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One or more keywords matched the following properties of
Exaggerated eye growth in IRBP-deficient mice in early development.
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has major subject area list
Eye; Eye Abnormalities; Eye Proteins; Retinol-Binding Proteins
information resource reference
Wisard J, Faulkner A, Chrenek MA, Waxweiler T, Waxweiler W, Donmoyer C, Liou GI, Craft CM, Schmid GF, Boatright JH, Pardue MT, Nickerson JM. Exaggerated eye growth in IRBP-deficient mice in early development. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2011 Jul 29; 52(8):5804-11.
Exaggerated eye growth in IRBP-deficient mice in early development.