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Search Results to Robert C. Fuhlbrigge

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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Fuhlbrigge, Robert

Item TypeName
Concept E-Selectin
Concept L-Selectin
Concept P-Selectin
Academic Article Direct real-time observation of E- and P-selectin-mediated rolling on cutaneous lymphocyte-associated antigen immobilized on Western blots.
Academic Article Interaction of dendritic cells with skin endothelium: A new perspective on immunosurveillance.
Academic Article E-selectin, thymus- and activation-regulated chemokine/CCL17, and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 are constitutively coexpressed in dermal microvessels: a foundation for a cutaneous immunosurveillance system.
Academic Article The 130-kDa glycoform of CD43 functions as an E-selectin ligand for activated Th1 cells in vitro and in delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions in vivo.
Academic Article T-cell distribution and adhesion receptor expression in metastatic melanoma.
Academic Article Sialylated, fucosylated ligands for L-selectin expressed on leukocytes mediate tethering and rolling adhesions in physiologic flow conditions.
Academic Article Interactions through L-selectin between leukocytes and adherent leukocytes nucleate rolling adhesions on selectins and VCAM-1 in shear flow.
Academic Article CD43 is a ligand for E-selectin on CLA+ human T cells.
Academic Article A distinct glycoform of CD44 is an L-selectin ligand on human hematopoietic cells.
Academic Article Glycolipid ligands for selectins support leukocyte tethering and rolling under physiologic flow conditions.
Academic Article Vitamins A and D are potent inhibitors of cutaneous lymphocyte-associated antigen expression.
Academic Article CD44 is a major E-selectin ligand on human hematopoietic progenitor cells.
Academic Article Neutrophils, monocytes, and dendritic cells express the same specialized form of PSGL-1 as do skin-homing memory T cells: cutaneous lymphocyte antigen.
Academic Article Skin infection generates non-migratory memory CD8+ T(RM) cells providing global skin immunity.
Academic Article P-selectin, L-selectin, and alpha 4 integrin have distinct roles in eosinophil tethering and arrest on vascular endothelial cells under physiological flow conditions.
Academic Article L-Selectin ligands that are O-glycoprotease resistant and distinct from MECA-79 antigen are sufficient for tethering and rolling of lymphocytes on human high endothelial venules.
Academic Article Analysis of glycoprotein E-selectin ligands on human and mouse marrow cells enriched for hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells.
Academic Article Tonsillar B cells do not express PSGL-1, but a significant fraction displays the cutaneous lymphocyte antigen and exhibits effective E- and P-selectin ligand activity.
Academic Article Immature mouse dendritic cells enter inflamed tissue, a process that requires E- and P-selectin, but not P-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1.
Academic Article The kinetics and shear threshold of transient and rolling interactions of L-selectin with its ligand on leukocytes.
Grant Structure Function Analysis of T Cell E-Selectin Ligands
Grant Influence of Chemokine Receptors on T Cell Cytokine Profiles in Skin
Academic Article Activation of human vascular endothelium in melanoma metastases induces ICAM-1 and E-selectin expression and results in increased infiltration with effector lymphocytes.

Search Criteria
  • L Selectin

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