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Search Results to Cathy Jean Bradley

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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Bradley, Cathy

keywords Cancer

One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Bradley, Cathy

Item TypeName
Academic Article Assessing the impact of cancer on work outcomes: what are the research needs?
Academic Article The impact of physical and psychosocial factors on work characteristics after cancer.
Concept Cancer Care Facilities
Concept Early Detection of Cancer
Concept Brain Neoplasms
Concept Lung Neoplasms
Concept Rectal Neoplasms
Concept Prostatic Neoplasms
Concept Colorectal Neoplasms
Concept Pancreatic Neoplasms
Concept Mouth Neoplasms
Concept Breast Neoplasms
Concept Head and Neck Neoplasms
Concept Oropharyngeal Neoplasms
Concept Neoplasms
Concept National Cancer Institute (U.S.)
Concept Colonic Neoplasms
Concept Gastrointestinal Neoplasms
Concept Uterine Cervical Neoplasms
Academic Article Absenteeism from work: the experience of employed breast and prostate cancer patients in the months following diagnosis.
Academic Article Longitudinal analysis of censored medical cost data.
Academic Article The effects of health shocks on employment and health insurance: the role of employer-provided health insurance.
Academic Article A dynamic model for estimating changes in health status and costs.
Academic Article Correlates of return to work for breast cancer survivors.
Academic Article The utility of the state buy-in variable in the Medicare denominator file to identify dually eligible Medicare-Medicaid beneficiaries: a validation study.
Academic Article Does employer-provided health insurance constrain labor supply adjustments to health shocks? New evidence on women diagnosed with breast cancer.
Academic Article Gastrointestinal malignancies: when does race matter?
Academic Article Breast cancer and women's labor supply.
Academic Article Surgery wait times and specialty services for insured and uninsured breast cancer patients: does hospital safety net status matter?
Academic Article Treatment and survival differences in older Medicare patients with lung cancer as compared with those who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid.
Academic Article Job attributes, job satisfaction and the return to health after breast cancer diagnosis and treatment.
Academic Article Medicaid, Medicare, and the Michigan Tumor Registry: a linkage strategy.
Academic Article Employee to employer communication skills: balancing cancer treatment and employment.
Academic Article Incremental value of using Medicaid claim files to study comorbid conditions and treatments in dually eligible beneficiaries.
Academic Article Disparities in cancer diagnosis and survival.
Academic Article Surveillance mammography for Medicaid/Medicare breast cancer patients.
Academic Article Health care disparities and cervical cancer.
Academic Article Racial differences in quality of life and employment outcomes in insured women with breast cancer.
Academic Article Estimates and projections of value of life lost from cancer deaths in the United States.
Academic Article Productivity costs of cancer mortality in the United States: 2000-2020.
Academic Article Differences in breast cancer diagnosis and treatment: experiences of insured and uninsured women in a safety-net setting.
Academic Article Influence of surgical and treatment choices on the cost of breast cancer care.
Academic Article Short-term effects of breast cancer on labor market attachment: results from a longitudinal study.
Academic Article Late stage cancers in a Medicaid-insured population.
Academic Article A matter of race: early-versus late-stage cancer diagnosis.
Academic Article Colon cancer treatment costs for Medicare and dually eligible beneficiaries.
Academic Article Acute myeloid leukemia: how the uninsured fare.
Academic Article The negative impact of stark law exemptions on graduate medical education and health care costs: the example of radiation oncology.
Academic Article Cancer, Medicaid enrollment, and survival disparities.
Academic Article Work and retirement after cancer diagnosis.
Academic Article Financial hardship: a consequence of survivorship?
Academic Article Insurance and inpatient care: differences in length of stay and costs between surgically treated cancer patients.
Academic Article Costs of novel symptom management interventions and their impact on hospitalizations.
Academic Article Mammography use after the 2009 debate.
Academic Article Absence of cancer diagnosis and treatment in elderly Medicaid-insured nursing home residents.
Academic Article Observation interval for evaluating the costs of surgical interventions for older women with a new diagnosis of breast cancer.
Academic Article Time away from work: employed husbands of women treated for breast cancer.
Academic Article Treatment disparities following the diagnosis of an astrocytoma.
Academic Article State Medicaid expansion decisions and disparities in women's cancer screening.
Academic Article Work task disability in employed breast and prostate cancer patients.
Academic Article Correlates of late stage breast cancer and death in a Medicaid-insured population.
Academic Article The need for online information on the economic consequences of cancer diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship.
Academic Article Employment outcomes of men treated for prostate cancer.
Academic Article Adjuvant chemotherapy after resection in elderly Medicare and Medicaid patients with colon cancer.
Academic Article Employment-contingent health insurance, illness, and labor supply of women: evidence from married women with breast cancer.
Academic Article Productivity savings from colorectal cancer prevention and control strategies.
Academic Article Race, socioeconomic status, and breast cancer treatment and survival.
Academic Article Inadequate access to surgeons: reason for disparate cancer care?
Academic Article Employment status among cancer survivors.
Academic Article Combining registry, primary, and secondary data sources to identify the impact of cancer on labor market outcomes.
Academic Article Long-term financial burden of breast cancer: experiences of a diverse cohort of survivors identified through population-based registries.
Academic Article Cancer incidence in elderly Medicare and dually eligible beneficiaries.
Academic Article Dually eligible and colorectal cancer screening: too little, too late?
Academic Article Employment patterns of long-term cancer survivors.
Academic Article Breast and prostate cancer patient's reliability of treatment reporting.
Academic Article Employment and cancer: findings from a longitudinal study of breast and prostate cancer survivors.
Academic Article Impact of adjuvant chemotherapy on long-term employment of survivors of early-stage breast cancer.
Academic Article Influence of patient-provider communication on colorectal cancer screening.
Academic Article Prostate cancer treatment and survival: evidence for men with prevalent comorbid conditions.
Academic Article Differences in emergency colorectal surgery in Medicaid and uninsured patients by hospital safety net status.
Academic Article Diagnosis of advanced cancer among elderly Medicare and Medicaid patients.
Academic Article Organizational characteristics and cancer care for nursing home residents.
Academic Article Differences in mortality for surgical cancer patients by insurance and hospital safety net status.
Academic Article Prescription drug coverage: implications for hormonal therapy adherence in women diagnosed with breast cancer.
Academic Article Economic recovery: A measure of the quality of cancer treatment and survivorship?
Academic Article The Impact of Near-Universal Insurance Coverage on Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening: Evidence from Massachusetts.
Academic Article Trends in the Treatment of Metastatic Colon and Rectal Cancer in Elderly Patients.
Academic Article Medicaid expansion and access to care among cancer survivors: a baseline overview.
Academic Article Dynamic Assessment of Value During High-Cost Cancer Treatment: A Response to American Society of Clinical Oncology and European Society of Medical Oncology.
Academic Article Use of High-cost Systemic Treatments in Elderly mCRC Patients.
Academic Article Antineoplastic Treatment of Advanced-Stage Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: Treatment, Survival, and Spending (2000 to 2011).
Academic Article Women With Breast Cancer Who Work For Accommodating Employers More Likely To Retain Jobs After Treatment.
Grant Health Insurance, Labor Supply, and Health
Grant VCU Massey Cancer Center Minority/Underserved NCI Community Oncology Research Program
Grant Training Program in Behavioral and Health Services Cancer Control Research
Grant In-Depth Examination of Disparities in Cancer Outcomes
Academic Article Cancer, Financial Burden, and Medicare Beneficiaries.
Academic Article Medicaid Expansions and Cervical Cancer Screening for Low-Income Women.
Academic Article Impact of Medicaid disenrollment in Tennessee on breast cancer stage at diagnosis and treatment.
Academic Article Long-Term Economic and Employment Outcomes Among Partners of Women With Early-Stage Breast Cancer.
Academic Article Projecting productivity losses for cancer-related mortality 2011 - 2030.
Academic Article Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Among Medicaid Beneficiaries: The Role of Physician Payment and Managed Care.
Academic Article Understanding the Limitations of Cancer Registry Insurance Data-Implications for Policy.
Academic Article Survival impact and toxicity of metformin in head and neck cancer: An analysis of the SEER-Medicare dataset.
Academic Article Recommendations for Research and Practice to Improve Work Outcomes Among Cancer Survivors.
Academic Article Comparing outcomes of concurrent chemotherapy regimens in patients 65 years old or older with locally advanced oropharyngeal carcinoma.
Academic Article Cancer Survivorship and Employment: Intersection of Oral Agents, Changing Workforce Dynamics, and Employers' Perspectives.
Academic Article Short- and Long-term Opioid Use in Patients with Oral and Oropharynx Cancer.
Academic Article Association Between Lymph Node Ratio and Recurrence and Survival Outcomes in Patients With Oral Cavity Cancer.
Academic Article Long-Term Survivorship Care After Cancer Treatment - Summary of a 2017 National Cancer Policy Forum Workshop.
Academic Article Statin use associated with improved overall and cancer specific survival in patients with head and neck cancer.
Academic Article Postoperative radiation performed at the same surgical facility associated with improved overall survival in oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma.
Concept Cancer Survivors
Concept Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms
Concept Cancer Pain
Academic Article Colorectal cancer survivors' challenges to returning to work: A qualitative study.
Grant Addressing Urban Rural Disparities in Cancer: The Case for Registry Expansion
Academic Article Economic Burden Associated with Cancer Caregiving.
Grant Cancer Caregivers and Their Struggle(s) between Work and Family
Academic Article Changing multiple health behaviors in cancer survivors: smoking and exercise.
Academic Article Factors Associated With Use of High-Cost Agents for the Treatment of Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.
Academic Article Understanding Financial Hardship Among Cancer Survivors in the United States: Strategies for Prevention and Mitigation.
Academic Article Chronic pain, health-related quality of life, and employment in working-age cancer survivors.
Academic Article The Impact of Massachusetts Health Reform on Colorectal and Breast Cancer Stage at Diagnosis.
Academic Article Co-payment policies and breast and cervical cancer screening in Medicaid.
Academic Article Ethnic Disparities in?Imaging Utilization at Diagnosis of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.
Academic Article Development and Evaluation of a Process to Link Cancer Patients in the SEER Registries to National Medicaid Enrollment Data.
Academic Article J Natl Cancer Inst
Academic Article Time to add screening for financial hardship as a quality measure?
Academic Article Stage and mortality of low-income patients with cancer: Evidence from SEER-Medicaid.
Academic Article A framework for cancer health economics research.
Academic Article New Persistent Opioid and Benzodiazepine Use After Curative-Intent Treatment in Patients With Breast Cancer.
Academic Article Improving the Process of Screening for Medical Financial Hardship in Oncology Practice.
Academic Article Changes in initiation of adjuvant endocrine therapy for breast cancer after state health reform.
Academic Article Colorectal Cancer and Return to Work: A Pilot Study of Recruiting Cancer Survivors and Their Employers.
Academic Article Association between employment status change and depression and anxiety in allogeneic stem cell transplant caregivers.
Academic Article Breast Cancer Treatment Following Health Reform: Evidence From Massachusetts.
Academic Article Characterizing employment of colorectal cancer survivors using electronic health records.
Academic Article Evaluating anthracycline?+?taxane versus taxane-based chemotherapy in older women with node-negative triple-negative breast cancer: a SEER-Medicare study.
Academic Article The role of all-payer claims databases to expand central cancer registries: Experience from Colorado.
Academic Article Treating the Whole Patient With Cancer: The Critical Importance of Understanding and Addressing the Trajectory of Medical Financial Hardship.
Academic Article Ethnicity, socioeconomic status, income inequality, and colorectal cancer outcomes: evidence from the 4C2 collaboration.
Academic Article Capitalizing on Central Registries for Expanded Cancer Surveillance and Research.
Academic Article An ounce of prevention: Medicaid's role in reducing the burden of cancer in men with HIV.
Academic Article Role of Medicaid in Early Detection of Screening-Amenable Cancers.
Academic Article Cancer's Lasting Financial Burden: Evidence From a Longitudinal Assessment.
Academic Article Policies and Practices to Address Cancer's Long-Term Adverse Consequences.
Academic Article Long-Term Cancer Survival: New Insights From Health Professional Cohorts.
Academic Article Digital Health Applications in Oncology: An Opportunity to Seize.
Academic Article Enhancing Health Equity Through Cancer Health Economics Research.
Academic Article Cancer Survivorship and Supportive Care Economics Research: Current Challenges and Next Steps.
Academic Article Cancer Treatment Data in Central Cancer Registries: When Are Supplemental Data Needed?
Academic Article Retirement behavior of cancer survivors: role of health insurance.
Academic Article Prescription Drug Provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act: Any Relief of Financial Hardship for Patients With Cancer?
Academic Article Unpaid Caregiving: What are the Hidden Costs?
Academic Article Job loss, return to work, and multidimensional well-being after breast cancer treatment in working-age Black and White women.
Academic Article Costs Around the First Year of Diagnosis for 4 Common Cancers Among the Privately Insured.
Academic Article Food Insecurity Among People With Cancer: Nutritional Needs as an Essential Component of Care.
Academic Article Ensuring Employment After Cancer Diagnosis: Are Workable Solutions Obvious?
Academic Article Ecological and individualistic fallacies in health disparities research.
Academic Article Clinical outcomes of adjuvant taxane plus anthracycline versus taxane-based chemotherapy regimens in older adults with node-positive, triple-negative breast cancer: A SEER-Medicare study.
Academic Article Working, Low Income, and Cancer Caregiving: Financial and Mental Health Impacts.
Academic Article Treatment Disparities in Radiation and Hormone Therapy Among Women Covered by Medicaid vs Private Insurance in Cancer Registry and Claims Data.
Academic Article State of research, feasibility, safety, acceptability, and outcomes examined on remotely delivered exercises using technology for older adult with cancer: a scoping review.
Academic Article Access To Oncology Services In Rural Areas: Influence Of The 340B Drug Pricing Program.
Academic Article Mass incarceration and cancer health disparities in the United States: reimagining models of care delivery.
Academic Article Comparison of primary payer in cancer registry and discharge data.
Academic Article Assessing characteristics of populations seen at Commission on Cancer facilities using Pennsylvania linked data.
Academic Article An essential goal within reach: attaining diversity, equity, and inclusion for the Journal of the National Cancer Institute journals.
Academic Article An essential goal within reach: attaining diversity, equity, and inclusion for the Journal of the National Cancer Institute journals.
Academic Article Major cardiovascular adverse events in older adults with early-stage triple-negative breast cancer treated with adjuvant taxane + anthracycline versus taxane-based chemotherapy regimens: A SEER-medicare study.
Academic Article Much work to do about measuring work.
Academic Article Implementation science for cancer control: One center's experience addressing context, adaptation, equity, and sustainment.

Search Criteria
  • Cancer

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