Item Type | Name |
Academic Article
Effect of lean body mass, fat mass, blood pressure, and sexual maturation on left ventricular mass in children and adolescents. Statistical, biological, and clinical significance.
Academic Article
Understanding obesity in youth. A statement for healthcare professionals from the Committee on Atherosclerosis and Hypertension in the Young of the Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young and the Nutrition Committee, American Heart Association. Writing Group.
Academic Article
Stroke volume and cardiac output in normotensive children and adults. Assessment of relations with body size and impact of overweight.
Academic Article
Percentiles for body mass index in U.S. children 5 to 17 years of age.
Academic Article
Overweight, fat patterning, and cardiovascular disease risk factors in black and white boys.
Academic Article
Pharmacological treatment of obesity in paediatric patients.
Academic Article
Cardiovascular disease risk factors and atherosclerosis in children and adolescents.
Academic Article
Racial differences in the relation between uncoupling protein genes and resting energy expenditure.
Academic Article
Cardiovascular health in childhood: A statement for health professionals from the Committee on Atherosclerosis, Hypertension, and Obesity in the Young (AHOY) of the Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young, American Heart Association.
Academic Article
Abnormal weight gain and weight management: are carbohydrates the enemy?
Academic Article
Using a phantom to compare MR techniques for determining the ratio of intraabdominal to subcutaneous adipose tissue.
Academic Article
Impact of objective and subjective social status on obesity in a biracial cohort of adolescents.
Academic Article
Obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes, and cardiovascular risk in children: an American Heart Association scientific statement from the Atherosclerosis, Hypertension, and Obesity in the Young Committee (Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young) and the Diabetes Committee (Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism).
Academic Article
A randomized trial comparing a very low carbohydrate diet and a calorie-restricted low fat diet on body weight and cardiovascular risk factors in healthy women.
Academic Article
Association of body fat distribution and cardiovascular risk factors in children and adolescents.
Academic Article
Service quality and attrition: an examination of a pediatric obesity program.
Academic Article
Regulation of body mass and management of childhood overweight.
Academic Article
Discovering the full spectrum of cardiovascular disease: Minority Health Summit 2003: report of the Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome, and Hypertension Writing Group.
Academic Article
What is the best method to identify cardiovascular risk related to obesity?
Academic Article
Factor analysis of clustered cardiovascular risks in adolescence: obesity is the predominant correlate of risk among youth.
Academic Article
Managing bariatric patients in a children's hospital: radiologic considerations and limitations.
Academic Article
Prevention Conference VII: Obesity, a worldwide epidemic related to heart disease and stroke: Group II: age-dependent risk factors for obesity and comorbidities.
Academic Article
Surgical approach to adolescent obesity.
Academic Article
Diet-induced weight loss is associated with decreases in plasma serum amyloid a and C-reactive protein independent of dietary macronutrient composition in obese subjects.
Academic Article
Night eating syndrome in young adult women: prevalence and correlates.
Academic Article
Breakfast consumption by African-American and white adolescent girls correlates positively with calcium and fiber intake and negatively with body mass index.
Academic Article
Racial differences in correlates of misreporting of energy intake in adolescent females.
Academic Article
The consequences of childhood overweight and obesity.
Academic Article
One-year outcomes of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass for morbidly obese adolescents: a multicenter study from the Pediatric Bariatric Study Group.
Academic Article
Diagnosis and management of the metabolic syndrome. An American Heart Association/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Scientific Statement. Executive summary.
Academic Article
Bariatric surgery in adolescents: an update.
Academic Article
Preferential loss of central (trunk) adiposity in adolescents and young adults after laparoscopic gastric bypass.
Academic Article
Relationship of visceral adiposity to cardiovascular disease risk factors in black and white teens.
Academic Article
Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in nursing practice: focus on children and youth: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Committee on Atherosclerosis, Hypertension, and Obesity in Youth of the Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young, Council on Cardiovascular Nursing, Council on Epidemiology and Prevention, and Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism.
Academic Article
Adiponectin in children with chronic kidney disease: role of adiposity and kidney dysfunction.
Academic Article
Activity-adjusted 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure and cardiac remodeling in children with sleep disordered breathing.
Academic Article
Growth velocity predicts recurrence of sleep-disordered breathing 1 year after adenotonsillectomy.
Academic Article
Stability of adolescent body mass index during three years of follow-up.
Academic Article
Reversibility of cardiac abnormalities in morbidly obese adolescents.
Academic Article
Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in children and adolescents: recommendations for standard assessment: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Atherosclerosis, Hypertension, and Obesity in Youth Committee of the council on cardiovascular disease in the young and the council for high blood pressure research.
Academic Article
Sleep apnea and cardiovascular disease: an American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology Foundation Scientific Statement from the American Heart Association Council for High Blood Pressure Research Professional Education Committee, Council on Clinical Cardiology, Stroke Council, and Council on Cardiovascular Nursing.
Academic Article
Influence of race, ethnicity, and culture on childhood obesity: implications for prevention and treatment: a consensus statement of Shaping America's Health and the Obesity Society.
Academic Article
Influence of race, ethnicity, and culture on childhood obesity: implications for prevention and treatment.
Academic Article
American Heart Association Childhood Obesity Research Summit Report.
Academic Article
A 6-month, office-based, low-carbohydrate diet intervention in obese teens.
Academic Article
Evaluation of a child for secondary causes of obesity and comorbidities.
Academic Article
The effect of neurohormonal factors, epigenetic factors, and gut microbiota on risk of obesity.
Academic Article
Use of the metabolic syndrome in pediatrics: a blessing and a curse.
Academic Article
Youth with obesity and obesity-related type 2 diabetes mellitus demonstrate abnormalities in carotid structure and function.
Academic Article
The use of BMI in the clinical setting.
Academic Article
Baseline BMI is a strong predictor of nadir BMI after adolescent gastric bypass.
Academic Article
Report of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute's Working Group on obesity and other cardiovascular risk factors in congenital heart disease.
Academic Article
Dietary patterns associated with fat and bone mass in young children.
Academic Article
Determinants of persistent obesity and hyperinsulinemia in a biracial cohort: a 15-year prospective study of schoolgirls.
Academic Article
Increased arterial stiffness is found in adolescents with obesity or obesity-related type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Academic Article
Association of exposure to diabetes in utero with adiposity and fat distribution in a multiethnic population of youth: the Exploring Perinatal Outcomes among Children (EPOCH) Study.
Academic Article
The effects of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus on cardiac structure and function in adolescents and young adults.
Academic Article
Blood pressure differences between blacks and whites in relation to body size among US children and adolescents.
Academic Article
Sex hormone-binding globulin, oligomenorrhea, polycystic ovary syndrome, and childhood insulin at age 14 years predict metabolic syndrome and class III obesity at age 24 years.
Academic Article
Relationship between elevated arterial stiffness and increased left ventricular mass in adolescents and young adults.
Academic Article
Racial divergence in adiposity during adolescence: The NHLBI Growth and Health Study.
Academic Article
Screening and treatment of dyslipidemias in children and adolescents.
Academic Article
Lipid concentrations in children and adolescents: it is not all about obesity.
Academic Article
Reduction of risk for cardiovascular disease in children and adolescents.
Academic Article
Role of carbohydrate modification in weight management among obese children: a randomized clinical trial.
Academic Article
Cardiovascular disease in children and adolescents with diabetes: where are we, and where are we going?
Academic Article
Clinical tracking of severely obese children: a new growth chart.
Academic Article
Triglyceride to HDL-C ratio and increased arterial stiffness in children, adolescents, and young adults.
Academic Article
Predictors of attrition from a pediatric weight management program.
Academic Article
Bariatric surgery for severely overweight adolescents: concerns and recommendations.
Academic Article
Increased incidence of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus among adolescents.
Academic Article
Correlates of the hemodynamic determinants of blood pressure.
Academic Article
Sexual maturation and racial differences in blood pressure in girls: the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Growth and Health Study.
Academic Article
Left ventricular mass and body size in normotensive children and adults: assessment of allometric relations and impact of overweight.
Academic Article
The utility of body mass index as a measure of body fatness in children and adolescents: differences by race and gender.
Academic Article
Cardiovascular health promotion in the schools: a statement for health and education professionals and child health advocates from the Committee on Atherosclerosis, Hypertension, and Obesity in Youth (AHOY) of the Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young, American Heart Association.
Academic Article
The role of energy expenditure in the differential weight loss in obese women on low-fat and low-carbohydrate diets.
Academic Article
America's children: a critical time for prevention.
Academic Article
The relationship of health outcomes to improvement in BMI in children and adolescents.
Academic Article
Relation between the changes in physical activity and body-mass index during adolescence: a multicentre longitudinal study.
Academic Article
Overweight and cholesterol elevation: which is the chicken and which is the egg?
Academic Article
Is there an epidemic of cardiovascular disease on the horizon?
Academic Article
Histologic spectrum of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in morbidly obese adolescents.
Academic Article
Clinical stress testing in the pediatric age group: a statement from the American Heart Association Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young, Committee on Atherosclerosis, Hypertension, and Obesity in Youth.
Academic Article
Overweight, fat patterning, and cardiovascular disease risk factors in black and white girls: The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Growth and Health Study.
Academic Article
Effects of sibutramine treatment in obese adolescents: a randomized trial.
Academic Article
Yet another target organ of obesity.
Academic Article
Childhood overweight and cardiovascular disease risk factors: the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Growth and Health Study.
Academic Article
Eating disorders in white and black women.
Academic Article
The effects of obesity, gender, and ethnic group on left ventricular hypertrophy and geometry in hypertensive children: a collaborative study of the International Pediatric Hypertension Association.
Academic Article
The obesity epidemic: family matters.
Academic Article
Beriberi after gastric bypass surgery in adolescence.
Academic Article
Definitions of night eating in adolescent girls.
Academic Article
Psychological adjustment of obese youth presenting for weight management treatment.
Academic Article
Drug therapy of high-risk lipid abnormalities in children and adolescents: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Atherosclerosis, Hypertension, and Obesity in Youth Committee, Council of Cardiovascular Disease in the Young, with the Council on Cardiovascular Nursing.
Academic Article
Instability in the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome in adolescents.
Academic Article
Pediatric obesity epidemic: treatment options.
Academic Article
A critical appraisal of evidence supporting a bariatric surgical approach to weight management for adolescents.
Academic Article
Obstructive sleep apnea in extremely overweight adolescents undergoing bariatric surgery.
Academic Article
Does adolescent depression predict obesity in black and white young adult women?
Academic Article
Gastric bypass surgery for treatment of hypothalamic obesity after craniopharyngioma therapy.
Academic Article
Breastfeeding, introduction of complementary foods, and adiposity at 5 y of age.
Academic Article
Health-related quality of life and depressive symptoms in adolescents with extreme obesity presenting for bariatric surgery.
Academic Article
Maternal infant-feeding style and children's adiposity at 5 years of age.
Academic Article
Do we have enough pediatric endocrinologists?
Academic Article
Childhood obesity prevention and treatment: recommendations for future research.
Academic Article
Adiposity and TV viewing are related to less bone accrual in young children.
Academic Article
Socioeconomic disparities in insulin resistance: results from the Princeton School District Study.
Academic Article
Reversal of type 2 diabetes mellitus and improvements in cardiovascular risk factors after surgical weight loss in adolescents.
Academic Article
American Heart Association Childhood Obesity Research Summit: executive summary.
Academic Article
Longitudinal study of growth and adiposity in parous compared with nulligravid adolescents.
Academic Article
Complications of obesity in children and adolescents.
Academic Article
Sleep and obesity.
Academic Article
Cardiovascular effects of sibutramine in the treatment of obese adolescents: results of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
Academic Article
Childhood obesity predicts adult metabolic syndrome: the Fels Longitudinal Study.
Academic Article
Paradoxically high adiponectin and the healthy obese phenotype in obese black and white 16-year-old girls.
Academic Article
Progress and challenges in metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Atherosclerosis, Hypertension, and Obesity in the Young Committee of the Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young; Council on Cardiovascular Nursing; and Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism.
Academic Article
Adolescent oligomenorrhea in a biracial schoolgirl cohort: a simple clinical parameter predicting impaired fasting glucose plus type 2 diabetes mellitus, insulin, glucose, insulin resistance, and centripetal obesity from age 19 to 25 years.
Academic Article
Hostility and adiposity mediate disparities in insulin resistance among adolescents and young adults.
Academic Article
Paradoxically high adiponectin in obese 16-year-old girls protects against appearance of the metabolic syndrome and its components seven years later.
Academic Article
Management of high blood pressure in children and adolescents.
Academic Article
Independent effects of age-related changes in waist circumference and BMI z scores in predicting cardiovascular disease risk factors in a prospective cohort of adolescent females.
Academic Article
The impact of in utero exposure to diabetes on childhood body mass index growth trajectories: the EPOCH study.
Academic Article
Cardiac and vascular consequences of pre-hypertension in youth.
Academic Article
Race, childhood insulin, childhood caloric intake, and class 3 obesity at age 24: 14-year prospective study of schoolgirls.
Academic Article
Use of a DASH food group score to predict excess weight gain in adolescent girls in the National Growth and Health Study.
Academic Article
The association between obstructive sleep apnea and dietary choices among obese individuals during middle to late childhood.
Academic Article
Childhood adiposity, adult adiposity, and cardiovascular risk factors.
Academic Article
Childhood obesity and cardiovascular disease: links and prevention strategies.
Academic Article
International differences in secular trends in childhood blood pressure: a puzzle to be solved.
Academic Article
Physical activity is independently associated with multiple measures of arterial stiffness in adolescents and young adults.
Academic Article
What we don't know: unanswered questions about childhood obesity.
Academic Article
Obesity, vascular changes, and elevated blood pressure.
Obesity, Abdominal
Anti-Obesity Agents
Obesity, Morbid
Academic Article
Validation of a weight history questionnaire to identify adolescent obesity.
Academic Article
Severe obesity in children and adolescents: identification, associated health risks, and treatment approaches: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association.
Academic Article
The effect of obesity in adolescence on adult health status.
Academic Article
Severe obesity in children: prevalence, persistence and relation to hypertension.
Academic Article
Prevalence of obesity and extreme obesity in children aged 3-5 years.
Academic Article
Is uric acid an underdiagnosed mediator of adverse outcome in metabolically healthy overweight/obese individuals?
Academic Article
Pediatric severe obesity: time to establish serious treatments for a serious disease.
Academic Article
Adolescent and young adult female determinants of visceral adipose tissue at ages 26-28 years.
Academic Article
Comparison of mercury sphygmomanometry blood pressure readings with oscillometric and central blood pressure in predicting target organ damage in youth.
Academic Article
Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Severely Obese Adolescents: The Teen Longitudinal Assessment of Bariatric Surgery (Teen-LABS) Study.
Academic Article
Fructose:glucose ratios--a study of sugar self-administration and associated neural and physiological responses in the rat.
Academic Article
The Role of the Pediatrician in Primary Prevention of Obesity.
Academic Article
Insulin Sensitivity and ?-Cell Function Improve after Gastric Bypass in Severely Obese Adolescents.
Academic Article
Obesity, Vascular Changes, and the Development of Atherosclerosis.
Academic Article
Utility of Body Mass Index in Identifying Excess Adiposity in Youth Across the Obesity Spectrum.
Academic Article
Nutrition in Children and Adolescents.
Academic Article
Family Chaos and Child Functioning in Relation to Sleep Problems Among Children at Risk for Obesity.
Academic Article
Long-term outcomes of bariatric surgery in adolescents with severe obesity (FABS-5+): a prospective follow-up analysis.
Academic Article
High Body Mass Index in Infancy May Predict Severe Obesity in Early Childhood.
Academic Article
Obesity in the pediatric patient: cardiovascular complications.
CV Disease in Adolescents with Type 2 Diabetes
Academic Article
Rethinking the Use of Body Mass Index z-Score in Children and Adolescents with Severe Obesity: Time to Kick It to the Curb?
Academic Article
Lipid changes 8 years post gastric bypass in adolescents with severe obesity (FABS-5+ study).
Academic Article
Changes in Eating Behaviors of Children with Obesity in Response to Carbohydrate-Modified and Portion-Controlled Diets.
Academic Article
Now is the time to improve access and healthcare systems for childhood obesity treatment.
Academic Article
The Science of Obesity Management: An Endocrine Society Scientific Statement.
Academic Article
Infant Weight and Length Growth Trajectories Modeled Using Superimposition by Translation and Rotation Are Differentially Associated with Body Composition Components at 3 and 7 Years of Age.
Academic Article
Target Organ Abnormalities in Pediatric Hypertension.
Academic Article
Preventing childhood obesity.
Academic Article
BMI in early childhood.
Academic Article
Sleep and obesity.
Academic Article
ACEs and adolescent obesity.
Academic Article
Bupropion and naltrexone combination alters high fructose corn syrup self-administration and gene expression in rats.
Pediatric Obesity
Academic Article
Physical Activity Improves Lipid and Weight-Loss Outcomes After Metabolic Bariatric Surgery in Adolescents with Severe Obesity.
Academic Article
Burden of Cardiovascular Risk Factors Over Time and Arterial Stiffness in Youth With Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: The SEARCH for?Diabetes in Youth Study.
Academic Article
Pediatricians and obesity.
Academic Article
Predicting overweight and obesity in young adulthood from childhood body-mass index: comparison of cutoffs derived from longitudinal and cross-sectional data.
Academic Article
Prediction of adult class II/III obesity from childhood BMI: the i3C consortium.
Academic Article
Longitudinal Assessment of Sleep Trajectories during Early Childhood and Their Association with Obesity.
Academic Article
Obesity and sleep.
Academic Article
Obesity during childhood is associated with higher cancer mortality rate during adulthood: the i3C Consortium.
Academic Article
Longitudinal Changes in Various BMI Metrics and Adiposity in 3- to 7-Year-Olds.