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Paul Jeffrey Ziemann

InstitutionUniversity of Colorado Boulder

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    Publications listed below are automatically derived from MEDLINE/PubMed and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing publications. Faculty can login to make corrections and additions.
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    1. Nguyen TB, Bates KH, Buenconsejo RS, Charan SM, Cavanna EE, Cocker DR, Day DA, DeVault MP, Donahue NM, Finewax Z, Habib LF, Handschy AV, Hildebrandt Ruiz L, Hou CS, Jimenez JL, Joo T, Klodt AL, Kong W, Le C, Masoud CG, Mayernik MS, Ng NL, Nienhouse EJ, Nizkorodov SA, Orlando JJ, Post JJ, Sturm PO, Thrasher BL, Tyndall GS, Seinfeld JH, Worley SJ, Zhang X, Ziemann PJ. Overview of ICARUS-A Curated, Open Access, Online Repository for Atmospheric Simulation Chamber Data. ACS Earth Space Chem. 2023 Jun 15; 7(6):1235-1246. PMID: 37342759.
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    2. Maben HK, Ziemann PJ. Kinetics of oligomer-forming reactions involving the major functional groups present in atmospheric secondary organic aerosol particles. Environ Sci Process Impacts. 2023 Feb 22; 25(2):214-228. PMID: 35665793.
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    3. Moravek A, VandenBoer TC, Finewax Z, Pagonis D, Nault BA, Brown WL, Day DA, Handschy AV, Stark H, Ziemann P, Jimenez JL, de Gouw JA, Young CJ. Reactive Chlorine Emissions from Cleaning and Reactive Nitrogen Chemistry in an Indoor Athletic Facility. Environ Sci Technol. 2022 11 15; 56(22):15408-15416. PMID: 36326040.
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    4. DeVault MP, Ziola AC, Ziemann PJ. Chemistry of Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Reactions of Monoterpenes with OH Radicals in the Presence of NOx. J Phys Chem A. 2022 Oct 27; 126(42):7719-7736. PMID: 36251783.
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    5. Day DA, Fry JL, Kang HG, Krechmer JE, Ayres BR, Keehan NI, Thompson SL, Hu W, Campuzano-Jost P, Schroder JC, Stark H, DeVault MP, Ziemann PJ, Zarzana KJ, Wild RJ, Dub? WP, Brown SS, Jimenez JL. Secondary Organic Aerosol Mass Yields from NO3 Oxidation of a-Pinene and ?-Carene: Effect of RO2 Radical Fate. J Phys Chem A. 2022 Oct 13; 126(40):7309-7330. PMID: 36170568.
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    6. Abbatt JPD, Morrison GC, Grassian VH, Shiraiwa M, Weschler CJ, Ziemann PJ. How should we define an indoor surface? Indoor Air. 2022 01; 32(1):e12955. PMID: 35104002.
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    7. DeVault MP, Ziemann PJ. Gas- and Particle-Phase Products and Their Mechanisms of Formation from the Reaction of ?-3-Carene with NO3 Radicals. J Phys Chem A. 2021 Dec 02; 125(47):10207-10222. PMID: 34791878.
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    8. Bakker-Arkema JG, Ziemann PJ. Comprehensive Analysis of Products and the Development of a Quantitative Mechanism for the OH Radical-Initiated Oxidation of 1-Alkenes in the Presence of NOx. J Phys Chem A. 2021 Jul 08; 125(26):5829-5840. PMID: 34170144.
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    9. Finewax Z, Pagonis D, Claflin MS, Handschy AV, Brown WL, Jenks O, Nault BA, Day DA, Lerner BM, Jimenez JL, Ziemann PJ, de Gouw JA. Quantification and source characterization of volatile organic compounds from exercising and application of chlorine-based cleaning products in a university athletic center. Indoor Air. 2021 09; 31(5):1323-1339. PMID: 33337567.
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    10. Deming BL, Ziemann PJ. Quantification of alkenes on indoor surfaces and implications for chemical sources and sinks. Indoor Air. 2020 09; 30(5):914-924. PMID: 32115779.
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    11. Algrim LB, Pagonis D, de Gouw JA, Jimenez JL, Ziemann PJ. Measurements and modeling of absorptive partitioning of volatile organic compounds to painted surfaces. Indoor Air. 2020 07; 30(4):745-756. PMID: 32077147.
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    12. Price DJ, Day DA, Pagonis D, Stark H, Algrim LB, Handschy AV, Liu S, Krechmer JE, Miller SL, Hunter JF, de Gouw JA, Ziemann PJ, Jimenez JL. Budgets of Organic Carbon Composition and Oxidation in Indoor Air. Environ Sci Technol. 2019 Nov 19; 53(22):13053-13063. PMID: 31652057.
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    13. Matsunaga A, Ziemann PJ. Branching Ratios and Rate Constants for Decomposition and Isomerization of ?-Hydroxyalkoxy Radicals Formed from OH Radical-Initiated Reactions of C6-C13 2-Methyl-1-Alkenes in the Presence of NOx. J Phys Chem A. 2019 Sep 12; 123(36):7839-7846. PMID: 31436091.
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    14. Pagonis D, Price DJ, Algrim LB, Day DA, Handschy AV, Stark H, Miller SL, de Gouw J, Jimenez JL, Ziemann PJ. Time-Resolved Measurements of Indoor Chemical Emissions, Deposition, and Reactions in a University Art Museum. Environ Sci Technol. 2019 05 07; 53(9):4794-4802. PMID: 30990681.
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    15. Seidenst?cker A, Beirle S, Enderle F, Ziemann P, Marti O, Plettl A. Nanoporous silicon nitride-based membranes of controlled pore size, shape and areal density: Fabrication as well as electrophoretic and molecular filtering characterization. Beilstein J Nanotechnol. 2018; 9:1390-1398. PMID: 29977673.
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    16. Farajollahi F, Seidenst?cker A, Altintoprak K, Walther P, Ziemann P, Plettl A, Marti O, Wege C, Gliemann H. Electrochemically-Driven Insertion of Biological Nanodiscs into Solid State Membrane Pores as a Basis for "Pore-In-Pore" Membranes. Nanomaterials (Basel). 2018 Apr 13; 8(4). PMID: 29652841.
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    17. Claflin MS, Ziemann PJ. Identification and Quantitation of Aerosol Products of the Reaction of ?-Pinene with NO3 Radicals and Implications for Gas- and Particle-Phase Reaction Mechanisms. J Phys Chem A. 2018 Apr 12; 122(14):3640-3652. PMID: 29528647.
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    18. Finewax Z, de Gouw JA, Ziemann PJ. Identification and Quantification of 4-Nitrocatechol Formed from OH and NO3 Radical-Initiated Reactions of Catechol in Air in the Presence of NOx: Implications for Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Biomass Burning. Environ Sci Technol. 2018 02 20; 52(4):1981-1989. PMID: 29353485.
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    19. Liu J, Russell LM, Ruggeri G, Takahama S, Claflin MS, Ziemann PJ, Pye HOT, Murphy BN, Xu L, Ng NL, McKinney KA, Budisulistiorini SH, Bertram TH, Nenes A, Surratt JD. Regional Similarities and NOx-related Increases in Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosol in Summertime Southeastern U.S. J Geophys Res Atmos. 2018; 123(18):10620-10636. PMID: 30997298.
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    20. Krechmer JE, Day DA, Ziemann PJ, Jimenez JL. Direct Measurements of Gas/Particle Partitioning and Mass Accommodation Coefficients in Environmental Chambers. Environ Sci Technol. 2017 Oct 17; 51(20):11867-11875. PMID: 28858497.
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    21. Petters SS, Pagonis D, Claflin MS, Levin EJT, Petters MD, Ziemann PJ, Kreidenweis SM. Hygroscopicity of Organic Compounds as a Function of Carbon Chain Length and Carboxyl, Hydroperoxy, and Carbonyl Functional Groups. J Phys Chem A. 2017 Jul 13; 121(27):5164-5174. PMID: 28621942.
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    22. Liu S, Thompson SL, Stark H, Ziemann PJ, Jimenez JL. Gas-Phase Carboxylic Acids in a University Classroom: Abundance, Variability, and Sources. Environ Sci Technol. 2017 May 16; 51(10):5454-5463. PMID: 28420232.
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    23. Burkholder JB, Abbatt JP, Barnes I, Roberts JM, Melamed ML, Ammann M, Bertram AK, Cappa CD, Carlton AG, Carpenter LJ, Crowley JN, Dubowski Y, George C, Heard DE, Herrmann H, Keutsch FN, Kroll JH, McNeill VF, Ng NL, Nizkorodov SA, Orlando JJ, Percival CJ, Picquet-Varrault B, Rudich Y, Seakins PW, Surratt JD, Tanimoto H, Thornton JA, Tong Z, Tyndall GS, Wahner A, Weschler CJ, Wilson KR, Ziemann PJ. The Essential Role for Laboratory Studies in Atmospheric Chemistry. Environ Sci Technol. 2017 03 07; 51(5):2519-2528. PMID: 28169528.
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    24. Algrim LB, Ziemann PJ. Effect of the Keto Group on Yields and Composition of Organic Aerosol Formed from OH Radical-Initiated Reactions of Ketones in the Presence of NOx. J Phys Chem A. 2016 Sep 08; 120(35):6978-89. PMID: 27508315.
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    25. Wiedwald U, Gr?fe J, Lebecki KM, Skripnik M, Haering F, Sch?tz G, Ziemann P, Goering E, Nowak U. Magnetic switching of nanoscale antidot lattices. Beilstein J Nanotechnol. 2016; 7:733-50. PMID: 27335762.
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    26. Krechmer JE, Pagonis D, Ziemann PJ, Jimenez JL. Quantification of Gas-Wall Partitioning in Teflon Environmental Chambers Using Rapid Bursts of Low-Volatility Oxidized Species Generated in Situ. Environ Sci Technol. 2016 06 07; 50(11):5757-65. PMID: 27138683.
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    27. Schilling M, Ziemann P, Zhang Z, Biskupek J, Kaiser U, Wiedwald U. Orientation of FePt nanoparticles on top of a-SiO2/Si(001), MgO(001) and sapphire(0001): effect of thermal treatments and influence of substrate and particle size. Beilstein J Nanotechnol. 2016; 7:591-604. PMID: 27335749.
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    28. Ranney AP, Ziemann PJ. Kinetics of Acid-Catalyzed Dehydration of Cyclic Hemiacetals in Organic Aerosol Particles in Equilibrium with Nitric Acid Vapor. J Phys Chem A. 2016 04 28; 120(16):2561-8. PMID: 27043733.
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    29. Liu S, Li R, Wild RJ, Warneke C, de Gouw JA, Brown SS, Miller SL, Luongo JC, Jimenez JL, Ziemann PJ. Contribution of human-related sources to indoor volatile organic compounds in a university classroom. Indoor Air. 2016 12; 26(6):925-938. PMID: 26610063.
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    30. Yeh GK, Claflin MS, Ziemann PJ. Products and Mechanism of the Reaction of 1-Pentadecene with NO3 Radicals and the Effect of a -ONO2 Group on Alkoxy Radical Decomposition. J Phys Chem A. 2015 Oct 29; 119(43):10684-96. PMID: 26436557.
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    31. Waxman EM, Elm J, Kurt?n T, Mikkelsen KV, Ziemann PJ, Volkamer R. Glyoxal and Methylglyoxal Setschenow Salting Constants in Sulfate, Nitrate, and Chloride Solutions: Measurements and Gibbs Energies. Environ Sci Technol. 2015 Oct 06; 49(19):11500-8. PMID: 26335375.
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    32. Gr?fe J, Haering F, Tietze T, Audehm P, Weigand M, Wiedwald U, Ziemann P, Gawronski P, Sch?tz G, Goering EJ. Perpendicular magnetisation from in-plane fields in nano-scaled antidot lattices. Nanotechnology. 2015 Jun 05; 26(22):225203. PMID: 25969389.
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    33. Bilde M, Barsanti K, Booth M, Cappa CD, Donahue NM, Emanuelsson EU, McFiggans G, Krieger UK, Marcolli C, Topping D, Ziemann P, Barley M, Clegg S, Dennis-Smither B, Hallquist M, Hallquist ?M, Khlystov A, Kulmala M, Mogensen D, Percival CJ, Pope F, Reid JP, Ribeiro da Silva MA, Rosenoern T, Salo K, Soonsin VP, Yli-Juuti T, Prisle NL, Pagels J, Rarey J, Zardini AA, Riipinen I. Saturation vapor pressures and transition enthalpies of low-volatility organic molecules of atmospheric relevance: from dicarboxylic acids to complex mixtures. Chem Rev. 2015 May 27; 115(10):4115-56. PMID: 25929792.
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    34. ?zdemir B, Huang W, Plettl A, Ziemann P. Arrays of quasi-hexagonally ordered silica nanopillars with independently controlled areal density, diameter and height gradients. Nanotechnology. 2015 Mar 20; 26(11):115301. PMID: 25707314.
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    35. Yeh GK, Ziemann PJ. Identification and yields of 1,4-hydroxynitrates formed from the reactions of C8-C16 n-alkanes with OH radicals in the presence of NO(x). J Phys Chem A. 2014 Sep 25; 118(38):8797-806. PMID: 25144881.
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    36. Suda SR, Petters MD, Yeh GK, Strollo C, Matsunaga A, Faulhaber A, Ziemann PJ, Prenni AJ, Carrico CM, Sullivan RC, Kreidenweis SM. Influence of functional groups on organic aerosol cloud condensation nucleus activity. Environ Sci Technol. 2014 Sep 02; 48(17):10182-90. PMID: 25118824.
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    37. Uhlig T, Wiedwald U, Seidenst?cker A, Ziemann P, Eng LM. Single core-shell nanoparticle probes for non-invasive magnetic force microscopy. Nanotechnology. 2014 Jun 27; 25(25):255501. PMID: 24896585.
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    38. Yeh GK, Ziemann PJ. Alkyl nitrate formation from the reactions of C8-C14 n-alkanes with OH radicals in the presence of NO(x): measured yields with essential corrections for gas-wall partitioning. J Phys Chem A. 2014 Sep 18; 118(37):8147-57. PMID: 24654572.
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    39. Ozdemir B, Seidenst?cker A, Plettl A, Ziemann P. Cyclic photochemical re-growth of gold nanoparticles: Overcoming the mask-erosion limit during reactive ion etching on the nanoscale. Beilstein J Nanotechnol. 2013; 4:886-94. PMID: 24367758.
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    40. Haering F, Wiedwald U, Nothelfer S, Koslowski B, Ziemann P, Lechner L, Wallucks A, Lebecki K, Nowak U, Gr?fe J, Goering E, Sch?tz G. Switching modes in easy and hard axis magnetic reversal in a self-assembled antidot array. Nanotechnology. 2013 Nov 22; 24(46):465709. PMID: 24172909.
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    41. Ziemann P, Khokhlov AR. Energy-related nanomaterials. Beilstein J Nanotechnol. 2013; 4:678-9. PMID: 24205463.
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    42. Kuerbanjiang B, Wiedwald U, Haering F, Biskupek J, Kaiser U, Ziemann P, Herr U. Exchange bias of Ni nanoparticles embedded in an antiferromagnetic IrMn matrix. Nanotechnology. 2013 Nov 15; 24(45):455702. PMID: 24141385.
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    43. Fiedler J, Ozdemir B, Bartholom? J, Plettl A, Brenner RE, Ziemann P. The effect of substrate surface nanotopography on the behavior of multipotnent mesenchymal stromal cells and osteoblasts. Biomaterials. 2013 Nov; 34(35):8851-9. PMID: 23968851.
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    44. Bodenschatz N, Liemert A, Schnurr S, Wiedwald U, Ziemann P. Extending the 3? method: thermal conductivity characterization of thin films. Rev Sci Instrum. 2013 Aug; 84(8):084904. PMID: 24007093.
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    45. Schnurr S, Wiedwald U, Ziemann P, Verchenko VY, Shevelkov AV. Structural and thermoelectric properties of TMGa3 (TM = Fe, Co) thin films. Beilstein J Nanotechnol. 2013; 4:461-6. PMID: 23946915.
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    46. Shiraiwa M, Yee LD, Schilling KA, Loza CL, Craven JS, Zuend A, Ziemann PJ, Seinfeld JH. Size distribution dynamics reveal particle-phase chemistry in organic aerosol formation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Jul 16; 110(29):11746-50. PMID: 23818634.
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    47. Herr U, Kuerbanjiang B, Benel C, Papageorgiou G, Goncalves M, Boneberg J, Leiderer P, Ziemann P, Marek P, Hahn H. Near-field effects and energy transfer in hybrid metal-oxide nanostructures. Beilstein J Nanotechnol. 2013; 4:306-17. PMID: 23766954.
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    48. Koslowski B, Maurer N, Stocker M, Chulkov SK, Benoit DM, Ziemann P. Analysis of rich inelastic electron tunneling spectra: case study of terthiophene on Au(111). Rev Sci Instrum. 2013 Apr; 84(4):043907. PMID: 23635209.
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    49. Thomas S, Uhlig M, Wiedwald U, Han L, Ziemann P, Albrecht M. Super spin-glass state and exchange bias in Fe/CoO hybrid nanostructures. Nanotechnology. 2013 Apr 19; 24(15):155703. PMID: 23518827.
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    50. Kuepper K, Derks C, Taubitz C, Prinz M, Joly L, Kappler JP, Postnikov A, Yang W, Kuznetsova TV, Wiedwald U, Ziemann P, Neumann M. Electronic structure and soft-X-ray-induced photoreduction studies of iron-based magnetic polyoxometalates of type {(M)M5}12Fe(III)30 (M = Mo(VI), W(VI)). Dalton Trans. 2013 Jun 14; 42(22):7924-35. PMID: 23403844.
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    51. Haering F, Wiedwald U, H?berle T, Han L, Plettl A, Koslowski B, Ziemann P. Geometry-induced spin-ice structures prepared by self-organization on the nanoscale. Nanotechnology. 2013 Feb 08; 24(5):055305. PMID: 23324730.
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    52. Wiedemann S, Plettl A, Walther P, Ziemann P. Freeze fracture approach to directly visualize wetting transitions on nanopatterned superhydrophobic silicon surfaces: more than a proof of principle. Langmuir. 2013 Jan 22; 29(3):913-9. PMID: 23259773.
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    53. Ziemann P, Schimmel T. Physics, chemistry and biology of functional nanostructures. Beilstein J Nanotechnol. 2012; 3:843-5. PMID: 23365797.
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    54. Wiedwald U, Haering F, Nau S, Schulze C, Schletter H, Makarov D, Plettl A, Kuepper K, Albrecht M, Boneberg J, Ziemann P. Tuning the properties of magnetic thin films by interaction with periodic nanostructures. Beilstein J Nanotechnol. 2012; 3:831-42. PMID: 23365796.
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    55. Enderle F, Dubbers O, Plettl A, Ziemann P. Controlled positioning of nanoparticles on a micrometer scale. Beilstein J Nanotechnol. 2012; 3:773-7. PMID: 23213640.
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    56. Ziemann PJ, Atkinson R. Kinetics, products, and mechanisms of secondary organic aerosol formation. Chem Soc Rev. 2012 Oct 07; 41(19):6582-605. PMID: 22940672.
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    57. Yee LD, Craven JS, Loza CL, Schilling KA, Ng NL, Canagaratna MR, Ziemann PJ, Flagan RC, Seinfeld JH. Secondary organic aerosol formation from low-NO(x) photooxidation of dodecane: evolution of multigeneration gas-phase chemistry and aerosol composition. J Phys Chem A. 2012 Jun 21; 116(24):6211-30. PMID: 22424261.
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    58. Mena-Osteritz E, Urdanpilleta M, El-Hosseiny E, Koslowski B, Ziemann P, B?uerle P. STM study on the self-assembly of oligothiophene-based organic semiconductors. Beilstein J Nanotechnol. 2011; 2:802-8. PMID: 22259763.
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    59. Pfeifer H, Koslowski B, Ziemann P. Deconvolution of the density of states of tip and sample through constant-current tunneling spectroscopy. Beilstein J Nanotechnol. 2011; 2:607-17. PMID: 22003466.
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    60. Koslowski B, Tschetschetkin A, Maurer N, Mena-Osteritz E, B?uerle P, Ziemann P. Terthiophene on Au(111): A scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy study. Beilstein J Nanotechnol. 2011; 2:561-8. PMID: 22003462.
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    61. Han L, Wiedwald U, Biskupek J, Fauth K, Kaiser U, Ziemann P. Nanoscaled alloy formation from self-assembled elemental Co nanoparticles on top of Pt films. Beilstein J Nanotechnol. 2011; 2:473-85. PMID: 22003453.
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    62. Vogel N, Ziener U, Manzke A, Plettl A, Ziemann P, Biskupek J, Weiss CK, Landfester K. Platinum nanoparticles from size adjusted functional colloidal particles generated by a seeded emulsion polymerization process. Beilstein J Nanotechnol. 2011; 2:459-72. PMID: 22003452.
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    63. Gon?alves MR, Makaryan T, Enderle F, Wiedemann S, Plettl A, Marti O, Ziemann P. Plasmonic nanostructures fabricated using nanosphere-lithography, soft-lithography and plasma etching. Beilstein J Nanotechnol. 2011; 2:448-58. PMID: 22003451.
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    64. Ziemann P. Organic-inorganic nanosystems. Beilstein J Nanotechnol. 2011; 2:363-4. PMID: 22003443.
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    65. Saranu S, Selve S, Kaiser U, Han L, Wiedwald U, Ziemann P, Herr U. Effect of large mechanical stress on the magnetic properties of embedded Fe nanoparticles. Beilstein J Nanotechnol. 2011; 2:268-75. PMID: 21977439.
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    66. Manzke A, Vogel N, Weiss CK, Ziener U, Plettl A, Landfester K, Ziemann P. Arrays of size and distance controlled platinum nanoparticles fabricated by a colloidal method. Nanoscale. 2011 Jun; 3(6):2523-8. PMID: 21552579.
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    67. Russell LM, Bahadur R, Ziemann PJ. Identifying organic aerosol sources by comparing functional group composition in chamber and atmospheric particles. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Mar 01; 108(9):3516-21. PMID: 21317360.
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    68. Koslowski B, Tschetschetkin A, Maurer N, Ziemann P. 4-Mercaptopyridine on Au(111): a scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy study. Phys Chem Chem Phys. 2011 Mar 07; 13(9):4045-50. PMID: 21240399.
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    69. Wiedwald U, Han L, Biskupek J, Kaiser U, Ziemann P. Preparation and characterization of supported magnetic nanoparticles prepared by reverse micelles. Beilstein J Nanotechnol. 2010; 1:24-47. PMID: 21977392.
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    70. Wiedwald U, Ziemann P. Preparation, properties and applications of?magnetic?nanoparticles. Beilstein J Nanotechnol. 2010; 1:21-3. PMID: 22013557.
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    71. Ulusoy IS, Scribano Y, Benoit DM, Tschetschetkin A, Maurer N, Koslowski B, Ziemann P. Vibrations of a single adsorbed organic molecule: anharmonicity matters! Phys Chem Chem Phys. 2011 Jan 14; 13(2):612-8. PMID: 21031209.
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    72. Ziemann PJ. Atmospheric chemistry: phase matters for aerosols. Nature. 2010 Oct 14; 467(7317):797-8. PMID: 20944736.
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    73. Ge MY, Han LY, Wiedwald U, Xu XB, Wang C, Kuepper K, Ziemann P, Jiang JZ. Monodispersed NiO nanoflowers with anomalous magnetic behavior. Nanotechnology. 2010 Oct 22; 21(42):425702. PMID: 20858938.
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    74. Eyrich M, Kielbassa S, Diemant T, Biskupek J, Kaiser U, Wiedwald U, Ziemann P, Bansmann J. Planar Au/TiO2 model catalysts: fabrication, characterization and catalytic activity. Chemphyschem. 2010 May 17; 11(7):1430-7. PMID: 20379981.
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    75. H?rtling T, Seidenst?cker A, Olk P, Plettl A, Ziemann P, Eng LM. Controlled photochemical particle growth in two-dimensional ordered metal nanoparticle arrays. Nanotechnology. 2010 Apr 09; 21(14):145309. PMID: 20234077.
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    76. Biskupek J, Jinschek JR, Wiedwald U, Bendele M, Han L, Ziemann P, Kaiser U. Identification of magnetic properties of few nm sized FePt crystalline particles by characterizing the intrinsic atom order using aberration corrected S/TEM. Ultramicroscopy. 2010 Jun; 110(7):820-5. PMID: 20303666.
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    77. Farmer DK, Matsunaga A, Docherty KS, Surratt JD, Seinfeld JH, Ziemann PJ, Jimenez JL. Response of an aerosol mass spectrometer to organonitrates and organosulfates and implications for atmospheric chemistry. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Apr 13; 107(15):6670-5. PMID: 20194777.
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    78. Matsunaga A, Ziemann PJ. Yields of beta-hydroxynitrates, dihydroxynitrates, and trihydroxynitrates formed from OH radical-initiated reactions of 2-methyl-1-alkenes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Apr 13; 107(15):6664-9. PMID: 20080570.
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    79. M?gele F, Fantauzzi D, Wiedwald U, Ziemann P, Rieger B. Two-dimensional assembly of magnetic binuclear complexes: a scanning tunneling microscopy study. Langmuir. 2009 Dec 01; 25(23):13606-13. PMID: 19670886.
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    80. Ziemann PJ. Atmospheric chemistry: Thwarting the seeds of clouds. Nature. 2009 Sep 17; 461(7262):353-4. PMID: 19759607.
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    81. Lim YB, Ziemann PJ. Kinetics of the heterogeneous conversion of 1,4-hydroxycarbonyls to cyclic hemiacetals and dihydrofurans on organic aerosol particles. Phys Chem Chem Phys. 2009 Sep 28; 11(36):8029-39. PMID: 19727510.
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    82. Huffman JA, Docherty KS, Mohr C, Cubison MJ, Ulbrich IM, Ziemann PJ, Onasch TB, Jimenez JL. Chemically-resolved volatility measurements of organic aerosol fom different sources. Environ Sci Technol. 2009 Jul 15; 43(14):5351-7. PMID: 19708365.
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    83. Han L, Wiedwald U, Kuerbanjiang B, Ziemann P. Fe oxidation versus Pt segregation in FePt nanoparticles and thin films. Nanotechnology. 2009 Jul 15; 20(28):285706. PMID: 19550015.
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    84. Lim YB, Ziemann PJ. Effects of molecular structure on aerosol yields from OH radical-initiated reactions of linear, branched, and cyclic alkanes in the presence of NOx. Environ Sci Technol. 2009 Apr 01; 43(7):2328-34. PMID: 19452882.
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    85. Brombacher C, Saitner M, Pfahler C, Plettl A, Ziemann P, Makarov D, Assmann D, Siekman MH, Abelmann L, Albrecht M. Tailoring particle arrays by isotropic plasma etching: an approach towards percolated perpendicular media. Nanotechnology. 2009 Mar 11; 20(10):105304. PMID: 19417519.
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    86. Matsunaga A, Ziemann PJ. Yields of beta-hydroxynitrates and dihydroxynitrates in aerosol formed from OH radical-initiated reactions of linear alkenes in the presence of NO(x). J Phys Chem A. 2009 Jan 22; 113(3):599-606. PMID: 19105730.
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    87. Aiken AC, Decarlo PF, Kroll JH, Worsnop DR, Huffman JA, Docherty KS, Ulbrich IM, Mohr C, Kimmel JR, Sueper D, Sun Y, Zhang Q, Trimborn A, Northway M, Ziemann PJ, Canagaratna MR, Onasch TB, Alfarra MR, Prevot AS, Dommen J, Duplissy J, Metzger A, Baltensperger U, Jimenez JL. O/C and OM/OC ratios of primary, secondary, and ambient organic aerosols with high-resolution time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometry. Environ Sci Technol. 2008 Jun 15; 42(12):4478-85. PMID: 18605574.
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    88. Bansmann J, Kielbassa S, Hoster H, Weigl F, Boyen HG, Wiedwald U, Ziemann P, Behm RJ. Controlling the interparticle spacing of Au-salt loaded micelles and Au nanoparticles on flat surfaces. Langmuir. 2007 Sep 25; 23(20):10150-5. PMID: 17722939.
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    89. Seidel YE, Lindstr?m R, Jusys Z, Cai J, Wiedwald U, Ziemann P, Behm RJ. Nanostructured Pt/GC model electrodes prepared by the deposition of metal-salt-loaded micelles. Langmuir. 2007 May 08; 23(10):5795-801. PMID: 17402757.
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    90. Antoniak C, Lindner J, Spasova M, Sudfeld D, Acet M, Farle M, Fauth K, Wiedwald U, Boyen HG, Ziemann P, Wilhelm F, Rogalev A, Sun S. Enhanced orbital magnetism in Fe(50)Pt(50) nanoparticles. Phys Rev Lett. 2006 Sep 15; 97(11):117201. PMID: 17025924.
      View in: PubMed
    91. Kielbassa S, H?bich A, Schnaidt J, Bansmann J, Weigl F, Boyen HG, Ziemann P, Behm RJ. On the morphology and stability of Au nanoparticles on TiO2(110) prepared from micelle-stabilized precursors. Langmuir. 2006 Aug 29; 22(18):7873-80. PMID: 16922577.
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    92. Boyen HG, Ziemann P, Wiedwald U, Ivanova V, Kolb DM, Sakong S, Gross A, Romanyuk A, B?ttner M, Oelhafen P. Local density of states effects at the metal-molecule interfaces in a molecular device. Nat Mater. 2006 May; 5(5):394-9. PMID: 16582914.
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    93. Docherty KS, Ziemann PJ. Reaction of oleic acid particles with NO3 radicals: Products, mechanism, and implications for radical-initiated organic aerosol oxidation. J Phys Chem A. 2006 Mar 16; 110(10):3567-77. PMID: 16526637.
      View in: PubMed
    94. Wiedwald U, Fauth K, Hessler M, Boyen HG, Weigl F, Hilgendorff M, Giersig M, Sch?tz G, Ziemann P, Farle M. From colloidal Co/CoO core/shell nanoparticles to arrays of metallic nanomagnets: surface modification and magnetic properties. Chemphyschem. 2005 Dec 09; 6(12):2522-6. PMID: 16270368.
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    95. Lim YB, Ziemann PJ. Products and mechanism of secondary organic aerosol formation from reactions of n-alkanes with OH radicals in the presence of NOx. Environ Sci Technol. 2005 Dec 01; 39(23):9229-36. PMID: 16382947.
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    96. Docherty KS, Wu W, Lim YB, Ziemann PJ. Contributions of organic peroxides to secondary aerosol formed from reactions of monoterpenes with O3. Environ Sci Technol. 2005 Jun 01; 39(11):4049-59. PMID: 15984782.
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    97. Gong H, Matsunaga A, Ziemann PJ. Products and mechanism of secondary organic aerosol formation from reactions of linear alkenes with NO3 radicals. J Phys Chem A. 2005 May 19; 109(19):4312-24. PMID: 16833761.
      View in: PubMed
    98. Boyen HG, Ethirajan A, K?stle G, Weigl F, Ziemann P, Schmid G, Garnier MG, B?ttner M, Oelhafen P. Alloy formation of supported gold nanoparticles at their transition from clusters to solids: does size matter? Phys Rev Lett. 2005 Jan 14; 94(1):016804. PMID: 15698114.
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    99. Ziemann PJ. Aerosol products, mechanisms, and kinetics of heterogeneous reactions of ozone with oleic acid in pure and mixed particles. Faraday Discuss. 2005; 130:469-90; discussion 491-517, 519-24. PMID: 16161799.
      View in: PubMed
    100. Docherty KS, Kumboonlert K, Lee IJ, Ziemann PJ. Gas chromatography of trimethylsilyl derivatives of alpha-methoxyalkyl hydroperoxides formed in alkene-O3 reactions. J Chromatogr A. 2004 Mar 12; 1029(1-2):205-15. PMID: 15032366.
      View in: PubMed
    101. Sakurai H, Park K, McMurry PH, Zarling DD, Kittelson DB, Ziemann PJ. Size-dependent mixing characteristics of volatile and nonvolatile components in diesel exhaust aerosols. Environ Sci Technol. 2003 Dec 15; 37(24):5487-95. PMID: 14717155.
      View in: PubMed
    102. Zhang XW, Boyen HG, Deyneka N, Ziemann P, Banhart F, Schreck M. Epitaxy of cubic boron nitride on (001)-oriented diamond. Nat Mater. 2003 May; 2(5):312-5. PMID: 12692532.
      View in: PubMed
    103. Boyen HG, K?stle G, Weigl F, Ziemann P, Schmid G, Garnier MG, Oelhafen P. Chemically induced metal-to-insulator transition in Au55 clusters: effect of stabilizing ligands on the electronic properties of nanoparticles. Phys Rev Lett. 2001 Dec 31; 87(27 Pt 1):276401. PMID: 11800899.
      View in: PubMed
    104. Tobias HJ, Beving DE, Ziemann PJ, Sakurai H, Zuk M, McMurry PH, Zarling D, Waytulonis R, Kittelson DB. Chemical analysis of diesel engine nanoparticles using a nano-DMA/thermal desorption particle beam mass spectrometer. Environ Sci Technol. 2001 Jun 01; 35(11):2233-43. PMID: 11414024.
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