Sarah Wiehe
Title | Lecturer |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | SOM-PM&R Physical Therapy |
Title | Clinical Senior Instructor |
Institution | University of Colorado Colorado Springs |
Department | Beth-El Health Sciences |
Sotto-Santiago S, Wiehe S, Claxton G, Stamper G, Delp L, Hudson B, Lynch D, Moe S. "I Am Interested!": The Voices of the Community and Their Participation in Health Advisory Boards. Health Equity. 2024; 8(1):8-13. PMID: 38250302.
Wiehe SE, Nelson TL, Aalsma MC, Rosenman MB, Gharbi S, Fortenberry JD. HIV Care Continuum Among People Living With HIV and History of Arrest and Mental Health Diagnosis. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2023 12 15; 94(5):403-411. PMID: 37949443.
Magee LA, Ortiz D, Adams ZW, Marriott BR, Beverly AW, Beverly B, Aalsma MC, Wiehe SE, Ranney ML. Engagement With Mental Health Services Among Survivors of Firearm Injury. JAMA Netw Open. 2023 10 02; 6(10):e2340246. PMID: 37902754.
Dir AL, Pederson C, Khazvand S, Schwartz K, Wiehe SE, Aalsma MC. Caregiver and Juvenile Justice Personnel Perspectives on challenges and importance of caregiver engagement and the potential utility of a peer navigator program in the Juvenile Justice System. Health Justice. 2023 Aug 05; 11(1):30. PMID: 37542571.
Cheng ER, Moore C, Parks L, Taveras EM, Wiehe SE, Carroll AE. Human-centered designed communication tools for obesity prevention in early life. Prev Med Rep. 2023 Oct; 35:102333. PMID: 37564121.
Campbell AG, Zhang P, Rosenman MB, Scott E, Wiehe SE. Trends in Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome and Opioid Exposure Diagnoses Among Infants With Private Health Insurance, 2016-2021: Introduction of the P04.14 ICD-10-CM Code. Public Health Rep. 2024 Jan-Feb; 139(1):88-93. PMID: 37119181.
Goodwin B, Kearney A, Wilson ES, Sorrentino C, Dir AL, Reed D, Hollabaugh A, Kestian HH, Hendley H, Stigdon TJ, Wiehe SE. Proving promise and support: Preliminary evaluation of the Indiana Family Preservation Services. Child Abuse Negl. 2023 06; 140:106136. PMID: 36948028.
Szymanski KM, Carroll AE, Misseri R, Moore CM, Hawryluk BA, Wiehe SE. Building a prototype of a continence goal-selection tool for children with spina bifida: Patient, parental and urology provider recommendations. J Pediatr Urol. 2023 08; 19(4):404.e1-404.e10. PMID: 37002023.
Pederson CA, Dir AL, Schwartz K, Ouyang F, Monahan PO, Tu W, Wiehe SE, Aalsma MC. Associations between outpatient treatment and the use of intensive psychiatric healthcare services. Clin Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2023 Oct; 28(4):1380-1392. PMID: 36737059.
Dir AL, Pederson CA, Ouyang F, Monahan PO, Schwartz K, Wiehe SE, Aalsma MC. Examining Patterns of Psychotherapy Service Utilization Among Medicaid-Enrolled Adolescents. Psychiatr Serv. 2023 04 01; 74(4):374-380. PMID: 36597697.
Wood JB, Hawryluk B, Lynch D, Claxton G, Russell K, Bennett WE, Wiehe SE, Carroll AE. Identifying Patient-Centered Outcomes for Caregivers and Children With Musculoskeletal Infections. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2023 Jan; 10(1):ofac671. PMID: 36655190.
Wiehe SE, Moore CM, Lynch DO, Claxton G, Bauer NS, Sanematsu H. "Research Jam": Engaging patients and other stakeholders through human-centered design to improve translational research. J Clin Transl Sci. 2023; 7(1):e17. PMID: 36755531.
Szymanski KM, Carroll AE, Misseri R, Moore CM, Hawryluk BA, Wiehe SE. A patient- and parent-centered approach to urinary and fecal incontinence in children and adolescents with spina bifida: understanding experiences in the context of other competing care issues. J Pediatr Urol. 2023 04; 19(2):181-189. PMID: 36347777.
Wilkinson TA, Hawryluk B, Moore C, Peipert JF, Carroll AE, Wiehe S, Fortenberry JD. A human-centered designed outreach strategy for a youth contraception navigator program. PEC Innov. 2022 Dec; 1. PMID: 36540664.
Hodges M, Chambers JE, Denne S, Wiehe SE, Tang Q, Park S, Litzelman D. Associations of Mental Health Measures and Retention in a Community-Based Perinatal Care Recovery Support Program for Women of Childbearing Age With Substance Use Disorder. J Dual Diagn. 2022 Oct-Dec; 18(4):211-219. PMID: 36175164.
Wilkinson TA, Jenkins K, Hawryluk BA, Moore CM, Wiehe SE, Kottke MJ. Dual Protection Messaging for Adolescents and Young Adults in the Setting of Over-the-Counter Hormonal Contraception: A Human-Centered Design Approach. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol. 2022 Dec; 35(6):669-675. PMID: 36031114.
Honaker SM, Gopalkrishnan A, Brann M, Wiehe S, Clark AA, Chung A. "It made all the difference": a qualitative study of parental experiences with pediatric obstructive sleep apnea detection. J Clin Sleep Med. 2022 08 01; 18(8):1921-1931. PMID: 35499142.
Sors TG, O'Brien RC, Scanlon ML, Bermel LY, Chikowe I, Gardner A, Kiplagat J, Lieberman M, Moe SM, Morales-Soto N, Nyandiko WM, Plater D, Rono BC, Tierney WM, Vreeman RC, Wiehe SE, Wools-Kaloustian K, Litzelman DK. Reciprocal innovation: A new approach to equitable and mutually beneficial global health partnerships. Glob Public Health. 2023 01; 18(1):2102202. PMID: 35877989.
Cheng ER, Moore C, Parks L, Taveras EM, Wiehe SE, Carroll AE. Communicating Risk for Obesity in Early Life: Engaging Parents Using Human-Centered Design Methodologies. Front Pediatr. 2022; 10:915231. PMID: 35837240.
Magee LA, Dennis Fortenberry J, Aalsma MC, Gharbi S, Wiehe SE. Healthcare utilization and mental health outcomes among nonfatal shooting assault victims. Prev Med Rep. 2022 Jun; 27:101824. PMID: 35656226.
Wilkinson TA, Hawryluk B, Moore C, Peipert JF, Carroll AE, Wiehe S, Fortenberry JD. Developing a Youth Contraception Navigator Program: A Human-Centered Design Approach. J Adolesc Health. 2022 08; 71(2):217-225. PMID: 35562301.
Ridley-Merriweather KE, Head KJ, Younker SM, Evans MD, Moore CM, Lindsey DS, Wu CY, Wiehe SE. A novel qualitative approach for identifying effective communication for recruitment of minority women to a breast cancer prevention study. Contemp Clin Trials Commun. 2022 Jun; 27:100910. PMID: 35369402.
Binion K, Miller A, Misseri R, Kaefer M, Longtin K, Carroll A, Wiehe SE, Chan KH. Ask the parents: Testing the acceptability and usability of a hypospadias decision aid. J Pediatr Urol. 2022 04; 18(2):170.e1-170.e9. PMID: 35131196.
Litzelman DK, Umoren RA, Inui TS, Griffin W, Perkins SM, Moser EA, Wiehe SE, Roth S, DeChant P, Swigonski NL. Evaluation of a Program to Reduce Infant Mortality Risk Factors in Central Indiana. J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2022; 33(3):1461-1477. PMID: 36245175.
Vest JR, Adler-Milstein J, Gottlieb LM, Bian J, Campion TR, Cohen GR, Donnelly N, Harper J, Huerta TR, Kansky JP, Kharrazi H, Khurshid A, Kooreman HE, McDonnell C, Overhage JM, Pantell MS, Parisi W, Shenkman EA, Tierney WM, Wiehe S, Harle CA. Assessment of structured data elements for social risk factors. Am J Manag Care. 2022 01 01; 28(1):e14-e23. PMID: 35049262.
Minor KS, Marggraf MP, Davis BJ, Mickens JL, Abel DB, Robbins ML, Buck KD, Wiehe SE, Lysaker PH. Personalizing interventions using real-world interactions: Improving symptoms and social functioning in schizophrenia with tailored metacognitive therapy. J Consult Clin Psychol. 2022 Jan; 90(1):18-28. PMID: 34410749.
Magee LA, Fortenberry JD, Nelson T, Roth A, Arno J, Wiehe SE. Sexually Transmitted Infections in Association With Area-Level Prostitution and Drug-Related Arrests. Sex Transm Dis. 2021 07 01; 48(7):508-514. PMID: 33346589.
Magee LA, Ranney ML, Fortenberry JD, Rosenman M, Gharbi S, Wiehe SE. Identifying nonfatal firearm assault incidents through linking police data and clinical records: Cohort study in Indianapolis, Indiana, 2007-2016. Prev Med. 2021 08; 149:106605. PMID: 33992657.
Dir AL, Magee LA, Clifton RL, Ouyang F, Tu W, Wiehe SE, Aalsma MC. The point of diminishing returns in juvenile probation: Probation requirements and risk of technical probation violations among first-time probation-involved youth. Psychol Public Policy Law. 2021 May; 72(2):283-291. PMID: 34588760.
Aalsma MC, Aarons GA, Adams ZW, Alton MD, Boustani M, Dir AL, Embi PJ, Grannis S, Hulvershorn LA, Huntsinger D, Lewis CC, Monahan P, Saldana L, Schwartz K, Simon KI, Terry N, Wiehe SE, Zapolski TCB. Alliances to disseminate addiction prevention and treatment (ADAPT): A statewide learning health system to reduce substance use among justice-involved youth in rural communities. J Subst Abuse Treat. 2021 09; 128:108368. PMID: 33867210.
Pike JM, Moore CM, Yazel LG, Lynch DO, Haberlin-Pittz KM, Wiehe SE, Hannon TS. Diabetes Prevention in Adolescents: Co-design Study Using Human-Centered Design Methodologies. J Particip Med. 2021 Feb 24; 13(1):e18245. PMID: 33625364.
Mueller EL, Cochrane AR, Moore CM, Miller AD, Wiehe SE. Title: The Children's Oncology Planning for Emergencies (COPE) Tool: Prototyping with Caregivers of Children with Cancer. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2020; 2020:896-905. PMID: 33936465.
Magee LA, Fortenberry JD, Rosenman M, Aalsma MC, Gharbi S, Wiehe SE. Two-year prevalence rates of mental health and substance use disorder diagnoses among repeat arrestees. Health Justice. 2021 Jan 07; 9(1):2. PMID: 33411067.
Magee LA, Fortenberry JD, Tu W, Wiehe SE. Neighborhood variation in unsolved homicides: a retrospective cohort study in Indianapolis, Indiana, 2007-2017. Inj Epidemiol. 2020 Dec 01; 7(1):61. PMID: 33256823.
Mueller EL, Cochrane AR, Moore CM, Jenkins KB, Bauer NS, Wiehe SE. Assessing Needs and Experiences of Preparing for Medical Emergencies Among Children With Cancer and Their Caregivers. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2020 11; 42(8):e723-e729. PMID: 32427703.
Chan KH, Misseri R, Carroll A, Frankel RM, Moore C, Cockrum B, Wiehe S. User testing of a hypospadias decision aid prototype at a pediatric medical conference. J Pediatr Urol. 2020 Oct; 16(5):685.e1-685.e8. PMID: 32919901.
Chan KH, Misseri R, Carroll A, Frankel R, Moore CM, Cockrum B, Wiehe SE. User-centered development of a hypospadias decision aid prototype. J Pediatr Urol. 2020 Oct; 16(5):684.e1-684.e9. PMID: 32863127.
Dir AL, Clifton RL, Magee LA, Johnson-Kwochka AV, Wiehe SE, Aalsma MC. Patterns of drug screen results and court-ordered substance use treatment referrals and completion among justice-involved youth. J Subst Abuse Treat. 2020 11; 118:108095. PMID: 32972647.
Magee LA, Dir AL, Clifton RL, Wiehe SE, Aalsma MC. Patterns of adolescent gun carrying and gun-related crime arrests in Indianapolis, Indiana over an 11-year time period. Prev Med. 2020 10; 139:106199. PMID: 32653355.
Moore CM, Wiehe SE, Lynch DO, Claxton GE, Landman MP, Carroll AE, Musey PI. Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Eradication and Decolonization in Children Study (Part 1): Development of a Decolonization Toolkit With Patient and Parent Advisors. J Particip Med. 2020 May 20; 12(2):e14974. PMID: 33064109.
Moore CM, Wiehe SE, Lynch DO, Claxton GE, Landman MP, Carroll AE, Musey PI. Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Eradication and Decolonization in Children Study (Part 2): Patient- and Parent-Centered Outcomes of Decolonization. J Particip Med. 2020 May 20; 12(2):e14973. PMID: 33064098.
Chan KH, Misseri R, Cain MP, Whittam B, Szymanski K, Kaefer M, Rink R, Cockrum B, Moore C, Wiehe S. Provider perspectives on shared decision-making regarding hypospadias surgery. J Pediatr Urol. 2020 06; 16(3):307-315. PMID: 32307325.
Chan KH, Panoch J, Carroll A, Wiehe S, Cain MP, Frankel R. Knowledge gaps and information seeking by parents about hypospadias. J Pediatr Urol. 2020 Apr; 16(2):166.e1-166.e8. PMID: 32061490.
Salama A, Panoch J, Bandali E, Carroll A, Wiehe S, Downs S, Cain MP, Frankel R, Chan KH. Consulting "Dr. YouTube": an objective evaluation of hypospadias videos on a popular video-sharing website. J Pediatr Urol. 2020 Feb; 16(1):70.e1-70.e9. PMID: 31928900.
Morrison CN, Byrnes HF, Miller BA, Wiehe SE, Ponicki WR, Wiebe DJ. Exposure to alcohol outlets, alcohol access, and alcohol consumption among adolescents. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2019 12 01; 205:107622. PMID: 31760294.
Mueller EL, Cochrane AR, Lynch DO, Cockrum BP, Wiehe SE. Identifying patient-centered outcomes for children with cancer and their caregivers when they seek care in the emergency department. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2019 10; 66(10):e27903. PMID: 31309720.
Tucker Edmonds B, Hoffman SM, Lynch D, Jeffries E, Jenkins K, Wiehe S, Bauer N, Kuppermann M. Creation of a Decision Support Tool for Expectant Parents Facing Threatened Periviable Delivery: Application of a User-Centered Design Approach. Patient. 2019 06; 12(3):327-337. PMID: 30488236.
Chan KH, Panoch J, Carroll A, Wiehe S, Downs S, Cain MP, Frankel R. Parental perspectives on decision-making about hypospadias surgery. J Pediatr Urol. 2019 Oct; 15(5):449.e1-449.e8. PMID: 31383519.
Chan KH, Panoch J, Carroll A, Downs S, Cain MP, Frankel R, Cockrum B, Moore C, Wiehe S. Community engagement of adolescents in the development of a patient-centered outcome tool for adolescents with a history of hypospadias repair. J Pediatr Urol. 2019 Oct; 15(5):448.e1-448.e8. PMID: 31204081.
Bauer NS, Ofner S, Moore C, Lynch D, Wiehe SE, Downs SM, Carroll AE, Kronenberger WG. Assessment of the Effects of Pediatric Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder on Family Stress and Well-Being: Development of the IMPACT 1.0 Scale. Glob Pediatr Health. 2019; 6:2333794X19835645. PMID: 30906819.
Morrison CN, Byrnes HF, Miller BA, Kaner E, Wiehe SE, Ponicki WR, Wiebe DJ. Assessing Individuals' Exposure to Environmental Conditions Using Residence-based Measures, Activity Location-based Measures, and Activity Path-based Measures. Epidemiology. 2019 03; 30(2):166-176. PMID: 30721163.
Hentea C, Downs SM, Tucker Edmonds B, Vik T, Wiehe SE, Cheng ER. Impact of socioeconomic markers on parents' retention of pediatric oncology home care education: A pilot study. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2019 05; 66(5):e27624. PMID: 30693652.
Anderson VR, Ouyang F, Tu W, Rosenman MB, Wiehe SE, Aalsma MC. Medicaid Coverage and Continuity for Juvenile Justice-Involved Youth. J Correct Health Care. 2019 01; 25(1):45-54. PMID: 30616497.
Hullmann SE, Keller SA, Lynch DO, Jenkins K, Moore C, Cockrum B, Wiehe SE, Carroll AE, Bennett WE. Phase I of the Detecting and Evaluating Childhood Anxiety and Depression Effectively in Subspecialties (DECADES) Study: Development of an Integrated Mental Health Care Model for Pediatric Gastroenterology. J Particip Med. 2018 Sep 10; 10(3):e10655. PMID: 33052118.
Wiehe SE, Rosenman MB, Chartash D, Lipscomb ER, Nelson TL, Magee LA, Fortenberry JD, Aalsma MC. A Solutions-Based Approach to Building Data-Sharing Partnerships. EGEMS (Wash DC). 2018 Aug 22; 6(1):20. PMID: 30155508.
Hannon TS, Moore CM, Cheng ER, Lynch DO, Yazel-Smith LG, Claxton GE, Carroll AE, Wiehe SE. Codesigned Shared Decision-Making Diabetes Management Plan Tool for Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and Their Parents: Prototype Development and Pilot Test. J Particip Med. 2018 May 10; 10(2):e8. PMID: 33052121.
Dixit A, Miner EM, Wiehe SE, McHenry MS. Adolescent Burmese Refugees Perspectives on Determinants of Health. J Immigr Minor Health. 2018 Apr; 20(2):370-379. PMID: 28825219.
Lau KSL, Rosenman MB, Wiehe SE, Tu W, Aalsma MC. Race/Ethnicity, and Behavioral Health Status: First Arrest and Outcomes in a Large Sample of Juvenile Offenders. J Behav Health Serv Res. 2018 04; 45(2):237-251. PMID: 29238907.
Campbell AM, Thompson SL, Harris TL, Wiehe SE. Intimate Partner Violence and Pet Abuse: Responding Law Enforcement Officers' Observations and Victim Reports From the Scene. J Interpers Violence. 2021 03; 36(5-6):2353-2372. PMID: 29502502.
Vreeman RC, Ayaya SO, Musick BS, Yiannoutsos CT, Cohen CR, Nash D, Wabwire D, Wools-Kaloustian K, Wiehe SE. Adherence to antiretroviral therapy in a clinical cohort of HIV-infected children in East Africa. PLoS One. 2018; 13(2):e0191848. PMID: 29466385.
Walthall JDH, Burgess A, Weinstein E, Miramonti C, Arkins T, Wiehe S. Descriptive Correlates of Urban Pediatric Violent Injury Using Emergency Medical Service Patient-Level Data. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2018 Feb; 34(2):69-75. PMID: 27755329.
Savaiano DA, Lynch KH, Vandergraff DJ, Wiehe SE, Staten LK, Miller DK. The Purdue Extension and Indiana CTSI's Community Health Partnerships collaboration: An innovative, generalizable, state-wide model to help communities build a culture of health. J Clin Transl Sci. 2017 Oct; 1(5):292-295. PMID: 29707249.
Aalsma MC, Anderson VR, Schwartz K, Ouyang F, Tu W, Rosenman MB, Wiehe SE. Preventive Care Use Among Justice-Involved and Non-Justice-Involved Youth. Pediatrics. 2017 Nov; 140(5). PMID: 28970371.
Campbell AM, Hicks RA, Thompson SL, Wiehe SE. Characteristics of Intimate Partner Violence Incidents and the Environments in Which They Occur: Victim Reports to Responding Law Enforcement Officers. J Interpers Violence. 2020 07; 35(13-14):2583-2606. PMID: 29294722.
Felsher M, Wiehe SE, Gunn JKL, Roth AM. 'I Got it off my Chest': An Examination of how Research Participation Improved the Mental Health of Women Engaging in Transactional Sex. Community Ment Health J. 2018 02; 54(2):171-179. PMID: 28155031.
Byrnes HF, Miller BA, Morrison CN, Wiebe DJ, Woychik M, Wiehe SE. Association of environmental indicators with teen alcohol use and problem behavior: Teens' observations vs. objectively-measured indicators. Health Place. 2017 01; 43:151-157. PMID: 28061392.
Byrnes HF, Miller BA, Morrison CN, Wiebe DJ, Remer LG, Wiehe SE. Brief report: Using global positioning system (GPS) enabled cell phones to examine adolescent travel patterns and time in proximity to alcohol outlets. J Adolesc. 2016 07; 50:65-8. PMID: 27214713.
Roth AM, Rosenberger JG, Hensel DJ, Wiehe SE, Fortenberry JD, Wagner KD. Love moderates the relationship between partner type and condom use among women engaging in transactional vaginal sex. Sex Health. 2016 04; 13(2):170-6. PMID: 26615499.
Priest C, Knopf A, Groves D, Carpenter JS, Furrey C, Krishnan A, Miller WR, Otte JL, Palakal M, Wiehe S, Wilson J. Finding the Patient's Voice Using Big Data: Analysis of Users' Health-Related Concerns in the ChaCha Question-and-Answer Service (2009-2012). J Med Internet Res. 2016 Mar 09; 18(3):e44. PMID: 26960745.
Aalsma MC, Lau KSL, Perkins AJ, Schwartz K, Tu W, Wiehe SE, Monahan P, Rosenman MB. Mortality of Youth Offenders Along a Continuum of Justice System Involvement. Am J Prev Med. 2016 Mar; 50(3):303-310. PMID: 26585053.
Wiehe SE, Rosenman MB, Aalsma MC, Scanlon ML, Fortenberry JD. Epidemiology of Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Offenders Following Arrest or Incarceration. Am J Public Health. 2015 Dec; 105(12):e26-32. PMID: 26469659.
Lau KS, Aalsma MC, Holloway ED, Wiehe SE, Vachon DD. The effects of racial heterogeneity on mental health: A study of detained youth across multiple counties. Am J Orthopsychiatry. 2015 Sep; 85(5):421-30. PMID: 26460702.
Byrnes HF, Miller BA, Wiebe DJ, Morrison CN, Remer LG, Wiehe SE. Tracking Adolescents With Global Positioning System-Enabled Cell Phones to Study Contextual Exposures and Alcohol and Marijuana Use: A Pilot Study. J Adolesc Health. 2015 Aug; 57(2):245-7. PMID: 26206448.
Gunn JK, Roth AM, Center KE, Wiehe SE. The Unanticipated Benefits of Behavioral Assessments and Interviews on Anxiety, Self-Esteem and Depression Among Women Engaging in Transactional Sex. Community Ment Health J. 2016 11; 52(8):1064-1069. PMID: 25712538.
Wiehe SE, Barai N, Rosenman MB, Aalsma MC, Scanlon ML, Fortenberry JD. Test positivity for chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis infection among a cohort of individuals released from jail in Marion County, Indiana. Sex Transm Dis. 2015 Jan; 42(1):30-6. PMID: 25504298.
Roth AM, Hensel DJ, Fortenberry JD, Garfein RS, Gunn JK, Wiehe SE. Feasibility and acceptability of cell phone diaries to measure HIV risk behavior among female sex workers. AIDS Behav. 2014 Dec; 18(12):2314-24. PMID: 24643312.
Neff MR, Aalsma MC, Rosenman MB, Wiehe SE. Psychiatric medication refill practices of juvenile detainees. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev. 2013 Dec; 44(6):717-26. PMID: 23381007.
Wiehe SE, Kwan MP, Wilson J, Fortenberry JD. Adolescent health-risk behavior and community disorder. PLoS One. 2013; 8(11):e77667. PMID: 24278107.
Morrison D, Lin Q, Wiehe S, Liu G, Rosenman M, Fuller T, Wang J, Filippelli G. Spatial relationships between lead sources and children's blood lead levels in the urban center of Indianapolis (USA). Environ Geochem Health. 2013 Apr; 35(2):171-83. PMID: 22782519.
Yoder RB, Nyandiko WM, Vreeman RC, Ayaya SO, Gisore PO, Braitstein P, Wiehe SE. Long-term impact of the Kenya postelection crisis on clinic attendance and medication adherence for HIV-infected children in western Kenya. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2012 Feb 01; 59(2):199-206. PMID: 22027872.
Comer KF, Grannis S, Dixon BE, Bodenhamer DJ, Wiehe SE. Incorporating geospatial capacity within clinical data systems to address social determinants of health. Public Health Rep. 2011 Sep-Oct; 126 Suppl 3:54-61. PMID: 21836738.
Welch JL, Wiehe SE, Palmer-Smith V, Dankoski ME. Flexibility in faculty work-life policies at medical schools in the Big Ten conference. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2011 May; 20(5):725-32. PMID: 21501084.
Aalsma MC, Wiehe SE, Blythe MJ, Tong Y, Harezlak J, Rosenman MB. Mental health screening and STI among detained youth. J Community Health. 2011 Apr; 36(2):300-6. PMID: 20878215.
Wiehe SE, Rosenman MB, Wang J, Katz BP, Fortenberry JD. Chlamydia screening among young women: individual- and provider-level differences in testing. Pediatrics. 2011 Feb; 127(2):e336-44. PMID: 21262889.
Wiehe SE, Rosenman MB, Wang J, Fortenberry JD. Disparities in chlamydia testing among young women with sexually transmitted infection symptoms. Sex Transm Dis. 2010 Dec; 37(12):751-5. PMID: 20644496.
Vreeman RC, Nyandiko WM, Braitstein P, Were MC, Ayaya SO, Ndege SK, Wiehe SE. Acceptance of HIV testing for children ages 18 months to 13 years identified through voluntary, home-based HIV counseling and testing in western Kenya. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2010 Oct; 55(2):e3-10. PMID: 20714272.
Stupiansky NW, Rosenthal SL, Wiehe SE, Zimet GD. Human papillomavirus vaccine acceptability among a national sample of adult women in the USA. Sex Health. 2010 Sep; 7(3):304-9. PMID: 20719219.
Hanschmann H, Wiehe S, M?ller-Mazzotta J, Berger R. [Speech perception in noise with and without FM technology]. HNO. 2010 Jul; 58(7):674-9. PMID: 20517588.
Wiehe SE, Aalsma MC, Liu GC, Fortenberry JD. Gender differences in the association between perceived discrimination and adolescent smoking. Am J Public Health. 2010 Mar; 100(3):510-6. PMID: 20075313.
Tu W, Batteiger BE, Wiehe S, Ofner S, Van Der Pol B, Katz BP, Orr DP, Fortenberry JD. Time from first intercourse to first sexually transmitted infection diagnosis among adolescent women. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2009 Dec; 163(12):1106-11. PMID: 19996047.
Aalsma MC, Liu GC, Wiehe SE. The role of perceived parent monitoring and support on urban child and adolescent problem behavior. Community Ment Health J. 2011 Feb; 47(1):61-6. PMID: 19821137.
Aalsma MC, Tong Y, Wiehe SE, Tu W. The impact of delinquency on young adult sexual risk behaviors and sexually transmitted infections. J Adolesc Health. 2010 Jan; 46(1):17-24. PMID: 20123253.
Vreeman RC, Nyandiko WM, Sang E, Musick BS, Braitstein P, Wiehe SE. Impact of the Kenya post-election crisis on clinic attendance and medication adherence for HIV-infected children in western Kenya. Confl Health. 2009 Apr 04; 3:5. PMID: 19344523.
Wiehe SE. Pediatric office-based tobacco screening and prevention. Pediatr Ann. 2008 Nov; 37(11):733-9. PMID: 19024840.
Vreeman RC, Wiehe SE, Ayaya SO, Musick BS, Nyandiko WM. Association of antiretroviral and clinic adherence with orphan status among HIV-infected children in Western Kenya. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2008 Oct 01; 49(2):163-70. PMID: 18769353.
Vreeman RC, Wiehe SE, Pearce EC, Nyandiko WM. A systematic review of pediatric adherence to antiretroviral therapy in low- and middle-income countries. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2008 Aug; 27(8):686-91. PMID: 18574439.
Wiehe SE, Carroll AE, Liu GC, Haberkorn KL, Hoch SC, Wilson JS, Fortenberry JD. Using GPS-enabled cell phones to track the travel patterns of adolescents. Int J Health Geogr. 2008 May 21; 7:22. PMID: 18495025.
Wiehe SE, Hoch SC, Liu GC, Carroll AE, Wilson JS, Fortenberry JD. Adolescent travel patterns: pilot data indicating distance from home varies by time of day and day of week. J Adolesc Health. 2008 Apr; 42(4):418-20. PMID: 18346668.
Fishman PA, Ebel BE, Garrison MM, Christakis DA, Wiehe SE, Rivara FP. Cigarette tax increase and media campaign cost of reducing smoking-related deaths. Am J Prev Med. 2005 Jul; 29(1):19-26. PMID: 15958247.
Wiehe SE, Garrison MM, Christakis DA, Ebel BE, Rivara FP. A systematic review of school-based smoking prevention trials with long-term follow-up. J Adolesc Health. 2005 Mar; 36(3):162-9. PMID: 15737770.
Rivara FP, Ebel BE, Garrison MM, Christakis DA, Wiehe SE, Levy DT. Prevention of smoking-related deaths in the United States. Am J Prev Med. 2004 Aug; 27(2):118-25. PMID: 15261898.
Wiehe S, Lynch H, Park K. Sugar high: the marketing of soft drinks to America's schoolchildren. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2004 Mar; 158(3):209-11. PMID: 14993076.
Garrison MM, Christakis DA, Ebel BE, Wiehe SE, Rivara FP. Smoking cessation interventions for adolescents: a systematic review. Am J Prev Med. 2003 Nov; 25(4):363-7. PMID: 14580641.
Christakis DA, Garrison MM, Ebel BE, Wiehe SE, Rivara FP. Pediatric smoking prevention interventions delivered by care providers: a systematic review. Am J Prev Med. 2003 Nov; 25(4):358-62. PMID: 14580640.
Eberlein R, Kruse JT, Wiehe S. [Verbalizing feelings (emotions)]. Pflege Z. 2000 Jul; 53(7):484-7. PMID: 11022568.
Eberlein R, Kruse JT, Wiehe S. [Education plan on the subject of "pain." 1: Understanding of patient care affects the purpose of nursing education]. Pflege Z. 2000 Jun; 53(6):409-14. PMID: 11000857.
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Year | Publications |
2000 | 2 | 2003 | 2 | 2004 | 2 | 2005 | 2 | 2007 | 1 | 2008 | 4 | 2009 | 4 | 2010 | 5 | 2011 | 4 | 2012 | 2 | 2013 | 2 | 2014 | 1 | 2015 | 6 | 2016 | 3 | 2017 | 5 | 2018 | 8 | 2019 | 10 | 2020 | 10 | 2021 | 8 | 2022 | 15 | 2023 | 9 | 2024 | 1 |
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Wiehe's Networks
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Concepts  Derived automatically from this person's publications. _
Similar People  People who share similar concepts with this person. _
Same Department
People who are also in this person's primary department.