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Search Results to Andrew Lac

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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Lac, Andrew

Item TypeName
Concept Alcohol Drinking
Academic Article Mental health, sleep quality, drinking motives, and alcohol-related consequences: a path-analytic model.
Academic Article How drunk am I? Misperceiving one's level of intoxication in the college drinking environment.
Academic Article Underestimations of blood alcohol concentration predict event-specific negative consequences.
Academic Article A cross-lagged panel model examining protective behavioral strategies: are types of strategies differentially related to alcohol use and consequences?
Academic Article Differential drinking patterns of family history positive and family history negative first semester college females.
Academic Article Preventing risky drinking in first-year college women: further validation of a female-specific motivational-enhancement group intervention.
Academic Article Injunctive peer misperceptions and the mediation of self-approval on risk for driving after drinking among college students.
Academic Article Immediate reductions in misperceived social norms among high-risk college student groups.
Academic Article An application of the Theory of Planned Behavior to sorority alcohol consumption.
Academic Article Assessment of perceived and actual alcohol norms in varying contexts: exploring Social Impact Theory among college students.
Academic Article Hooking up in the college context: the event-level effects of alcohol use and partner familiarity on hookup behaviors and contentment.
Academic Article Attachment theory and theory of planned behavior: an integrative model predicting underage drinking.
Academic Article What men want: the role of reflective opposite-sex normative preferences in alcohol use among college women.
Academic Article Estimates and influences of reflective opposite-sex norms on alcohol use among a high-risk sample of college students: exploring Greek-affiliation and gender effects.
Academic Article Development and validation of the Alcohol Myopia Scale.
Academic Article The prognostic power of normative influences among NCAA student-athletes.
Academic Article Protective behavioral strategies mediate the effect of drinking motives on alcohol use among heavy drinking college students: gender and race differences.
Academic Article Identifying factors that increase the likelihood for alcohol-induced blackouts in the prepartying context.
Academic Article The efficacy of a standalone protective behavioral strategies intervention for students accessing mental health services.
Academic Article Parents know best, but are they accurate? Parental normative misperceptions and their relationship to students' alcohol-related outcomes.
Academic Article Measuring college students' motives behind prepartying drinking: development and validation of the prepartying motivations inventory.
Academic Article The use of protective behavioral strategies is related to reduced risk in heavy drinking college students with poorer mental and physical health.
Academic Article Development and validation of the Hookup Motives Questionnaire (HMQ).
Academic Article Family history of alcohol abuse associated with problematic drinking among college students.
Academic Article Understanding early-onset drug and alcohol outcomes among youth: the role of family structure, social factors, and interpersonal perceptions of use.
Academic Article A group Motivational Interviewing intervention reduces drinking and alcohol-related negative consequences in adjudicated college women.
Academic Article Identifying factors that increase the likelihood of driving after drinking among college students.
Academic Article What are other parents saying? Perceived parental communication norms and the relationship between alcohol-specific parental communication and college student drinking.
Academic Article Alcohol attitudes, motives, norms, and personality traits longitudinally classify nondrinkers, moderate drinkers, and binge drinkers using discriminant function analysis.
Academic Article Mental and Social Health Impacts the Use of Protective Behavioral Strategies in Reducing Risky Drinking and Alcohol Consequences.
Academic Article Higher-Order and Bifactor Models of the Drinking Motives Questionnaire.
Academic Article Comparing Greek-Affiliated Students and Student Athletes: An Examination of the Behavior-Intention Link, Reasons for Drinking, and Alcohol-Related Consequences.
Academic Article Testing the Amotivational Syndrome: Marijuana Use Longitudinally Predicts Lower Self-Efficacy Even After Controlling for Demographics, Personality, and Alcohol and Cigarette Use.
Academic Article Comparing the predictive validity of the four-factor and five-factor (bifactor) measurement structures of the drinking motives questionnaire.
Academic Article Alcohol expectancies longitudinally predict drinking and the alcohol myopia effects of relief, self-inflation, and excess.
Academic Article Testing competing models of injunctive and descriptive norms for proximal and distal reference groups on alcohol attitudes and behavior.
Academic Article Validation and psychometric properties of the Alcohol Positive and Negative Affect Schedule: Are drinking emotions distinct from general emotions?
Academic Article Pathways from Positive, Negative, and Specific Alcohol Expectancies to Weekday and Weekend Drinking to Alcohol Problems.
Academic Article Personality Traits Moderate Connections from Drinking Attitudes to Alcohol Use and Myopic Relief, Self-inflation, and Excess.
Concept Alcohol Drinking in College
Concept Binge Drinking
Academic Article Sensation seeking versus alcohol use: Evaluating temporal precedence using cross-lagged panel models.
Academic Article The Influence of Reflective Opposite-Sex Norms and Importance of Opposite-Sex Approval on Adjudicated Student Drinking: Theoretical Extensions and Implications.
Academic Article The Alcohol Relief Questionnaire: Development and validation of a multidimensional scale to measure the psychological, interpersonal, sleep, and physical relief effects of drinking.

Search Criteria
  • Drinking

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