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Anuj Mehta

TitleAffiliate - NJH
InstitutionUniversity of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus

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    1. Fuchita M, Blaine C, Keyworth A, Morfin K, Primi B, Ridgeway K, Stake N, Watson H, Matlock D, Mehta AB. Perspectives on Sedation Among Interdisciplinary Team Members in ICU: A Survey Study. Crit Care Explor. 2023 Sep; 5(9):e0972. PMID: 37670739.
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    2. Mehta AB, Matlock DD, Shorr AF, Douglas IS. Healthcare Trajectories and Outcomes in the First Year After Tracheostomy Based on Patient Characteristics. Crit Care Med. 2023 12 01; 51(12):1727-1739. PMID: 37638787.
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    3. Mehta AB, Douglas IS, Battaglia C, Wynia MK. Utilization of Hospital Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders in Older Adults During COVID-19 Surges in 2020. J Palliat Med. 2024 02; 27(2):201-208. PMID: 37616551.
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    4. Mehta AB, Taylor JK, Day G, Lane TC, Douglas IS. Disparities in Adult Patient Selection for Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in the United States: A Population-Level Study. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2023 08; 20(8):1166-1174. PMID: 37021958.
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    5. Rai K, Douglas IS, Mehta AB. Association of Hospital Mortality With Initiation of Mechanical Ventilation on a Weekend: A Retrospective Cohort Study. J Intensive Care Med. 2023 Dec; 38(12):1136-1142. PMID: 37357730.
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    6. Day GL, Havranek EP, Campbell EG, Mehta AB. Applying Intersectionality to Better Characterize Healthcare Disparities for Critically Ill Adults. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2023 06 15; 207(12):1639-1641. PMID: 37074149.
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    7. Lange AV, Mehta AB, Bekelman DB. How Important is Spirometry for Identifying Patients with COPD Appropriate for Palliative Care? J Pain Symptom Manage. 2023 03; 65(3):e181-e187. PMID: 36423798.
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    8. Law AC, Stevens JP, Choi E, Shen C, Mehta AB, Yeh RW, Walkey AJ. Days out of Institution after Tracheostomy and Gastrostomy Placement in Critically Ill Older Adults. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2022 03; 19(3):424-432. PMID: 34388080.
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    9. Mehta AB. Misclassification of State Crisis Standards of Care Guidelines. Chest. 2022 02; 161(2):e135. PMID: 35131073.
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    10. Mehta AB, Matlock D, Douglas IS. Association of Proximity to a Long-Term Acute Care Hospital With Hospital Tracheostomy Practices. Crit Care Med. 2022 01 01; 50(1):93-102. PMID: 34166292.
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    11. Mehta AB, Lockhart S, Reed K, Griesmer C, Glasgow RE, Moss M, Douglas IS, Morris MA. Drivers of Burnout Among Critical Care Providers: A Multicenter Mixed-Methods Study. Chest. 2022 05; 161(5):1263-1274. PMID: 34896094.
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    12. Steel TL, Afshar M, Edwards S, Jolley SE, Timko C, Clark BJ, Douglas IS, Dzierba AL, Gershengorn HB, Gilpin NW, Godwin DW, Hough CL, Maldonado JR, Mehta AB, Nelson LS, Patel MB, Rastegar DA, Stollings JL, Tabakoff B, Tate JA, Wong A, Burnham EL. Research Needs for Inpatient Management of Severe Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome: An Official American Thoracic Society Research Statement. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2021 10 01; 204(7):e61-e87. PMID: 34609257.
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    13. Mehta AB, Douglas IS. Misclassification of Safety Net Hospitals With National Data. Chest. 2021 10; 160(4):e372-e373. PMID: 34625189.
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    14. Mehta AB, Wynia MK. Crisis Standards of Care-More Than Just a Thought Experiment? Hastings Cent Rep. 2021 09; 51(5):53-55. PMID: 34529853.
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    15. Mehta AB, Walkey AJ, Curran-Everett D, Matlock D, Douglas IS. Stability of Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders in Hospitalized Adults: A Population-Based Cohort Study. Crit Care Med. 2021 02 01; 49(2):240-249. PMID: 33264125.
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    16. Gershon AS, Lindenauer PK, Wilson KC, Rose L, Walkey AJ, Sadatsafavi M, Anstrom KJ, Au DH, Bender BG, Brookhart MA, Dweik RA, Han MK, Joo MJ, Lavergne V, Mehta AB, Miravitlles M, Mularski RA, Roche N, Oren E, Riekert KA, Schoenberg NC, Stukel TA, Weiss CH, Wunsch H, Africk JJ, Krishnan JA. Informing Healthcare Decisions with Observational Research Assessing Causal Effect. An Official American Thoracic Society Research Statement. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2021 01 01; 203(1):14-23. PMID: 33385220.
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    17. Zaeh SE, Mehta AB. Prognosis for Mechanically Ventilated Patients: A Moving Target. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2020 06; 17(6):682-683. PMID: 32469649.
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    18. Mehta AB, Walkey AJ, Curran-Everett D, Douglas IS. One-Year Outcomes Following Tracheostomy for Acute Respiratory Failure. Crit Care Med. 2019 11; 47(11):1572-1581. PMID: 31397716.
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    19. Mehta AB, Walkey AJ, Curran-Everett D, Matlock D, Douglas IS. Hospital Mechanical Ventilation Volume and Patient Outcomes: Too Much of a Good Thing? Crit Care Med. 2019 03; 47(3):360-368. PMID: 30585831.
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    20. Mehta AB, Weinstein Z, Walkey AJ. The Untold Toll of the Opioid Crisis on Intensive Care Units in the United States. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2017 12; 14(12):1763-1765. PMID: 29192818.
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    21. Mehta AB, Douglas IS, Walkey AJ. Evidence-based Utilization of Noninvasive Ventilation and Patient Outcomes. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2017 Nov; 14(11):1667-1673. PMID: 28541747.
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    22. Chu DC, Mehta AB, Walkey AJ. Practice Patterns and Outcomes Associated With Procalcitonin Use in Critically Ill Patients With Sepsis. Clin Infect Dis. 2017 Jun 01; 64(11):1509-1515. PMID: 28329238.
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    23. Mehta AB, Cooke CR, Douglas IS, Lindenauer PK, Wiener RS, Walkey AJ. Association of Early Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders with Unplanned Readmissions among Patients Hospitalized for Pneumonia. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2017 Jan; 14(1):103-109. PMID: 27753520.
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    24. Mehta AB, Douglas IS, Walkey AJ. Reply: Hospital Noninvasive Ventilation for Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Another Look at the Same Coin. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2016 12; 13(12):2279-2280. PMID: 27925793.
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    25. Mehta AB, Cooke CR, Wiener RS, Walkey AJ. The authors reply. Crit Care Med. 2016 12; 44(12):e1261-e1262. PMID: 27858835.
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    26. Mehta AB, Douglas IS, Walkey AJ. Hospital Noninvasive Ventilation Case Volume and Outcomes of Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2016 10; 13(10):1752-1759. PMID: 27404021.
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    27. Mehta AB, Cooke CR, Wiener RS, Walkey AJ. Hospital Variation in Early Tracheostomy in the United States: A Population-Based Study. Crit Care Med. 2016 08; 44(8):1506-14. PMID: 27031382.
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    28. Mehta AB, Wiener RS, Reardon CC. Living with a Tracheostomy. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2016 08 01; 194(3):P5-6. PMID: 27479068.
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    29. Mehta AB, Syeda SN, Walkey AJ, Wiener RS. Tracheostomy in Adults. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2016 07 15; 194(2):P3-4. PMID: 27420366.
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    30. Mehta AB, Syeda SN, Bajpayee L, Cooke CR, Walkey AJ, Wiener RS. Trends in Tracheostomy for Mechanically Ventilated Patients in the United States, 1993-2012. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2015 Aug 15; 192(4):446-54. PMID: 25955332.
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    31. Mehta AB, Syeda SN, Wiener RS, Walkey AJ. Epidemiological trends in invasive mechanical ventilation in the United States: A population-based study. J Crit Care. 2015 Dec; 30(6):1217-21. PMID: 26271686.
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