Denis D Bensard
Title | Affiliate - DHHA |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | SOM-SRG |
Research R03HD036256 (BENSARD, DENIS D)May 1, 1998 - Jan 30, 2001 NIH INFLAMMATORY MODULATION IN POST TRAUMATIC LUNG INJURY Role: Principal Investigator |
Reppucci ML, Cooper E, Stevens J, Meier M, Nolan MM, Moulton SL, Bensard DD, Acker SN. Comparison of Pediatric Trauma Scoring Tools That Incorporate Neurological Status for Trauma Team Activation. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2023 Jul 01; 39(7):501-506. PMID: 37276058.
Tian BWCA, Stahel PF, Picetti E, Campanelli G, Di Saverio S, Moore E, Bensard D, Sakakushev B, Galante J, Fraga GP, Koike K, Di Carlo I, Tebala GD, Leppaniemi A, Tan E, Damaskos D, De'Angelis N, Hecker A, Pisano M, Maier RV, De Simone B, Amico F, Ceresoli M, Pikoulis M, Weber DG, Biffl W, Beka SG, Abu-Zidan FM, Valentino M, Coccolini F, Kluger Y, Sartelli M, Agnoletti V, Chirica M, Bravi F, Sall I, Catena F. Assessing and managing frailty in emergency laparotomy: a WSES position paper. World J Emerg Surg. 2023 06 24; 18(1):38. PMID: 37355698.
Ziesmann M, Byerly S, Yeh DD, Boltz M, Gelbard R, Haut ER, Smith JW, Stein DM, Zarzaur BL, Bensard DD, Biffl WL, Boyd A, Brommeland T, Cothren Burlew C, Fabian T, Lauerman M, Leichtle S, Moore EE, Timmons S, Vogt K, Nahmias J. Establishing a core outcome set for blunt cerebrovascular injury: an EAST modified Delphi method consensus study. Trauma Surg Acute Care Open. 2023; 8(1):e001017. PMID: 37342820.
Reppucci ML, Cooper E, Nolan MM, Lyttle BD, Gallagher LT, Jujare S, Stevens J, Moulton SL, Bensard DD, Acker SN. Use of prehospital reverse shock index times Glasgow Coma Scale to identify children who require the most immediate trauma care. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2023 09 01; 95(3):347-353. PMID: 36899455.
Stevens J, Reppucci ML, Pickett K, Acker S, Carmichael H, Velopulos CG, Bensard D, Kulungowski A. Using the Social Vulnerability Index to Examine Disparities in Surgical Pediatric Trauma Patients. J Surg Res. 2023 07; 287:55-62. PMID: 36868124.
Reppucci ML, Stevens J, Cooper E, Nolan MM, Jujare S, Acker SN, Moulton SL, Bensard DD. Use of reverse shock index times Glasgow coma scale (rSIG) to determine need for transfer of pediatric trauma patients to higher levels of care. J Pediatr Surg. 2023 Feb; 58(2):320-324. PMID: 36400606.
Podda M, De Simone B, Ceresoli M, Virdis F, Favi F, Wiik Larsen J, Coccolini F, Sartelli M, Pararas N, Beka SG, Bonavina L, Bova R, Pisanu A, Abu-Zidan F, Balogh Z, Chiara O, Wani I, Stahel P, Di Saverio S, Scalea T, Soreide K, Sakakushev B, Amico F, Martino C, Hecker A, de'Angelis N, Chirica M, Galante J, Kirkpatrick A, Pikoulis E, Kluger Y, Bensard D, Ansaloni L, Fraga G, Civil I, Tebala GD, Di Carlo I, Cui Y, Coimbra R, Agnoletti V, Sall I, Tan E, Picetti E, Litvin A, Damaskos D, Inaba K, Leung J, Maier R, Biffl W, Leppaniemi A, Moore E, Gurusamy K, Catena F. Follow-up strategies for patients with splenic trauma managed non-operatively: the 2022 World Society of Emergency Surgery consensus document. World J Emerg Surg. 2022 10 12; 17(1):52. PMID: 36224617.
Acker SN, Nolan MM, Prendergast C, Lyttle B, Fares S, Bensard DD, Partrick DA. Blood Transfusion is Associated With Adverse Outcomes in Pediatric Solid Tumor Oncology Patients Following Tumor Resection. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2023 04 01; 45(3):137-142. PMID: 36031190.
Reppucci ML, Stevens J, Cooper E, Meier M, Phillips R, Shahi N, Nolan M, Acker SN, Moulton SL, Bensard DD. Discreet Values of Shock Index Pediatric Age-Adjusted (SIPA) to Predict Intervention in Children With Blunt Organ Injuries. J Surg Res. 2022 11; 279:17-24. PMID: 35716446.
Derderian SC, Meier M, Bensard DD, Partrick DA, Acker SN. Adolescent blunt solid organ injury: Differences in management strategies and outcomes between pediatric and adult trauma centers. Am J Surg. 2022 07; 224(1 Pt A):13-17. PMID: 35232541.
Stevens J, Reppucci ML, Acker S, Bensard D, Moulton SL. Reply to Letter to the Editor: Pediatric massive transfusion protocols applied to intraoperative complications of common pediatric surgeries. J Pediatr Surg. 2022 06; 57(6):1172. PMID: 35221035.
Phillips R, Shahi N, Acker SN, Meier M, Shirek G, Stevens J, Recicar J, Moulton S, Bensard D. Not as simple as ABC: Tools to trigger massive transfusion in pediatric trauma. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2022 02 01; 92(2):422-427. PMID: 34538826.
Stevens J, Leonard J, Reppucci ML, Schroeppel T, Bensard D, Haasz M. Individual and neighborhood level characteristics of pediatric firearm injuries presenting at trauma centers in Colorado. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2022 09 01; 93(3):385-393. PMID: 35998288.
Diaz-Miron J, Reppucci ML, Weinman J, Kaizer A, Annam A, Orsborn J, Steward L, Wilson J, Bensard D. The use of ultrasound in establishing COVID-19 infection as part of a trauma evaluation. Emerg Radiol. 2022 Apr; 29(2):227-234. PMID: 34988751.
Reppucci ML, Acker SN, Cooper E, Meier M, Stevens J, Phillips R, Moulton SL, Bensard DD. Improved identification of severely injured pediatric trauma patients using reverse shock index multiplied by Glasgow Coma Scale. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2022 01 01; 92(1):69-73. PMID: 34932042.
Stevens J, Pickett K, Moore H, Reppucci ML, Phillips R, Moulton S, Bensard D. Thrombelastography and transfusion patterns in severely injured pediatric trauma patients with blunt solid organ injuries. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2022 01 01; 92(1):152-158. PMID: 34446654.
Reppucci ML, Stevens J, Pickett K, Bensard DD, Moulton SL. Pediatric cardiac and great vessel injuries: Recent experience at two pediatric trauma centers. J Pediatr Surg. 2022 Jul; 57(7):1358-1362. PMID: 34955290.
Reppucci ML, Phillips R, Meier M, Acker SN, Stevens J, Moulton SL, Bensard D. Pediatric age-adjusted shock index as a tool for predicting outcomes in children with or without traumatic brain injury. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2021 11 01; 91(5):856-860. PMID: 34695062.
Stevens J, Reppucci ML, Meier M, Phillips R, Shahi N, Shirek G, Acker S, Bensard D, Moulton S. Pre-hospital and emergency department shock index pediatric age-adjusted (SIPA) "cut points" to identify pediatric trauma patients at risk for massive transfusion and/or mortality. J Pediatr Surg. 2022 Feb; 57(2):302-307. PMID: 34753559.
Stevens J, Phillips R, Meier M, Reppucci ML, Acker S, Shahi N, Shirek G, Bensard D, Moulton S. Novel tool (BIS) heralds the need for blood transfusion and/or failure of non-operative management in pediatric blunt liver and spleen injuries. J Pediatr Surg. 2022 Sep; 57(9):202-207. PMID: 34756419.
Stevens J, Phillips R, Reppucci ML, Pickett K, Moore H, Bensard D. Does the mechanism matter? Comparing thrombelastography between blunt and penetrating pediatric trauma patients. J Pediatr Surg. 2022 Jul; 57(7):1363-1369. PMID: 34588132.
Phillips R, Moore H, Bensard D, Shahi N, Shirek G, Reppucci ML, Meier M, Recicar J, Acker S, Kim J, Moulton S. It is time for TEG in pediatric trauma: unveiling meaningful alterations in children who undergo massive transfusion. Pediatr Surg Int. 2021 Nov; 37(11):1613-1620. PMID: 34533617.
Shahi N, Kaizer A, Stevens J, Phillips R, Acker SN, Choi YM, Shirek G, Bensard D, Bruny J, Dannull K, Moulton SL. A surgeon's predicament: Clinical predictors of surgery and mortality in neutropenic enterocolitis. J Pediatr Surg. 2022 Mar; 57(3):443-449. PMID: 34635341.
Shahi N, Phillips R, Meier M, Shirek G, Choi YM, Acker SN, Bensard D, Moulton S. Comparison?of non-invasive physiological assessment tools between simple and perforated appendicitis in children. Pediatr Surg Int. 2021 Jul; 37(7):851-857. PMID: 33783635.
Phillips R, Meier M, Shahi N, Acker S, Reppucci M, Shirek G, Recicar J, Moulton S, Bensard D. Elevated pediatric age-adjusted shock-index (SIPA) in blunt solid organ injuries. J Pediatr Surg. 2021 Feb; 56(2):401-404. PMID: 33358417.
Shahi N, Shahi AK, Phillips R, Shirek G, Bensard D, Moulton SL. Decision-making in pediatric blunt solid organ injury: A deep learning approach to predict massive transfusion, need for operative management, and mortality risk. J Pediatr Surg. 2021 Feb; 56(2):379-384. PMID: 33218680.
Phillips R, Shahi N, Bensard D, Meier M, Shirek G, Goldsmith A, Recicar J, Haasz M, Schroeppel T, Moulton S. Guns, scalpels, and sutures: The cost of gunshot wounds in children and adolescents. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2020 09; 89(3):558-564. PMID: 32833412.
Shahi N, Phillips R, Rodenburg C, Meier M, Shirek G, Recicar J, Moulton S, Bensard D. Combining Cribari matrix and Need For Trauma Intervention (NFTI) to accurately assess undertriage in pediatric trauma. J Pediatr Surg. 2021 Aug; 56(8):1401-1404. PMID: 32951889.
Shahi N, Phillips R, Acker SN, Meier M, Goldsmith A, Shirek G, Ladd P, Moulton SL, Bensard D. Enough is enough: Radiation doses in children with gastrojejunal tubes. J Pediatr Surg. 2021 Apr; 56(4):668-673. PMID: 32921427.
Phillips R, Acker S, Shahi N, Shirek G, Meier M, Goldsmith A, Recicar J, Moulton S, Bensard D. The shock index, pediatric age-adjusted (SIPA) enhanced: Prehospital and emergency department SIPA values forecast transfusion needs for blunt solid organ injured children. Surgery. 2020 10; 168(4):690-694. PMID: 32660865.
Marenco CW, Do WS, Lammers DT, Morte KR, Eckert MJ, Eckert CM, Bensard D, Martin MJ. Big problems in little patients: Nationwide blunt cerebrovascular injury outcomes in the pediatric population. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2019 11; 87(5):1088-1095. PMID: 31658238.
Phillips R, Acker SN, Shahi N, Meier M, Leopold D, Recicar J, Kulungowski A, Patrick D, Moulton S, Bensard D. The ABC-D score improves the sensitivity in predicting need for massive transfusion in pediatric trauma patients. J Pediatr Surg. 2020 Feb; 55(2):331-334. PMID: 31718872.
Shahi N, Phillips R, Meier M, Nehler M, Jacobs D, Recicar J, Bensard D, Moulton S. Anti-coagulation management in pediatric traumatic vascular injuries. J Pediatr Surg. 2020 Feb; 55(2):324-330. PMID: 31732119.
Acker SN, Hill LRS, Bensard DD, Moulton S, Partrick DA. The benefits of limiting scheduled blood draws in children with a blunt liver or spleen injury. J Pediatr Surg. 2020 Jul; 55(7):1219-1223. PMID: 31133284.
Derderian SC, Good R, Vuille-Dit-Bille RN, Carpenter T, Bensard DD. Central venous lines in critically ill children: Thrombosis but not infection is site dependent. J Pediatr Surg. 2019 Sep; 54(9):1740-1743. PMID: 30661643.
Moskowitz EE, Burlew CC, Kulungowski AM, Bensard DD. Survival after emergency department thoracotomy in the pediatric trauma population: a review of published data. Pediatr Surg Int. 2018 Aug; 34(8):857-860. PMID: 29876644.
Hodges MM, Burlew CC, Acker SN, Moore EE, Roosevelt GE, Schubert A, Hill LRS, Partrick DA, Bensard D. Pediatric appendicitis: Is referral to a regional pediatric center necessary? J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2018 04; 84(4):636-641. PMID: 29283967.
Nordin A, Coleman A, Shi J, Wheeler K, Xiang H, Acker S, Bensard D, Kenney B. Validation of the age-adjusted shock index using pediatric trauma quality improvement program data. J Pediatr Surg. 2017 Oct 12. PMID: 29108845.
Hirzinger C, Heil C, Metzger R, Bensard DD. Pediatric handlebar injury. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2017 06; 82(6):1184-1185. PMID: 28234661.
Stewart CL, Acker SN, Pyle L, Smith DS, Bensard DD, Moulton SL. Mapping pediatric injuries to target prevention, education, and outreach. J Pediatr Surg. 2017 Aug; 52(8):1287-1291. PMID: 28073490.
Acker SN, Bredbeck B, Partrick DA, Kulungowski AM, Barnett CC, Bensard DD. Shock index, pediatric age-adjusted (SIPA) is more accurate than age-adjusted hypotension for trauma team activation. Surgery. 2017 03; 161(3):803-807. PMID: 27814956.
Acker SN, Wathen B, Roosevelt GE, Hill LR, Schubert A, Reese J, Bensard DD, Kulungowski AM. Rapid Response Team Activations in Pediatric Surgical Patients. Eur J Pediatr Surg. 2017 Feb; 27(1):81-85. PMID: 27706523.
Acker SN, Hall B, Hill L, Partrick DA, Bensard DD. Adult-Based Massive Transfusion Protocol Activation Criteria Do Not Work in Children. Eur J Pediatr Surg. 2017 Feb; 27(1):32-35. PMID: 27533313.
Gonzalez E, Moore EE, Moore HB, Chapman MP, Chin TL, Ghasabyan A, Wohlauer MV, Barnett CC, Bensard DD, Biffl WL, Burlew CC, Johnson JL, Pieracci FM, Jurkovich GJ, Banerjee A, Silliman CC, Sauaia A. Goal-directed Hemostatic Resuscitation of Trauma-induced Coagulopathy: A Pragmatic Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing a Viscoelastic Assay to Conventional Coagulation Assays. Ann Surg. 2016 Jun; 263(6):1051-9. PMID: 26720428.
Moore HB, Moore EE, Burlew CC, Biffl WL, Pieracci FM, Barnett CC, Bensard DD, Jurkovich GJ, Fox CJ, Sauaia A. Establishing Benchmarks for Resuscitation of Traumatic Circulatory Arrest: Success-to-Rescue and Survival among 1,708 Patients. J Am Coll Surg. 2016 07; 223(1):42-50. PMID: 27107826.
Acker SN, Hurst AL, Bensard DD, Schubert A, Dewberry L, Gonzales D, Parker SK, Tong S, Partrick DA. Pediatric appendicitis and need for antibiotics at time of discharge: Does route of administration matter? J Pediatr Surg. 2016 Jul; 51(7):1170-3. PMID: 27041226.
Falcone RA, Milliken WJ, Bensard DD, Haas L, Daugherty M, Gray L, Tuggle DW, Garcia VF. A paradigm for achieving successful pediatric trauma verification in the absence of pediatric surgical specialists while ensuring quality of care. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2016 Mar; 80(3):433-9. PMID: 26713979.
Acker SN, Petrun B, Partrick DA, Roosevelt GE, Bensard DD. Lack of utility of repeat monitoring of hemoglobin and hematocrit following blunt solid organ injury in children. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2015 Dec; 79(6):991-4; discussion 994. PMID: 26680138.
Moore HB, Moore EE, Bensard DD. Pediatric emergency department thoracotomy: A 40-year review. J Pediatr Surg. 2016 Feb; 51(2):315-8. PMID: 26597392.
Acker SN, Trinh BB, Partrick DA, Stewart CL, Bensard DD. Is Routine Upper Gastrointestinal Contrast Study Necessary prior to Laparoscopic Gastrostomy Tube Placement in Children? Eur J Pediatr Surg. 2016 Feb; 26(1):29-33. PMID: 26382658.
Acker SN, Ross JT, Partrick DA, Bensard DD. A pediatric specific shock index in combination with GMS identifies children with life threatening or severe traumatic brain injury. Pediatr Surg Int. 2015 Nov; 31(11):1041-6. PMID: 26349487.
Acker SN, Stewart CL, Roosevelt GE, Partrick DA, Moore EE, Bensard DD. When is it safe to forgo abdominal CT in blunt-injured children? Surgery. 2015 Aug; 158(2):408-12. PMID: 25999252.
Nadlonek NA, Acker SN, Bensard DD, Bansal S, Partrick DA. Early diffuse slowing on electroencephalogram in pediatric traumatic brain injury: Impact on management and prognosis. J Pediatr Surg. 2015 Aug; 50(8):1338-40. PMID: 26220888.
Acker SN, Ross JT, Partrick DA, DeWitt P, Bensard DD. Injured children are resistant to the adverse effects of early high volume crystalloid resuscitation. J Pediatr Surg. 2014 Dec; 49(12):1852-5. PMID: 25487499.
Acker SN, Ross JT, Partrick DA, Tong S, Bensard DD. Pediatric specific shock index accurately identifies severely injured children. J Pediatr Surg. 2015 Feb; 50(2):331-4. PMID: 25638631.
Roach JP, Acker SN, Bensard DD, Sirotnak AP, Karrer FM, Partrick DA. Head injury pattern in children can help differentiate accidental from non-accidental trauma. Pediatr Surg Int. 2014 Nov; 30(11):1103-6. PMID: 25252922.
Acker SN, Stovall RT, Moore EE, Partrick DA, Burlew CC, Bensard DD. Trauma remains a surgical disease from cradle to grave. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2014 Aug; 77(2):219-25. PMID: 25058245.
Acker SN, Ross JT, Partrick DA, Nadlonek NA, Bronsert M, Bensard DD. Glasgow motor scale alone is equivalent to Glasgow Coma Scale at identifying children at risk for serious traumatic brain injury. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2014 Aug; 77(2):304-9. PMID: 25058258.
Acker SN, Roach JP, Partrick DA, Karrer FM, Bensard DD, Sirotnak AP. Beyond morbidity and mortality: the social and legal outcomes of non-accidental trauma. J Pediatr Surg. 2015 Apr; 50(4):604-7. PMID: 25840071.
Jones EL, Stovall RT, Jones TS, Bensard DD, Burlew CC, Johnson JL, Jurkovich GJ, Barnett CC, Pieracci FM, Biffl WL, Moore EE. Intra-abdominal injury following blunt trauma becomes clinically apparent within 9 hours. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2014 Apr; 76(4):1020-3. PMID: 24662866.
Acker SN, Partrick DA, Ross JT, Nadlonek NA, Bronsert M, Bensard DD. Blood component transfusion increases the risk of death in children with traumatic brain injury. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2014 Apr; 76(4):1082-7; discussion 1087-8. PMID: 24662875.
Holscher CM, Stewart CL, Peltz ED, Burlew CC, Moulton SL, Haenel JB, Bensard DD. Early tracheostomy improves outcomes in severely injured children and adolescents. J Pediatr Surg. 2014 Apr; 49(4):590-2. PMID: 24726119.
Moore HB, Faulk LW, Moore EE, Pierraci F, Cothren Burlew C, Holscher CM, Barnett CC, Jurkovich GJ, Bensard DD. Mechanism of injury alone is not justified as the sole indication for computed tomographic imaging in blunt pediatric trauma. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2013 Dec; 75(6):995-1001. PMID: 24256672.
Acker SN, Partrick DA, Ross JT, Nadlonek NA, Bronsert M, Bensard DD. Head injury and unclear mechanism of injury: initial hematocrit less than 30 is predictive of abusive head trauma in young children. J Pediatr Surg. 2014 Feb; 49(2):338-40. PMID: 24528981.
Chapman BC, Moore EE, Barnett C, Stovall RT, Biffl WL, Burlew CC, Bensard DD, Jurkovich GJ, Pieracci FM. Hypercoagulability following blunt solid abdominal organ injury: when to initiate anticoagulation. Am J Surg. 2013 Dec; 206(6):917-22; discussion 922-3. PMID: 24112665.
Stewart CL, Holscher CM, Moore EE, Bronsert M, Moulton SL, Partrick DA, Bensard DD. Base deficit correlates with mortality in pediatric abusive head trauma. J Pediatr Surg. 2013 Oct; 48(10):2106-11. PMID: 24094965.
Holscher CM, Faulk LW, Moore EE, Cothren Burlew C, Moore HB, Stewart CL, Pieracci FM, Barnett CC, Bensard DD. Chest computed tomography imaging for blunt pediatric trauma: not worth the radiation risk. J Surg Res. 2013 Sep; 184(1):352-7. PMID: 23746760.
Stovall RT, Haenal JB, Jenkins TC, Jurkovich GJ, Pieracci FM, Biffl WL, Barnett CC, Johnson JL, Bensard DD, Moore EE, Cothren Burlew C. A negative urinalysis rules out catheter-associated urinary tract infection in trauma patients in the intensive care unit. J Am Coll Surg. 2013 Jul; 217(1):162-6. PMID: 23639202.
Boatright DH, Byyny RL, Hopkins E, Bakes K, Hissett J, Tunson J, Easter JS, Sasson C, Vogel JA, Bensard D, Haukoos JS. Validation of rules to predict emergent surgical intervention in pediatric trauma patients. J Am Coll Surg. 2013 Jun; 216(6):1094-102, 1102.e1-6. PMID: 23623222.
Garst GC, Moore EE, Banerjee MN, Leopold DK, Burlew CC, Bensard DD, Biffl WL, Barnett CC, Johnson JL, Sauaia A. Acute appendicitis: a disease severity score for the acute care surgeon. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2013 Jan; 74(1):32-6. PMID: 23271074.
Pieracci FM, Witt J, Moore EE, Burlew CC, Johnson J, Biffl WL, Barnett CC, Bensard DD. Early death and late morbidity after blood transfusion of injured children: a pilot study. J Pediatr Surg. 2012 Aug; 47(8):1587-91. PMID: 22901922.
Sorrentino TA, Moore EE, Wohlauer MV, Biffl WL, Pieracci FM, Johnson JL, Barnett CC, Bensard DD, Burlew CC. Effect of damage control surgery on major abdominal vascular trauma. J Surg Res. 2012 Oct; 177(2):320-5. PMID: 22682716.
Pieracci FM, Barnett CC, Townsend N, Moore EE, Johnson J, Biffl W, Bensard DD, Burlew CC, Gerber A, Silliman CC. Sexual dimorphism in hematocrit response following red blood cell transfusion of critically ill surgical patients. ISRN Hematol. 2012; 2012:298345. PMID: 22536521.
Burlew CC, Biffl WL, Moore EE, Barnett CC, Johnson JL, Bensard DD. Blunt cerebrovascular injuries: redefining screening criteria in the era of noninvasive diagnosis. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2012 Feb; 72(2):330-5; discussion 336-7, quiz 539. PMID: 22327974.
Pieracci FM, Moore EE, Beauchamp K, Tebockhorst S, Barnett CC, Bensard DD, Burlew CC, Biffl WL, Stoval RT, Johnson JL. A cost-minimization analysis of phenytoin versus levetiracetam for early seizure pharmacoprophylaxis after traumatic brain injury. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2012 Jan; 72(1):276-81. PMID: 22310136.
Burlew CC, Moore EE, Biffl WL, Bensard DD, Johnson JL, Barnett CC. One hundred percent fascial approximation can be achieved in the postinjury open abdomen with a sequential closure protocol. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2012 Jan; 72(1):235-41. PMID: 22310132.
Jones TS, Burlew CC, Kornblith LZ, Biffl WL, Partrick DA, Johnson JL, Barnett CC, Bensard DD, Moore EE. Blunt cerebrovascular injuries in the child. Am J Surg. 2012 Jul; 204(1):7-10. PMID: 22172317.
Wood JH, Partrick DA, Barham HP, Bensard DD, Travers SH, Bruny JL, McIntyre RC. Pediatric thyroidectomy: a collaborative surgical approach. J Pediatr Surg. 2011 May; 46(5):823-8. PMID: 21616234.
Bensard DD, Hendrickson RJ, Clark KS, Giesting KJ, Kokoska ER. Use of ultrasound measurements to direct laparoscopic pyloromyotomy in infants. JSLS. 2010 Oct-Dec; 14(4):553-7. PMID: 21605521.
Bensard DD, Hendrickson RJ, Fyffe CJ, Careskey JM, Azizkhan RG. Early discharge following laparoscopic appendectomy in children utilizing an evidence-based clinical pathway. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2009 Apr; 19 Suppl 1:S81-6. PMID: 19025474.
Roaten JB, Partrick DA, Nydam TL, Bensard DD, Hendrickson RJ, Sirotnak AP, Karrer FM. Nonaccidental trauma is a major cause of morbidity and mortality among patients at a regional level 1 pediatric trauma center. J Pediatr Surg. 2006 Dec; 41(12):2013-5. PMID: 17161194.
Petty JK, Bensard DD, Partrick DA, Hendrickson RJ, Albano EA, Karrer FM. Resection of neurogenic tumors in children: is thoracoscopy superior to thoracotomy? J Am Coll Surg. 2006 Nov; 203(5):699-703. PMID: 17084332.
Hendrickson RJ, Yu S, Bensard DD, Petty JK, Patrick DA, Karrer FM. Preservation of an aberrant left hepatic artery during laparoscopic nissen fundoplication. JSLS. 2006 Apr-Jun; 10(2):180-3. PMID: 16882416.
Hendrickson RJ, Lutfiyya WL, Karrer FM, Furness PD, Mengshol S, Bensard DD. Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis. J Pediatr Surg. 2006 Feb; 41(2):e15-7. PMID: 16481231.
Yu S, Bensard DD, Partrick DA, Petty JK, Karrer FM, Hendrickson RJ. Laparoscopic guidance or revision of ventriculoperitoneal shunts in children. JSLS. 2006 Jan-Mar; 10(1):122-5. PMID: 16709376.
Roaten JB, Partrick DA, Bensard DD, Hendrickson RJ, Vertrees T, Sirotnak AP, Karrer FM. Visceral injuries in nonaccidental trauma: spectrum of injury and outcomes. Am J Surg. 2005 Dec; 190(6):827-9. PMID: 16307928.
Fox ME, Bensard DD, Roaten JB, Hendrickson RJ. Positioning for the Nuss procedure: avoiding brachial plexus injury. Paediatr Anaesth. 2005 Dec; 15(12):1067-71. PMID: 16324025.
Hendrickson RJ, Yu S, Bruny JL, Partrick DA, Petty JK, Bensard DD. Early experience with laparoscopic pyloromyotomy in a teaching institution. JSLS. 2005 Oct-Dec; 9(4):386-8. PMID: 16381350.
Hendrickson RJ, Bensard DD, Janik JS, Partrick DA. Efficacy of left thoracoscopy and blunt mediastinal dissection during the Nuss procedure for pectus excavatum. J Pediatr Surg. 2005 Aug; 40(8):1312-4. PMID: 16080938.
Yu SC, Petty JK, Bensard DD, Partrick DA, Bruny JL, Hendrickson RJ. Laparoscopic-assisted percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy in children and adolescents. JSLS. 2005 Jul-Sep; 9(3):302-4. PMID: 16121876.
Roaten JB, Partrick DA, Bensard D, Pearlman N, Gonzalez R, Fitzpatrick J, McCarter MD. Survival in sentinel lymph node-positive pediatric melanoma. J Pediatr Surg. 2005 Jun; 40(6):988-92; discussion 992. PMID: 15991183.
Barsness KA, Bensard DD, Partrick D, Hendrickson R, Koyle M, Calkins CM, Karrer F. Renovascular injury: an argument for renal preservation. J Trauma. 2004 Aug; 57(2):310-5. PMID: 15345978.
Hendrickson RJ, Janik JP, Janik JS, Goldberg J, Georgopoulos G, Bensard DD. Ride-on lawnmower accidents causing significant torso and extremity injuries in childhood: case report and review. J Trauma. 2004 Jun; 56(6):1345-7. PMID: 15211148.
Barsness KA, Bensard DD, Partrick DA, Calkins CM, Hendrickson RJ, McIntyre RC. Endotoxin induces an exaggerated interleukin-10 response in peritoneal macrophages of children compared with adults. J Pediatr Surg. 2004 Jun; 39(6):912-5; discussion 912-5. PMID: 15185224.
Bruny JL, Bensard DD. Hollow viscous injury in the pediatric patient. Semin Pediatr Surg. 2004 May; 13(2):112-8. PMID: 15362281.
Barsness KA, Bensard DD, Partrick DA, Calkins CM, Hendrickson RJ, Banerjee A, McIntyre RC. IL-1beta induces an exaggerated pro- and anti-inflammatory response in peritoneal macrophages of children compared with adults. Pediatr Surg Int. 2004 Apr; 20(4):238-42. PMID: 15103492.
Barsness KA, Bensard DD, Ciesla D, Partrick DA, Hendrickson R, Karrer FM. Blunt diaphragmatic rupture in children. J Trauma. 2004 Jan; 56(1):80-2. PMID: 14749570.
Wooldridge JL, Partrick DA, Bensard DD, Deterding RR. Diaphragmatic hernia simulating a left pleural effusion. Pediatrics. 2003 Dec; 112(6 Pt 1):e487. PMID: 14654651.
Janik JS, Janik JP, Lovell MA, Hendrickson RJ, Bensard DD, Greffe BS. Recurrent inflammatory pseudotumors in children. J Pediatr Surg. 2003 Oct; 38(10):1491-5. PMID: 14577073.
Janik JE, Cothren CC, Janik JS, Hendrickson RJ, Bensard DD, Partrick DA, Karrer FM. Is a routine chest x-ray necessary for children after fluoroscopically assisted central venous access? J Pediatr Surg. 2003 Aug; 38(8):1199-202. PMID: 12891492.
Lyons WS, Calkins CM, Moore EE, Bensard DD, Partrick DA, McIntyre RC, Harken AH. "Resistance" to the inflammatory response and multiple organ failure in children. J Trauma. 2003 Jul; 55(1):182-4; author reply 183-4. PMID: 12855904.
Barsness KA, Cha ES, Bensard DD, Calkins CM, Partrick DA, Karrer FM, Strain JD. The positive predictive value of rib fractures as an indicator of nonaccidental trauma in children. J Trauma. 2003 Jun; 54(6):1107-10. PMID: 12813330.
Partrick DA, Janik JE, Janik JS, Bensard DD, Karrer FM. Increased CT scan utilization does not improve the diagnostic accuracy of appendicitis in children. J Pediatr Surg. 2003 May; 38(5):659-62. PMID: 12720164.
Janik JS, Hendrickson RJ, Janik JP, Bensard DD, Partrick DA, Karrer FM. Spectrum of anorectal anomalies in pygopagus twins. J Pediatr Surg. 2003 Apr; 38(4):608-12. PMID: 12677576.
Partrick DA, Bensard DD, Janik JS, Karrer FM. Is hypotension a reliable indicator of blood loss from traumatic injury in children? Am J Surg. 2002 Dec; 184(6):555-9; discussion 559-60. PMID: 12488166.
Calkins CM, Bensard DD, Moore EE, McIntyre RC, Silliman CC, Biffl W, Harken AH, Partrick DA, Offner PJ. The injured child is resistant to multiple organ failure: a different inflammatory response? J Trauma. 2002 Dec; 53(6):1058-63. PMID: 12478028.
Calkins CM, Bensard DD, Partrick DA, Karrer FM, McIntyre RC. Altered neutrophil function in the neonate protects against sepsis-induced lung injury. J Pediatr Surg. 2002 Jul; 37(7):1042-7; discussion 1042-7. PMID: 12077768.
Partrick DA, Bensard DD, Teitelbaum DH, Geiger JD, Strouse P, Harned RK. Successful thoracoscopic lung biopsy in children utilizing preoperative CT-guided localization. J Pediatr Surg. 2002 Jul; 37(7):970-3; discussion 970-3. PMID: 12077751.
Calkins CM, Barsness K, Bensard DD, Vasquez-Torres A, Raeburn CD, Meng X, McIntyre RC. Toll-like receptor-4 signaling mediates pulmonary neutrophil sequestration in response to gram-positive bacterial enterotoxin. J Surg Res. 2002 May 15; 104(2):124-30. PMID: 12020131.
Calkins CM, Bensard DD, Partrick DA, Karrer FM. A critical analysis of outcome for children sustaining cardiac arrest after blunt trauma. J Pediatr Surg. 2002 Feb; 37(2):180-4. PMID: 11819195.
Calkins CM, Bensard DD, Shames BD, Pulido EJ, Abraham E, Fernandez N, Meng X, Dinarello CA, McIntyre RC. IL-1 regulates in vivo C-X-C chemokine induction and neutrophil sequestration following endotoxemia. J Endotoxin Res. 2002; 8(1):59-67. PMID: 11981446.
Calkins CM, Heimbach JK, Bensard DD, Song Y, Raeburn CD, Meng X, McIntyre RC. TNF receptor I mediates chemokine production and neutrophil accumulation in the lung following systemic lipopolysaccharide. J Surg Res. 2001 Dec; 101(2):232-7. PMID: 11735280.
Shames BD, McIntyre RC, Bensard DD, Pulido EJ, Selzman CH, Reznikov LL, Harken AH, Meng X. Suppression of tumor necrosis factor alpha production by cAMP in human monocytes: dissociation with mRNA level and independent of interleukin-10. J Surg Res. 2001 Aug; 99(2):187-93. PMID: 11469886.
Calkins CM, Bensard DD, Heimbach JK, Meng X, Shames BD, Pulido EJ, McIntyre RC. L-arginine attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced lung chemokine production. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2001 Mar; 280(3):L400-8. PMID: 11159022.
Wachtel TL, Coniglio R, Bourg P, Hawkes A, Knight S, Mayer K, Bensard D. The synergistic relationship between a level I trauma center and a regional pediatric trauma center. Semin Pediatr Surg. 2001 Feb; 10(1):38-43. PMID: 11172573.
Partrick DA, Bensard DD, Moore EE, Calkins CM, Karrer FM. Cervical spine trauma in the injured child: a tragic injury with potential for salvageable functional outcome,. J Pediatr Surg. 2000 Nov; 35(11):1571-5. PMID: 11083425.
Karrer FM, Bensard DD. Neonatal cholestasis. Semin Pediatr Surg. 2000 Nov; 9(4):166-9. PMID: 11112833.
McIntyre RC, Pulido EJ, Bensard DD, Shames BD, Abraham E. Thirty years of clinical trials in acute respiratory distress syndrome. Crit Care Med. 2000 Sep; 28(9):3314-31. PMID: 11008997.
Shames BD, Zallen GS, McIntyre RC, Bensard DD, Pulido EJ, Miller SA, Pomerantz BJ, Selzman CH, Meng X, Harken AH. Chemokines as mediators of diseases related to surgical conditions. Shock. 2000 Jul; 14(1):1-7. PMID: 10909885.
Pulido EJ, Shames BD, Fullerton DA, Sheridan BC, Selzman CH, Gamboni-Robertson F, Bensard DD, McIntyre RC. Differential inducible nitric oxide synthase expression in systemic and pulmonary vessels after endotoxin. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2000 May; 278(5):R1232-9. PMID: 10801292.
Partrick DA, Moore EE, Bensard DD, Karrer FM. Operative management of injured children at an adult level I trauma center. J Trauma. 2000 May; 48(5):894-901. PMID: 10823533.
Partrick DA, Bensard DD, Moore EE, Karrer FM. Nonoperative management of solid organ injuries in children results in decreased blood utilization. J Pediatr Surg. 1999 Nov; 34(11):1695-9. PMID: 10591573.
Pulido EJ, Shames BD, Selzman CH, Barton HA, Banerjee A, Bensard DD, McIntyre RC. Inhibition of PARS attenuates endotoxin-induced dysfunction of pulmonary vasorelaxation. Am J Physiol. 1999 10; 277(4):L769-76. PMID: 10516218.
Pulido EJ, Shames BD, Pennica D, O'leary RM, Bensard DD, Cain BS, McIntyre RC. Cardiotrophin-1 attenuates endotoxin-induced acute lung injury. J Surg Res. 1999 Jun 15; 84(2):240-6. PMID: 10357926.
Partrick DA, Bensard DD, Moore EE, Partington MD, Karrer FM. Driveway crush injuries in young children: a highly lethal, devastating, and potentially preventable event. J Pediatr Surg. 1998 Nov; 33(11):1712-5. PMID: 9856902.
McIntyre RC, Pulido EJ, Sheridan B, Meldrum DR, Bensard DD, Fullerton DA. Endotoxin differentially impairs receptor-mediated relaxation in rat isolated pulmonary and thoracic aortic vessels. J Trauma. 1998 Nov; 45(5):862-7. PMID: 9820693.
Garrington T, Silliman CC, Bensard D, Ingram JD. Response to successful management of a child with asparaginase- induced hemorrhagic pancreatitis. Med Pediatr Oncol. 1998 Aug; 31(2):127. PMID: 9714616.
Partrick DA, Bensard DD, Karrer FM, Ruyle SZ. Is routine pathological evaluation of pediatric hernia sacs justified? J Pediatr Surg. 1998 Jul; 33(7):1090-2; discussion 1093-4. PMID: 9694100.
Partrick DA, Bensard DD, Moore EE, Terry SJ, Karrer FM. Ultrasound is an effective triage tool to evaluate blunt abdominal trauma in the pediatric population. J Trauma. 1998 Jul; 45(1):57-63. PMID: 9680013.
Garrington T, Bensard D, Ingram JD, Silliman CC. Successful management with octreotide of a child with L-asparaginase induced hemorrhagic pancreatitis. Med Pediatr Oncol. 1998 Feb; 30(2):106-9. PMID: 9403019.
Hoffenberg EJ, Rothenberg SS, Bensard D, Sondheimer JM, Sokol RJ. Outcome after exploratory laparoscopy for unexplained abdominal pain in childhood. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 1997 Oct; 151(10):993-8. PMID: 9343009.
Bensard DD, Haase GM. Acute abdomen. Special considerations for the neurologically and immunologically impaired child. Semin Pediatr Surg. 1997 May; 6(2):92-9. PMID: 9159860.
Pellegrin K, Bensard DD, Karrer FM, Meagher DP. Laparoscopic evaluation of contralateral patent processus vaginalis in children. Am J Surg. 1996 Nov; 172(5):602-5; discussion 606. PMID: 8942571.
Bensard DD, Beaver BL, Besner GE, Cooney DR. Small bowel injury in children after blunt abdominal trauma: is diagnostic delay important? J Trauma. 1996 Sep; 41(3):476-83. PMID: 8810966.
Karrer FM, Price MR, Bensard DD, Sokol RJ, Narkewicz MR, Smith DJ, Lilly JR. Long-term results with the Kasai operation for biliary atresia. Arch Surg. 1996 May; 131(5):493-6. PMID: 8624194.
McIntyre RC, Bensard DD, Stiegmann GV, Pearlman NW, Durham J. Exposure for laparoscopic cholecystectomy dissection adversely alters biliary ductal anatomy. Surg Endosc. 1996 Jan; 10(1):41-3. PMID: 8711604.
Krupski WC, Bensard DD. Preoperative cardiac risk management. Surg Clin North Am. 1995 Aug; 75(4):647-63. PMID: 7638711.
McIntyre RC, Banerjee A, Bensard DD, Brew EC, Hahn AR, Fullerton DA. Adenosine A1-receptor mechanisms antagonize beta-adrenergic pulmonary vasodilation in hypoxia. Am J Physiol. 1994 Dec; 267(6 Pt 2):H2179-85. PMID: 7810717.
McIntyre RC, Bensard DD, Karrer FM, Hall RJ, Lilly JR. The pediatric diaphragm in acute gastric volvulus. J Am Coll Surg. 1994 Mar; 178(3):234-8. PMID: 8149014.
Bensard DD, Banerjee A, McIntyre RC, Berens RL, Harken AH. Endotoxin disrupts beta-adrenergic signal transduction in the heart. Arch Surg. 1994 Feb; 129(2):198-204; discussion 204-5. PMID: 8304831.
Bensard DD, McIntyre RC, Moore EE, Moore FA. A critical analysis of acutely injured children managed in an adult level I trauma center. J Pediatr Surg. 1994 Jan; 29(1):11-8. PMID: 8120752.
Banerjee A, Locke-Winter C, Rogers KB, Mitchell MB, Brew EC, Cairns CB, Bensard DD, Harken AH. Preconditioning against myocardial dysfunction after ischemia and reperfusion by an alpha 1-adrenergic mechanism. Circ Res. 1993 Oct; 73(4):656-70. PMID: 8396503.
McIntyre RC, Bensard DD, Moore EE, Chambers J, Moore FA. Pelvic fracture geometry predicts risk of life-threatening hemorrhage in children. J Trauma. 1993 Sep; 35(3):423-9. PMID: 8371302.
Bensard DD, McIntyre RC, Waring BJ, Simon JS. Comparison of video thoracoscopic lung biopsy to open lung biopsy in the diagnosis of interstitial lung disease. Chest. 1993 Mar; 103(3):765-70. PMID: 8449066.
Bensard DD, Anderson BO, Banerjee A, Nelson DW, Poggetti RS, Berens RL, Harken AH. Platelet activating factor alters receptor-coupled function in the isolated perfused rat heart. J Surg Res. 1992 Oct; 53(4):321-5. PMID: 1328766.
Brown JM, Anderson BO, Repine JE, Shanley PF, White CW, Grosso MA, Banerjee A, Bensard DD, Harken AH. Neutrophils contribute to TNF induced myocardial tolerance to ischaemia. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 1992 May; 24(5):485-95. PMID: 1635073.
Poggetti RS, Moore FA, Moore EE, Bensard DD, Anderson BO, Banerjee A. Liver injury is a reversible neutrophil-mediated event following gut ischemia. Arch Surg. 1992 Feb; 127(2):175-9. PMID: 1540095.
Poggetti RS, Moore EE, Moore FA, Bensard DD, Parsons P, Anderson BO, Banerjee A. Gut and liver coordinated metabolic response following major torso injury. J Surg Res. 1992 Jan; 52(1):27-33. PMID: 1548864.
Nelson DW, Brown JM, Banerjee A, Bensard DD, Rogers KB, Locke-Winter CR, Anderson BO, Harken AH. Pretreatment with a nontoxic derivative of endotoxin induces functional protection against cardiac ischemia/reperfusion injury. Surgery. 1991 Aug; 110(2):365-9. PMID: 1858044.
Anderson BO, Poggetti RS, Shanley PF, Bensard DD, Pitman JM, Nelson DW, Whitman GJ, Banerjee A, Harken AH. Primed neutrophils injure rat lung through a platelet-activating factor-dependent mechanism. J Surg Res. 1991 May; 50(5):510-4. PMID: 1710005.
Anderson BO, Bensard DD, Harken AH. The role of platelet activating factor and its antagonists in shock, sepsis and multiple organ failure. Surg Gynecol Obstet. 1991 May; 172(5):415-24. PMID: 1851337.
Anderson BO, Bensard DD, Brown JM, Repine JE, Shanley PF, Leff JA, Terada LS, Banerjee A, Harken AH. FNLP injures endotoxin-primed rat lung by neutrophil-dependent and -independent mechanisms. Am J Physiol. 1991 Feb; 260(2 Pt 2):R413-20. PMID: 1847603.
Anderson BO, Brown JM, Shanley PF, Bensard DD, Harken AH. Marginating neutrophils are reversibly adherent to normal lung endothelium. Surgery. 1991 Jan; 109(1):51-61. PMID: 1845819.
Anderson BO, Brown JM, Bensard DD, Grosso MA, Banerjee A, Patt A, Whitman GJ, Harken AH. Reversible lung neutrophil accumulation can cause lung injury by elastase-mediated mechanisms. Surgery. 1990 Aug; 108(2):262-7; discussion 267-8. PMID: 2166356.
Bensard DD, Brown JM, Anderson BO, Banerjee A, Shanley PF, Grosso MA, Whitman GJ, Harken AH. Induction of endogenous tissue antioxidant enzyme activity attenuates myocardial reperfusion injury. J Surg Res. 1990 Aug; 49(2):126-31. PMID: 2199733.
Bensard DD, St Cyr JA, Johnston MR. Acute pleuritic chest pain and lung mass in an elderly woman. Chest. 1990 Jun; 97(6):1473-4. PMID: 2347233.
Lilly JR, Bensard D. Intralesional steroid injection in the management of esophageal stricture. J Pediatr Surg. 1989 Dec; 24(12):1312. PMID: 2593065.
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