Allison Livia Buti Shapiro
Title | Assistant Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | SOM-PEDS |
Email |  |
.gif) | 0000-0001-8334-974X  |
Biography University of Portland, Portland, Oregon | BS | 12/2006 | Biology and Chemistry | Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, Oregon | MPH | 06/2011 | Epidemiology and Biostatistics | University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, Colorado | PhD | 12/2015 | Lifecourse Epidemiology | University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, Colorado | Postdoctoral Fellowship | 12/2019 | Neuroimaging |
Research R03AG088803 (SHAPIRO, ALLISON LIVIA BUTI)Aug 1, 2024 - May 31, 2026 NIH Proteomic markers of risk for cognitive impairment in people with type 2 diabetes Role: Principal Investigator |
| K01DK120562 (SHAPIRO, ALLISON LIVIA BUTI)Jan 15, 2020 - Nov 30, 2024 NIH The neural underpinnings of disinhibited eating behavior in adolescents with and without obesity Role: Principal Investigator |
Shapiro ALB, Lawless MC, Charlifue-Smith R, Johnson SL. Complementary food exposure and children's early understanding of food words: the approaching eating through language (APPEAL) study. Front Nutr. 2024; 11:1237698. PMID: 38863587.
Shapiro ALB, Coughlan C, Bettcher BM, Pauley ME, Kim J, Bjornstad P, Rajic B, Truong J, Bell C, Choi YJ, Walker KA, Potter H, Liese AD, Dabelea D, Whitlow CT. Biomarkers of Neurodegeneration and Alzheimer's Disease Neuropathology in Adolescents and Young Adults with Youth-Onset Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes: A Proof-of-Concept Study. Endocrines. 2024 Jun; 5(2):197-213. PMID: 38764894.
Shapiro ALB, Tjaden AH, Edelstein SL, Kahn SE, Srikanthan P, Knowler WC, Venditti EM, Golden SH, Carmichael O, Luchsinger JA. The association of insulin responses and insulin sensitivity with cognition in adults with pre-diabetes: The Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study. J Diabetes Complications. 2024 06; 38(6):108764. PMID: 38701667.
Morales S, Bowers ME, Shuffrey L, Ziegler K, Troller-Renfree S, Hernandez A, Leach SC, McGrath M, Ola C, Leve LD, Nozadi SS, Swingler MM, Lai JS, Schweitzer JB, Fifer W, Camargo CA, Khurana Hershey GK, Shapiro ALB, Keating DP, Hartert TV, Deoni S, Ferrara A, Elliott AJ. Maternal education prospectively predicts child neurocognitive function: An environmental influences on child health outcomes study. Dev Psychol. 2024 Jun; 60(6):1028-1040. PMID: 38407105.
Brown AD, Liese AD, Shapiro ALB, Frongillo EA, Wilkening G, Fridriksson J, Merchant AT, Henkin L, Jensen ET, Reboussin BA, Shah AS, Marcovina S, Dolan LM, Dabelea D, Pihoker C, Mendoza JA. Household Food Insecurity and Cognition in Youth and Young Adults with Youth-Onset Diabetes. Pediatr Diabetes. 2023; 2023. PMID: 38765732.
Shapiro ALB, Bellatorre A, Dabelea D, Stafford JM, D'Agostino R, Shah AS, Urbina EM, Barrett CE, Pihoker C, Marcovina S, Liese AD, Mottl AK, Jensen ET, Wilkening G. Diabetes complications and cognitive function in young adults with youth-onset type 1 or type 2 diabetes: the SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study. Pediatr Diabetes. 2023; 2023. PMID: 38706530.
Moore BF, Salmons KA, Hoyt AT, Swenson KS, Bates EA, Sauder KA, Shapiro ALB, Wilkening G, Kinney GL, Neophytou AM, Sempio C, Klawitter J, Christians U, Dabelea D. Associations between Prenatal and Postnatal Exposure to Cannabis with Cognition and Behavior at Age 5 Years: The Healthy Start Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2023 03 10; 20(6). PMID: 36981794.
Cohen CC, Perng W, Sauder KA, Shapiro ALB, Starling AP, Friedman C, Felix JF, K?pers LK, Moore BF, H?bert JR, Shivappa N, Scherzinger A, Sundaram SS, Shankar K, Dabelea D. Maternal Diet Quality During Pregnancy and Offspring Hepatic Fat in Early Childhood: The Healthy Start Study. J Nutr. 2023 04; 153(4):1122-1132. PMID: 36796482.
Moore BF, Sauder KA, Shapiro ALB, Crume T, Kinney GL, Dabelea D. Fetal Exposure to Cannabis and Childhood Metabolic Outcomes: The Healthy Start Study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2022 06 16; 107(7):e2862-e2869. PMID: 35357471.
Shapiro ALB, Lawless MC, Flesher A, Lattanzi K, Charlifue-Smith R, Johnson SL. Acceptance of a Novel Food is Related to Caregiver Perceptions of Infant and Toddler Food-related Receptive Language. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2022 07; 54(7):684-690. PMID: 35643749.
Johnson SL, Shapiro ALB, Moding KJ, Flesher A, Davis K, Fisher JO. Infant and Toddler Consumption of Sweetened and Unsweetened Lipid Nutrient Supplements After 2-Week Home Repeated Exposures. J Nutr. 2021 09 04; 151(9):2825-2834. PMID: 34036363.
Shapiro ALB, Dabelea D, Stafford JM, D'Agostino R, Pihoker C, Liese AD, Shah AS, Bellatorre A, Lawrence JM, Henkin L, Saydah S, Wilkening G. Cognitive Function in Adolescents and Young Adults With Youth-Onset Type 1 Versus Type 2 Diabetes: The SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study. Diabetes Care. 2021 06; 44(6):1273-1280. PMID: 33905344.
Tommerdahl KL, Shapiro ALB, Nehus EJ, Bjornstad P. Early microvascular complications in type 1 and type 2 diabetes: recent developments and updates. Pediatr Nephrol. 2022 01; 37(1):79-93. PMID: 33852054.
Shapiro ALB, Moore BF, Sutton B, Wilkening G, Stence N, Dabelea D, Tregellas JR. In Utero Exposure to Maternal Overweight or Obesity is Associated with Altered Offspring Brain Function in Middle Childhood. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2020 09; 28(9):1718-1725. PMID: 32772475.
Moore BF, Shapiro AL, Wilkening G, Magzamen S, Starling AP, Allshouse WB, Adgate JL, Dabelea D. Prenatal Exposure to Tobacco and Offspring Neurocognitive Development in the Healthy Start Study. J Pediatr. 2020 03; 218:28-34.e2. PMID: 31759580.
Shapiro ALB, Wilkening G, Aalborg J, Ringham BM, Glueck DH, Tregellas JR, Dabelea D. Childhood Metabolic Biomarkers Are Associated with Performance on Cognitive Tasks in Young Children. J Pediatr. 2019 08; 211:92-97. PMID: 31060808.
Shapiro ALB, Johnson SL, Sutton B, Legget KT, Dabelea D, Tregellas JR. Eating in the absence of hunger in young children is related to brain reward network hyperactivity and reduced functional connectivity in executive control networks. Pediatr Obes. 2019 06; 14(6):e12502. PMID: 30659756.
Baker PR, Patinkin ZW, Shapiro ALB, de la Houssaye BA, Janssen RC, Vanderlinden LA, Dabelea D, Friedman JE. Altered gene expression and metabolism in fetal umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells correspond with differences in 5-month-old infant adiposity gain. Sci Rep. 2017 12 22; 7(1):18095. PMID: 29273781.
Boyle KE, Patinkin ZW, Shapiro ALB, Bader C, Vanderlinden L, Kechris K, Janssen RC, Ford RJ, Smith BK, Steinberg GR, Davidson EJ, Yang IV, Dabelea D, Friedman JE. Maternal obesity alters fatty acid oxidation, AMPK activity, and associated DNA methylation in mesenchymal stem cells from human infants. Mol Metab. 2017 11; 6(11):1503-1516. PMID: 29107296.
Shapiro ALB, Ringham BM, Glueck DH, Norris JM, Barbour LA, Friedman JE, Dabelea D. Infant Adiposity is Independently Associated with a Maternal High Fat Diet but not Related to Niacin Intake: The Healthy Start Study. Matern Child Health J. 2017 Aug; 21(8):1662-1668. PMID: 28161859.
Sauder KA, Koeppen HJ, Shapiro ALB, Kalata KE, Stamatoiu AV, Ringham BM, Glueck DH, Norris JM, Dabelea D. Prenatal Vitamin D Intake, Cord Blood 25-Hydroxyvitamin D, and Offspring Body Composition: The Healthy Start Study. Nutrients. 2017 Jul 22; 9(7). PMID: 28737667.
Shapiro ALB, Sauder KA, Tregellas JR, Legget KT, Gravitz SL, Ringham BM, Glueck DH, Johnson SL, Dabelea D. Exposure to maternal diabetes in utero and offspring eating behavior: The EPOCH study. Appetite. 2017 09 01; 116:610-615. PMID: 28478063.
Starling AP, Shapiro ALB, Sauder KA, Kaar JL, Ringham BM, Glueck DH, Galan HL, Dabelea D. Blood pressure during pregnancy, neonatal size and altered body composition: the Healthy Start study. J Perinatol. 2017 05; 37(5):502-506. PMID: 28181996.
Shapiro AL, Boyle KE, Dabelea D, Patinkin ZW, De la Houssaye B, Ringham BM, Glueck DH, Barbour LA, Norris JM, Friedman JE. Nicotinamide Promotes Adipogenesis in Umbilical Cord-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Is Associated with Neonatal Adiposity: The Healthy Start BabyBUMP Project. PLoS One. 2016; 11(7):e0159575. PMID: 27414406.
Crume TL, Brinton JT, Shapiro A, Kaar J, Glueck DH, Siega-Riz AM, Dabelea D. Maternal dietary intake during pregnancy and offspring body composition: The Healthy Start Study. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2016 Nov; 215(5):609.e1-609.e8. PMID: 27371352.
Shapiro AL, Kaar JL, Crume TL, Starling AP, Siega-Riz AM, Ringham BM, Glueck DH, Norris JM, Barbour LA, Friedman JE, Dabelea D. Maternal diet quality in pregnancy and neonatal adiposity: the Healthy Start Study. Int J Obes (Lond). 2016 07; 40(7):1056-62. PMID: 27133623.
Boyle KE, Patinkin ZW, Shapiro AL, Baker PR, Dabelea D, Friedman JE. Mesenchymal Stem Cells From Infants Born to Obese Mothers Exhibit Greater Potential for Adipogenesis: The Healthy Start BabyBUMP Project. Diabetes. 2016 Mar; 65(3):647-59. PMID: 26631736.
Albino J, Shapiro AL, Henderson WG, Tiwari T, Brega AG, Thomas JF, Bryant LL, Braun PA, Quissell DO. Validation of the Sense of Coherence Scale in an American Indian population. Psychol Assess. 2016 Apr; 28(4):386-93. PMID: 26191608.
Lemas DJ, Brinton JT, Shapiro AL, Glueck DH, Friedman JE, Dabelea D. Associations of maternal weight status prior and during pregnancy with neonatal cardiometabolic markers at birth: the Healthy Start study. Int J Obes (Lond). 2015 Oct; 39(10):1437-42. PMID: 26055075.
Shapiro AL, Schmiege SJ, Brinton JT, Glueck D, Crume TL, Friedman JE, Dabelea D. Testing the fuel-mediated hypothesis: maternal insulin resistance and glucose mediate the association between maternal and neonatal adiposity, the Healthy Start study. Diabetologia. 2015 May; 58(5):937-41. PMID: 25628236.
Crume TL, Shapiro AL, Brinton JT, Glueck DH, Martinez M, Kohn M, Harrod C, Friedman JE, Dabelea D. Maternal fuels and metabolic measures during pregnancy and neonatal body composition: the healthy start study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2015 Apr; 100(4):1672-80. PMID: 25574704.
Starling AP, Brinton JT, Glueck DH, Shapiro AL, Harrod CS, Lynch AM, Siega-Riz AM, Dabelea D. Associations of maternal BMI and gestational weight gain with neonatal adiposity in the Healthy Start study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2015 Feb; 101(2):302-9. PMID: 25646327.
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