Lisa Cicutto
Title | Professor Adjunct |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | CON-DEAN Administration |
Phone | 303/398-1538 |
Research TL1TR002533 (CICUTTO, LISA)May 1, 2018 - Apr 30, 2023 NIH NRSA Training Core Role: Principal Investigator |
Castillo-Mancilla JR, Erlandson KM, Hecker ER, Komaie G, Shomaker LB, Cicutto L, Mankin G, Maclean P. Outcomes of a Career Development Award (Pre-K) Mock Review Program for Postdoctoral Fellows and Early-Career Faculty. Acad Med. 2023 11 01; 98(11):1313-1318. PMID: 37289813.
Hogan SE, Holland M, Burke J, Johnson P, McNeal D, Cicutto L, Nehler M, Peterson PN. Retrospective Review of Directional Atherectomy and Drug-Coated Balloon Use in a PAD Safety-Net Population. J Invasive Cardiol. 2023 04; 35(4):E205-E216. PMID: 37029994.
Kho A, Daumit GL, Truesdale KP, Brown A, Kilbourne AM, Ladapo J, Wali S, Cicutto L, Matthews AK, Smith JD, Davis PD, Schoenthaler A, Ogedegbe G, Islam N, Mills KT, He J, Watson KS, Winn RA, Stevens J, Huebschmann AG, Szefler SJ. The National Heart Lung and Blood Institute Disparities Elimination through Coordinated Interventions to Prevent and Control Heart and Lung Disease Alliance. Health Serv Res. 2022 06; 57 Suppl 1:20-31. PMID: 35383917.
Szefler SJ, Cicutto L, Brewer SE, Gleason M, McFarlane A, DeCamp LR, Brinton JT, Huebschmann AG. Applying dissemination and implementation research methods to translate a school-based asthma program. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2022 09; 150(3):535-548. PMID: 35569568.
Volerman A, Lowe AA, Pappalardo AA, Anderson CMC, Blake KV, Bryant-Stephens T, Carr T, Carter H, Cicutto L, Gerald JK, Miller T, Moore NS, Phan H, Sadreameli SC, Tanner A, Winders TA, Gerald LB. Ensuring Access to Albuterol in Schools: From Policy to Implementation. An Official ATS/AANMA/ALA/NASN Policy Statement. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2021 09 01; 204(5):508-522. PMID: 34499024.
Cicutto L, Gleason M, Haas-Howard C, White M, Hollenbach JP, Williams S, McGinn M, Villarreal M, Mitchell H, Cloutier MM, Vinick C, Langton C, Shocks DJ, Stempel DA, Szefler SJ. Building Bridges for Asthma Care Program: A School-Centered Program Connecting Schools, Families, and Community Health-Care Providers. J Sch Nurs. 2020 Jun; 36(3):168-180. PMID: 30336726.
James KA, Strand M, Hamer MK, Cicutto L. Health Services Utilization in Asthma Exacerbations and PM10 Levels in Rural Colorado. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2018 08; 15(8):947-954. PMID: 29979621.
Szefler SJ, Cloutier MM, Villarreal M, Hollenbach JP, Gleason M, Haas-Howard C, Vinick C, Calatroni A, Cicutto L, White M, Williams S, McGinn M, Langton C, Shocks D, Mitchell H, Stempel DA. Building Bridges for Asthma Care: Reducing school absence for inner-city children with health disparities. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2019 02; 143(2):746-754.e2. PMID: 30055181.
Cicutto LC. Frailty: Is This a New Vital Sign? Chest. 2018 07; 154(1):1-2. PMID: 30044729.
Cicutto L, Gleason M, Haas-Howard C, Jenkins-Nygren L, Labonde S, Patrick K. Competency-Based Framework and Continuing Education for Preparing a Skilled School Health Workforce for Asthma Care: The Colorado Experience. J Sch Nurs. 2017 Aug; 33(4):277-284. PMID: 28726584.
Gleason M, Cicutto L, Haas-Howard C, Raleigh BM, Szefler SJ. Leveraging Partnerships: Families, Schools, and Providers Working Together to Improve Asthma Management. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep. 2016 10; 16(10):74. PMID: 27709456.
Liptzin DR, Gleason MC, Cicutto LC, Cleveland CL, Shocks DJ, White MK, Faino AV, Szefler SJ. Developing, Implementing, and Evaluating a School-Centered Asthma Program: Step-Up Asthma Program. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2016 Sep-Oct; 4(5):972-979.e1. PMID: 27283054.
Cicutto L, Shocks D, Gleason M, Haas-Howard C, White M, Szefler SJ. Creating District Readiness for Implementing Evidence-Based School-Centered Asthma Programs: Denver Public Schools as a Case Study. NASN Sch Nurse. 2016 Mar; 31(2):112-8. PMID: 26822131.
Begg MD, Bennett LM, Cicutto L, Gadlin H, Moss M, Tentler J, Schoenbaum E. Graduate Education for the Future: New Models and Methods for the Clinical and Translational Workforce. Clin Transl Sci. 2015 Dec; 8(6):787-92. PMID: 26643714.
Morrato EH, Rabin B, Proctor J, Cicutto LC, Battaglia CT, Lambert-Kerzner A, Leeman-Castillo B, Prahl-Wretling M, Nuechterlein B, Glasgow RE, Kempe A. Bringing it home: expanding the local reach of dissemination and implementation training via a university-based workshop. Implement Sci. 2015 Jul 04; 10:94. PMID: 26141909.
Cicutto L. Ease of delivery is not so easy. Chest. 2015 May; 147(5):1204-1206. PMID: 25940244.
Wieland AC, Mettler P, McDermott MT, Crane LA, Cicutto LC, Bambha KM. Low awareness of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease among patients at high metabolic risk. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2015 Jan; 49(1):e6-e10. PMID: 24440943.
Cicutto L, Gleason M, Szefler SJ. Establishing school-centered asthma programs. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2014 Dec; 134(6):1223-1230. PMID: 25482867.
Kinney GL, Thomas DS, Cicutto L, Newman LS, Lutz S, Hokanson JE. The Protective Effect of Hispanic Ethnicity on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Mortality is Mitigated by Smoking Behavior. J Pulm Respir Med. 2014 Dec; 4(6). PMID: 27795872.
Cicutto L, To T, Murphy S. Cicutto, To, and Murphy respond: a randomized controlled trial of a public health nurse-delivered asthma program to elementary schools. J Sch Health. 2014 Jun; 84(6):350. PMID: 24749915.
Cicutto L, Dingae MB, Langmack EL. Improving asthma care in rural primary care practices: a performance improvement project. J Contin Educ Health Prof. 2014; 34(4):205-14. PMID: 25530290.
Cicutto L, To T, Murphy S. A randomized controlled trial of a public health nurse-delivered asthma program to elementary schools. J Sch Health. 2013 Dec; 83(12):876-84. PMID: 24261522.
Moore HB, Moore EE, Nehler MR, Cicutto LC, Bacon AW, Travis C, Schulick RD. Bridging the gap from T to K: integrated surgical research fellowship for the next generation of surgical scientists. J Am Coll Surg. 2014 Feb; 218(2):279-82. PMID: 24315889.
Nguyen Luu NU, Cicutto L, Soller L, Joseph L, Waserman S, St-Pierre Y, Clarke A. Management of anaphylaxis in schools: Evaluation of an epinephrine auto-injector (EpiPen?) use by school personnel and comparison of two approaches of soliciting participation. Allergy Asthma Clin Immunol. 2012 Jul 09; 8(1):4. PMID: 22537343.
Cicutto L. Childhood asthma: the need for a personalized "whole child" approach. Chest. 2011 Nov; 140(5):1108-1110. PMID: 22045872.
Cicutto L, Julien B, Li NY, Nguyen-Luu NU, Butler J, Clarke A, Elliott SJ, Harada L, McGhan S, Stark D, Vander Leek TK, Waserman S. Comparing school environments with and without legislation for the prevention and management of anaphylaxis. Allergy. 2012 Jan; 67(1):131-7. PMID: 21951319.
To T, Tarlo SM, McLimont S, Haines T, Holness DL, Lougheed MD, Liss GM, Cicutto L. Feasibility of a provincial voluntary reporting system for work-related asthma in Ontario. Can Respir J. 2011 Sep-Oct; 18(5):275-7. PMID: 21969929.
Stewart M, Letourneau N, Masuda JR, Anderson S, Cicutto L, McGhan S, Watt S. Support needs and preferences of young adolescents with asthma and allergies: "just no one really seems to understand". J Pediatr Nurs. 2012 Oct; 27(5):479-90. PMID: 22920659.
Letourneau N, Stewart M, Masuda JR, Anderson S, Cicutto L, McGhan S, Watt S. Impact of online support for youth with asthma and allergies: pilot study. J Pediatr Nurs. 2012 Feb; 27(1):65-73. PMID: 22222108.
Fenton NE, Elliott SJ, Cicutto L, Clarke AE, Harada L, McPhee E. Illustrating risk: anaphylaxis through the eyes of the food-allergic child. Risk Anal. 2011 Jan; 31(1):171-83. PMID: 20846167.
Gershon AS, Wang C, Guan J, Vasilevska-Ristovska J, Cicutto L, To T. Identifying patients with physician-diagnosed asthma in health administrative databases. Can Respir J. 2009 Nov-Dec; 16(6):183-8. PMID: 20011725.
Bhinder S, Cicutto L, Abdel-Qadir HM, Tarlo SM. Perception of asthma as a factor in career choice among young adults with asthma. Can Respir J. 2009 Nov-Dec; 16(6):e69-75. PMID: 20011720.
Gershon AS, Wang C, Guan J, Vasilevska-Ristovska J, Cicutto L, To T. Identifying individuals with physcian diagnosed COPD in health administrative databases. COPD. 2009 Oct; 6(5):388-94. PMID: 19863368.
Kruzick T, Covar RA, Gleason M, Cicutto L, White M, Shocks D, Szefler SJ. Does access to care equal asthma control in school-age children? J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2009 Aug; 124(2):381-3. PMID: 19596141.
Cicutto L. Supporting successful asthma management in schools: the role of asthma care providers. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2009 Aug; 124(2):390-3. PMID: 19541361.
Cicutto L. Review: pneumococcal vaccination does not prevent pneumonia, bacteraemia, bronchitis, or mortality. Evid Based Nurs. 2009 Jul; 12(3):74. PMID: 19553411.
Alley S, Cicutto L. Exploring the supportiveness and preparedness of child care settings for children with asthma: a needs assessment. J Asthma. 2009 Jun; 46(5):512-6. PMID: 19544174.
To T, McLimont S, Wang C, Cicutto L. How much do health care providers value a community-based asthma care program? A survey to collect their opinions on the utilities of and barriers to its uptake. BMC Health Serv Res. 2009 May 11; 9:77. PMID: 19432986.
Overend TJ, Anderson CM, Brooks D, Cicutto L, Keim M, McAuslan D, Nonoyama M. Updating the evidence-base for suctioning adult patients: a systematic review. Can Respir J. 2009 May-Jun; 16(3):e6-17. PMID: 19557211.
To T, Cicutto L, Degani N, McLimont S, Beyene J. Can a community evidence-based asthma care program improve clinical outcomes?: a longitudinal study. Med Care. 2008 Dec; 46(12):1257-66. PMID: 19300316.
Lougheed MD, Garvey N, Chapman KR, Cicutto L, Dales R, Day AG, Hopman WM, Lam M, Sears MR, Szpiro K, To T, Paterson NAM. Variations and gaps in management of acute asthma in Ontario emergency departments. Chest. 2009 Mar; 135(3):724-736. PMID: 19017869.
Balter M, Ernst P, Watson W, Kim H, Cicutto L, Beauchesne MF, Cave AJ, Kaplan A, Hogg D, McIvor A, Smiley T, Rouleau M, FitzGerald JM. Asthma worsenings: approaches to prevention and management from the Asthma Worsenings Working Group. Can Respir J. 2008 Nov-Dec; 15 Suppl B:1B-19B. PMID: 19129942.
To T, Estrabillo E, Wang C, Cicutto L. Examining intra-rater and inter-rater response agreement: a medical chart abstraction study of a community-based asthma care program. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2008 May 09; 8:29. PMID: 18471298.
Cicutto L. Plagiarism: avoiding the peril in scientific writing. Chest. 2008 Feb; 133(2):579-81. PMID: 18252927.
To T, Dell S, Dick P, Cicutto L. The burden of illness experienced by young children associated with asthma: a population-based cohort study. J Asthma. 2008 Jan-Feb; 45(1):45-9. PMID: 18259995.
To T, Gershon A, Wang C, Dell S, Cicutto L. Persistence and remission in childhood asthma: a population-based asthma birth cohort study. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2007 Dec; 161(12):1197-204. PMID: 18056566.
Cicutto L, Ashby M. The importance of a community-based asthma helpline. J Asthma. 2007 Nov; 44(9):705-10. PMID: 17994398.
Cicutto L. Review: inhaled corticosteroids increase risk of oral candidiasis, dysphonia, and pharyngitis in persistent asthma. Evid Based Nurs. 2007 Oct; 10(4):109. PMID: 17905761.
Moloney S, Cicutto L, Hutcheon M, Singer L. Deciding about lung transplantation: informational needs of patients and support persons. Prog Transplant. 2007 Sep; 17(3):183-92. PMID: 17944157.
Cicutto L. Addition of peak flow monitoring to symptom monitoring did not improve healthcare visits, quality of life, or lung function in older adults with moderate-to-severe asthma. Evid Based Nurs. 2007 Apr; 10(2):52. PMID: 17384104.
To T, Gershon A, Cicutto L, Wang CN. The burden of asthma: can it be eased? The Ontario record. Healthc Q. 2007; 10(1):22-4. PMID: 17326365.
Cicutto L, Conti E, Evans H, Lewis R, Murphy S, Rautiainen KC, Sharrard S. Creating asthma-friendly schools: a public health approach. J Sch Health. 2006 Aug; 76(6):255-8. PMID: 16918850.
Lougheed MD, Garvey N, Chapman KR, Cicutto L, Dales R, Day AG, Hopman WM, Lam M, Sears MR, Szpiro K, To T, Paterson NA. The Ontario Asthma Regional Variation Study: emergency department visit rates and the relation to hospitalization rates. Chest. 2006 Apr; 129(4):909-17. PMID: 16608938.
Cicutto L. Review: physical training increases cardiopulmonary fitness in asthma and does not decrease lung function. Evid Based Nurs. 2006 Apr; 9(2):44. PMID: 16622921.
Boulet LP, Becker A, Bowie D, Hernandez P, McIvor A, Rouleau M, Bourbeau J, Graham ID, Logan J, L?gar? F, Ward TF, Cowie RL, Drouin D, Harris SB, Tamblyn R, Ernst P, Tan WC, Partridge MR, Godard P, Herrerias CT, Wilson JW, Stirling L, Rozitis EB, Garvey N, Lougheed D, Labrecque M, Rea R, Holroyde MC, Fagnan D, Dorval E, Pogany L, Kaplan A, Cicutto L, Allen ML, Moraca S, FitzGerald JM, Borduas F. Implementing practice guidelines: a workshop on guidelines dissemination and implementation with a focus on asthma and COPD. Can Respir J. 2006 Mar; 13 Suppl A:5-47. PMID: 16552449.
Cicutto LC, Brooks D. Self-care approaches to managing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a provincial survey. Respir Med. 2006 Sep; 100(9):1540-6. PMID: 16483758.
To T, Dell S, Dick PT, Cicutto L, Harris JK, MacLusky IB, Tassoudji M. Case verification of children with asthma in Ontario. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2006 Feb; 17(1):69-76. PMID: 16426258.
Cicutto L, Murphy S, Coutts D, O'Rourke J, Lang G, Chapman C, Coates P. Breaking the access barrier: evaluating an asthma center's efforts to provide education to children with asthma in schools. Chest. 2005 Oct; 128(4):1928-35. PMID: 16236837.
Cicutto L, Burns P, Brown N. A training program for certified asthma educators: assessing performance. J Asthma. 2005 Sep; 42(7):561-5. PMID: 16169789.
Cicutto L. Review: beta agonist delivery by metered dose inhaler with a valved holding chamber (compared with a nebuliser) reduces admissions in preschool children and infants with acute asthma or wheezing. Evid Based Nurs. 2005 Apr; 8(2):42. PMID: 15830415.
McGhan SL, Cicutto LC, Befus AD. Advances in development and evaluation of asthma education programs. Curr Opin Pulm Med. 2005 Jan; 11(1):61-8. PMID: 15591890.
Cicutto L, Brooks D, Henderson K. Self-care issues from the perspective of individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Patient Educ Couns. 2004 Nov; 55(2):168-76. PMID: 15530751.
Cicutto L, Braidy C, Moloney S, Hutcheon M, Holness DL, Downey GP. Factors affecting attainment of paid employment after lung transplantation. J Heart Lung Transplant. 2004 Apr; 23(4):481-6. PMID: 15063409.
Walewski KM, Cicutto L, D'Urzo AD, Heslegrave RJ, Chapman KR. Evaluation of a questionnaire to assess compliance with anti-asthma medications. J Asthma. 2004 Feb; 41(1):77-83. PMID: 15046381.
Cicutto LC, Downey GP. Biological markers in diagnosing, monitoring, and treating asthma: a focus on noninvasive measurements. AACN Clin Issues. 2004 Jan-Mar; 15(1):97-111. PMID: 14767368.
Cicutto L. Review: self management education improves outcomes in children and adolescents with asthma. Evid Based Nurs. 2003 Oct; 6(4):106-7. PMID: 14577388.
Cicutto L. Review: regular medical review is not better than written self management plans for optimising asthma control. Evid Based Nurs. 2003 Oct; 6(4):106-7. PMID: 14577389.
Cicutto L. Review: pressurised metered dose inhalers are as effective as other hand held inhalers for delivering corticosteroids in stable asthma. Evid Based Nurs. 2002 Apr; 5(2):44-5. PMID: 11995647.
Cicutto L. Review: pressurised metered dose inhalers are as effective as other hand held inhalers for delivering beta2 agonist bronchodilators in stable asthma. Evid Based Nurs. 2002 Apr; 5(2):44-5. PMID: 11995648.
Cowie RL, Cicutto L, Boulet LP. Asthma education and management programs in Canada. Can Respir J. 2001 Nov-Dec; 8(6):416-20. PMID: 11753454.
Jin R, Choi BC, Chan BT, McRae L, Li F, Cicutto L, Boulet LP, Mitchell I, Beveridge R, Leith E. Physician asthma management practices in Canada. Can Respir J. 2000 Nov-Dec; 7(6):456-65. PMID: 11121090.
Cicutto LC, Chapman KR, Chamberlain D, Downey GP. Difficult asthma: consider all of the possibilities. Can Respir J. 2000 Sep-Oct; 7(5):415-8. PMID: 11058210.
Cicutto LC, Llewellyn-Thomas HA, Geerts WH. The management of asthma: a case-scenario-based survey of family physicians and pulmonary specialists. J Asthma. 2000 May; 37(3):235-46. PMID: 10831148.
Blackstien-Hirsch P, Anderson G, Cicutto L, McIvor A, Norton P. Implementing continuing education strategies for family physicians to enhance asthma patients' quality of life. J Asthma. 2000 May; 37(3):247-57. PMID: 10831149.
Cicutto LC, Llewellyn-Thomas HA, Geerts WH. Physicians' approaches to providing asthma education to patients and the level of patient involvement in management decisions. J Asthma. 1999 Aug; 36(5):427-39. PMID: 10461932.
Martin RJ, Cicutto LC, Ackerson LM. Stability of the circadian alteration in lung function in asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1992 Mar; 89(3):703-8. PMID: 1545091.
Martin RJ, Cicutto LC, Smith HR, Ballard RD, Szefler SJ. Airways inflammation in nocturnal asthma. Am Rev Respir Dis. 1991 Feb; 143(2):351-7. PMID: 1990952.
Szefler SJ, Ando R, Cicutto LC, Surs W, Hill MR, Martin RJ. Plasma histamine, epinephrine, cortisol, and leukocyte beta-adrenergic receptors in nocturnal asthma. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 1991 Jan; 49(1):59-68. PMID: 1846332.
Martin RJ, Cicutto LC, Ballard RD. Factors related to the nocturnal worsening of asthma. Am Rev Respir Dis. 1990 Jan; 141(1):33-8. PMID: 2404440.
Zwillich CW, Neagley SR, Cicutto L, White DP, Martin RJ. Nocturnal asthma therapy. Inhaled bitolterol versus sustained-release theophylline. Am Rev Respir Dis. 1989 Feb; 139(2):470-4. PMID: 2643904.
Martin RJ, Cicutto LC, Ballard RD, Goldenheim PD, Cherniack RM. Circadian variations in theophylline concentrations and the treatment of nocturnal asthma. Am Rev Respir Dis. 1989 Feb; 139(2):475-8. PMID: 2913892.
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