Ronina Ablola Covar
Title | Affiliate - NJH |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | SOM-PEDS |
Covar R, Lazarus SC, Krishnan JA, Blake KV, Sorkness CA, Dyer AM, Lang JE, Lugogo NL, Mauger DT, Wechsler ME, Wenzel SE, Cardet JC, Castro M, Israel E, Phipatanakul W, King TS. Association of Sputum Eosinophilia With Easily Measured Type-2 Inflammatory Biomarkers in Untreated Mild Persistent Asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2024 Apr; 12(4):960-969.e6. PMID: 38097180.
Yuan H, Liu Z, Dong J, Bacharier LB, Jackson D, Mauger D, Boushey H, Castro M, Durack J, Huang YJ, Lemanske RF, Storch GA, Weinstock GM, Wylie K, Covar R, Fitzpatrick AM, Phipatanakul W, Robison RG, Beigelman A, Zhou Y. The Fungal Microbiome of the Upper Airway Is Associated With Future Loss of Asthma Control and Exacerbation Among Children With Asthma. Chest. 2023 08; 164(2):302-313. PMID: 37003356.
Rabinovitch N, Nevid M, Lomas C, Covar R, Levy H, Leung DYM. Reversible peripheral airway obstruction and lung hyperinflation in children presenting with dyspnea and exercise intolerance after COVID-19 infection. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2022 10; 10(10):2748-2749.e1. PMID: 36184531.
Polverino F, Washko GR, Covar RA, Hysinger EB, Hackett TL, Bhatt SP, Brusselle G, Dharmage SC. The low flyers: persistent airflow limitation in young adults. Lancet Respir Med. 2022 09; 10(9):819-822. PMID: 35850124.
Stewart L, Miyazawa N, Covar R, Mjaanes C, Shimamoto R, Gleason M, Peroni D, Spahn JD, Comberiati P. Wheeze is an unreliable endpoint for bronchial methacholine challenges in preschool children. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2022 04; 33(4):e13767. PMID: 35470941.
Krishnan JA, Lazarus SC, Blake KV, Sorkness CA, Covar R, Dyer AM, Lang JE, Lugogo NL, Mauger DT, Wechsler ME, Wenzel SE, Cardet JC, Castro M, Israel E, Phipatanakul W, King TS. Biomarkers to Predict Response to Inhaled Corticosteroids and Long-Acting Muscarinic Antagonists in Adolescents and Adults with Mild Persistent Asthma. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2022 03; 19(3):372-380. PMID: 34793687.
Agache I, Antolin-Amerigo D, de Blay F, Boccabella C, Caruso C, Chanez P, Couto M, Covar R, Doan S, Fauquert JL, Gauvreau G, Gherasim A, Klimek L, Lemiere C, Nair P, Ojanguren I, Peden D, Perez-de-Llano L, Pfaar O, Rondon C, Rukhazde M, Sastre J, Schulze J, Silva D, Tarlo S, Toppila-Salmi S, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Zielen S, Eguiluz-Gracia I. EAACI position paper on the clinical use of the bronchial allergen challenge: Unmet needs and research priorities. Allergy. 2022 06; 77(6):1667-1684. PMID: 34978085.
Georas SN, Wright RJ, Ivanova A, Israel E, LaVange LM, Akuthota P, Carr TF, Denlinger LC, Fajt ML, Kumar R, O'Neal WK, Phipatanakul W, Szefler SJ, Aronica MA, Bacharier LB, Burbank AJ, Castro M, Crotty Alexander L, Bamdad J, Cardet JC, Comhair SAA, Covar RA, DiMango EA, Erwin K, Erzurum SC, Fahy JV, Gaffin JM, Gaston B, Gerald LB, Hoffman EA, Holguin F, Jackson DJ, James J, Jarjour NN, Kenyon NJ, Khatri S, Kirwan JP, Kraft M, Krishnan JA, Liu AH, Liu MC, Marquis MA, Martinez F, Mey J, Moore WC, Moy JN, Ortega VE, Peden DB, Pennington E, Peters MC, Ross K, Sanchez M, Smith LJ, Sorkness RL, Wechsler ME, Wenzel SE, White SR, Zein J, Zeki AA, Noel P. The Precision Interventions for Severe and/or Exacerbation-Prone (PrecISE) Asthma Network: An overview of Network organization, procedures, and interventions. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2022 02; 149(2):488-516.e9. PMID: 34848210.
Khatri SB, Iaccarino JM, Barochia A, Soghier I, Akuthota P, Brady A, Covar RA, Debley JS, Diamant Z, Fitzpatrick AM, Kaminsky DA, Kenyon NJ, Khurana S, Lipworth BJ, McCarthy K, Peters M, Que LG, Ross KR, Schneider-Futschik EK, Sorkness CA, Hallstrand TS. Use of Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide to Guide the Treatment of Asthma: An Official American Thoracic Society Clinical Practice Guideline. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2021 11 15; 204(10):e97-e109. PMID: 34779751.
Izadi N, Baraghoshi D, Curran-Everett D, Zeiger RS, Szefler SJ, Covar RA. Factors Associated with Persistence of Severe Asthma from Late Adolescence to Early Adulthood. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2021 May 24. PMID: 34029510.
Israel E, Denlinger LC, Bacharier LB, LaVange LM, Moore WC, Peters MC, Georas SN, Wright RJ, Mauger DT, Noel P, Akuthota P, Bach J, Bleecker ER, Cardet JC, Carr TF, Castro M, Cinelli A, Comhair SAA, Covar RA, Alexander LC, DiMango EA, Erzurum SC, Fahy JV, Fajt ML, Gaston BM, Hoffman EA, Holguin F, Jackson DJ, Jain S, Jarjour NN, Ji Y, Kenyon NJ, Kosorok MR, Kraft M, Krishnan JA, Kumar R, Liu AH, Liu MC, Ly NP, Marquis MA, Martinez FD, Moy JN, O'Neal WK, Ortega VE, Peden DB, Phipatanakul W, Ross K, Smith LJ, Szefler SJ, Teague WG, Tulchinsky AF, Vijayanand P, Wechsler ME, Wenzel SE, White SR, Zeki AA, Ivanova A. PrecISE: Precision Medicine in Severe Asthma: An adaptive platform trial with biomarker ascertainment. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2021 05; 147(5):1594-1601. PMID: 33667479.
Sheehan WJ, Paul IM, Mauger DT, Moy JN, Szefler SJ, Jackson DJ, Fitzpatrick AM, Cabana MD, Covar R, Robison RG, Phipatanakul W. Adherence rates during a randomized controlled trial evaluating the use of blinded acetaminophen and ibuprofen in children with asthma. Contemp Clin Trials. 2021 05; 104:106334. PMID: 33652129.
Clougherty JE, Kinnee EJ, Cardet JC, Mauger D, Bacharier L, Beigelman A, Blake KV, Cabana MD, Castro M, Chmiel JF, Covar R, Fitzpatrick A, Gaffin JM, Gentile D, Israel E, Jackson DJ, Kraft M, Krishnan JA, Kumar HV, Lang JE, Lazarus SC, Lemanske RF, Lima J, Martinez FD, Morgan W, Moy J, Myers R, Naureckas ET, Ortega VE, Peters SP, Phipatanakul W, Pongracic JA, Ross K, Sheehan WJ, Smith LJ, Solway J, Sorkness CA, Wechsler ME, Wenzel S, White SR, Holguin F. Geography, generalisability, and susceptibility in clinical trials. Lancet Respir Med. 2021 04; 9(4):330-332. PMID: 33539731.
Forno E, Bacharier LB, Phipatanakul W, Guilbert TW, Cabana MD, Ross K, Covar R, Gern JE, Rosser FJ, Blatter J, Durrani S, Han YY, Wisniewski SR, Celed?n JC. Effect of Vitamin D3 Supplementation on Severe Asthma Exacerbations in Children With Asthma and Low Vitamin D Levels: The VDKA Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2020 08 25; 324(8):752-760. PMID: 32840597.
Fitzpatrick AM, Bacharier LB, Jackson DJ, Szefler SJ, Beigelman A, Cabana M, Covar R, Guilbert T, Holguin F, Lemanske RF, Martinez FD, Morgan W, Phipatanakul W, Pongracic JA, Raissy HH, Zeiger RS, Mauger DT. Heterogeneity of Mild to Moderate Persistent Asthma in Children: Confirmation by Latent Class Analysis and Association with 1-Year Outcomes. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2020 09; 8(8):2617-2627.e4. PMID: 32156610.
Comberiati P, Spahn JD, Paull K, Faino A, Cherniack R, Covar RA. Lung mechanical properties distinguish children with asthma with normal and diminished lung function. Clin Exp Allergy. 2020 04; 50(4):453-462. PMID: 31955479.
Zhou Y, Jackson D, Bacharier LB, Mauger D, Boushey H, Castro M, Durack J, Huang Y, Lemanske RF, Storch GA, Weinstock GM, Wylie K, Covar R, Fitzpatrick AM, Phipatanakul W, Robison RG, Beigelman A. The upper-airway microbiota and loss of asthma control among asthmatic children. Nat Commun. 2019 12 16; 10(1):5714. PMID: 31844063.
Wechsler ME, Szefler SJ, Ortega VE, Pongracic JA, Chinchilli V, Lima JJ, Krishnan JA, Kunselman SJ, Mauger D, Bleecker ER, Bacharier LB, Beigelman A, Benson M, Blake KV, Cabana MD, Cardet JC, Castro M, Chmiel JF, Covar R, Denlinger L, DiMango E, Fitzpatrick AM, Gentile D, Grossman N, Holguin F, Jackson DJ, Kumar H, Kraft M, LaForce CF, Lang J, Lazarus SC, Lemanske RF, Long D, Lugogo N, Martinez F, Meyers DA, Moore WC, Moy J, Naureckas E, Olin JT, Peters SP, Phipatanakul W, Que L, Raissy H, Robison RG, Ross K, Sheehan W, Smith LJ, Solway J, Sorkness CA, Sullivan-Vedder L, Wenzel S, White S, Israel E. Step-Up Therapy in Black Children and Adults with Poorly Controlled Asthma. N Engl J Med. 2019 09 26; 381(13):1227-1239. PMID: 31553835.
Lazarus SC, Krishnan JA, King TS, Lang JE, Blake KV, Covar R, Lugogo N, Wenzel S, Chinchilli VM, Mauger DT, Dyer AM, Boushey HA, Fahy JV, Woodruff PG, Bacharier LB, Cabana MD, Cardet JC, Castro M, Chmiel J, Denlinger L, DiMango E, Fitzpatrick AM, Gentile D, Hastie A, Holguin F, Israel E, Jackson D, Kraft M, LaForce C, Lemanske RF, Martinez FD, Moore W, Morgan WJ, Moy JN, Myers R, Peters SP, Phipatanakul W, Pongracic JA, Que L, Ross K, Smith L, Szefler SJ, Wechsler ME, Sorkness CA. Mometasone or Tiotropium in Mild Asthma with a Low Sputum Eosinophil Level. N Engl J Med. 2019 05 23; 380(21):2009-2019. PMID: 31112384.
Guilbert TW, Bacharier LB, Mauger DT, Phipatanakul W, Szefler SJ, Boehmer S, Beigelman A, Fitzpatrick AM, Jackson DJ, Baxi SN, Benson M, Burnham CD, Cabana MD, Castro M, Chmiel JF, Covar R, Daines M, Gaffin JM, Gentile DA, Holguin F, Israel E, Kelly HW, Lazarus SC, Lemanske RF, Ly N, Meade K, Morgan W, Moy J, Olin JT, Peters SP, Pongracic JA, Raissy HH, Ross K, Sheehan WJ, Sorkness C, Teague WG, Thyne S, Martinez FD. Challenges in assessing the efficacy of systemic corticosteroids for severe wheezing episodes in preschool children. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2019 05; 143(5):1934-1937.e4. PMID: 30660645.
Sorkness CA, King TS, Dyer AM, Chinchilli VM, Mauger DT, Krishnan JA, Blake K, Castro M, Covar R, Israel E, Kraft M, Lang JE, Lugogo N, Peters SP, Wechsler ME, Wenzel SE, Lazarus SC. Adapting clinical trial design to maintain meaningful outcomes during a multicenter asthma trial in the precision medicine era. Contemp Clin Trials. 2019 02; 77:98-103. PMID: 30593883.
Comberiati P, Katial RK, Covar RA. Bronchoprovocation Testing in Asthma: An Update. Immunol Allergy Clin North Am. 2018 11; 38(4):545-571. PMID: 30342579.
Fitzpatrick AM, Bacharier LB, Guilbert TW, Jackson DJ, Szefler SJ, Beigelman A, Cabana MD, Covar R, Holguin F, Lemanske RF, Martinez FD, Morgan W, Phipatanakul W, Pongracic JA, Zeiger RS, Mauger DT. Phenotypes of Recurrent Wheezing in Preschool Children: Identification by Latent Class Analysis and Utility in Prediction of Future Exacerbation. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2019 03; 7(3):915-924.e7. PMID: 30267890.
Bacharier LB, Covar RA, Haselkorn T, Iqbal A, Alvarez C, Mink DR, Chen H, Zeiger RS. Consistently very poorly controlled asthma is associated with greater activity and school impairment in children with severe or difficult-to-treat asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2019 01; 7(1):314-316. PMID: 29883753.
Burg GT, Covar R, Oland AA, Guilbert TW. The Tempest: Difficult to Control Asthma in Adolescence. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2018 May - Jun; 6(3):738-748. PMID: 29747981.
Jackson DJ, Bacharier LB, Mauger DT, Boehmer S, Beigelman A, Chmiel JF, Fitzpatrick AM, Gaffin JM, Morgan WJ, Peters SP, Phipatanakul W, Sheehan WJ, Cabana MD, Holguin F, Martinez FD, Pongracic JA, Baxi SN, Benson M, Blake K, Covar R, Gentile DA, Israel E, Krishnan JA, Kumar HV, Lang JE, Lazarus SC, Lima JJ, Long D, Ly N, Marbin J, Moy JN, Myers RE, Olin JT, Raissy HH, Robison RG, Ross K, Sorkness CA, Lemanske RF. Quintupling Inhaled Glucocorticoids to Prevent Childhood Asthma Exacerbations. N Engl J Med. 2018 Mar 08; 378(10):891-901. PMID: 29504498.
Rabinovitch N, Leung DYM, Covar R. The highs and lows of marijuana use in allergy. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2018 07; 121(1):14-17. PMID: 29452260.
Lang JE, Fitzpatrick AM, Mauger DT, Guilbert TW, Jackson DJ, Lemanske RF, Martinez FD, Strunk RC, Zeiger RS, Phipatanakul W, Bacharier LB, Pongracic JA, Holguin F, Cabana MD, Covar RA, Raissy HH, Tang M, Szefler SJ. Overweight/obesity status in preschool children associates with worse asthma but robust improvement on inhaled corticosteroids. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2018 04; 141(4):1459-1467.e2. PMID: 29273557.
McGeachie MJ, Yates KP, Zhou X, Guo F, Sternberg AL, Van Natta ML, Wise RA, Szefler SJ, Sharma S, Kho AT, Cho MH, Croteau-Chonka DC, Castaldi PJ, Jain G, Sanyal A, Zhan Y, Lajoie BR, Dekker J, Stamatoyannopoulos J, Covar RA, Zeiger RS, Adkinson NF, Williams PV, Kelly HW, Grasemann H, Vonk JM, Koppelman GH, Postma DS, Raby BA, Houston I, Lu Q, Fuhlbrigge AL, Tantisira KG, Silverman EK, Tonascia J, Strunk RC, Weiss ST. Genetics and Genomics of Longitudinal Lung Function Patterns in Individuals with Asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2016 12 15; 194(12):1465-1474. PMID: 27367781.
Covar RA. Pivotal efficacy trials of inhaled corticosteroids in asthma. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2016 12; 117(6):582-588. PMID: 27979013.
Fitzpatrick AM, Jackson DJ, Mauger DT, Boehmer SJ, Phipatanakul W, Sheehan WJ, Moy JN, Paul IM, Bacharier LB, Cabana MD, Covar R, Holguin F, Lemanske RF, Martinez FD, Pongracic JA, Beigelman A, Baxi SN, Benson M, Blake K, Chmiel JF, Daines CL, Daines MO, Gaffin JM, Gentile DA, Gower WA, Israel E, Kumar HV, Lang JE, Lazarus SC, Lima JJ, Ly N, Marbin J, Morgan W, Myers RE, Olin JT, Peters SP, Raissy HH, Robison RG, Ross K, Sorkness CA, Thyne SM, Szefler SJ. Individualized therapy for persistent asthma in young children. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2016 12; 138(6):1608-1618.e12. PMID: 27777180.
Oliver AJ, Covar RA, Goldfrad CH, Klein RM, Pedersen SE, Sorkness CA, Tomkins SA, Villar?n C, Grigg J. Randomized Trial of Once-Daily Fluticasone Furoate in Children with Inadequately Controlled Asthma. J Pediatr. 2016 Nov; 178:246-253.e2. PMID: 27622699.
Sheehan WJ, Mauger DT, Paul IM, Moy JN, Boehmer SJ, Szefler SJ, Fitzpatrick AM, Jackson DJ, Bacharier LB, Cabana MD, Covar R, Holguin F, Lemanske RF, Martinez FD, Pongracic JA, Beigelman A, Baxi SN, Benson M, Blake K, Chmiel JF, Daines CL, Daines MO, Gaffin JM, Gentile DA, Gower WA, Israel E, Kumar HV, Lang JE, Lazarus SC, Lima JJ, Ly N, Marbin J, Morgan WJ, Myers RE, Olin JT, Peters SP, Raissy HH, Robison RG, Ross K, Sorkness CA, Thyne SM, Wechsler ME, Phipatanakul W. Acetaminophen versus Ibuprofen in Young Children with Mild Persistent Asthma. N Engl J Med. 2016 Aug 18; 375(7):619-30. PMID: 27532828.
McGeachie MJ, Yates KP, Zhou X, Guo F, Sternberg AL, Van Natta ML, Wise RA, Szefler SJ, Sharma S, Kho AT, Cho MH, Croteau-Chonka DC, Castaldi PJ, Jain G, Sanyal A, Zhan Y, Lajoie BR, Dekker J, Stamatoyannopoulos J, Covar RA, Zeiger RS, Adkinson NF, Williams PV, Kelly HW, Grasemann H, Vonk JM, Koppelman GH, Postma DS, Raby BA, Houston I, Lu Q, Fuhlbrigge AL, Tantisira KG, Silverman EK, Tonascia J, Weiss ST, Strunk RC. Patterns of Growth and Decline in Lung Function in Persistent Childhood Asthma. N Engl J Med. 2016 May 12; 374(19):1842-1852. PMID: 27168434.
Lanser BJ, Covar R, Bird JA. Food allergy needs assessment, training curriculum, and knowledge assessment for child care. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2016 06; 116(6):533-537.e4. PMID: 27117311.
Oliver AJ, Covar RA, Goldfrad CH, Klein RM, Pedersen SE, Sorkness CA, Tomkins SA, Villar?n C, Grigg J. Randomised trial of once-daily vilanterol in children with asthma on inhaled corticosteroid therapy. Respir Res. 2016 Apr 05; 17:37. PMID: 27044326.
Reddy MB, Covar RA. Asthma phenotypes in childhood. Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol. 2016 Apr; 16(2):127-34. PMID: 26859369.
Goleva E, Covar R, Martin RJ, Leung DY. Corticosteroid pharmacokinetic abnormalities in overweight and obese corticosteroid resistant asthmatics. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2016 Mar-Apr; 4(2):357-60.e2. PMID: 26795244.
Bacharier LB, Guilbert TW, Mauger DT, Boehmer S, Beigelman A, Fitzpatrick AM, Jackson DJ, Baxi SN, Benson M, Burnham CD, Cabana M, Castro M, Chmiel JF, Covar R, Daines M, Gaffin JM, Gentile DA, Holguin F, Israel E, Kelly HW, Lazarus SC, Lemanske RF, Ly N, Meade K, Morgan W, Moy J, Olin T, Peters SP, Phipatanakul W, Pongracic JA, Raissy HH, Ross K, Sheehan WJ, Sorkness C, Szefler SJ, Teague WG, Thyne S, Martinez FD. Early Administration of Azithromycin and Prevention of Severe Lower Respiratory Tract Illnesses in Preschool Children With a History of Such Illnesses: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2015 Nov 17; 314(19):2034-2044. PMID: 26575060.
Malka J, Covar R, Faino A, Fish J, Pickering P, Ramamoorthy P, Gleason M, Spahn JD. The Effect of Viral Infection on Exhaled Nitric Oxide in Children with Acute Asthma Exacerbations. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2015 Nov-Dec; 3(6):913-9. PMID: 26216254.
Gerald JK, Gerald LB, Vasquez MM, Morgan WJ, Boehmer SJ, Lemanske RF, Mauger DT, Strunk RC, Szefler SJ, Zeiger RS, Bacharier LB, Bade E, Covar RA, Guilbert TW, Heidarian-Raissy H, Kelly HW, Malka-Rais J, Sorkness CA, Taussig LM, Chinchilli VM, Martinez FD. Markers of Differential Response to Inhaled Corticosteroid Treatment Among Children with Mild Persistent Asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2015 Jul-Aug; 3(4):540-6.e3. PMID: 25783161.
Santos CB, Davidson J, Covar RA, Spahn JD. The chitinase-like protein YKL-40 is not a useful biomarker for severe persistent asthma in children. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2014 Sep; 113(3):263-6. PMID: 24954373.
Malka J, Mauger DT, Covar R, Rabinovitch N, Lemanske RF, Spahn JD, Strunk RC, Zeiger RS, Morgan WJ, Szefler SJ. Eczema and race as combined determinants for differential response to step-up asthma therapy. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2014 Aug; 134(2):483-5. PMID: 24835502.
Beigelman A, Zeiger RS, Mauger D, Strunk RC, Jackson DJ, Martinez FD, Morgan WJ, Covar R, Szefler SJ, Taussig LM, Bacharier LB. The association between vitamin D status and the rate of exacerbations requiring oral corticosteroids in preschool children with recurrent wheezing. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2014 May; 133(5):1489-92, 1492.e1-3. PMID: 24698320.
Reddy MB, Doshi J, Covar R, Spahn JD. The changing face of severe childhood asthma: a comparison of two cohorts of children evaluated at National Jewish Health over the past 20 years. Allergy Asthma Proc. 2014 Mar-Apr; 35(2):119-25. PMID: 24717788.
Rabinovitch N, Mauger DT, Reisdorph N, Covar R, Malka J, Lemanske RF, Morgan WJ, Guilbert TW, Zeiger RS, Bacharier LB, Szefler SJ. Predictors of asthma control and lung function responsiveness to step 3 therapy in children with uncontrolled asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2014 Feb; 133(2):350-6. PMID: 24084071.
Beigelman A, King TS, Mauger D, Zeiger RS, Strunk RC, Kelly HW, Martinez FD, Lemanske RF, Rivera-Spoljaric K, Jackson DJ, Guilbert T, Covar R, Bacharier LB. Do oral corticosteroids reduce the severity of acute lower respiratory tract illnesses in preschool children with recurrent wheezing? J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2013 Jun; 131(6):1518-25. PMID: 23498594.
Covar RA, Fuhlbrigge AL, Williams P, Kelly HW. The Childhood Asthma Management Program (CAMP): Contributions to the Understanding of Therapy and the Natural History of Childhood Asthma. Curr Respir Care Rep. 2012 Dec; 1(4):243-250. PMID: 23336093.
Tamesis GP, Covar RA, Strand M, Liu AH, Szefler SJ, Klinnert MD. Predictors for asthma at age 7 years for low-income children enrolled in the Childhood Asthma Prevention Study. J Pediatr. 2013 Mar; 162(3):536-542.e2. PMID: 23036483.
Katial RK, Covar RA. Bronchoprovocation testing in asthma. Immunol Allergy Clin North Am. 2012 Aug; 32(3):413-31. PMID: 22877619.
Tepper RS, Wise RS, Covar R, Irvin CG, Kercsmar CM, Kraft M, Liu MC, O'Connor GT, Peters SP, Sorkness R, Togias A. Asthma outcomes: pulmonary physiology. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2012 Mar; 129(3 Suppl):S65-87. PMID: 22386510.
Zeiger RS, Mauger D, Bacharier LB, Guilbert TW, Martinez FD, Lemanske RF, Strunk RC, Covar R, Szefler SJ, Boehmer S, Jackson DJ, Sorkness CA, Gern JE, Kelly HW, Friedman NJ, Mellon MH, Schatz M, Morgan WJ, Chinchilli VM, Raissy HH, Bade E, Malka-Rais J, Beigelman A, Taussig LM. Daily or intermittent budesonide in preschool children with recurrent wheezing. N Engl J Med. 2011 Nov 24; 365(21):1990-2001. PMID: 22111718.
Guilbert TW, Mauger DT, Allen DB, Zeiger RS, Lemanske RF, Szefler SJ, Strunk RC, Bacharier LB, Covar R, Sorkness CA, Taussig LM, Martinez FD. Growth of preschool children at high risk for asthma 2 years after discontinuation of fluticasone. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2011 Nov; 128(5):956-63.e1-7. PMID: 21820163.
Martinez FD, Chinchilli VM, Morgan WJ, Boehmer SJ, Lemanske RF, Mauger DT, Strunk RC, Szefler SJ, Zeiger RS, Bacharier LB, Bade E, Covar RA, Friedman NJ, Guilbert TW, Heidarian-Raissy H, Kelly HW, Malka-Rais J, Mellon MH, Sorkness CA, Taussig L. Use of beclomethasone dipropionate as rescue treatment for children with mild persistent asthma (TREXA): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet. 2011 Feb 19; 377(9766):650-7. PMID: 21324520.
Covar R, Gleason M, Macomber B, Stewart L, Szefler P, Engelhardt K, Murphy J, Liu A, Wood S, DeMichele S, Gelfand EW, Szefler SJ. Impact of a novel nutritional formula on asthma control and biomarkers of allergic airway inflammation in children. Clin Exp Allergy. 2010 Aug; 40(8):1163-74. PMID: 20545703.
Lemanske RF, Mauger DT, Sorkness CA, Jackson DJ, Boehmer SJ, Martinez FD, Strunk RC, Szefler SJ, Zeiger RS, Bacharier LB, Covar RA, Guilbert TW, Larsen G, Morgan WJ, Moss MH, Spahn JD, Taussig LM. Step-up therapy for children with uncontrolled asthma receiving inhaled corticosteroids. N Engl J Med. 2010 Mar 18; 362(11):975-85. PMID: 20197425.
Covar RA, Strunk R, Zeiger RS, Wilson LA, Liu AH, Weiss S, Tonascia J, Spahn JD, Szefler SJ. Predictors of remitting, periodic, and persistent childhood asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2010 Feb; 125(2):359-366.e3. PMID: 20159245.
Paul IM, Camera L, Zeiger RS, Guilbert TW, Bacharier LB, Taussig LM, Morgan WJ, Covar RA, Krawiec M, Bloomberg GR, Mauger DT. Relationship between infant weight gain and later asthma. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2010 Feb; 21(1 Pt 1):82-9. PMID: 19725894.
Kruzick T, Covar RA, Gleason M, Cicutto L, White M, Shocks D, Szefler SJ. Does access to care equal asthma control in school-age children? J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2009 Aug; 124(2):381-3. PMID: 19596141.
Bacharier LB, Phillips BR, Zeiger RS, Szefler SJ, Martinez FD, Lemanske RF, Sorkness CA, Bloomberg GR, Morgan WJ, Paul IM, Guilbert T, Krawiec M, Covar R, Larsen G, Mellon M, Moss MH, Chinchilli VM, Taussig LM, Strunk RC. Episodic use of an inhaled corticosteroid or leukotriene receptor antagonist in preschool children with moderate-to-severe intermittent wheezing. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2008 Dec; 122(6):1127-1135.e8. PMID: 18973936.
Strunk RC, Bacharier LB, Phillips BR, Szefler SJ, Zeiger RS, Chinchilli VM, Martinez FD, Lemanske RF, Taussig LM, Mauger DT, Morgan WJ, Sorkness CA, Paul IM, Guilbert T, Krawiec M, Covar R, Larsen G. Azithromycin or montelukast as inhaled corticosteroid-sparing agents in moderate-to-severe childhood asthma study. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2008 Dec; 122(6):1138-1144.e4. PMID: 18951618.
Covar RA, Szefler SJ, Zeiger RS, Sorkness CA, Moss M, Mauger DT, Boehmer SJ, Strunk RC, Martinez FD, Taussig LM. Factors associated with asthma exacerbations during a long-term clinical trial of controller medications in children. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2008 Oct; 122(4):741-747.e4. PMID: 19014765.
Kelly HW, Van Natta ML, Covar RA, Tonascia J, Green RP, Strunk RC. Effect of long-term corticosteroid use on bone mineral density in children: a prospective longitudinal assessment in the childhood Asthma Management Program (CAMP) study. Pediatrics. 2008 Jul; 122(1):e53-61. PMID: 18595975.
Holt EW, Cook EF, Covar RA, Spahn J, Fuhlbrigge AL. Identifying the components of asthma health status in children with mild to moderate asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2008 May; 121(5):1175-80. PMID: 18466785.
Tamesis GP, Covar RA. Long-term effects of asthma medications in children. Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol. 2008 Apr; 8(2):163-7. PMID: 18317027.
Spahn JD, Covar R. Clinical assessment of asthma progression in children and adults. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2008 Mar; 121(3):548-57; quiz 558-9. PMID: 18328886.
Panettieri RA, Covar R, Grant E, Hillyer EV, Bacharier L. Natural history of asthma: persistence versus progression-does the beginning predict the end? J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2008 Mar; 121(3):607-13. PMID: 18328890.
Covar RA. Bronchoprovocation testing in asthma. Immunol Allergy Clin North Am. 2007 Nov; 27(4):633-49; vi-vii. PMID: 17996581.
Sorkness CA, Lemanske RF, Mauger DT, Boehmer SJ, Chinchilli VM, Martinez FD, Strunk RC, Szefler SJ, Zeiger RS, Bacharier LB, Bloomberg GR, Covar RA, Guilbert TW, Heldt G, Larsen G, Mellon MH, Morgan WJ, Moss MH, Spahn JD, Taussig LM. Long-term comparison of 3 controller regimens for mild-moderate persistent childhood asthma: the Pediatric Asthma Controller Trial. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2007 Jan; 119(1):64-72. PMID: 17140647.
Spahn JD, Covar RA, Jain N, Gleason M, Shimamoto R, Szefler SJ, Gelfand EW. Effect of montelukast on peripheral airflow obstruction in children with asthma. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2006 Apr; 96(4):541-9. PMID: 16680924.
Wenzel SE, Covar R. Update in asthma 2005. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2006 Apr 01; 173(7):698-706. PMID: 16556700.
Covar RA, Colvin R, Shapiro G, Strunk R. Safety of methacholine challenges in a multicenter pediatric asthma study. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2006 Mar; 117(3):709-11. PMID: 16522478.
Jain N, Covar RA, Gleason MC, Newell JD, Gelfand EW, Spahn JD. Quantitative computed tomography detects peripheral airway disease in asthmatic children. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2005 Sep; 40(3):211-8. PMID: 16015663.
Covar RA, Cool C, Szefler SJ. Progression of asthma in childhood. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2005 Apr; 115(4):700-7. PMID: 15805987.
Paull K, Covar R, Jain N, Gelfand EW, Spahn JD. Do NHLBI lung function criteria apply to children? A cross-sectional evaluation of childhood asthma at National Jewish Medical and Research Center, 1999-2002. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2005 Apr; 39(4):311-7. PMID: 15678505.
Covar RA, Macomber BA, Szefler SJ. Medications as asthma triggers. Immunol Allergy Clin North Am. 2005 Feb; 25(1):169-90. PMID: 15579370.
Federico MJ, Covar RA, Brown EE, Leung DY, Spahn JD. Racial differences in T-lymphocyte response to glucocorticoids. Chest. 2005 Feb; 127(2):571-8. PMID: 15705998.
Covar RA, Spahn JD, Martin RJ, Silkoff PE, Sundstrom DA, Murphy J, Szefler SJ. Safety and application of induced sputum analysis in childhood asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2004 Sep; 114(3):575-82. PMID: 15356559.
Covar RA, Spahn JD, Murphy JR, Szefler SJ. Progression of asthma measured by lung function in the childhood asthma management program. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2004 Aug 01; 170(3):234-41. PMID: 15028558.
Jenkins HA, Cherniack R, Szefler SJ, Covar R, Gelfand EW, Spahn JD. A comparison of the clinical characteristics of children and adults with severe asthma. Chest. 2003 Oct; 124(4):1318-24. PMID: 14555561.
Jenkins HA, Cool C, Szefler SJ, Covar R, Brugman S, Gelfand EW, Spahn JD. Histopathology of severe childhood asthma: a case series. Chest. 2003 Jul; 124(1):32-41. PMID: 12853499.
Spahn JD, Covar RA. Weighing the risks of treatment versus nontreatment in pediatric asthma. Pediatr Clin North Am. 2003 Jun; 50(3):677-95. PMID: 12877241.
Covar RA, Spahn JD. Treating the wheezing infant. Pediatr Clin North Am. 2003 Jun; 50(3):631-54. PMID: 12892044.
Covar RA, Szefler SJ, Martin RJ, Sundstrom DA, Silkoff PE, Murphy J, Young DA, Spahn JD. Relations between exhaled nitric oxide and measures of disease activity among children with mild-to-moderate asthma. J Pediatr. 2003 May; 142(5):469-75. PMID: 12756375.
Spahn J, Covar R, Stempel DA. Asthma: addressing consistency in results from basic science, clinical trials, and observational experience. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2002 May; 109(5 Suppl):S490-502. PMID: 11994721.
Spahn JD, Fost DA, Covar R, Martin RJ, Brown EE, Szefler SJ, Leung DY. Clarithromycin potentiates glucocorticoid responsiveness in patients with asthma: results of a pilot study. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2001 Dec; 87(6):501-5. PMID: 11770698.
Covar RA, Leung DY, McCormick D, Steelman J, Zeitler P, Spahn JD. Risk factors associated with glucocorticoid-induced adverse effects in children with severe asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2000 Oct; 106(4):651-9. PMID: 11031335.
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