Arnold Hal Levinson
Title | Working ORP Retiree - Faculty |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | CSPH-CBH General Ops |
Research R21CA141569 (LEVINSON, ARNOLD H)Sep 4, 2009 - Aug 31, 2012 NIH Smoking Cessation Navigation for Low Income Parents: A Pilot Study Role: Principal Investigator |
Pluta K, Hohl SD, D'Angelo H, Ostroff JS, Shelley D, Asvat Y, Chen LS, Cummings KM, Dahl N, Day AT, Fleisher L, Goldstein AO, Hayes R, Hitsman B, Buckles DH, King AC, Lam CY, Lenhoff K, Levinson AH, Minion M, Presant C, Prochaska JJ, Shoenbill K, Simmons V, Taylor K, Tindle H, Tong E, White JS, Wiseman KP, Warren GW, Baker TB, Rolland B, Fiore MC, Salloum RG. Data envelopment analysis to evaluate the efficiency of tobacco treatment programs in the NCI Moonshot Cancer Center Cessation Initiative. Implement Sci Commun. 2023 May 11; 4(1):50. PMID: 37170381.
Cooper SL, Kovar V, Levinson AH. Developing a Collaborative, Team-Based Smoking Cessation Treatment Program in an Outpatient Oncology Setting. JCO Oncol Pract. 2023 01; 19(1):e115-e124. PMID: 36516366.
Zhou S, Li Y, Levinson AH. A cross-sectional national survey to explore the relationship between smoking and political abstention: Evidence of social mistrust as a mediator. SSM Popul Health. 2021 Sep; 15:100856. PMID: 34277923.
Salloum RG, D'Angelo H, Theis RP, Rolland B, Hohl S, Pauk D, LeLaurin JH, Asvat Y, Chen LS, Day AT, Goldstein AO, Hitsman B, Hudson D, King AC, Lam CY, Lenhoff K, Levinson AH, Prochaska J, Smieliauskas F, Taylor K, Thomas J, Tindle H, Tong E, White JS, Vogel WB, Warren GW, Fiore M. Mixed-methods economic evaluation of the implementation of tobacco treatment programs in National Cancer Institute-designated cancer centers. Implement Sci Commun. 2021 Apr 09; 2(1):41. PMID: 33836840.
Levinson AH, Crepeau-Hobson MF, Glover J, Coors ME, Goldberg DS, Wynia MK. Comments Confirm That Student Health Surveillance Needs Ethics Guidelines to Act on Risk-Cluster Findings. Am J Bioeth. 2020 10; 20(10):W4-W7. PMID: 32945747.
Levinson AH, Crepeau-Hobson MF, Coors ME, Glover JJ, Goldberg DS, Wynia MK. Duties When an Anonymous Student Health Survey Finds a Hot Spot of Suicidality. Am J Bioeth. 2020 10; 20(10):50-60. PMID: 32945754.
Israel W, Mulitauopele C, Ma M, Levinson AH, Cikara L, Brooks-Russell A. Adolescent Health Behaviors in Schools with 4- Versus 5-Day School Weeks. J Sch Health. 2020 10; 90(10):794-801. PMID: 32812223.
Zhou S, Levinson AH, Zhang X, Portz JD, Moore SL, Gore MO, Ford KL, Li Q, Bull S. A Pilot Study and Ecological Model of Smoking Cues to Inform Mobile Health Strategies for Quitting Among Low-Income Smokers. Health Promot Pract. 2021 11; 22(6):850-862. PMID: 32698702.
Levinson AH, Lee JGL, Jason LA, DiFranza JR. Asking for Identification and Retail Tobacco Sales to Minors. Pediatrics. 2020 05; 145(5). PMID: 32321778.
Stewart SB, Bhatia D, Burns EK, Sakai JT, Martin LF, Levinson AH, Vaughn AM, Li Y, James KA. Association of Marijuana, Mental Health, and Tobacco in Colorado. J Addict Med. 2020 Jan/Feb; 14(1):48-55. PMID: 30939501.
Polinski KJ, Wolfe R, Peterson A, Juhl A, Perraillon MC, Levinson AH, Crume TL. Impact of an incentive-based prenatal smoking cessation program for low-income women in Colorado. Public Health Nurs. 2020 01; 37(1):39-49. PMID: 31692104.
Tormohlen KN, Schneider KE, Johnson RM, Ma M, Levinson AH, Brooks-Russell A. Changes in Prevalence of Marijuana Consumption Modes Among Colorado High School Students From 2015 to 2017. JAMA Pediatr. 2019 Oct 01; 173(10):988-989. PMID: 31381036.
Brooks-Russell A, Ma M, Levinson AH, Kattari L, Kirchner T, Anderson Goodell EM, Johnson RM. Adolescent Marijuana Use, Marijuana-Related Perceptions, and Use of Other Substances Before and After Initiation of Retail Marijuana Sales in Colorado (2013-2015). Prev Sci. 2019 02; 20(2):185-193. PMID: 30043198.
Tormohlen KN, Brooks-Russell A, Ma M, Schneider KE, Levinson AH, Johnson RM. Modes of Marijuana Consumption Among Colorado High School Students Before and After the Initiation of Retail Marijuana Sales for Adults. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2019 01; 80(1):46-55. PMID: 30807274.
Levinson AH, Ma M, Jason LA, Lee JGL, Landrine H, Glueck DH, DiFranza JR. Assessment of the US Federal Retailer Violation Rate as an Estimate of the Proportion of Retailers That Illegally Sell Tobacco to Adolescents. JAMA Pediatr. 2018 10 01; 172(10):966-972. PMID: 30128544.
Levinson AH. Nicotine Sales to Minors: Store-Level Comparison of E-Cigarette Versus Cigarette Violation Rates. Nicotine Tob Res. 2018 01 05; 20(2):267-270. PMID: 28340195.
Roppolo RH, Brooks-Russell A, Bull SS, Maffey A, Levinson A. Legalized marijuana: Language-associated knowledge of laws and risk perceptions among Latinos. J Ethn Subst Abuse. 2019 Jul-Sep; 18(3):415-427. PMID: 29261477.
Harpin SB, Brooks-Russell A, Ma M, James KA, Levinson AH. Adolescent Marijuana Use and Perceived Ease of Access Before and After Recreational Marijuana Implementation in Colorado. Subst Use Misuse. 2018 02 23; 53(3):451-456. PMID: 28816599.
Levinson AH. Where the U.S. tobacco epidemic still rages: Most remaining smokers have lower socioeconomic status. J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2017; 28(1):100-107. PMID: 28238991.
Brooks-Russell A, Levinson A, Li Y, Roppolo RH, Bull S. What Do Colorado Adults Know About Legal Use of Recreational Marijuana After a Media Campaign? Health Promot Pract. 2017 03; 18(2):193-200. PMID: 27815393.
Johnson RM, Brooks-Russell A, Ma M, Fairman BJ, Tolliver RL, Levinson AH. Usual Modes of Marijuana Consumption Among High School Students in Colorado. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2016 07; 77(4):580-8. PMID: 27340962.
Sedjo RL, Li Y, Levinson AH. Smoking-Cessation Treatment: Use Trends Among Non-Hispanic White and English-Speaking Hispanic/Latino Smokers, Colorado 2001-2012. Am J Prev Med. 2016 08; 51(2):232-239. PMID: 27020316.
Levinson AH, Valverde P, Garrett K, Kimminau M, Burns EK, Albright K, Flynn D. Community-based navigators for tobacco cessation treatment: a proof-of-concept pilot study among low-income smokers. BMC Public Health. 2015 Jul 09; 15:627. PMID: 26155841.
Albright K, Hood N, Ma M, Levinson AH. Smoking and (Not) Voting: The Negative Relationship Between a Health-Risk Behavior and Political Participation in Colorado. Nicotine Tob Res. 2016 Mar; 18(3):371-6. PMID: 25957339.
Burns EK, Hood NE, Goforth E, Levinson AH. Randomised trial of two nicotine patch protocols distributed through a state quitline. Tob Control. 2016 Mar; 25(2):218-23. PMID: 25416755.
Morris CD, Burns EK, Waxmonsky JA, Levinson AH. Smoking cessation behaviors among persons with psychiatric diagnoses: results from a population-level state survey. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2014 Mar 01; 136:63-8. PMID: 24417963.
Cook-Shimanek M, Burns EK, Levinson AH. Medicinal nicotine nonuse: smokers' rationales for past behavior and intentions to try medicinal nicotine in a future quit attempt. Nicotine Tob Res. 2013 Nov; 15(11):1926-33. PMID: 23817584.
Levinson AH, Patnaik JL. A practical way to estimate retail tobacco sales violation rates more accurately. Nicotine Tob Res. 2013 Nov; 15(11):1952-5. PMID: 23817583.
Woods G, Levinson AH, Jones G, Kennedy RL, Johnson LC, Tran ZV, Gonzalez T, Marcus AC. The Living Well by Faith Health and wellness program for African Americans: an exemplar of community-based participatory research. Ethn Dis. 2013; 23(2):223-9. PMID: 23530305.
Levinson AH, Hood N, Mahajan R, Russ R. Smoking cessation treatment preferences, intentions, and behaviors among a large sample of Colorado gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered smokers. Nicotine Tob Res. 2012 Aug; 14(8):910-8. PMID: 22259147.
Burns EK, Levinson AH, Deaton EA. Factors in nonadherence to quitline services: smoker characteristics explain little. Health Educ Behav. 2012 Oct; 39(5):596-602. PMID: 22247219.
Fernald D, Harris A, Deaton EA, Weister V, Pray S, Baumann C, Levinson A. A standardized reporting system for assessment of diverse public health programs. Prev Chronic Dis. 2012; 9:E147. PMID: 22974755.
Bruintjes G, Bartelson BB, Hurst P, Levinson AH, Hokanson JE, Krantz MJ. Reduction in acute myocardial infarction hospitalization after implementation of a smoking ordinance. Am J Med. 2011 Jul; 124(7):647-54. PMID: 21683831.
Burns EK, Deaton EA, Levinson AH. Rates and reasons: disparities in low intentions to use a state smoking cessation quitline. Am J Health Promot. 2011 May-Jun; 25(5 Suppl):S59-65. PMID: 21510788.
Burns EK, Tong S, Levinson AH. Reduced NRT supplies through a quitline: smoking cessation differences. Nicotine Tob Res. 2010 Aug; 12(8):845-9. PMID: 20562205.
Burns EK, Levinson AH. Reaching Spanish-speaking smokers: state-level evidence of untapped potential for QuitLine utilization. Am J Public Health. 2010 Apr 01; 100 Suppl 1:S165-710. PMID: 20147692.
Willett JG, Hood NE, Burns EK, Swetlick JL, Wilson SM, Lang DA, Levinson AH. Clinical faxed referrals to a tobacco quitline: reach, enrollment, and participant characteristics. Am J Prev Med. 2009 Apr; 36(4):337-40. PMID: 19201150.
Glasgow RE, Gaglio B, Estabrooks PA, Marcus AC, Ritzwoller DP, Smith TL, Levinson AH, Sukhanova A, O'Donnell C, Ferro EF, France EK. Long-term results of a smoking reduction program. Med Care. 2009 Jan; 47(1):115-20. PMID: 19106739.
Glasgow RE, Estabrooks PA, Marcus AC, Smith TL, Gaglio B, Levinson AH, Tong S. Evaluating initial reach and robustness of a practical randomized trial of smoking reduction. Health Psychol. 2008 Nov; 27(6):780-8. PMID: 19025274.
Coors ME, Levinson AH, Huitt GA. Anxiety related to genetic testing for alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency and cystic fibrosis in COPD and/or bronchiectasis patients. Community Genet. 2008; 11(3):135-40. PMID: 18376109.
Burns EK, Levinson AH. Discontinuation of nicotine replacement therapy among smoking-cessation attempters. Am J Prev Med. 2008 Mar; 34(3):212-5. PMID: 18312809.
Levinson AH, Glasgow RE, Gaglio B, Smith TL, Cahoon J, Marcus AC. Tailored behavioral support for smoking reduction: development and pilot results of an innovative intervention. Health Educ Res. 2008 Apr; 23(2):335-46. PMID: 17884837.
Levinson AH, Mickiewicz T. Reducing underage cigarette sales in an isolated community: the effect on adolescent cigarette supplies. Prev Med. 2007 Dec; 45(6):447-53. PMID: 17804046.
Levinson AH, Campo S, Gascoigne J, Jolly O, Zakharyan A, Tran ZV. Smoking, but not smokers: identity among college students who smoke cigarettes. Nicotine Tob Res. 2007 Aug; 9(8):845-52. PMID: 17654297.
Burns EK, Levinson AH, Lezotte D, Prochazka AV. Differences in smoking duration between Latinos and Anglos. Nicotine Tob Res. 2007 Jul; 9(7):731-7. PMID: 17577802.
Levinson AH, Borrayo EA, Espinoza P, Flores ET, P?rez-Stable EJ. An exploration of Latino smokers and the use of pharmaceutical aids. Am J Prev Med. 2006 Aug; 31(2):167-71. PMID: 16829334.
Glasgow RE, Gaglio B, France EK, Marcus A, Riley KM, Levinson A, Bischoff K. Do behavioral smoking reduction approaches reach more or different smokers? Two studies; similar answers. Addict Behav. 2006 Mar; 31(3):509-18. PMID: 15979815.
Strecher VJ, Marcus A, Bishop K, Fleisher L, Stengle W, Levinson A, Fairclough DL, Wolfe P, Morra M, Davis S, Warnecke R, Heimendinger J, Nowak M. A randomized controlled trial of multiple tailored messages for smoking cessation among callers to the cancer information service. J Health Commun. 2005; 10 Suppl 1:105-18. PMID: 16377603.
Levinson AH. Tobacco sales to minors: has familiarity bred contempt for youth access programs? Am J Public Health. 2004 May; 94(5):696. PMID: 15117680.
Levinson AH, P?rez-Stable EJ, Espinoza P, Flores ET, Byers TE. Latinos report less use of pharmaceutical aids when trying to quit smoking. Am J Prev Med. 2004 Feb; 26(2):105-11. PMID: 14751320.
Kempe A, Renfrew B, Barrow J, Cherry D, Levinson A, Steiner JF. The first 2 years of a state child health insurance plan: whom are we reaching? Pediatrics. 2003 Apr; 111(4 Pt 1):735-40. PMID: 12671105.
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