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Jayne Frances Martin Carli

TitleAsst Professor
InstitutionUniversity of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus

    Collapse Research 
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    R00HD107496     (MARTIN CARLI, JAYNE FRANCES)Aug 15, 2024 - Jul 31, 2027
    Harnessing Cells from Human Milk; Linking Lactation to Metabolism
    Role: Principal Investigator

    K99HD107496     (MARTIN CARLI, JAYNE FRANCES)Aug 1, 2022 - Jul 31, 2024
    Harnessing Cells from Human Milk; Linking Lactation to Metabolism
    Role: Principal Investigator

    Collapse Bibliographic 
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    Publications listed below are automatically derived from MEDLINE/PubMed and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing publications. Faculty can login to make corrections and additions.
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    1. Martin Carli JF, Dzieciatkowska M, Hernandez TL, Monks J, McManaman JL. Comparative proteomic analysis of human milk fat globules and paired membranes and mouse milk fat globules identifies core cellular systems contributing to mammary lipid trafficking and secretion. Front Mol Biosci. 2023; 10:1259047. PMID: 38169886.
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    2. Martin Carli JF, Trahan GD, Rudolph MC. Resolving Human Lactation Heterogeneity Using Single Milk-Derived Cells, a Resource at the Ready. J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia. 2021 03; 26(1):3-8. PMID: 34097179.
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    3. Martin Carli JF, Trahan GD, Jones KL, Hirsch N, Rolloff KP, Dunn EZ, Friedman JE, Barbour LA, Hernandez TL, MacLean PS, Monks J, McManaman JL, Rudolph MC. Single Cell RNA Sequencing of Human Milk-Derived Cells Reveals Sub-Populations of Mammary Epithelial Cells with Molecular Signatures of Progenitor and Mature States: a Novel, Non-invasive Framework for Investigating Human Lactation Physiology. J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia. 2020 12; 25(4):367-387. PMID: 33216249.
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    4. Yaghootkar H, Zhang Y, Spracklen CN, Karaderi T, Huang LO, Bradfield J, Schurmann C, Fine RS, Preuss MH, Kutalik Z, Wittemans LBL, Lu Y, Metz S, Willems SM, Li-Gao R, Grarup N, Wang S, Molnos S, Sandoval-Z?rate AA, Nalls MA, Lange LA, Haesser J, Guo X, Lyytik?inen LP, Feitosa MF, Sitlani CM, Venturini C, Mahajan A, Kacprowski T, Wang CA, Chasman DI, Amin N, Broer L, Robertson N, Young KL, Allison M, Auer PL, Bl?her M, Borja JB, Bork-Jensen J, Carrasquilla GD, Christofidou P, Demirkan A, Doege CA, Garcia ME, Graff M, Guo K, Hakonarson H, Hong J, Ida Chen YD, Jackson R, Jakupovic H, Jousilahti P, Justice AE, K?h?nen M, Kizer JR, Kriebel J, LeDuc CA, Li J, Lind L, Luan J, Mackey DA, Mangino M, M?nnist? S, Martin Carli JF, Medina-Gomez C, Mook-Kanamori DO, Morris AP, de Mutsert R, Nauck M, Prokic I, Pennell CE, Pradhan AD, Psaty BM, Raitakari OT, Scott RA, Skaaby T, Strauch K, Taylor KD, Teumer A, Uitterlinden AG, Wu Y, Yao J, Walker M, North KE, Kovacs P, Ikram MA, van Duijn CM, Ridker PM, Lye S, Homuth G, Ingelsson E, Spector TD, McKnight B, Province MA, Lehtim?ki T, Adair LS, Rotter JI, Reiner AP, Wilson JG, Harris TB, Ripatti S, Grallert H, Meigs JB, Salomaa V, Hansen T, Willems van Dijk K, Wareham NJ, Grant SFA, Langenberg C, Frayling TM, Lindgren CM, Mohlke KL, Leibel RL, Loos RJF, Kilpel?inen TO. Genetic Studies of Leptin Concentrations Implicate Leptin in the Regulation of Early Adiposity. Diabetes. 2020 12; 69(12):2806-2818. PMID: 32917775.
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    5. Martin Carli JF, LeDuc CA, Zhang Y, Stratigopoulos G, Leibel RL. FTO mediates cell-autonomous effects on adipogenesis and adipocyte lipid content by regulating gene expression via 6mA DNA modifications. J Lipid Res. 2018 08; 59(8):1446-1460. PMID: 29934339.
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    6. Carli JFM, LeDuc CA, Zhang Y, Stratigopoulos G, Leibel RL. The role of Rpgrip1l, a component of the primary cilium, in adipocyte development and function. FASEB J. 2018 07; 32(7):3946-3956. PMID: 29466054.
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    7. Burnett LC, Hubner G, LeDuc CA, Morabito MV, Carli JFM, Leibel RL. Loss of the imprinted, non-coding Snord116 gene cluster in the interval deleted in the Prader Willi syndrome results in murine neuronal and endocrine pancreatic developmental phenotypes. Hum Mol Genet. 2017 12 01; 26(23):4606-4616. PMID: 28973544.
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    8. Burnett LC, LeDuc CA, Sulsona CR, Paull D, Rausch R, Eddiry S, Carli JF, Morabito MV, Skowronski AA, Hubner G, Zimmer M, Wang L, Day R, Levy B, Fennoy I, Dubern B, Poitou C, Clement K, Butler MG, Rosenbaum M, Salles JP, Tauber M, Driscoll DJ, Egli D, Leibel RL. Deficiency in prohormone convertase PC1 impairs prohormone processing in Prader-Willi syndrome. J Clin Invest. 2017 01 03; 127(1):293-305. PMID: 27941249.
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    9. Kilpel?inen TO, Carli JF, Skowronski AA, Sun Q, Kriebel J, Feitosa MF, Hedman ?K, Drong AW, Hayes JE, Zhao J, Pers TH, Schick U, Grarup N, Kutalik Z, Trompet S, Mangino M, Kristiansson K, Beekman M, Lyytik?inen LP, Eriksson J, Henneman P, Lahti J, Tanaka T, Luan J, Del Greco M F, Pasko D, Renstr?m F, Willems SM, Mahajan A, Rose LM, Guo X, Liu Y, Kleber ME, P?russe L, Gaunt T, Ahluwalia TS, Ju Sung Y, Ramos YF, Amin N, Amuzu A, Barroso I, Bellis C, Blangero J, Buckley BM, B?hringer S, I Chen YD, de Craen AJ, Crosslin DR, Dale CE, Dastani Z, Day FR, Deelen J, Delgado GE, Demirkan A, Finucane FM, Ford I, Garcia ME, Gieger C, Gustafsson S, Hallmans G, Hankinson SE, Havulinna AS, Herder C, Hernandez D, Hicks AA, Hunter DJ, Illig T, Ingelsson E, Ioan-Facsinay A, Jansson JO, Jenny NS, J?rgensen ME, J?rgensen T, Karlsson M, Koenig W, Kraft P, Kwekkeboom J, Laatikainen T, Ladwig KH, LeDuc CA, Lowe G, Lu Y, Marques-Vidal P, Meisinger C, Menni C, Morris AP, Myers RH, M?nnist? S, Nalls MA, Paternoster L, Peters A, Pradhan AD, Rankinen T, Rasmussen-Torvik LJ, Rathmann W, Rice TK, Brent Richards J, Ridker PM, Sattar N, Savage DB, S?derberg S, Timpson NJ, Vandenput L, van Heemst D, Uh HW, Vohl MC, Walker M, Wichmann HE, Wid?n E, Wood AR, Yao J, Zeller T, Zhang Y, Meulenbelt I, Kloppenburg M, Astrup A, S?rensen TI, Sarzynski MA, Rao DC, Jousilahti P, Vartiainen E, Hofman A, Rivadeneira F, Uitterlinden AG, Kajantie E, Osmond C, Palotie A, Eriksson JG, Heli?vaara M, Knekt PB, Koskinen S, Jula A, Perola M, Huupponen RK, Viikari JS, K?h?nen M, Lehtim?ki T, Raitakari OT, Mellstr?m D, Lorentzon M, Casas JP, Bandinelli S, M?rz W, Isaacs A, van Dijk KW, van Duijn CM, Harris TB, Bouchard C, Allison MA, Chasman DI, Ohlsson C, Lind L, Scott RA, Langenberg C, Wareham NJ, Ferrucci L, Frayling TM, Pramstaller PP, Borecki IB, Waterworth DM, Bergmann S, Waeber G, Vollenweider P, Vestergaard H, Hansen T, Pedersen O, Hu FB, Eline Slagboom P, Grallert H, Spector TD, Jukema JW, Klein RJ, Schadt EE, Franks PW, Lindgren CM, Leibel RL, Loos RJ. Genome-wide meta-analysis uncovers novel loci influencing circulating leptin levels. Nat Commun. 2016 Feb 01; 7:10494. PMID: 26833098.
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    10. Wang L, Meece K, Williams DJ, Lo KA, Zimmer M, Heinrich G, Martin Carli J, Leduc CA, Sun L, Zeltser LM, Freeby M, Goland R, Tsang SH, Wardlaw SL, Egli D, Leibel RL. Differentiation of hypothalamic-like neurons from human pluripotent stem cells. J Clin Invest. 2015 Feb; 125(2):796-808. PMID: 25555215.
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    11. Stratigopoulos G, Martin Carli JF, O'Day DR, Wang L, Leduc CA, Lanzano P, Chung WK, Rosenbaum M, Egli D, Doherty DA, Leibel RL. Hypomorphism for RPGRIP1L, a ciliary gene vicinal to the FTO locus, causes increased adiposity in mice. Cell Metab. 2014 May 06; 19(5):767-79. PMID: 24807221.
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    12. Ohayon J, Oh U, Richert N, Martin J, Vortmeyer A, McFarland H, Bielekova B. CNS vasculitis in a patient with MS on daclizumab monotherapy. Neurology. 2013 Jan 29; 80(5):453-7. PMID: 23303850.
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    13. Wuest SC, Edwan JH, Martin JF, Han S, Perry JS, Cartagena CM, Matsuura E, Maric D, Waldmann TA, Bielekova B. A role for interleukin-2 trans-presentation in dendritic cell-mediated T cell activation in humans, as revealed by daclizumab therapy. Nat Med. 2011 May; 17(5):604-9. PMID: 21532597.
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    14. Kosteli A, Sugaru E, Haemmerle G, Martin JF, Lei J, Zechner R, Ferrante AW. Weight loss and lipolysis promote a dynamic immune response in murine adipose tissue. J Clin Invest. 2010 Oct; 120(10):3466-79. PMID: 20877011.
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    15. Martin JF, Perry JS, Jakhete NR, Wang X, Bielekova B. An IL-2 paradox: blocking CD25 on T cells induces IL-2-driven activation of CD56(bright) NK cells. J Immunol. 2010 Jul 15; 185(2):1311-20. PMID: 20543101.
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