Rebecca J Safran
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Boulder |
Department | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology |
Phone | 303/735-1495 |
Dantzer B, Mabry KE, Bernhardt JR, Cox RM, Francis CD, Ghalambor CK, Hoke KL, Jha S, Ketterson E, Levis NA, McCain KM, Patricelli GL, Paull SH, Pinter-Wollman N, Safran RJ, Schwartz TS, Throop HL, Zaman L, Martin LB. Understanding Organisms Using Ecological Observatory Networks. Integr Org Biol. 2023; 5(1):obad036. PMID: 37867910.
McDermott MT, Madden SA, Laubach ZM, Ayala MJ, Safran RJ. Females with Increased Costs Maintain Reproductive Output: A Field Experiment in a Common Songbird. Integr Comp Biol. 2023 07 31; 63(1):23-33. PMID: 37253622.
Chen S, Liu Y, Patrick SC, Goodale E, Safran RJ, Pagani-N??ez E. A multidimensional framework to quantify the effects of urbanization on avian breeding fitness. Ecol Evol. 2023 Jul; 13(7):e10259. PMID: 37404704.
Carter JK, Kimball RT, Funk ER, Kane NC, Schield DR, Spellman GM, Safran RJ. Estimating phylogenies from genomes: A beginners review of commonly used genomic data in vertebrate phylogenomics. J Hered. 2023 03 16; 114(1):1-13. PMID: 36808491.
Lotem A, Vortman Y, Safran RJ. The evidence for divergent sexual selection among closely related barn swallow populations is strong. Evolution. 2022 09; 76(9):2204-2211. PMID: 35561267.
Turbek SP, Schield DR, Scordato ESC, Contina A, Da XW, Liu Y, Liu Y, Pagani-N??ez E, Ren QM, Smith CCR, Stricker CA, Wunder M, Zonana DM, Safran RJ. A migratory divide spanning two continents is associated with genomic and ecological divergence. Evolution. 2022 04; 76(4):722-736. PMID: 35166383.
McDermott MT, Safran RJ. Sensitive periods during the development and expression of vertebrate sexual signals: A systematic review. Ecol Evol. 2021 Nov; 11(21):14416-14432. PMID: 34765116.
Mendelson TC, Safran RJ. Speciation by sexual selection: 20 years of progress. Trends Ecol Evol. 2021 12; 36(12):1153-1163. PMID: 34607719.
Ayala MJ, Carter JK, Fachon AS, Flaxman SM, Gil MA, Kenny HV, Laubach ZM, Madden SA, McDermott MT, Medina-Garc?a A, Safran RJ, Scherner E, Schield DR, Vasquez-Rey S, Volckens J. Belonging in STEM: an interactive, iterative approach to create and maintain a diverse learning community. Trends Ecol Evol. 2021 11; 36(11):964-967. PMID: 34561090.
Reiner Brodetzki T, Lotem A, Safran RJ, Hauber ME. Lack of subspecies-recognition in breeding Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica transitiva). Behav Processes. 2021 Aug; 189:104422. PMID: 33992739.
Schield DR, Scordato ESC, Smith CCR, Carter JK, Cherkaoui SI, Gombobaatar S, Hajib S, Hanane S, Hund AK, Koyama K, Liang W, Liu Y, Magri N, Rubtsov A, Sheta B, Turbek SP, Wilkins MR, Yu L, Safran RJ. Sex-linked genetic diversity and differentiation in a globally distributed avian species complex. Mol Ecol. 2021 05; 30(10):2313-2332. PMID: 33720472.
Turbek SP, Browne M, Di Giacomo AS, Kopuchian C, Hochachka WM, Estalles C, Lijtmaer DA, Tubaro PL, Silveira LF, Lovette IJ, Safran RJ, Taylor SA, Campagna L. Rapid speciation via the evolution of pre-mating isolation in the Iber? Seedeater. Science. 2021 03 26; 371(6536). PMID: 33766854.
Laubach ZM, Murray EJ, Hoke KL, Safran RJ, Perng W. A biologist's guide to model selection and causal inference. Proc Biol Sci. 2021 01 27; 288(1943):20202815. PMID: 33499782.
Zhao Y, Liu Y, Scordato ESC, Lee MB, Xing X, Pan X, Liu Y, Safran RJ, Pagani-N??ez E. The impact of urbanization on body size of Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica gutturalis. Ecol Evol. 2021 Jan; 11(1):612-625. PMID: 33437455.
Carter JK, Innes P, Goebl AM, Johnson B, Gebert M, Attia Z, Gabani Z, Li R, Melie T, Dart C, Mares A, Greidanus C, Paterson J, Wall B, Cortese G, Thirouin K, Glime G, Rutten J, Poyd C, Post E, Wall B, Elhadi AA, Feldmann K, Danz A, Blanchard T, Amato S, Reinert S, Pogoda CS, Scordato ESC, Hund AK, Safran RJ, Kane NC. Complete mitochondrial genomes provide current refined phylogenomic hypotheses for relationships among ten Hirundo species. Mitochondrial DNA B Resour. 2020 Jul 20; 5(3):2881-2885. PMID: 33457987.
Hund AK, Hubbard JK, Albrecht T, Vortman Y, Munclinger P, Krausov? S, Tom?ek O, Safran RJ. Divergent sexual signals reflect costs of local parasites. Evolution. 2020 10; 74(10):2404-2418. PMID: 32385910.
Scordato ESC, Smith CCR, Semenov GA, Liu Y, Wilkins MR, Liang W, Rubtsov A, Sundev G, Koyama K, Turbek SP, Wunder MB, Stricker CA, Safran RJ. Migratory divides coincide with reproductive barriers across replicated avian hybrid zones above the Tibetan Plateau. Ecol Lett. 2020 Feb; 23(2):231-241. PMID: 31746098.
Lindsay WR, Andersson S, Bererhi B, H?glund J, Johnsen A, Kvarnemo C, Leder EH, Lifjeld JT, Ninnes CE, Olsson M, Parker GA, Pizzari T, Qvarnstr?m A, Safran RJ, Svensson O, Edwards SV. Endless forms of sexual selection. PeerJ. 2019; 7:e7988. PMID: 31720113.
Pap PL, F?l?p A, Adamkova M, Cepak J, Michalkova R, Safran RJ, Stermin AN, Tomasek O, V?g?si CI, Vincze O, Wilkins MR, Albrecht T. Selection on multiple sexual signals in two Central and Eastern European populations of the barn swallow. Ecol Evol. 2019 Oct; 9(19):11277-11287. PMID: 31641472.
Semenov GA, Safran RJ, Smith CCR, Turbek SP, Mullen SP, Flaxman SM. Unifying Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives on Genomic Differentiation. Trends Ecol Evol. 2019 11; 34(11):987-995. PMID: 31400942.
Safran RJ, Levin II, Fosdick BK, McDermott MT, Semenov G?, Hund AK, Scordato ESC, Turbek SP. Using Networks to Connect Individual-Level Reproductive Behavior to Population Patterns. Trends Ecol Evol. 2019 06; 34(6):497-501. PMID: 31079944.
Levin II, Fosdick BK, Tsunekage T, Aberle MA, Bergeon Burns CM, Hund AK, Safran RJ. Experimental manipulation of a signal trait reveals complex phenotype-behaviour coordination. Sci Rep. 2018 10 19; 8(1):15533. PMID: 30341385.
Smith CCR, Flaxman SM, Scordato ESC, Kane NC, Hund AK, Sheta BM, Safran RJ. Demographic inference in barn swallows using whole-genome data shows signal for bottleneck and subspecies differentiation during the Holocene. Mol Ecol. 2018 11; 27(21):4200-4212. PMID: 30176075.
Fitzpatrick CL, Hobson EA, Mendelson TC, Rodr?guez RL, Safran RJ, Scordato ESC, Servedio MR, Stern CA, Symes LB, Kopp M. Theory Meets Empiry: A Citation Network Analysis. Bioscience. 2018 Oct 01; 68(10):805-812. PMID: 30364335.
Dube WC, Hund AK, Turbek SP, Safran RJ. Microclimate and host body condition influence mite population growth in a wild bird-ectoparasite system. Int J Parasitol Parasites Wildl. 2018 Dec; 7(3):301-308. PMID: 30128287.
Schilling MP, Mullen SP, Kronforst M, Safran RJ, Nosil P, Feder JL, Gompert Z, Flaxman SM. Transitions from Single- to Multi-Locus Processes during Speciation with Gene Flow. Genes (Basel). 2018 May 24; 9(6). PMID: 29795050.
Tricola GM, Simons MJP, Atema E, Boughton RK, Brown JL, Dearborn DC, Divoky G, Eimes JA, Huntington CE, Kitaysky AS, Juola FA, Lank DB, Litwa HP, Mulder EGA, Nisbet ICT, Okanoya K, Safran RJ, Schoech SJ, Schreiber EA, Thompson PM, Verhulst S, Wheelwright NT, Winkler DW, Young R, Vleck CM, Haussmann MF. The rate of telomere loss is related to maximum lifespan in birds. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2018 03 05; 373(1741). PMID: 29335369.
Turbek SP, Scordato ESC, Safran RJ. The Role of Seasonal Migration in Population Divergence and Reproductive Isolation. Trends Ecol Evol. 2018 03; 33(3):164-175. PMID: 29289354.
Kopp M, Servedio MR, Mendelson TC, Safran RJ, Rodr?guez RL, Hauber ME, Scordato EC, Symes LB, Balakrishnan CN, Zonana DM, van Doorn GS. Mechanisms of Assortative Mating in Speciation with Gene Flow: Connecting Theory and Empirical Research. Am Nat. 2018 01; 191(1):1-20. PMID: 29244561.
Semenov GA, Scordato ESC, Khaydarov DR, Smith CCR, Kane NC, Safran RJ. Effects of assortative mate choice on the genomic and morphological structure of a hybrid zone between two bird subspecies. Mol Ecol. 2017 Nov; 26(22):6430-6444. PMID: 28987006.
Scordato ESC, Wilkins MR, Semenov G, Rubtsov AS, Kane NC, Safran RJ. Genomic variation across two barn swallow hybrid zones reveals traits associated with divergence in sympatry and allopatry. Mol Ecol. 2017 Oct; 26(20):5676-5691. PMID: 28777875.
Riesch R, Muschick M, Lindtke D, Villoutreix R, Comeault AA, Farkas TE, Lucek K, Hellen E, Soria-Carrasco V, Dennis SR, de Carvalho CF, Safran RJ, Sandoval CP, Feder J, Gries R, Crespi BJ, Gries G, Gompert Z, Nosil P. Transitions between phases of genomic differentiation during stick-insect speciation. Nat Ecol Evol. 2017 Feb 17; 1(4):82. PMID: 28812654.
Vitousek MN, Jenkins BR, Hubbard JK, Kaiser SA, Safran RJ. An experimental test of the effect of brood size on glucocorticoid responses, parental investment, and offspring phenotype. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 2017 06 01; 247:97-106. PMID: 28137535.
Scordato ESC, Safran RJ. Evolutionary Genetics: Small Genomic Regions Make a?Big Impact. Curr Biol. 2016 11 07; 26(21):R1155-R1157. PMID: 27825455.
Mendelson TC, Fitzpatrick CL, Hauber ME, Pence CH, Rodr?guez RL, Safran RJ, Stern CA, Stevens JR. Cognitive Phenotypes and the Evolution of Animal Decisions. Trends Ecol Evol. 2016 11; 31(11):850-859. PMID: 27693087.
Wilkins MR, Karaardi? H, Vortman Y, Parchman TL, Albrecht T, Petr?elkov? A, ?zkan L, Pap PL, Hubbard JK, Hund AK, Safran RJ. Phenotypic differentiation is associated with divergent sexual selection among closely related barn swallow populations. J Evol Biol. 2016 Dec; 29(12):2410-2421. PMID: 27538265.
Safran RJ, Vortman Y, Jenkins BR, Hubbard JK, Wilkins MR, Bradley RJ, Lotem A. The maintenance of phenotypic divergence through sexual selection: An experimental study in barn swallows Hirundo rustica. Evolution. 2016 09; 70(9):2074-84. PMID: 27436630.
Wells SJ, Safran RJ, Dale J. Piecing together female extra-pair mate choice: females really do prefer more ornamented males. Mol Ecol. 2016 08; 25(15):3521-4. PMID: 27463236.
Safran RJ, Scordato ES, Wilkins MR, Hubbard JK, Jenkins BR, Albrecht T, Flaxman SM, Karaardi? H, Vortman Y, Lotem A, Nosil P, Pap P, Shen S, Chan SF, Parchman TL, Kane NC. Genome-wide differentiation in closely related populations: the roles of selection and geographic isolation. Mol Ecol. 2016 Aug; 25(16):3865-83. PMID: 27357267.
Levin II, Zonana DM, Fosdick BK, Song SJ, Knight R, Safran RJ. Stress response, gut microbial diversity and sexual signals correlate with social interactions. Biol Lett. 2016 Jun; 12(6). PMID: 27354713.
Wilkins MR, Shizuka D, Joseph MB, Hubbard JK, Safran RJ. Multimodal signalling in the North American barn swallow: a phenotype network approach. Proc Biol Sci. 2015 Oct 07; 282(1816):20151574. PMID: 26423842.
Levin II, Zonana DM, Burt JM, Safran RJ. Performance of Encounternet Tags: Field Tests of Miniaturized Proximity Loggers for Use on Small Birds. PLoS One. 2015; 10(9):e0137242. PMID: 26348329.
Hubbard JK, Jenkins BR, Safran RJ. Quantitative genetics of plumage color: lifetime effects of early nest environment on a colorful sexual signal. Ecol Evol. 2015 Aug; 5(16):3436-49. PMID: 26380676.
Vortman Y, Safran RJ, Reiner Brodetzki T, Dor R, Lotem A. Expression of multiple sexual signals by fathers and sons in the East-Mediterranean barn swallow: are advertising strategies heritable? PLoS One. 2015; 10(2):e0118054. PMID: 25679206.
Vitousek MN, Jenkins BR, Safran RJ. Stress and success: individual differences in the glucocorticoid stress response predict behavior and reproductive success under high predation risk. Horm Behav. 2014 Nov; 66(5):812-9. PMID: 25461975.
Jenkins BR, Vitousek MN, Hubbard JK, Safran RJ. An experimental analysis of the heritability of variation in glucocorticoid concentrations in a wild avian population. Proc Biol Sci. 2014 Sep 07; 281(1790). PMID: 25056627.
Scordato ES, Symes LB, Mendelson TC, Safran RJ. The role of ecology in speciation by sexual selection: a systematic empirical review. J Hered. 2014; 105 Suppl 1:782-94. PMID: 25149254.
Botero CA, Dor R, McCain CM, Safran RJ. Environmental harshness is positively correlated with intraspecific divergence in mammals and birds. Mol Ecol. 2014 Feb; 23(2):259-68. PMID: 24283535.
Safran RJ, Scordato ES, Symes LB, Rodr?guez RL, Mendelson TC. Contributions of natural and sexual selection to the evolution of premating reproductive isolation: a research agenda. Trends Ecol Evol. 2013 Nov; 28(11):643-50. PMID: 24054911.
Jenkins BR, Vitousek MN, Safran RJ. Signaling stress? An analysis of phaeomelanin-based plumage color and individual corticosterone levels at two temporal scales in North American barn swallows, Hirundo rustica erythrogaster. Horm Behav. 2013 Sep; 64(4):665-72. PMID: 24013040.
Vitousek MN, Stewart RA, Safran RJ. Female plumage colour influences seasonal oxidative damage and testosterone profiles in a songbird. Biol Lett. 2013 Oct 23; 9(5):20130539. PMID: 23966597.
Vortman Y, Lotem A, Dor R, Lovette I, Safran RJ. Multiple sexual signals and behavioral reproductive isolation in a diverging population. Am Nat. 2013 Oct; 182(4):514-23. PMID: 24021403.
Seddon N, Botero CA, Tobias JA, Dunn PO, Macgregor HE, Rubenstein DR, Uy JA, Weir JT, Whittingham LA, Safran RJ. Sexual selection accelerates signal evolution during speciation in birds. Proc Biol Sci. 2013 Sep 07; 280(1766):20131065. PMID: 23864596.
Wilkins MR, Seddon N, Safran RJ. Evolutionary divergence in acoustic signals: causes and consequences. Trends Ecol Evol. 2013 Mar; 28(3):156-66. PMID: 23141110.
Vitousek MN, Dor R, Safran RJ. Sexual signaling: climatic carry-over. Curr Biol. 2012 Jan 24; 22(2):R61-3. PMID: 22280911.
Dor R, Lovette IJ, Safran RJ, Billerman SM, Huber GH, Vortman Y, Lotem A, McGowan A, Evans MR, Cooper CB, Winkler DW. Low variation in the polymorphic Clock gene poly-Q region despite population genetic structure across barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) populations. PLoS One. 2011; 6(12):e28843. PMID: 22216124.
Dor R, Safran RJ, Vortman Y, Lotem A, McGowan A, Evans MR, Lovette IJ. Population genetics and morphological comparisons of migratory European (Hirundo rustica rustica) and sedentary East-Mediterranean (Hirundo rustica transitiva) barn swallows. J Hered. 2012 Jan-Feb; 103(1):55-63. PMID: 22071313.
Lifjeld JT, Kleven O, Jacobsen F, McGraw KJ, Safran RJ, Robertson RJ. Age before beauty? Relationships between fertilization success and age-dependent ornaments in barn swallows. Behav Ecol Sociobiol. 2011 Sep; 65(9):1687-1697. PMID: 21949464.
Weiss SL, Kennedy EA, Safran RJ, McGraw KJ. Pterin-based ornamental coloration predicts yolk antioxidant levels in female striped plateau lizards (Sceloporus virgatus). J Anim Ecol. 2011 May; 80(3):519-27. PMID: 21269301.
Safran RJ, Vitousek MN, Hauber ME, Ghalambor CK. Sexual selection: a dynamic state of affairs. Response to the comments of Cornwallis and Uller in the article: towards an evolutionary ecology of sexual traits. Trends Ecol Evol. 2010 Aug; 25(8):429-30; author reply 430-1. PMID: 20452087.
Hubbard JK, Uy JA, Hauber ME, Hoekstra HE, Safran RJ. Vertebrate pigmentation: from underlying genes to adaptive function. Trends Genet. 2010 May; 26(5):231-9. PMID: 20381892.
Safran RJ, McGraw KJ, Wilkins MR, Hubbard JK, Marling J. Positive carotenoid balance correlates with greater reproductive performance in a wild bird. PLoS One. 2010 Feb 25; 5(2):e9420. PMID: 20195540.
Dor R, Safran RJ, Sheldon FH, Winkler DW, Lovette IJ. Phylogeny of the genus Hirundo and the Barn Swallow subspecies complex. Mol Phylogenet Evol. 2010 Jul; 56(1):409-18. PMID: 20152914.
Tibbetts EA, Safran RJ. Co-evolution of plumage characteristics and winter sociality in New and Old World sparrows. J Evol Biol. 2009 Dec; 22(12):2376-86. PMID: 19874438.
Safran RJ, Vitousek MN. Evolutionary biology: arms races in the eye of the beholder. Curr Biol. 2008 Sep 09; 18(17):R734-R736. PMID: 18786370.
Safran RJ, Adelman JS, McGraw KJ, Hau M. Sexual signal exaggeration affects physiological state in male barn swallows. Curr Biol. 2008 Jun 03; 18(11):R461-2. PMID: 18522812.
Doerr ED, Doerr VA, Safran RJ. Integrating delayed dispersal into broader concepts of social group formation. Behav Processes. 2007 Oct; 76(2):114-7. PMID: 17826004.
Safran RJ, Hauber ME. Evolutionary biology: variation isn't always sexy. Curr Biol. 2007 May 15; 17(10):R368-70. PMID: 17502092.
Hauber ME, Safran RJ. Behavioural ecology: promiscuous fathers sire young that recognize true family. Curr Biol. 2006 Sep 19; 16(18):R797-800. PMID: 16979546.
Safran RJ, Neuman CR, McGraw KJ, Lovette IJ. Dynamic paternity allocation as a function of male plumage color in barn swallows. Science. 2005 Sep 30; 309(5744):2210-2. PMID: 16195460.
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