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Search Results to Kurt R Stenmark

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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Stenmark, Kurt

Item TypeName
Academic Article Hypoxia selectively induces proliferation in a specific subpopulation of smooth muscle cells in the bovine neonatal pulmonary arterial media.
Academic Article Hypoxia increases bromodeoxyuridine labeling indices in bovine neonatal pulmonary arteries.
Academic Article Selected isozymes of PKC contribute to augmented growth of fetal and neonatal bovine PA adventitial fibroblasts.
Academic Article Smooth muscle cell heterogeneity in pulmonary and systemic vessels. Importance in vascular disease.
Academic Article Enhanced growth of fetal and neonatal pulmonary artery adventitial fibroblasts is dependent on protein kinase C.
Academic Article Hypoxia stimulates proliferation of a unique cell population isolated from the bovine vascular media.
Academic Article The Ca2+-dependent isozymes of protein kinase C are uniquely important in the enhanced growth of immature adventitial fibroblasts isolated from the bovine pulmonary arterial wall at a time of heightened susceptibility to vascular injury.
Academic Article Smooth muscle cells isolated from discrete compartments of the mature vascular media exhibit unique phenotypes and distinct growth capabilities.
Academic Article Hypoxic growth of bovine pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells: dependence on synergy, heterogeneity, and injury-induced phenotypic change.
Academic Article Role of adenylyl cyclase in proliferation of neonatal pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells.
Academic Article Relationship between perlecan and tropoelastin gene expression and cell replication in the developing rat pulmonary vasculature.
Academic Article Mechanisms of structural remodeling in chronic pulmonary hypertension.
Academic Article Mechanisms regulating cAMP-mediated growth of bovine neonatal pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells.
Academic Article Unique growth properties of neonatal pulmonary vascular cells: importance of time- and site-specific responses, cell-cell interaction, and synergy.
Academic Article Novel embryonic genes are preferentially expressed by autonomously replicating rat embryonic and neointimal smooth muscle cells.
Academic Article Hypoxia-induced pulmonary vascular remodeling: contribution of the adventitial fibroblasts.
Academic Article Hypoxia-induced proliferative response of vascular adventitial fibroblasts is dependent on g protein-mediated activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases.
Academic Article Pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells from chronically hypoxic neonatal calves retain fetal-like and acquire new growth properties.
Academic Article Lung endothelial cell proliferation in normal and pulmonary hypertensive neonatal calves.
Academic Article Perlecan up-regulation of FRNK suppresses smooth muscle cell proliferation via inhibition of FAK signaling.
Academic Article Bovine distal pulmonary arterial media is composed of a uniform population of well-differentiated smooth muscle cells with low proliferative capabilities.
Academic Article Yin and Yang of an endothelial cell: from normal to the extreme in growth, secretion, and transdifferentiation capabilities.
Academic Article Cellular adaptation during chronic neonatal hypoxic pulmonary hypertension.
Academic Article Hypoxia-induced alterations in protein kinase C zeta signaling result in augmented fibroblast proliferation.
Academic Article Subendothelial cells from normal bovine arteries exhibit autonomous growth and constitutively activated intracellular signaling.
Academic Article cAMP response element-binding protein content is a molecular determinant of smooth muscle cell proliferation and migration.
Academic Article Selective expansion of fibroblast subpopulations from pulmonary artery adventitia in response to hypoxia.
Academic Article The mitogenic effects of the B beta chain of fibrinogen are mediated through cell surface calreticulin.
Academic Article Enhanced growth capacity of neonatal pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells in vitro: dependence on cell size, time from birth, insulin-like growth factor I, and auto-activation of protein kinase C.
Academic Article Extracellular ATP-induced proliferation of adventitial fibroblasts requires phosphoinositide 3-kinase, Akt, mammalian target of rapamycin, and p70 S6 kinase signaling pathways.
Academic Article Heterogeneity in the proliferative response of bovine pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells to mitogens and hypoxia: importance of protein kinase C.
Academic Article Transient reexpression of an embryonic autonomous growth phenotype by adult carotid artery smooth muscle cells after vascular injury.
Academic Article Chronic hypoxia induces exaggerated growth responses in pulmonary artery adventitial fibroblasts: potential contribution of specific protein kinase c isozymes.
Academic Article Hypoxia protects human lung microvascular endothelial and epithelial-like cells against oxygen toxicity: role of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase.
Academic Article Induction of SM-alpha-actin expression by mechanical strain in adult vascular smooth muscle cells is mediated through activation of JNK and p38 MAP kinase.
Academic Article Unique, highly proliferative growth phenotype expressed by embryonic and neointimal smooth muscle cells is driven by constitutive Akt, mTOR, and p70S6K signaling and is actively repressed by PTEN.
Academic Article Insulin-like growth factor I and protein kinase C activation stimulate pulmonary artery smooth muscle cell proliferation through separate but synergistic pathways.
Concept Cell Division

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  • Cell Division

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