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This is a "connection" page, showing publications co-authored by Christian Hopfer and Marissa Ehringer.

Connection Strength
  1. Hopfer CJ, Young SE, Purcell S, Crowley TJ, Stallings MC, Corley RP, Rhee SH, Smolen A, Krauter K, Hewitt JK, Ehringer MA. Cannabis receptor haplotype associated with fewer cannabis dependence symptoms in adolescents. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2006 Dec 05; 141B(8):895-901.
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    Score: 0.282
  2. Melroy-Greif WE, Vadasz C, Kamens HM, McQueen MB, Corley RP, Stallings MC, Hopfer CJ, Krauter KS, Brown SA, Hewitt JK, Ehringer MA. Test for association of common variants in GRM7 with alcohol consumption. Alcohol. 2016 09; 55:43-50.
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    Score: 0.138
  3. Kamens HM, Corley RP, Richmond PA, Darlington TM, Dowell R, Hopfer CJ, Stallings MC, Hewitt JK, Brown SA, Ehringer MA. Evidence for Association Between Low Frequency Variants in CHRNA6/CHRNB3 and Antisocial Drug Dependence. Behav Genet. 2016 09; 46(5):693-704.
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    Score: 0.135
  4. Melroy WE, Stephens SH, Sakai JT, Kamens HM, McQueen MB, Corley RP, Stallings MC, Hopfer CJ, Krauter KS, Brown SA, Hewitt JK, Ehringer MA. Examination of genetic variation in GABRA2 with conduct disorder and alcohol abuse and dependence in a longitudinal study. Behav Genet. 2014 Jul; 44(4):356-67.
    View in: PubMed
    Score: 0.117
  5. Stephens SH, Hartz SM, Hoft NR, Saccone NL, Corley RC, Hewitt JK, Hopfer CJ, Breslau N, Coon H, Chen X, Ducci F, Dueker N, Franceschini N, Frank J, Han Y, Hansel NN, Jiang C, Korhonen T, Lind PA, Liu J, Lyytik?inen LP, Michel M, Shaffer JR, Short SE, Sun J, Teumer A, Thompson JR, Vogelzangs N, Vink JM, Wenzlaff A, Wheeler W, Yang BZ, Aggen SH, Balmforth AJ, Baumeister SE, Beaty TH, Benjamin DJ, Bergen AW, Broms U, Cesarini D, Chatterjee N, Chen J, Cheng YC, Cichon S, Couper D, Cucca F, Dick D, Foroud T, Furberg H, Giegling I, Gillespie NA, Gu F, Hall AS, H?llfors J, Han S, Hartmann AM, Heikkil? K, Hickie IB, Hottenga JJ, Jousilahti P, Kaakinen M, K?h?nen M, Koellinger PD, Kittner S, Konte B, Landi MT, Laatikainen T, Leppert M, Levy SM, Mathias RA, McNeil DW, Medland SE, Montgomery GW, Murray T, Nauck M, North KE, Par? PD, Pergadia M, Ruczinski I, Salomaa V, Viikari J, Willemsen G, Barnes KC, Boerwinkle E, Boomsma DI, Caporaso N, Edenberg HJ, Francks C, Gelernter J, Grabe HJ, Hops H, Jarvelin MR, Johannesson M, Kendler KS, Lehtim?ki T, Magnusson PK, Marazita ML, Marchini J, Mitchell BD, N?then MM, Penninx BW, Raitakari O, Rietschel M, Rujescu D, Samani NJ, Schwartz AG, Shete S, Spitz M, Swan GE, V?lzke H, Veijola J, Wei Q, Amos C, Cannon DS, Grucza R, Hatsukami D, Heath A, Johnson EO, Kaprio J, Madden P, Martin NG, Stevens VL, Weiss RB, Kraft P, Bierut LJ, Ehringer MA. Distinct loci in the CHRNA5/CHRNA3/CHRNB4 gene cluster are associated with onset of regular smoking. Genet Epidemiol. 2013 Dec; 37(8):846-59.
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    Score: 0.114
  6. Kamens HM, Corley RP, McQueen MB, Stallings MC, Hopfer CJ, Crowley TJ, Brown SA, Hewitt JK, Ehringer MA. Nominal association with CHRNA4 variants and nicotine dependence. Genes Brain Behav. 2013 Apr; 12(3):297-304.
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    Score: 0.108
  7. Sakai JT, Crowley TJ, Stallings MC, McQueen M, Hewitt JK, Hopfer C, Hoft NR, Ehringer MA. Test of association between 10 single nucleotide polymorphisms in the oxytocin receptor gene and conduct disorder. Psychiatr Genet. 2012 Apr; 22(2):99-102.
    View in: PubMed
    Score: 0.102
  8. Stephens SH, Hoft NR, Schlaepfer IR, Young SE, Corley RC, McQueen MB, Hopfer C, Crowley T, Stallings M, Hewitt J, Ehringer MA. Externalizing behaviors are associated with SNPs in the CHRNA5/CHRNA3/CHRNB4 gene cluster. Behav Genet. 2012 May; 42(3):402-14.
    View in: PubMed
    Score: 0.099
  9. Hartman CA, Hopfer CJ, Haberstick B, Rhee SH, Crowley TJ, Corley RP, Hewitt JK, Ehringer MA. The association between cannabinoid receptor 1 gene (CNR1) and cannabis dependence symptoms in adolescents and young adults. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2009 Sep 01; 104(1-2):11-6.
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    Score: 0.083
  10. Schlaepfer IR, Hoft NR, Collins AC, Corley RP, Hewitt JK, Hopfer CJ, Lessem JM, McQueen MB, Rhee SH, Ehringer MA. The CHRNA5/A3/B4 gene cluster variability as an important determinant of early alcohol and tobacco initiation in young adults. Biol Psychiatry. 2008 Jun 01; 63(11):1039-46.
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    Score: 0.076
  11. Zeiger JS, Haberstick BC, Schlaepfer I, Collins AC, Corley RP, Crowley TJ, Hewitt JK, Hopfer CJ, Lessem J, McQueen MB, Rhee SH, Ehringer MA. The neuronal nicotinic receptor subunit genes (CHRNA6 and CHRNB3) are associated with subjective responses to tobacco. Hum Mol Genet. 2008 Mar 01; 17(5):724-34.
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    Score: 0.075
  12. Ehringer MA, Clegg HV, Collins AC, Corley RP, Crowley T, Hewitt JK, Hopfer CJ, Krauter K, Lessem J, Rhee SH, Schlaepfer I, Smolen A, Stallings MC, Young SE, Zeiger JS. Association of the neuronal nicotinic receptor beta2 subunit gene (CHRNB2) with subjective responses to alcohol and nicotine. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2007 Jul 05; 144B(5):596-604.
    View in: PubMed
    Score: 0.073
  13. Schlaepfer IR, Clegg HV, Corley RP, Crowley TJ, Hewitt JK, Hopfer CJ, Krauter K, Lessem J, Rhee SH, Stallings MC, Wehner JM, Young SE, Ehringer MA. The human protein kinase C gamma gene (PRKCG) as a susceptibility locus for behavioral disinhibition. Addict Biol. 2007 Jun; 12(2):200-9.
    View in: PubMed
    Score: 0.073
  14. Timberlake DS, Haberstick BC, Lessem JM, Smolen A, Ehringer M, Hewitt JK, Hopfer C. An association between the DAT1 polymorphism and smoking behavior in young adults from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. Health Psychol. 2006 Mar; 25(2):190-7.
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    Score: 0.067
  15. Hopfer CJ, Timberlake D, Haberstick B, Lessem JM, Ehringer MA, Smolen A, Hewitt JK. Genetic influences on quantity of alcohol consumed by adolescents and young adults. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2005 May 09; 78(2):187-93.
    View in: PubMed
    Score: 0.062
  16. Saunders GRB, Wang X, Chen F, Jang SK, Liu M, Wang C, Gao S, Jiang Y, Khunsriraksakul C, Otto JM, Addison C, Akiyama M, Albert CM, Aliev F, Alonso A, Arnett DK, Ashley-Koch AE, Ashrani AA, Barnes KC, Barr RG, Bartz TM, Becker DM, Bielak LF, Benjamin EJ, Bis JC, Bjornsdottir G, Blangero J, Bleecker ER, Boardman JD, Boerwinkle E, Boomsma DI, Boorgula MP, Bowden DW, Brody JA, Cade BE, Chasman DI, Chavan S, Chen YI, Chen Z, Cheng I, Cho MH, Choquet H, Cole JW, Cornelis MC, Cucca F, Curran JE, de Andrade M, Dick DM, Docherty AR, Duggirala R, Eaton CB, Ehringer MA, Esko T, Faul JD, Fernandes Silva L, Fiorillo E, Fornage M, Freedman BI, Gabrielsen ME, Garrett ME, Gharib SA, Gieger C, Gillespie N, Glahn DC, Gordon SD, Gu CC, Gu D, Gudbjartsson DF, Guo X, Haessler J, Hall ME, Haller T, Harris KM, He J, Herd P, Hewitt JK, Hickie I, Hidalgo B, Hokanson JE, Hopfer C, Hottenga J, Hou L, Huang H, Hung YJ, Hunter DJ, Hveem K, Hwang SJ, Hwu CM, Iacono W, Irvin MR, Jee YH, Johnson EO, Joo YY, Jorgenson E, Justice AE, Kamatani Y, Kaplan RC, Kaprio J, Kardia SLR, Keller MC, Kelly TN, Kooperberg C, Korhonen T, Kraft P, Krauter K, Kuusisto J, Laakso M, Lasky-Su J, Lee WJ, Lee JJ, Levy D, Li L, Li K, Li Y, Lin K, Lind PA, Liu C, Lloyd-Jones DM, Lutz SM, Ma J, M?gi R, Manichaikul A, Martin NG, Mathur R, Matoba N, McArdle PF, McGue M, McQueen MB, Medland SE, Metspalu A, Meyers DA, Millwood IY, Mitchell BD, Mohlke KL, Moll M, Montasser ME, Morrison AC, Mulas A, Nielsen JB, North KE, Oelsner EC, Okada Y, Orr? V, Palmer ND, Palviainen T, Pandit A, Park SL, Peters U, Peters A, Peyser PA, Polderman TJC, Rafaels N, Redline S, Reed RM, Reiner AP, Rice JP, Rich SS, Richmond NE, Roan C, Rotter JI, Rueschman MN, Runarsdottir V, Saccone NL, Schwartz DA, Shadyab AH, Shi J, Shringarpure SS, Sicinski K, Skogholt AH, Smith JA, Smith NL, Sotoodehnia N, Stallings MC, Stefansson H, Stefansson K, Stitzel JA, Sun X, Syed M, Tal-Singer R, Taylor AE, Taylor KD, Telen MJ, Thai KK, Tiwari H, Turman C, Tyrfingsson T, Wall TL, Walters RG, Weir DR, Weiss ST, White WB, Whitfield JB, Wiggins KL, Willemsen G, Willer CJ, Winsvold BS, Xu H, Yanek LR, Yin J, Young KL, Young KA, Yu B, Zhao W, Zhou W, Z?llner S, Zuccolo L, Batini C, Bergen AW, Bierut LJ, David SP, Gagliano Taliun SA, Hancock DB, Jiang B, Munaf? MR, Thorgeirsson TE, Liu DJ, Vrieze S. Genetic diversity fuels gene discovery for tobacco and alcohol use. Nature. 2022 12; 612(7941):720-724.
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    Score: 0.053
  17. Liu M, Jiang Y, Wedow R, Li Y, Brazel DM, Chen F, Datta G, Davila-Velderrain J, McGuire D, Tian C, Zhan X, Choquet H, Docherty AR, Faul JD, Foerster JR, Fritsche LG, Gabrielsen ME, Gordon SD, Haessler J, Hottenga JJ, Huang H, Jang SK, Jansen PR, Ling Y, M?gi R, Matoba N, McMahon G, Mulas A, Orr? V, Palviainen T, Pandit A, Reginsson GW, Skogholt AH, Smith JA, Taylor AE, Turman C, Willemsen G, Young H, Young KA, Zajac GJM, Zhao W, Zhou W, Bjornsdottir G, Boardman JD, Boehnke M, Boomsma DI, Chen C, Cucca F, Davies GE, Eaton CB, Ehringer MA, Esko T, Fiorillo E, Gillespie NA, Gudbjartsson DF, Haller T, Harris KM, Heath AC, Hewitt JK, Hickie IB, Hokanson JE, Hopfer CJ, Hunter DJ, Iacono WG, Johnson EO, Kamatani Y, Kardia SLR, Keller MC, Kellis M, Kooperberg C, Kraft P, Krauter KS, Laakso M, Lind PA, Loukola A, Lutz SM, Madden PAF, Martin NG, McGue M, McQueen MB, Medland SE, Metspalu A, Mohlke KL, Nielsen JB, Okada Y, Peters U, Polderman TJC, Posthuma D, Reiner AP, Rice JP, Rimm E, Rose RJ, Runarsdottir V, Stallings MC, Stanc?kov? A, Stefansson H, Thai KK, Tindle HA, Tyrfingsson T, Wall TL, Weir DR, Weisner C, Whitfield JB, Winsvold BS, Yin J, Zuccolo L, Bierut LJ, Hveem K, Lee JJ, Munaf? MR, Saccone NL, Willer CJ, Cornelis MC, David SP, Hinds DA, Jorgenson E, Kaprio J, Stitzel JA, Stefansson K, Thorgeirsson TE, Abecasis G, Liu DJ, Vrieze S. Association studies of up to 1.2 million individuals yield new insights into the genetic etiology of tobacco and alcohol use. Nat Genet. 2019 02; 51(2):237-244.
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    Score: 0.041
  18. Schwantes-An TH, Zhang J, Chen LS, Hartz SM, Culverhouse RC, Chen X, Coon H, Frank J, Kamens HM, Konte B, Kovanen L, Latvala A, Legrand LN, Maher BS, Melroy WE, Nelson EC, Reid MW, Robinson JD, Shen PH, Yang BZ, Andrews JA, Aveyard P, Beltcheva O, Brown SA, Cannon DS, Cichon S, Corley RP, Dahmen N, Degenhardt L, Foroud T, Gaebel W, Giegling I, Glatt SJ, Grucza RA, Hardin J, Hartmann AM, Heath AC, Herms S, Hodgkinson CA, Hoffmann P, Hops H, Huizinga D, Ising M, Johnson EO, Johnstone E, Kaneva RP, Kendler KS, Kiefer F, Kranzler HR, Krauter KS, Levran O, Lucae S, Lynskey MT, Maier W, Mann K, Martin NG, Mattheisen M, Montgomery GW, M?ller-Myhsok B, Murphy MF, Neale MC, Nikolov MA, Nishita D, N?then MM, Nurnberger J, Partonen T, Pergadia ML, Reynolds M, Ridinger M, Rose RJ, Rouvinen-Lagerstr?m N, Scherbaum N, Schm?l C, Soyka M, Stallings MC, Steffens M, Treutlein J, Tsuang M, Wall TL, Wodarz N, Yuferov V, Zill P, Bergen AW, Chen J, Cinciripini PM, Edenberg HJ, Ehringer MA, Ferrell RE, Gelernter J, Goldman D, Hewitt JK, Hopfer CJ, Iacono WG, Kaprio J, Kreek MJ, Kremensky IM, Madden PA, McGue M, Munaf? MR, Philibert RA, Rietschel M, Roy A, Rujescu D, Saarikoski ST, Swan GE, Todorov AA, Vanyukov MM, Weiss RB, Bierut LJ, Saccone NL. Association of the OPRM1 Variant rs1799971 (A118G) with Non-Specific Liability to Substance Dependence in a Collaborative de novo Meta-Analysis of European-Ancestry Cohorts. Behav Genet. 2016 Mar; 46(2):151-69.
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    Score: 0.032
  19. Zeiger JS, Haberstick BC, Corley RP, Ehringer MA, Crowley TJ, Hewitt JK, Hopfer CJ, Stallings MC, Young SE, Rhee SH. Subjective effects for alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana association with cross-drug outcomes. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2012 Jun; 123 Suppl 1:S52-8.
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    Score: 0.025
  20. Haberstick BC, Ehringer MA, Lessem JM, Hopfer CJ, Hewitt JK. Dizziness and the genetic influences on subjective experiences to initial cigarette use. Addiction. 2011 Feb; 106(2):391-9.
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    Score: 0.023
  21. Zeiger JS, Haberstick BC, Corley RP, Ehringer MA, Crowley TJ, Hewitt JK, Hopfer CJ, Stallings MC, Young SE, Rhee SH. Subjective effects to marijuana associated with marijuana use in community and clinical subjects. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2010 Jun 01; 109(1-3):161-6.
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    Score: 0.022
  22. Corley RP, Zeiger JS, Crowley T, Ehringer MA, Hewitt JK, Hopfer CJ, Lessem J, McQueen MB, Rhee SH, Smolen A, Stallings MC, Young SE, Krauter K. Association of candidate genes with antisocial drug dependence in adolescents. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2008 Jul 01; 96(1-2):90-8.
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    Score: 0.019
  23. Haberstick BC, Timberlake D, Hopfer CJ, Lessem JM, Ehringer MA, Hewitt JK. Genetic and environmental contributions to retrospectively reported DSM-IV childhood attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Psychol Med. 2008 Jul; 38(7):1057-66.
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    Score: 0.019
  24. Sakai JT, Lessem JM, Haberstick BC, Hopfer CJ, Smolen A, Ehringer MA, Timberlake D, Hewitt JK. Case-control and within-family tests for association between 5HTTLPR and conduct problems in a longitudinal adolescent sample. Psychiatr Genet. 2007 Aug; 17(4):207-14.
    View in: PubMed
    Score: 0.018
  25. Haberstick BC, Timberlake D, Ehringer MA, Lessem JM, Hopfer CJ, Smolen A, Hewitt JK. Genes, time to first cigarette and nicotine dependence in a general population sample of young adults. Addiction. 2007 Apr; 102(4):655-65.
    View in: PubMed
    Score: 0.018
  26. Lessem JM, Hopfer CJ, Haberstick BC, Timberlake D, Ehringer MA, Smolen A, Hewitt JK. Relationship between adolescent marijuana use and young adult illicit drug use. Behav Genet. 2006 Jul; 36(4):498-506.
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    Score: 0.017
  27. Timberlake DS, Rhee SH, Haberstick BC, Hopfer C, Ehringer M, Lessem JM, Smolen A, Hewitt JK. The moderating effects of religiosity on the genetic and environmental determinants of smoking initiation. Nicotine Tob Res. 2006 Feb; 8(1):123-33.
    View in: PubMed
    Score: 0.017
  28. Haberstick BC, Lessem JM, Hopfer CJ, Smolen A, Ehringer MA, Timberlake D, Hewitt JK. Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) and antisocial behaviors in the presence of childhood and adolescent maltreatment. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2005 May 05; 135B(1):59-64.
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    Score: 0.016
Connection Strength

The connection strength for concepts is the sum of the scores for each matching publication.

Publication scores are based on many factors, including how long ago they were written and whether the person is a first or senior author.

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