Pieter Johnson to Trematoda
This is a "connection" page, showing publications Pieter Johnson has written about Trematoda.
Connection Strength |
19.185 |
Johnson PTJ, Stewart Merrill T, Calhoun DM, McDevitt-Galles T, Hobart B. Into the danger zone: How the within-host distribution of parasites controls virulence. Ecol Lett. 2024 Jan; 27(1):e14352.
Score: 0.831
Calhoun DM, Curtis J, Hassan C, Johnson PTJ. Putting infection on the map: Using heatmaps to characterise within- and between-host distributions of trematode metacercariae. J Helminthol. 2023 Nov 10; 97:e84.
Score: 0.825
Hobart BK, Moss WE, McDevitt-Galles T, Stewart Merrill TE, Johnson PTJ. It's a worm-eat-worm world: Consumption of parasite free-living stages protects hosts and benefits predators. J Anim Ecol. 2022 01; 91(1):35-45.
Score: 0.712
McDevitt-Galles T, Carpenter SA, Koprivnikar J, Johnson PTJ. How predator and parasite size interact to determine consumption of infectious stages. Oecologia. 2021 Nov; 197(3):551-564.
Score: 0.707
Johnson P, Calhoun DM, Moss WE, McDevitt-Galles T, Riepe TB, Hallas JM, Parchman TL, Feldman CR, Achatz TJ, Tkach VV, Cropanzano J, Bowerman J, Koprivnikar J. The cost of travel: How dispersal ability limits local adaptation in host-parasite interactions. J Evol Biol. 2021 03; 34(3):512-524.
Score: 0.676
Wilber MQ, Briggs CJ, Johnson PTJ. Disease's hidden death toll: Using parasite aggregation patterns to quantify landscape-level host mortality in a wildlife system. J Anim Ecol. 2020 12; 89(12):2876-2887.
Score: 0.665
Calhoun DM, Esfahani E, Locke SA, Moser WE, Johnson PTJ. How parasite exposure and time interact to determine Australapatemon burti (Trematoda: Digenea) infections in second intermediate hosts (Erpobdella microstoma) (Hirudinea: Erpodellidae). Exp Parasitol. 2020 Dec; 219:108002.
Score: 0.664
McDevitt-Galles T, Moss WE, Calhoun DM, Johnson PTJ. Phenological synchrony shapes pathology in host-parasite systems. Proc Biol Sci. 2020 01 29; 287(1919):20192597.
Score: 0.634
Johnson PTJ, Calhoun DM, Riepe TB, Koprivnikar J. Chance or choice? Understanding parasite selection and infection in multi-host communities. Int J Parasitol. 2019 04; 49(5):407-415.
Score: 0.597
Orlofske SA, Flaxman SM, Joseph MB, Fenton A, Melbourne BA, Johnson PTJ. Experimental investigation of alternative transmission functions: Quantitative evidence for the importance of nonlinear transmission dynamics in host-parasite systems. J Anim Ecol. 2018 05; 87(3):703-715.
Score: 0.550
Hannon ER, Calhoun DM, Chadalawada S, Johnson PTJ. Circadian rhythms of trematode parasites: applying mixed models to test underlying patterns. Parasitology. 2018 05; 145(6):783-791.
Score: 0.545
Johnson PTJ, Wilber MQ. Biological and statistical processes jointly drive population aggregation: using host-parasite interactions to understand Taylor's power law. Proc Biol Sci. 2017 Sep 27; 284(1863).
Score: 0.540
Calhoun DM, Bucciarelli GM, Kats LB, Zimmer RK, Johnson PTJ. Noxious newts and their natural enemies: Experimental effects of tetrodotoxin exposure on trematode parasites and aquatic macroinvertebrates. Toxicon. 2017 Oct; 137:120-127.
Score: 0.533
McCaffrey K, Johnson PT. Drivers of symbiont diversity in freshwater snails: a comparative analysis of resource availability, community heterogeneity, and colonization opportunities. Oecologia. 2017 04; 183(4):927-938.
Score: 0.513
Calhoun DM, Schaffer PA, Gregory JR, Hardy KM, Johnson PT. Experimental Infections of Bluegill with the Trematode Ribeiroia ondatrae (Digenea: Cathaemasiidae): Histopathology and Hematological Response. J Aquat Anim Health. 2015 Dec; 27(4):185-91.
Score: 0.476
LaFonte BE, Raffel TR, Monk IN, Johnson PT. Quantifying larval trematode infections in hosts: A comparison of method validity and implications for infection success. Exp Parasitol. 2015 Jul; 154:155-62.
Score: 0.455
Orlofske SA, Jadin RC, Johnson PT. It's a predator-eat-parasite world: how characteristics of predator, parasite and environment affect consumption. Oecologia. 2015 Jun; 178(2):537-47.
Score: 0.449
Johnson PT, Hoverman JT. Heterogeneous hosts: how variation in host size, behaviour and immunity affects parasite aggregation. J Anim Ecol. 2014 Sep; 83(5):1103-12.
Score: 0.422
Paull SH, Johnson PT. Experimental warming drives a seasonal shift in the timing of host-parasite dynamics with consequences for disease risk. Ecol Lett. 2014 Apr; 17(4):445-53.
Score: 0.417
Johnson PT, Preston DL, Hoverman JT, LaFonte BE. Host and parasite diversity jointly control disease risk in complex communities. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Oct 15; 110(42):16916-21.
Score: 0.409
LaFonte BE, Johnson PT. Experimental infection dynamics: using immunosuppression and in vivo parasite tracking to understand host resistance in an amphibian-trematode system. J Exp Biol. 2013 Oct 01; 216(Pt 19):3700-8.
Score: 0.402
Hoverman JT, Hoye BJ, Johnson PT. Does timing matter? How priority effects influence the outcome of parasite interactions within hosts. Oecologia. 2013 Dec; 173(4):1471-80.
Score: 0.401
Preston DL, Orlofske SA, Lambden JP, Johnson PT. Biomass and productivity of trematode parasites in pond ecosystems. J Anim Ecol. 2013 May; 82(3):509-17.
Score: 0.394
Johnson PT, Preston DL, Hoverman JT, Richgels KL. Biodiversity decreases disease through predictable changes in host community competence. Nature. 2013 Feb 14; 494(7436):230-3.
Score: 0.392
Johnson PT, Hoverman JT. Parasite diversity and coinfection determine pathogen infection success and host fitness. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Jun 05; 109(23):9006-11.
Score: 0.372
Johnson PT, Rohr JR, Hoverman JT, Kellermanns E, Bowerman J, Lunde KB. Living fast and dying of infection: host life history drives interspecific variation in infection and disease risk. Ecol Lett. 2012 Mar; 15(3):235-42.
Score: 0.363
Johnson PT, Preston DL, Hoverman JT, Henderson JS, Paull SH, Richgels KL, Redmond MD. Species diversity reduces parasite infection through cross-generational effects on host abundance. Ecology. 2012 Jan; 93(1):56-64.
Score: 0.363
Hartson RB, Orlofske SA, Melin VE, Dillon RT, Johnson PT. Land use and wetland spatial position jointly determine amphibian parasite communities. Ecohealth. 2011 Dec; 8(4):485-500.
Score: 0.359
Redmond MD, Hartson RB, Hoverman JT, De Jes?s-Villanueva CN, Johnson PT. Experimental exposure of Helisoma trivolvis and Biomphalaria glabrata (Gastropoda) to Ribeiroia ondatrae (Trematoda). J Parasitol. 2011 Dec; 97(6):1055-61.
Score: 0.349
Goodman BA, Johnson PT. Disease and the extended phenotype: parasites control host performance and survival through induced changes in body plan. PLoS One. 2011; 6(5):e20193.
Score: 0.348
Johnson PT, Buller ID. Parasite competition hidden by correlated coinfection: using surveys and experiments to understand parasite interactions. Ecology. 2011 Mar; 92(3):535-41.
Score: 0.342
Goodman BA, Johnson PT. Ecomorphology and disease: cryptic effects of parasitism on host habitat use, thermoregulation, and predator avoidance. Ecology. 2011 Mar; 92(3):542-8.
Score: 0.342
Daly EW, Johnson PT. Beyond immunity: quantifying the effects of host anti-parasite behavior on parasite transmission. Oecologia. 2011 Apr; 165(4):1043-50.
Score: 0.332
Johnson PT, Hartson RB. All hosts are not equal: explaining differential patterns of malformations in an amphibian community. J Anim Ecol. 2009 Jan; 78(1):191-201.
Score: 0.286
Johnson PT, Hartson RB, Larson DJ, Sutherland DR. Diversity and disease: community structure drives parasite transmission and host fitness. Ecol Lett. 2008 Oct; 11(10):1017-26.
Score: 0.285
Johnson PT, Preu ER, Sutherland DR, Romansic JM, Han B, Blaustein AR. Adding infection to injury: synergistic effects of predation and parasitism on amphibian malformations. Ecology. 2006 Sep; 87(9):2227-35.
Score: 0.251
Fried B, Johnson PT. In vitro excystment of the metacercariae of Ribeiroia ondatrae. Parasitol Res. 2005 Mar; 95(4):293-5.
Score: 0.224
Johnson PT, Sutherland DR, Kinsella JM, Lunde KB. Review of the trematode genus Ribeiroia (Psilostomidae): ecology, life history and pathogenesis with special emphasis on the amphibian malformation problem. Adv Parasitol. 2004; 57:191-253.
Score: 0.208
Johnson PT, Sutherland DR. Amphibian deformities and Ribeiroia infection: an emerging helminthiasis. Trends Parasitol. 2003 Aug; 19(8):332-5.
Score: 0.202
Locke SA, Drago FB, L?pez-Hern?ndez D, Chibwana FD, N??ez V, Van Dam A, Achinelly MF, Johnson PTJ, de Assis JCA, de Melo AL, Pinto HA. Intercontinental distributions, phylogenetic position and life cycles of species of Apharyngostrigea (Digenea, Diplostomoidea) illuminated with morphological, experimental, molecular and genomic data. Int J Parasitol. 2021 07; 51(8):667-683.
Score: 0.171
Johnson PTJ, Calhoun DM, Riepe T, McDevitt-Galles T, Koprivnikar J. Community disassembly and disease: realistic-but not randomized-biodiversity losses enhance parasite transmission. Proc Biol Sci. 2019 05 15; 286(1902):20190260.
Score: 0.151
Paull SH, Johnson PTJ. How Temperature, Pond-Drying, and Nutrients Influence Parasite Infection and Pathology. Ecohealth. 2018 06; 15(2):396-408.
Score: 0.139
Wilber MQ, Johnson PT, Briggs CJ. When can we infer mechanism from parasite aggregation? A constraint-based approach to disease ecology. Ecology. 2017 Mar; 98(3):688-702.
Score: 0.129
Altman KA, Paull SH, Johnson PT, Golembieski MN, Stephens JP, LaFonte BE, Raffel TR. Host and parasite thermal acclimation responses depend on the stage of infection. J Anim Ecol. 2016 Jul; 85(4):1014-24.
Score: 0.122
Mischler J, Johnson PT, McKenzie VJ, Townsend AR. Parasite infection alters nitrogen cycling at the ecosystem scale. J Anim Ecol. 2016 05; 85(3):817-28.
Score: 0.122
Calhoun DM, Woodhams D, Howard C, LaFonte BE, Gregory JR, Johnson PT. Role of Antimicrobial Peptides in Amphibian Defense Against Trematode Infection. Ecohealth. 2016 06; 13(2):383-91.
Score: 0.121
Orlofske SA, Jadin RC, Preston DL, Johnson PT. Parasite transmission in complex communities: predators and alternative hosts alter pathogenic infections in amphibians. Ecology. 2012 Jun; 93(6):1247-53.
Score: 0.093
Locke SA, McLaughlin JD, Lapierre AR, Johnson PT, Marcogliese DJ. Linking larvae and adults of Apharyngostrigea cornu, Hysteromorpha triloba, and Alaria mustelae (Diplostomoidea: Digenea) using molecular data. J Parasitol. 2011 Oct; 97(5):846-51.
Score: 0.086
Romansic JM, Johnson PT, Searle CL, Johnson JE, Tunstall TS, Han BA, Rohr JR, Blaustein AR. Individual and combined effects of multiple pathogens on Pacific treefrogs. Oecologia. 2011 Aug; 166(4):1029-41.
Score: 0.086
Wilson WD, Johnson PT, Sutherland DR, Mon? H, Loker ES. A molecular phylogenetic study of the genus Ribeiroia (Digenea): trematodes known to cause limb malformations in amphibians. J Parasitol. 2005 Oct; 91(5):1040-5.
Score: 0.059
Blaustein AR, Johnson PT. Explaining frog deformities. Sci Am. 2003 Feb; 288(2):60-5.
Score: 0.049
Blaustein AR, Gervasi SS, Johnson PT, Hoverman JT, Belden LK, Bradley PW, Xie GY. Ecophysiology meets conservation: understanding the role of disease in amphibian population declines. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2012 Jun 19; 367(1596):1688-707.
Score: 0.023
Connection Strength
The connection strength for concepts is the sum of the scores for each matching publication.
Publication scores are based on many factors, including how long ago they were written and whether the person is a first or senior author.