Donald E Nease Jr
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | SOM-FM General Operations |
Phone | 303/724-7283 |
Research R13HS027067 (NEASE, DONALD E)Sep 30, 2019 - Sep 29, 2022 NIH National Practice-Based Research Network Conferences 2020 to 2022 Role: Co-Investigator |
| UL1TR002535 (SOKOL, RONALD J.)May 1, 2018 - Apr 30, 2024 NIH Colorado Clinical and Transational Sciences Institute Role: Co-Investigator |
| R13HS024893 (NEASE, DONALD E)Sep 1, 2016 - Aug 31, 2019 NIH National Practice-Based Research Network Conferences 2017 to 2019 Role: Co-Investigator |
| R21HS018749 (NEASE, DONALD E)May 1, 2010 - Jan 31, 2013 NIH HIE and Ambulatory Test Utilization Role: Co-Investigator |
| R41CA128117 (NEASE, DONALD E)Aug 1, 2008 - Jul 31, 2009 NIH Chronic Disease Management System Role: Co-Investigator |
| R42CA128117 (NEASE, DONALD E)Mar 1, 2007 - Apr 18, 2011 NIH Chronic Disease Management System Role: Co-Investigator |
| R03HS014413 (NEASE, DONALD E)Sep 30, 2003 - Sep 29, 2006 NIH Infrastructure for Translational Research in a PBRN Role: Co-Investigator |
| R21CA104484 (NEASE, DONALD E)Sep 12, 2003 - Aug 31, 2006 NIH Prompting and Reminding at Encounters for Prevention Role: Co-Investigator |
Zittleman L, Curcija K, Nease DE, Fisher M, Miriam Dickinson L, Thomas JF, Espinoza A, Sutter C, Ancona J, Holtrop JS, Westfall JM. Increasing Capacity for Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder in Rural Primary Care Practices. Ann Fam Med. 2022 Jan-Feb; 20(1):18-23. PMID: 35074763.
Nease D, Greiver M. 2021 PBRN CONFERENCE: "EMBRACING DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION". Ann Fam Med. 2021 Sep-Oct; 19(5):470-471. PMID: 34546959.
Diaz Del Valle F, Koff PB, Min SJ, Zakrajsek JK, Zittleman L, Fernald DH, Nederveld A, Nease DE, Hunter AR, Moody EJ, Miller Temple K, Niblock JL, Grund C, Oser TK, Greiner KA, Vandivier RW. Challenges Faced by Rural Primary Care Providers When Caring for COPD Patients in the Western United States. Chronic Obstr Pulm Dis. 2021 Jul 28; 8(3):336-349. PMID: 34048644.
O'Donovan A, Oser SM, Parascando J, Berg A, Nease DE, Oser TK. Determining the Perception and Willingness of Primary Care Providers to Prescribe Advanced Diabetes Technologies. J Patient Cent Res Rev. 2021; 8(3):272-276. PMID: 34322581.
Mullen R, Weidner A, Liaw W, Mainous AG, Hester CM, Goodyear-Smith F, Nease D, Schneider D, Ewigman B. Family medicine research capacity in the USA. Fam Pract. 2021 03 29; 38(2):187-189. PMID: 33159206.
Grumbach K, Cottler LB, Brown J, LeSarre M, Gonzalez-Fisher RF, Williams CD, Michener JL, Nease DE, Tandon D, Varma DS, Eder M. It should not require a pandemic to make community engagement in research leadership essential, not optional. J Clin Transl Sci. 2021 Feb 05; 5(1):e95. PMID: 34192052.
Curcija K, Zittleman L, Fisher M, Nease DE, Dickinson LM, de la Cerda D, Sutter C, Ancona J, Rank J, Westfall JM. Does a Rural Community-Based Intervention Improve Knowledge and Attitudes of Opioid Use Disorder and Medication-Assisted Treatment? A Report From the IT MATTTRs Study. J Rural Health. 2022 01; 38(1):120-128. PMID: 33244841.
Nease D, Greiver M. 2020 PBRN CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS: Living Laboratories for Innovation and Dissemination/Implementation in Our Communities. Ann Fam Med. 2020 Nov; 18(6):569-570. PMID: 33168693.
Kwan BM, Rementer J, Richie N, Nederveld AL, Phimphasone-Brady P, Sajatovic M, Nease DE, Waxmonsky JA. Adapting Diabetes Shared Medical Appointments to Fit Context for Practice-Based Research (PBR). J Am Board Fam Med. 2020 Sep-Oct; 33(5):716-727. PMID: 32989066.
Dickinson WP, Nease DE, Rhyne RL, Knierim KE, Fernald DH, de la Cerda DR, Dickinson LM. Practice Transformation Support and Patient Engagement to Improve Cardiovascular Care: From EvidenceNOW Southwest (ENSW). J Am Board Fam Med. 2020 Sep-Oct; 33(5):675-686. PMID: 32989062.
Nease DE. Balint autobiography-Donald E. Nease, Jr. Int J Psychiatry Med. 2020 05; 55(3):214-216. PMID: 32389044.
Eichner B, Michaels LAC, Branca K, Ramsey K, Mitchell J, Morris CD, Fagnan LJ, Dolor RJ, Elder N, Hahn DL, Nease DE, Lapidus J, Cibotti R, Block J, Simpson EL. A Community-based Assessment of Skin Care, Allergies, and Eczema (CASCADE): an atopic dermatitis primary prevention study using emollients-protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2020 Mar 04; 21(1):243. PMID: 32131885.
Oser TK, Oser SM, Parascando JA, Hessler-Jones D, Sciamanna CN, Sparling K, Nease D, Litchman ML. Social Media in the Diabetes Community: a Novel Way to Assess Psychosocial Needs in People with Diabetes and Their Caregivers. Curr Diab Rep. 2020 02 20; 20(3):10. PMID: 32080765.
Kwan BM, Dickinson LM, Glasgow RE, Sajatovic M, Gritz M, Holtrop JS, Nease DE, Ritchie N, Nederveld A, Gurfinkel D, Waxmonsky JA. Correction to: The Invested in Diabetes Study Protocol: a cluster randomized pragmatic trial comparing standardized and patient-driven diabetes shared medical appointments. Trials. 2020 Feb 18; 21(1):195. PMID: 32070389.
Kwan BM, Dickinson LM, Glasgow RE, Sajatovic M, Gritz M, Holtrop JS, Nease DE, Ritchie N, Nederveld A, Gurfinkel D, Waxmonsky JA. The Invested in Diabetes Study Protocol: a cluster randomized pragmatic trial comparing standardized and patient-driven diabetes shared medical appointments. Trials. 2020 Jan 10; 21(1):65. PMID: 31924249.
Zittleman L, Curcija K, Sutter C, Dickinson LM, Thomas J, de la Cerda D, Nease DE, Westfall JM. Building Capacity for Medication Assisted Treatment in Rural Primary Care Practices: The IT MATTTRs Practice Team Training. J Prim Care Community Health. 2020 Jan-Dec; 11:2150132720953723. PMID: 32909491.
Fort MP, Steiner JF, Santos C, Moore KR, Villaverde M, Nease DE, Ortega D, Manson SM. Opportunities, Challenges, and Strategies for Engaging Family in Diabetes and Hypertension Management: A Qualitative Study. J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2020; 31(2):827-844. PMID: 33410810.
Nease DE, Simpson MJ, Zittleman L, Holtrop JS, Hall TL, Fisher M, Felzien M, Westfall JM. Making the Random the Usual: Appreciative Inquiry/Boot Camp Translation-Developing Community-Oriented Evidence That Matters. J Prim Care Community Health. 2020 Jan-Dec; 11:2150132720904176. PMID: 32009520.
Menear M, Dugas M, Careau E, Chouinard MC, Dogba MJ, Gagnon MP, Gervais M, Gilbert M, Houle J, Kates N, Knowles S, Martin N, Nease DE, Zomahoun HTV, L?gar? F. Strategies for engaging patients and families in collaborative care programs for depression and anxiety disorders: A systematic review. J Affect Disord. 2020 02 15; 263:528-539. PMID: 31744737.
Loeb DF, Monson SP, Lockhart S, Depue C, Ludman E, Nease DE, Binswanger IA, Kline DM, de Gruy FV, Good DG, Bayliss EA. Mixed method evaluation of Relational Team Development (RELATED) to improve team-based care for complex patients with mental illness in primary care. BMC Psychiatry. 2019 10 15; 19(1):299. PMID: 31615460.
Fisher M, Brewer SE, Westfall JM, Simpson M, Zittleman L, O'Leary ST, Fernald DH, Nederveld A, Nease DE. Strategies for Developing and Sustaining Patient and Community Advisory Groups: Lessons from the State Networks of Colorado Ambulatory Practices and Partners (SNOCAP) Consortium of Practice-Based Research Networks. J Am Board Fam Med. 2019 Sep-Oct; 32(5):663-673. PMID: 31506362.
Fisher M, Brewer SE, Fernald DH, Summers Holtrop J, Nederveld A, O'Leary ST, Simpson M, Westfall JM, Zittleman L, Nease DE. Process for Setting Research Priorities: A Case Study from the State Networks of Colorado Ambulatory Practices and Partners (SNOCAP) Consortium. J Am Board Fam Med. 2019 Sep-Oct; 32(5):655-662. PMID: 31506361.
Knierim KE, Hall TL, Dickinson LM, Nease DE, de la Cerda DR, Fernald D, Bleecker MJ, Rhyne RL, Dickinson WP. Primary Care Practices' Ability to Report Electronic Clinical Quality Measures in the EvidenceNOW Southwest Initiative to Improve Heart Health. JAMA Netw Open. 2019 08 02; 2(8):e198569. PMID: 31390033.
Hall TL, Knierim KE, Nease DE, Staton EW, Nkouaga C, Miriam Dickinson L, Rhyne RL, Perry Dickinson W. Primary Care Practices' Implementation of Patient-Team Partnership: Findings from EvidenceNOW Southwest. J Am Board Fam Med. 2019 Jul-Aug; 32(4):490-504. PMID: 31300569.
Gyllstrom E, Gearin K, Nease D, Bekemeier B, Pratt R. Measuring Local Public Health and Primary Care Collaboration: A Practice-Based Research Approach. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2019 Jul/Aug; 25(4):382-389. PMID: 31136512.
Tong S, Mullen RA, Hochheimer CJ, Sabo RT, Liaw WR, Nease DE, Krist AH, Frey JJ. Geographic Characteristics of Loneliness in Primary Care. Ann Fam Med. 2019 03; 17(2):158-160. PMID: 30858259.
Mullen RA, Tong S, Sabo RT, Liaw WR, Marshall J, Nease DE, Krist AH, Frey JJ. Loneliness in Primary Care Patients: A Prevalence Study. Ann Fam Med. 2019 03; 17(2):108-115. PMID: 30858253.
Al-Naqeeb J, Danner S, Fagnan LJ, Ramsey K, Michaels L, Mitchell J, Branca K, Morris C, Nease DE, Zittleman L, Levy B, Daly J, Hahn D, Dolor RJ, Williams HC, Chalmers JR, Hanifin J, Tofte S, Zuckerman KE, Hansis K, Gundersen M, Block J, Karr F, Dunbrasky S, Siebe K, Dillon K, Cibotti R, Lapidus J, Simpson EL. The Burden of Childhood Atopic Dermatitis in the Primary Care Setting: A Report from the Meta-LARC Consortium. J Am Board Fam Med. 2019 Mar-Apr; 32(2):191-200. PMID: 30850455.
Westfall JM, Roper R, Gaglioti A, Nease DE. Practice-Based Research Networks: Strategic Opportunities to Advance Implementation Research for Health Equity. Ethn Dis. 2019; 29(Suppl 1):113-118. PMID: 30906158.
Holtrop JS, Fisher M, Martinez DE, Simpson M, Awadallah NS, Nease DE, Zittleman L, Westfall JM. What Works for Managing Chronic Pain: An Appreciative Inquiry Qualitative Analysis. J Prim Care Community Health. 2019 Jan-Dec; 10:2150132719885286. PMID: 31747822.
Moody EJ, Harris B, Zittleman L, Nease DE, Westfall JM. It's time for a change!: The appreciative inquiry/bootcamp translation to address disparities in the Latino community with autism spectrum disorders. Cultur Divers Ethnic Minor Psychol. 2019 Jan; 25(1):113-122. PMID: 30714773.
Daly JM, Harrod TW, Judge K, Michaels LC, Levy BT, Hahn DL, Fagnan LJ, Nease DE. Practice-Based Research Networks Ceding to a Single Institutional Review Board: A Report From the INSTTEPP Trial and Meta-LARC Consortium. J Patient Cent Res Rev. 2018; 5(4):304-310. PMID: 31414016.
Fagnan LJ, Simpson MJ, Daly JM, Michaels LC, Hahn DL, Levy BT, Fernald DH, Westfall JM, Nease DE. Adapting Boot Camp Translation Methods to Engage Clinician/Patient Research Teams Within Practice-Based Research Networks: A Report From the INSTTEPP Trial and Meta-LARC Consortium. J Patient Cent Res Rev. 2018; 5(4):298-303. PMID: 31414015.
Simpson MJ, Daly JM, Fernald DH, Westfall JM, Michaels LC, Levy BT, Hahn DL, Fagnan LJ, Nease DE. How to Translate Self-Management Support Tools Into Clinical Practice: A Report From the INSTTEPP Trial and Meta-LARC Consortium. J Patient Cent Res Rev. 2018; 5(4):276-286. PMID: 31414013.
Fernald DH, Simpson MJ, Nease DE, Hahn DL, Hoffmann AE, Michaels LC, Fagnan LJ, Daly JM, Levy BT. Implementing Community-Created Self-Management Support Tools in Primary Care Practices: Multimethod Analysis From the INSTTEPP Study. J Patient Cent Res Rev. 2018; 5(4):267-275. PMID: 31414012.
Nease DE, Daly JM, Dickinson LM, Fernald DH, Hahn DL, Levy BT, Michaels LC, Simpson MJ, Westfall JM, Fagnan LJ. Impact of a Boot Camp Translation Intervention on Self-Management Support in Primary Care: A Report From the INSTTEPP Trial and Meta-LARC Consortium. J Patient Cent Res Rev. 2018; 5(4):256-266. PMID: 31414011.
Kondrad EC, Reed AJ, Simpson MJ, Nease DE. Lack of Communication about Medical Marijuana Use between Doctors and Their Patients. J Am Board Fam Med. 2018 Sep-Oct; 31(5):805-808. PMID: 30201677.
Nease DE, Burton D, Cutrona SL, Edmundson L, Krist AH, Laws MB, Tamez M. "Our lab is the community": Defining essential supporting infrastructure in engagement research. J Clin Transl Sci. 2018 Aug; 2(4):228-233. PMID: 30800479.
Gyllstrom E, Gearin K, Nease D, Bekemeier B, Pratt R. Measuring Local Public Health and Primary Care Collaboration: A Practice-Based Research Approach. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2018 Jun 07. PMID: 29889181.
Nease DE, Lichtenstein A, Pinho-Costa L, Hoedebecke K. Balint 2.0: A virtual Balint group for doctors around the world. Int J Psychiatry Med. 2018 05; 53(3):115-125. PMID: 29609525.
Pratt R, Gyllstrom B, Gearin K, Lange C, Hahn D, Baldwin LM, VanRaemdonck L, Nease D, Zahner S. Identifying Barriers to Collaboration Between Primary Care and Public Health: Experiences at the Local Level. Public Health Rep. 2018 May/Jun; 133(3):311-317. PMID: 29614236.
Cohen DJ, Dorr DA, Knierim K, DuBard CA, Hemler JR, Hall JD, Marino M, Solberg LI, McConnell KJ, Nichols LM, Nease DE, Edwards ST, Wu WY, Pham-Singer H, Kho AN, Phillips RL, Rasmussen LV, Duffy FD, Balasubramanian BA. Primary Care Practices' Abilities And Challenges In Using Electronic Health Record Data For Quality Improvement. Health Aff (Millwood). 2018 04; 37(4):635-643. PMID: 29608365.
English AF, Dickinson LM, Zittleman L, Nease DE, Herrick A, Westfall JM, Simpson MJ, Fernald DH, Rhyne RL, Dickinson WP. A Community Engagement Method to Design Patient Engagement Materials for Cardiovascular Health. Ann Fam Med. 2018 04; 16(Suppl 1):S58-S64. PMID: 29632227.
Loeb DF, Leister E, Ludman E, Binswanger IA, Crane L, Dickinson M, Kline DM, deGruy FV, Nease D, Bayliss EA. Factors associated with physician self-efficacy in mental illness management and team-based care. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2018 Jan - Feb; 50:111-118. PMID: 29156252.
Westfall JM, Zittleman L, Felzien M, Ringel M, Lakin A, Nease D. Institutional review board training when patients and community members are engaged as researchers. Fam Pract. 2017 06 01; 34(3):301-304. PMID: 28525924.
Portalupi LB, Lewis CL, Miller CD, Whiteman-Jones KL, Sather KA, Nease DE, Matlock DD. Developing a patient and family research advisory panel to include people with significant disease, multimorbidity and advanced age. Fam Pract. 2017 06 01; 34(3):364-369. PMID: 28122848.
Kwan BM, Jortberg B, Warman MK, Kane I, Wearner R, Koren R, Carrigan T, Martinez V, Nease DE. Stakeholder engagement in diabetes self-management: patient preference for peer support and other insights. Fam Pract. 2017 06 01; 34(3):358-363. PMID: 28043961.
Loeb DF, Crane LA, Leister E, Bayliss EA, Ludman E, Binswanger IA, Kline DM, Smith M, deGruy FV, Nease DE, Dickinson LM. Development and initial validation of primary care provider mental illness management and team-based care self-efficacy scales. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2017 Mar - Apr; 45:44-50. PMID: 28274338.
Menear M, Gervais M, Careau E, Chouinard MC, Cloutier G, Delorme A, Dogba MJ, Dugas M, Gagnon MP, Gilbert M, Harvey D, Houle J, Kates N, Knowles S, Martin N, Nease D, Pluye P, Samson E, Zomahoun HT, L?gar? F. Strategies and impacts of patient and family engagement in collaborative mental healthcare: protocol for a systematic and realist review. BMJ Open. 2016 Sep 27; 6(9):e012949. PMID: 27678546.
Nease DE. Evidence, Engagement, and Technology: Themes of and the State of Primary Care Practice-based Network Research. J Am Board Fam Med. 2016 Sep-Oct; 29(5):521-4. PMID: 27613782.
Westfall JM, Zittleman L, Felzien M, Norman N, Tamez M, Backlund-Jarquin P, Nease D. Reinventing The Wheel Of Medical Evidence: How The Boot Camp Translation Process Is Making Gains. Health Aff (Millwood). 2016 Apr; 35(4):613-8. PMID: 27044960.
Ewigman B, Davis A, Vansaghi T, Cole A, deGruy F, Green L, King D, Kuzel T, Lindbloom E, Meadows L, Miser F, Nease D, Ruffin M. BUILDING RESEARCH & SCHOLARSHIP CAPACITY IN DEPARTMENTS OF FAMILY MEDICINE: A NEW JOINT ADFM-NAPCRG INITIATIVE. Ann Fam Med. 2016 Jan-Feb; 14(1):82-3. PMID: 26755789.
Fetters MD, Guetterman TC, Power D, Nease DE. Split-Session Focus Group Interviews in the Naturalistic Setting of Family Medicine Offices. Ann Fam Med. 2016 Jan-Feb; 14(1):70-5. PMID: 26755786.
Aikens JE, Klinkman MS, Sen A, Nease DE. Improving the assessment of depression remission with the Remission Evaluation and Mood Inventory Tool. Int J Psychiatry Med. 2015; 50(4):383-97. PMID: 26526397.
Kwan BM, Valeras AB, Levey SB, Nease DE, Talen ME. An Evidence Roadmap for Implementation of Integrated Behavioral Health under the Affordable Care Act. AIMS Public Health. 2015; 2(4):691-717. PMID: 29546130.
Sipe TA, Finnie RK, Knopf JA, Qu S, Reynolds JA, Thota AB, Hahn RA, Goetzel RZ, Hennessy KD, McKnight-Eily LR, Chapman DP, Anderson CW, Azrin S, Abraido-Lanza AF, Gelenberg AJ, Vernon-Smiley ME, Nease DE. Effects of mental health benefits legislation: a community guide systematic review. Am J Prev Med. 2015 Jun; 48(6):755-66. PMID: 25998926.
Green LA, Nease D, Klinkman MS. Clinical reminders designed and implemented using cognitive and organizational science principles decrease reminder fatigue. J Am Board Fam Med. 2015 May-Jun; 28(3):351-9. PMID: 25957368.
Loeb D, Sieja A, Corral J, Zehnder NG, Guiton G, Nease DE. Evaluation of the role of training in the implementation of a depression screening and treatment protocol in 2 academic outpatient internal medicine clinics utilizing the electronic medical record. Am J Med Qual. 2015 Jul-Aug; 30(4):359-66. PMID: 24829154.
Knierim KE, Fernald DH, Staton EW, Nease DE. Organizing your practice for screening and secondary prevention among adults. Prim Care. 2014 Jun; 41(2):163-83. PMID: 24830604.
Nease DE. Addressing the health care needs of patients with serious mental illness - it takes a system. J Prim Health Care. 2014 Mar 01; 6(1):6. PMID: 24624405.
Jimbo M, Shultz CG, Nease DE, Fetters MD, Power D, Ruffin MT. Perceived barriers and facilitators of using a Web-based interactive decision aid for colorectal cancer screening in community practice settings: findings from focus groups with primary care clinicians and medical office staff. J Med Internet Res. 2013 Dec 18; 15(12):e286. PMID: 24351420.
Ross SE, Radcliff TA, Leblanc WG, Dickinson LM, Libby AM, Nease DE. Effects of health information exchange adoption on ambulatory testing rates. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2013 Nov-Dec; 20(6):1137-42. PMID: 23698257.
Jimbo M, Rana GK, Hawley S, Holmes-Rovner M, Kelly-Blake K, Nease DE, Ruffin MT. What is lacking in current decision aids on cancer screening? CA Cancer J Clin. 2013 May; 63(3):193-214. PMID: 23504675.
Kales HC, Nease DE, Sirey JA, Zivin K, Kim HM, Kavanagh J, Lynn S, Chiang C, Neighbors HW, Valenstein M, Blow FC. Racial differences in adherence to antidepressant treatment in later life. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2013 Oct; 21(10):999-1009. PMID: 23602306.
Kales HC, Nease DE, Sirey JA, Zivin K, Kim HM, Kavanagh J, Lynn S, Chiang C, Neighbors HW, Valenstein M, Blow FC. Racial Differences in Adherence to Antidepressant Treatment in Later Life. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2012 Oct 10. PMID: 23060311.
Wang C, Sen A, Ruffin MT, Nease DE, Gramling R, Acheson LS, O'Neill SM, Rubinstein WS. Family history assessment: impact on disease risk perceptions. Am J Prev Med. 2012 Oct; 43(4):392-8. PMID: 22992357.
Shaw EK, Howard J, West DR, Crabtree BF, Nease DE, Tutt B, Nutting PA. The role of the champion in primary care change efforts: from the State Networks of Colorado Ambulatory Practices and Partners (SNOCAP). J Am Board Fam Med. 2012 Sep-Oct; 25(5):676-85. PMID: 22956703.
Thota AB, Sipe TA, Byard GJ, Zometa CS, Hahn RA, McKnight-Eily LR, Chapman DP, Abraido-Lanza AF, Pearson JL, Anderson CW, Gelenberg AJ, Hennessy KD, Duffy FF, Vernon-Smiley ME, Nease DE, Williams SP. Collaborative care to improve the management of depressive disorders: a community guide systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Prev Med. 2012 May; 42(5):525-38. PMID: 22516495.
Nease D. Revalidation and recertification: the process in the United States of America. Educ Prim Care. 2011 Nov; 22(6):364-5. PMID: 22413655.
Ruffin MT, Nease DE. Using patient monetary incentives and electronically derived patient lists to recruit patients to a clinical trial. J Am Board Fam Med. 2011 Sep-Oct; 24(5):569-75. PMID: 21900440.
Nease DE, Aikens JE, Klinkman MS, Kroenke K, Sen A. Toward a more comprehensive assessment of depression remission: the Remission Evaluation and Mood Inventory Tool (REMIT). Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2011 May-Jun; 33(3):279-86. PMID: 21601725.
Ruffin MT, Nease DE, Sen A, Pace WD, Wang C, Acheson LS, Rubinstein WS, O'Neill S, Gramling R. Effect of preventive messages tailored to family history on health behaviors: the Family Healthware Impact Trial. Ann Fam Med. 2011 Jan-Feb; 9(1):3-11. PMID: 21242555.
Sinclair A, Nease D. The emotional work of dealing with patients. Health Aff (Millwood). 2010 Oct; 29(10):1972-3; author reply 1973. PMID: 20921501.
Gallagher K, Nutting PA, Nease DE, Graham DG, Bonham AJ, Dickinson WP, Main DS. It takes two: using coleaders to champion improvements in small primary care practices. J Am Board Fam Med. 2010 Sep-Oct; 23(5):632-9. PMID: 20823358.
Nease DE, Nutting PA, Graham DG, Dickinson WP, Gallagher KM, Jeffcott-Pera M. Sustainability of depression care improvements: success of a practice change improvement collaborative. J Am Board Fam Med. 2010 Sep-Oct; 23(5):598-605. PMID: 20823354.
Acheson LS, Wang C, Zyzanski SJ, Lynn A, Ruffin MT, Gramling R, Rubinstein WS, O'Neill SM, Nease DE. Family history and perceptions about risk and prevention for chronic diseases in primary care: a report from the family healthware impact trial. Genet Med. 2010 Apr; 12(4):212-8. PMID: 20216073.
Nease DE. Depression in Post-MI Patients: An Opportunity for Primary Care. Am Fam Physician. 2009 Nov 01; 80(9):917. PMID: 19873957.
Main DS, Graham D, Nutting PA, Nease DE, Dickinson WP, Gallagher K. Integrating practices' change processes into improving quality of depression care. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2009 Jul; 35(7):351-7. PMID: 19634802.
Seyfried L, Hanauer DA, Nease D, Albeiruti R, Kavanagh J, Kales HC. Enhanced identification of eligibility for depression research using an electronic medical record search engine. Int J Med Inform. 2009 Dec; 78(12):e13-8. PMID: 19560962.
Wang C, O'Neill SM, Rothrock N, Gramling R, Sen A, Acheson LS, Rubinstein WS, Nease DE, Ruffin MT. Comparison of risk perceptions and beliefs across common chronic diseases. Prev Med. 2009 Feb; 48(2):197-202. PMID: 19073208.
Nease DE, Ruffin MT, Klinkman MS, Jimbo M, Braun TM, Underwood JM. Impact of a generalizable reminder system on colorectal cancer screening in diverse primary care practices: a report from the prompting and reminding at encounters for prevention project. Med Care. 2008 Sep; 46(9 Suppl 1):S68-73. PMID: 18725836.
Nease DE, Nutting PA, Dickinson WP, Bonham AJ, Graham DG, Gallagher KM, Main DS. Inducing sustainable improvement in depression care in primary care practices. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2008 May; 34(5):247-55. PMID: 18491688.
Aikens JE, Nease DE, Klinkman MS. Explaining patients' beliefs about the necessity and harmfulness of antidepressants. Ann Fam Med. 2008 Jan-Feb; 6(1):23-9. PMID: 18195311.
Aikens JE, Kroenke K, Nease DE, Klinkman MS, Sen A. Trajectories of improvement for six depression-related outcomes. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2008 Jan-Feb; 30(1):26-31. PMID: 18164937.
Nease DE. Mutiny on the balint? A reflection on the relevance of balint, 50 years hence. Fam Med. 2007 Jul-Aug; 39(7):510-1. PMID: 17602327.
Zazove P, Meador HE, Aikens JE, Nease DE, Gorenflo DW. Assessment of depressive symptoms in deaf persons. J Am Board Fam Med. 2006 Mar-Apr; 19(2):141-7. PMID: 16513902.
Jimbo M, Nease DE, Ruffin MT, Rana GK. Information technology and cancer prevention. CA Cancer J Clin. 2006 Jan-Feb; 56(1):26-36; quiz 48-9. PMID: 16449184.
Nease DE, Klinkman MS, Aikens JE. Depression case finding in primary care: a method for the mandates. Int J Psychiatry Med. 2006; 36(2):141-51. PMID: 17154144.
Green LA, White LL, Barry HC, Nease DE, Hudson BL. Infrastructure requirements for practice-based research networks. Ann Fam Med. 2005 May-Jun; 3 Suppl 1:S5-11. PMID: 15928219.
Aikens JE, Nease DE, Nau DP, Klinkman MS, Schwenk TL. Adherence to maintenance-phase antidepressant medication as a function of patient beliefs about medication. Ann Fam Med. 2005 Jan-Feb; 3(1):23-30. PMID: 15671187.
Nease DE, Klinkman MS, Aikens JE. Severity and criteria based prompting for treatment of depressed patients. Int J Psychiatry Med. 2005; 35(2):149-59. PMID: 16240972.
Nease DE, Aikens JE, Schwenk TL. Mental health disorders and their descriptive criteria in primary care: clarifying or confounding? Prim Care Companion J Clin Psychiatry. 2005; 7(3):89-90. PMID: 16027762.
Johnson AH, Nease DE, Milberg LC, Addison RB. Essential characteristics of effective Balint group leadership. Fam Med. 2004 Apr; 36(4):253-9. PMID: 15057615.
Nease DE, Aikens JE. DSM depression and anxiety criteria and severity of symptoms in primary care: cross sectional study. BMJ. 2003 Nov 01; 327(7422):1030-1. PMID: 14593040.
Nease DE, Green LA. ClinfoTracker: a generalizable prompting tool for primary care. J Am Board Fam Pract. 2003 Mar-Apr; 16(2):115-23. PMID: 12665177.
Nease DE, Maloin JM. Depression screening: a practical strategy. J Fam Pract. 2003 Feb; 52(2):118-24. PMID: 12585989.
Nease DE, Klinkman MS, Volk RJ. Improved detection of depression in primary care through severity evaluation. J Fam Pract. 2002 Dec; 51(12):1065-70. PMID: 12540333.
Coyne JC, Thompson R, Klinkman MS, Nease DE. Emotional disorders in primary care. J Consult Clin Psychol. 2002 Jun; 70(3):798-809. PMID: 12090384.
Nease DE. Dysthymia in primary care: who needs treatment and how do we know? J Fam Pract. 2001 May; 50(5):413. PMID: 11350704.
Nease DE, Volk RJ, Cass AR. Does the severity of mood and anxiety symptoms predict health care utilization? J Fam Pract. 1999 Oct; 48(10):769-77. PMID: 12224674.
Nease DE, Doukas DJ. Research privacy or freedom of information? Hastings Cent Rep. 1999 May-Jun; 29(3):47. PMID: 11645167.
Nease DE, Margo G, Johnson AH, Brock CD. Role of Balint groups in caring for patients with unexplained symptoms. J Am Board Fam Pract. 1999 Mar-Apr; 12(2):182-3. PMID: 10220248.
Cass AR, Volk RJ, Nease DE. Health-related quality of life in primary care patients with recognized and unrecognized mood and anxiety disorders. Int J Psychiatry Med. 1999; 29(3):293-309. PMID: 10642904.
Nease DE, Volk RJ, Cass AR. Investigation of a severity-based classification of mood and anxiety symptoms in primary care patients. J Am Board Fam Pract. 1999 Jan-Feb; 12(1):21-31. PMID: 10050640.
Volk RJ, Nease DE, Cass AR. Recognition of mental health problems in primary care practices. Fam Med. 1997 Mar; 29(3):182-3. PMID: 9085099.
Daaleman TP, Nease DE. Patient attitudes regarding physician inquiry into spiritual and religious issues. J Fam Pract. 1994 Dec; 39(6):564-8. PMID: 7798860.
Murphy DJ, Williamson PS, Nease DE. Supportive family members of diabetic adults. Fam Pract Res J. 1994 Dec; 14(4):323-31. PMID: 7863804.
Nease DE. Mental health issues in rural settings. Kans Med. 1993 Sep; 94(9):246-8. PMID: 8255060.
Nease DE, Liese BS. Perceptions and treatment of sexual problems. Fam Med. 1987 Nov-Dec; 19(6):468-70. PMID: 3678697.
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Year | Publications |
1997 | 1 | 1999 | 5 | 2001 | 1 | 2002 | 2 | 2003 | 3 | 2004 | 1 | 2005 | 4 | 2006 | 3 | 2007 | 1 | 2008 | 5 | 2009 | 3 | 2010 | 4 | 2011 | 4 | 2012 | 4 | 2013 | 4 | 2014 | 3 | 2015 | 4 | 2016 | 6 | 2017 | 4 | 2018 | 12 | 2019 | 13 | 2020 | 12 | 2021 | 5 | 2022 | 1 |
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