Item Type | Name |
Academic Article
Effect of endurance exercise training on ventilatory function in older individuals.
Academic Article
The effect of left ventricular systolic function on maximal aerobic exercise capacity in asymptomatic patients with coronary artery disease.
Academic Article
Endurance training in older men and women. I. Cardiovascular responses to exercise.
Academic Article
Endurance training in older men and women II. Blood lactate response to submaximal exercise.
Academic Article
Effect of training on blood lactate levels during submaximal exercise.
Academic Article
VO2 max in variable type exercise among well-trained upper body athletes.
Academic Article
Cardiovascular, plasma norepinephrine, and thermal adjustments to prolonged exercise in young and older healthy humans.
Academic Article
Hemostatic, metabolic, and androgenic risk factors for coronary heart disease in physically active and less active postmenopausal women.
Academic Article
Effects of aging on the responsiveness of the human cardiac sympathetic nerves to stressors.
Academic Article
Endurance exercise training is associated with elevated basal sympathetic nerve activity in healthy older humans.
Academic Article
Arm muscle sympathetic nerve activity during preparation for and initiation of leg-cycling exercise in humans.
Academic Article
Active forearm blood flow adjustments to handgrip exercise in young and older healthy men.
Academic Article
Exercise and aging: autonomic control of the circulation.
Academic Article
Postexercise hypotension. Key features, mechanisms, and clinical significance.
Academic Article
Influence of exercise training on heart rate variability in post-menopausal women with elevated arterial blood pressure.
Academic Article
The effect of exercise training on human hypertension: a review.
Academic Article
Greater rate of decline in maximal aerobic capacity with age in physically active vs. sedentary healthy women.
Academic Article
Augmented forearm vasoconstriction during dynamic exercise in healthy older men.
Academic Article
Effect of regular aerobic exercise on elevated blood pressure in postmenopausal women.
Academic Article
Physical activity status and adverse age-related differences in coagulation and fibrinolytic factors in women.
Academic Article
Plasma fibrinogen levels in healthy postmenopausal women: physical activity and hormone replacement status.
Academic Article
Regular exercise and the age-related decline in resting metabolic rate in women.
Academic Article
Smaller differences in total and regional adiposity with age in women who regularly perform endurance exercise.
Academic Article
Enhanced left ventricular performance in endurance trained older men.
Academic Article
Hypoxic potentiation of the ventilatory response to dynamic forearm exercise.
Academic Article
Lack of age-associated elevations in 24-h systolic and pulse pressures in women who exercise regularly.
Academic Article
Aging, habitual exercise, and dynamic arterial compliance.
Academic Article
Age-related decreases in basal limb blood flow in humans: time course, determinants and habitual exercise effects.
Academic Article
Tonic sympathetic support of metabolic rate is attenuated with age, sedentary lifestyle, and female sex in healthy adults.
Academic Article
Regular endurance exercise induces expansive arterial remodelling in the trained limbs of healthy men.
Academic Article
Blood pressure risks factors in healthy postmenopausal women: physical activity and hormone replacement.
Academic Article
Arterial intima-media thickness: site-specific associations with HRT and habitual exercise.
Academic Article
Hypoxia potentiates exercise-induced sympathetic neural activation in humans.
Academic Article
Effects of training on systolic time intervals at rest and during isometric exercise in men and women 61 to 64 years old.
Academic Article
A hemodynamic comparison of young and older endurance athletes during exercise.
Academic Article
Use of acetylene breathing to determine cardiac output in young and older adults.
Academic Article
Influence of body fatness on the coronary risk profile of physically active postmenopausal women.
Academic Article
Regular exercise, hormone replacement therapy and the age-related decline in carotid arterial compliance in healthy women.
Academic Article
Left ventricular structure and diastolic function with human ageing. Relation to habitual exercise and arterial stiffness.
Academic Article
Fatness is a better predictor of cardiovascular disease risk factor profile than aerobic fitness in healthy men.
Academic Article
Regulation of muscle sympathetic nerve activity during exercise in humans.
Academic Article
Role of sympathetic neural activation in age- and habitual exercise-related differences in the thermic effect of food.
Academic Article
Tetrahydrobiopterin augments endothelium-dependent dilatation in sedentary but not in habitually exercising older adults.
Academic Article
Effects of exercise training on responses to central injection of CRF and noise stress.
Academic Article
Decline in large elastic artery compliance with age: a therapeutic target for habitual exercise.
Academic Article
Oxidative stress explains differences in large elastic artery compliance between sedentary and habitually exercising postmenopausal women.
Academic Article
A transdisciplinary model integrating genetic, physiological, and psychological correlates of voluntary exercise.
Academic Article
Thermic effect of food and beta-adrenergic thermogenic responsiveness in habitually exercising and sedentary healthy adult humans.
Academic Article
Cardiovascular responses to exercise in the rat: role of corticotropin-releasing factor.
Academic Article
Habitual exercise and vascular ageing.
Academic Article
Sex-specific effects of habitual aerobic exercise on brachial artery flow-mediated dilation in middle-aged and older adults.
Academic Article
Differential control of forearm and calf vascular resistance during one-leg exercise.
Academic Article
Reflex stimulation of sympathetic outflow during rhythmic exercise in humans.
Academic Article
Regular aerobic exercise prevents and restores age-related declines in endothelium-dependent vasodilation in healthy men.
Academic Article
Regular aerobic exercise modulates age-associated declines in cardiovagal baroreflex sensitivity in healthy men.
Academic Article
Aerobic exercise reverses arterial inflammation with aging in mice.
Academic Article
Habitually exercising older men do not demonstrate age-associated vascular endothelial oxidative stress.
Academic Article
Postexercise hypotension and sympathoinhibition in borderline hypertensive men.
Academic Article
Sympathetic neural discharge and vascular resistance during exercise in humans.
Academic Article
The aging cardiovascular system: changes in autonomic function at rest and in response to exercise.
Academic Article
The dependence of FMD% on baseline diameter: a problem solved by allometric scaling - no problem in this case.
Academic Article
Sympathetic activation is associated with increases in EMG during fatiguing exercise.
Academic Article
Plasma norepinephrine and muscle sympathetic discharge during rhythmic exercise in humans.
Academic Article
Time to fatigue during isometric exercise using different muscle masses.
Academic Article
Respiratory sinus arrhythmia and carotid baroreflex control of heart rate in endurance athletes and untrained controls.
Academic Article
Syncope secondary to ventricular asystole in an endurance athlete.
Academic Article
Mechanism of contrasting pressor responses to static and dynamic exercise: new insights from direct intraneural recordings of sympathetic nerve activity in humans.
Academic Article
Habitual exercise and the age-associated decline in large artery compliance.
Academic Article
High energy flux mediates the tonically augmented beta-adrenergic support of resting metabolic rate in habitually exercising older adults.
Academic Article
Lesser vagal withdrawal during isometric exercise with age.
Academic Article
Age-related declines in maximal aerobic capacity in regularly exercising vs. sedentary women: a meta-analysis.
Academic Article
Systemic hemodynamic determinants of blood pressure in women: age, physical activity, and hormone replacement.
Academic Article
Sympathoadrenal-circulatory regulation during sustained isometric exercise in young and older men.
Academic Article
Physically active women demonstrate less adverse age-related changes in plasma lipids and lipoproteins.
Academic Article
Absence of age-related increase in central arterial stiffness in physically active women.
Academic Article
Regular walking increases peak limb vasodilatory capacity of older hypertensive humans: implications for arterial structure.
Academic Article
Hyperoxia lowers sympathetic activity at rest but not during exercise in humans.
Academic Article
Habitual aerobic exercise is associated with smaller femoral artery intima-media thickness with age in healthy men and women.
Academic Article
Regular aerobic exercise and the age-related increase in carotid artery intima-media thickness in healthy men.
Academic Article
Baroreflex buffering in sedentary and endurance exercise-trained healthy men.
Academic Article
Invited Review: Dynamic exercise performance in Masters athletes: insight into the effects of primary human aging on physiological functional capacity.
Academic Article
Effect of regular exercise on 24-hour arterial pressure in older hypertensive humans.
Academic Article
Thermogenic responsiveness to beta-adrenergic stimulation is augmented in exercising versus sedentary adults: role of oxidative stress.
Academic Article
Cardiac vagal modulation of heart rate during prolonged submaximal exercise in animals with healed myocardial infarctions: effects of training.
Academic Article
Endorphins and exercise: physiological mechanisms and clinical implications.
Academic Article
Endurance exercise performance in Masters athletes: age-associated changes and underlying physiological mechanisms.
Academic Article
Modulatory influences on ageing of the vasculature in healthy humans.
Academic Article
Decreased maximal heart rate with aging is related to reduced {beta}-adrenergic responsiveness but is largely explained by a reduction in intrinsic heart rate.
Academic Article
Increased thermogenic responsiveness to intravenous beta-adrenergic stimulation in habitually exercising humans is not related to skeletal muscle beta2-adrenergic receptor density.
Academic Article
Habitual exercise and arterial aging.
Academic Article
Modulation of vascular endothelial function by low-density lipoprotein cholesterol with aging: influence of habitual exercise.
Academic Article
Influence of muscle mass on sympathetic neural activation during isometric exercise.
Academic Article
Leukocyte telomere length is preserved with aging in endurance exercise-trained adults and related to maximal aerobic capacity.
Academic Article
Arterial stiffening with ageing is associated with transforming growth factor-?1-related changes in adventitial collagen: reversal by aerobic exercise.
Academic Article
Aging and vascular endothelial function in humans.
Academic Article
Exercise protects against myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury via stimulation of ?(3)-adrenergic receptors and increased nitric oxide signaling: role of nitrite and nitrosothiols.
Academic Article
Increased proinflammatory and oxidant gene expression in circulating mononuclear cells in older adults: amelioration by habitual exercise.
Academic Article
Influence of physical training on heart rate variability and baroreflex circulatory control.
Academic Article
Regular aerobic exercise protects against impaired fasting plasma glucose-associated vascular endothelial dysfunction with aging.
Academic Article
Left ventricular dysfunction after prolonged strenuous exercise in healthy subjects.
Academic Article
Cardiopulmonary baroreflexes do not modulate exercise-induced sympathoexcitation.
Academic Article
Differential control of heart rate and sympathetic nerve activity during dynamic exercise. Insight from intraneural recordings in humans.
Academic Article
Response of upper limb blood flow to handgrip exercise after Blalock-Taussig operation (for tetralogy of Fallot) or subclavian flap operation (for aortic isthmic coarctation).
Academic Article
Metabolic responses to exercise in young and older athletes and sedentary men.
Academic Article
Cardiovascular adjustments to rhythmic handgrip exercise: relationship to electromyographic activity and post-exercise hyperemia.
Academic Article
Endogenous digoxin-like immunoreactivity in blood is increased during prolonged strenuous exercise.
Academic Article
Autonomic mediation of the pressor responses to isometric exercise in humans.
Academic Article
Exercise training and hypertension.
Exercise Therapy
Exercise Test
Exercise Tolerance
Breathing Exercises
Academic Article
Aortic pulse wave velocity and reflecting distance estimation from peripheral waveforms in humans: detection of age- and exercise training-related differences.
Academic Article
Aging compounds western diet-associated large artery endothelial dysfunction in mice: prevention by voluntary aerobic exercise.
Academic Article
Essential role of estrogen for improvements in vascular endothelial function with endurance exercise in postmenopausal women.
Academic Article
Prevention of age-related endothelial dysfunction by habitual aerobic exercise in healthy humans: possible role of nuclear factor ?B.
Academic Article
Medical research: treat ageing.
Academic Article
Edward F. Adolph Distinguished Lecture: The remarkable anti-aging effects of aerobic exercise on systemic arteries.
Academic Article
Aerobic exercise and other healthy lifestyle factors that influence vascular aging.
Academic Article
Reduced large elastic artery stiffness with regular aerobic exercise in middle-aged and older adults: potential role of suppressed nuclear factor ? B signalling.
Academic Article
Estimated aortic stiffness is independently associated with cardiac baroreflex sensitivity in humans: role of ageing and habitual endurance exercise.
Academic Article
Voluntary aerobic exercise increases arterial resilience and mitochondrial health with aging in mice.
Academic Article
Habitual aerobic exercise does not protect against micro- or macrovascular endothelial dysfunction in healthy estrogen-deficient postmenopausal women.
Academic Article
Interleukin 37 reverses the metabolic cost of inflammation, increases oxidative respiration, and improves exercise tolerance.
Translational Studies of Interleukin-37, a Novel Anti-inflammatory Cytokine, for Prevention and Treatment of Inflamm-aging and Age-Associated Physiological Dysfunction
Human Aging and B-adrenergic Modulation of Thermogenesis
Aging and Arterial Dysfunction with a Western Diet: Exercise and AMPK
Human Aging, Exercise & FMD: Translational Physiology
Reduced Inflammatory Suppression of EDD with Habitual Exercise in Older Adults
Translational Studies of Age-Associated Arterial Dysfunction, Western Diet and Aerobic Exercise: Role of the Gut Microbiome
Academic Article
Endothelial cell senescence with aging in healthy humans: prevention by habitual exercise and relation to vascular endothelial function.
Academic Article
Strategies for Achieving Healthy Vascular Aging.
Academic Article
Amino acid and lipid associated plasma metabolomic patterns are related to healthspan indicators with ageing.
Academic Article
Healthy lifestyle-based approaches for successful vascular aging.
Academic Article
Habitual aerobic exercise and circulating proteomic patterns in healthy adults: relation to indicators of healthspan.
Academic Article
The historical context and scientific legacy of John O. Holloszy.
Academic Article
Aerobic exercise training and vascular function with ageing in healthy men and women.
Academic Article
Time-efficient physical training for enhancing cardiovascular function in midlife and older adults: promise and current research gaps.
Academic Article
Short-term interleukin-37 treatment improves vascular endothelial function, endurance exercise capacity, and whole-body glucose metabolism in old mice.
Academic Article
Late-life voluntary wheel running reverses age-related aortic stiffness in mice: a translational model for studying mechanisms of exercise-mediated arterial de-stiffening.
Academic Article
Dietary Nitrate and Nitric Oxide Metabolism: Mouth, Circulation, Skeletal Muscle, and Exercise Performance.
Academic Article
Novel CPET Reference Values in Healthy Adults: Associations with Physical Activity.
Academic Article
Lifelong voluntary aerobic exercise prevents age- and Western diet- induced vascular dysfunction, mitochondrial oxidative stress and inflammation in mice.
Inspiratory muscle strength training for lowering blood pressure and improving endothelial function in postmenopausal women: comparison with "standard of care" aerobic exercise
Academic Article
Time-Efficient Inspiratory Muscle Strength Training Lowers Blood Pressure and Improves Endothelial Function, NO Bioavailability, and Oxidative Stress in Midlife/Older Adults With Above-Normal Blood Pressure.
Academic Article
Lifelong physical activity attenuates age- and Western-style diet-related declines in physical function and adverse changes in skeletal muscle mass and inflammation.
Academic Article
Translational Potential of High-Resistance Inspiratory Muscle Strength Training.
Academic Article
Nitric oxide, aging and aerobic exercise: Sedentary individuals to Master's athletes.
Academic Article
Sympathetic Neural Overdrive, Aortic Stiffening, Endothelial Dysfunction, and Impaired Exercise Capacity in Severe COVID-19 Survivors: A Mid-Term Study of Cardiovascular Sequelae.
Academic Article
Suppression of trimethylamine N-oxide with DMB mitigates vascular dysfunction, exercise intolerance, and frailty associated with a Western-style diet in mice.
Academic Article
Inspiratory muscle strength training for lowering blood pressure and improving endothelial function in postmenopausal women: comparison with "standard of care" aerobic exercise.
Academic Article
Aging, aerobic exercise, and cardiovascular health: Barriers, alternative strategies and future directions.
Academic Article
Neurovascular and hemodynamic responses to mental stress and exercise in severe COVID-19 survivors.
Academic Article
Novel whole blood transcriptome signatures of changes in maximal aerobic capacity in response to endurance exercise training in healthy women.
Academic Article
Time-Efficient, High-Resistance Inspiratory Muscle Strength Training Increases Exercise Tolerance in Midlife and Older Adults.
Academic Article
Effects of regular exercise on vascular function with aging: Does sex matter?
Academic Article
The plasma metabolome is associated with preservation of physiological function following lifelong aerobic exercise in mice.