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Dana M. Hollinshead

TitleAssociate Research Professor
InstitutionUniversity of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus
ORCID ORCID Icon0000-0002-0798-9777 Additional info

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    Heller School of Social Policy and Management, Brandeis University, Waltham, MAPhD2012Social Policy, Children, Youth and Families Concentration
    Trachtenberg School of Public Policy & Public Administration, George Washington University, Washington, DCMPA1995Public Administration, Child and Family Policy Concentration

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    Publications listed below are automatically derived from MEDLINE/PubMed and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing publications. Faculty can login to make corrections and additions.
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    1. Kearney, A., Wilson, E., Hollinshead, D., Poletika, M., Kestian, H., Stigdon, T., Miller, E., & Fluke, J. Child welfare triage: Use of screening threshold analysis to evaluate intake decision-making. Children and Youth Services Review. 2022; (144).
    2. Hollinshead, D. & Orsi, R. Developing an ecological model of turnover intent: Associations among child welfare caseworkers’ characteristics, lived experience, professional perceptions, agency culture and proclivity to leave. International Journal of Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice. 2022.
    3. Merkel-Holguin, L., Schwab-Reese, L., Allan, H., Drury, I., & Hollinshead, D. . Nothing about me, without me: Children and young people’s experiences with family group conferences. Child & Family Social Work. 2019; (25):27-36.
    4. Corwin, T. W., Maher, E. J., Merkel-Holguin, L., Allan, H., Hollinshead, D. M., & Fluke, J. D. . Increasing social support for child welfare-involved families through family group conferencing. The British Journal of Social Work. 2019; 1(50):137-156.
    5. Hollinshead, D., Currie, D., Kroll, K., Feldman, S., Monahan-Price, K., & Fluke, J. Associations between case, staff, and agency characteristics and the decision to place a child in out-of-home care. International Journal of Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice. 2019; 3(4):325-347.
    6. Hollinshead DM, Corwin TW, Maher EJ, Merkel-Holguin L, Allan H, Fluke JD. Effectiveness of family group conferencing in preventing repeat referrals to child protective services and out-of-home placements. Child Abuse Negl. 2017 Jul; 69:285-294. PMID: 28549264.
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    7. Hollinshead, D., Kim, S., Merkel-Holguin, L., & Fluke, J. . Factors associated with service utilization in child welfare: A structural equation model. Children and Youth Services Review. 2017; (69):285-294.
    8. Allan, H., Harlaar, N., Hollinshead, D., Drury, I., & Merkel-Holguin, L. The impact of worker and agency characteristics on FGC referrals in child welfare. Children and Youth Services Review. 2017; (81):229-237.
    9. Almuneef M, Hollinshead D, Saleheen H, AlMadani S, Derkash B, AlBuhairan F, Al-Eissa M, Fluke J. Adverse childhood experiences and association with health, mental health, and risky behavior in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Child Abuse Negl. 2016 Oct; 60:10-17. PMID: 27662614.
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    10. Fluke, J.D., Corwin, T. W., Hollinshead, D., Maher, E. J. Family preservation or child safety? How experience and position shape child welfare workers’ perspectives. Children and Youth Services Review. 2016; (69):210-218.
    11. Hollinshead, D., Kim, S., Fluke, J., & Merkel-Holguin, L. The influence of family, agency, and caseworker dynamics on caregivers’ satisfaction with their child protective services intervention. Journal of Public Child Welfare. 2015; 5(9):463-486.
    12. Williams, J., Merkel-Holguin, L., Allan, H., Maher, E., Fluke, J., and Hollinshead, D. Factors associated with staff perceptions of the effectiveness of family group conferences. Journal for the Society of Social Work and Research. 2015; 3(6):343-366.
    13. Merkel-Holguin L, Hollinshead DM, Hahn AE, Casillas KL, Fluke JD. The influence of differential response and other factors on parent perceptions of child protection involvement. Child Abuse Negl. 2015 Jan; 39:18-31. PMID: 25499559.
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    14. Fluke JD, Shusterman GR, Hollinshead DM, Yuan YY. Longitudinal analysis of repeated child abuse reporting and victimization: multistate analysis of associated factors. Child Maltreat. 2008 Feb; 13(1):76-88. PMID: 18174350.
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    15. Shusterman, G., Fluke, J., Hollinshead, D., & Yuan, Y.Y. Alternative responses to child maltreatment: Findings from NCANDS. Protecting Children. 2005; 2 & 3(20):32-42.
    16. Fluke, J., Parry, C., Shapiro, P., Hollinshead, D., & Bollenbacher, V. The Case on Unsubstantiated. Policy & Practice. 2002; 3(60):32-42.
    17. Hollinshead, D. Alcohol and other drug abuse and the termination of parental rights: A challenge for implementation of the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997. Protecting Children. 1998; 3(14):15-20.
    18. Hollinshead, D. Domestic violence and ASFA: Preventing the double victimization of abused mothers. Protecting Children. 1998; 3(14):19.
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