic and noradrenergic neurons in the rat. Behav Brain Res. 2005 Jul 30; 162(2):299-306. PMID: 15913803.
Bland ST, Schmid MJ, Der-Avakian A, Watkins LR, Spencer RL, Maier SF. Expression of c-fos and BDNF mRNA in subregions of the prefrontal cortex of male and female rats after acute uncontrollable stress. Brain Res. 2005 Jul 27; 1051(1-2):90-9. PMID: 15993862.
Amat J, Baratta MV, Paul E, Bland ST, Watkins LR, Maier SF. Medial prefrontal cortex determines how stressor controllability affects behavior and dorsal raphe nucleus. Nat Neurosci. 2005 Mar; 8(3):365-71. PMID: 15696163.
Bland ST, Schmid MJ, Watkins LR, Maier SF. Prefrontal cortex serotonin, stress, and morphine-induced nucleus accumbens dopamine. Neuroreport. 2004 Dec 03; 15(17):2637-41. PMID: 15570168.
Der-Avakian A, Will MJ, Bland ST, Deak T, Nguyen KT, Schmid MJ, Spencer RL, Watkins LR, Maier SF. Surgical and pharmacological suppression of glucocorticoids prevents the enhancement of morphine conditioned place preference by uncontrollable stress in rats. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2005 May; 179(2):409-17. PMID: 15821955.
Takase LF, Nogueira MI, Baratta M, Bland ST, Watkins LR, Maier SF, Fornal CA, Jacobs BL. Inescapable shock activates serotonergic neurons in all raphe nuclei of rat. Behav Brain Res. 2004 Aug 12; 153(1):233-9. PMID: 15219724.
Bland ST, Twining C, Schmid MJ, Der-Avakian A, Watkins LR, Maier SF. Stress potentiation of morphine-induced dopamine efflux in the nucleus accumbens shell is dependent upon stressor uncontrollability and is mediated by the dorsal raphe nucleus. Neuroscience. 2004; 126(3):705-15. PMID: 15183519.
Amat J, Tamblyn JP, Paul ED, Bland ST, Amat P, Foster AC, Watkins LR, Maier SF. Microinjection of urocortin 2 into the dorsal raphe nucleus activates serotonergic neurons and increases extracellular serotonin in the basolateral amygdala. Neuroscience. 2004; 129(3):509-19. PMID: 15541873.
Will MJ, Der-Avakian A, Bland ST, Grahn RE, Hammack SE, Sparks PD, Pepin JL, Watkins LR, Maier SF. Electrolytic lesions and pharmacological inhibition of the dorsal raphe nucleus prevent stressor potentiation of morphine conditioned place preference in rats. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2004 Jan; 171(2):191-8. PMID: 13680080.
Bland ST, Twining C, Watkins LR, Maier SF. Stressor controllability modulates stress-induced serotonin but not dopamine efflux in the nucleus accumbens shell. Synapse. 2003 Sep 01; 49(3):206-8. PMID: 12774305.
Bland ST, Hargrave D, Pepin JL, Amat J, Watkins LR, Maier SF. Stressor controllability modulates stress-induced dopamine and serotonin efflux and morphine-induced serotonin efflux in the medial prefrontal cortex. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2003 Sep; 28(9):1589-96. PMID: 12784102.
Bland ST, Pillai RN, Aronowski J, Grotta JC, Schallert T. Early overuse and disuse of the affected forelimb after moderately severe intraluminal suture occlusion of the middle cerebral artery in rats. Behav Brain Res. 2001 Nov 29; 126(1-2):33-41. PMID: 11704249.
Bland ST, Schallert T, Strong R, Aronowski J, Grotta JC, Feeney DM. Early exclusive use of the affected forelimb after moderate transient focal ischemia in rats : functional and anatomic outcome. Stroke. 2000 May; 31(5):1144-52. PMID: 10797179.
Schallert T, Fleming SM, Leasure JL, Tillerson JL, Bland ST. CNS plasticity and assessment of forelimb sensorimotor outcome in unilateral rat models of stroke, cortical ablation, parkinsonism and spinal cord injury. Neuropharmacology. 2000 Mar 03; 39(5):777-87. PMID: 10699444.
Bland ST, Gonzales RA, Schallert T. Movement-related glutamate levels in rat hippocampus, striatum, and sensorimotor cortex. Neurosci Lett. 1999 Dec 24; 277(2):119-22. PMID: 10624824.
Humm JL, Kozlowski DA, Bland ST, James DC, Schallert T. Use-dependent exaggeration of brain injury: is glutamate involved? Exp Neurol. 1999 Jun; 157(2):349-58. PMID: 10364446.
Benavidez DA, Fletcher JM, Hannay HJ, Bland ST, Caudle SE, Mendelsohn DB, Yeakley J, Brunder DG, Harward H, Song J, Perachio NA, Bruce D, Scheibel RS, Lilly MA, Verger-Maestre K, Levin HS. Corpus callosum damage and interhemispheric transfer of information following closed head injury in children. Cortex. 1999 Jun; 35(3):315-36. PMID: 10440072.
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