Charles Panghsin Ho
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | SOM-RAD General Operations |
Bushnell BD, Connor PM, Harris HW, Ho CP, Trenhaile SW, Abrams JS. Two-year outcomes with a bioinductive collagen implant used in augmentation of arthroscopic repair of full-thickness rotator cuff tears: final results of a prospective multicenter study. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2022 Dec; 31(12):2532-2541. PMID: 35788057.
Cooper JD, Seiter MN, Ruzbarsky JJ, Poulton R, Dornan GJ, Fitzcharles EK, Ho CP, Hackett TR. Shoulder Pathology on Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Asymptomatic Elite-Level Rock Climbers. Orthop J Sports Med. 2022 Feb; 10(2):23259671211073137. PMID: 35174249.
Murata Y, Pierpoint L, DeClercq M, Lockard C, Martin M, Fukase N, Soares R, Quinn P, Ho CP, Uchida S, Philippon MJ. Cotyloid Fossa Coverage Percentages May Be Associated With Alpha Angle, Labral Tear, and Clinical Outcomes in Patients With Femoroacetabular Impingement. Am J Sports Med. 2022 01; 50(1):50-57. PMID: 34813404.
Bugeja JM, Chandra SS, Neubert A, Fripp J, Lockard CA, Ho CP, Crozier S, Engstrom C. Automated analysis of immediate reliability of T2 and T2* relaxation times of hip joint cartilage from 3?T MR examinations. Magn Reson Imaging. 2021 10; 82:42-54. PMID: 34147595.
Lockard CA, Nolte PC, Gawronski KMB, Elrick BP, Goldenberg BT, Horan MP, Dornan GJ, Ho CP, Millett PJ. Quantitative T2 mapping of the glenohumeral joint cartilage in asymptomatic shoulders and shoulders with increasing severity of rotator cuff pathology. Eur J Radiol Open. 2021; 8:100329. PMID: 33644264.
Bushnell BD, Connor PM, Harris HW, Ho CP, Trenhaile SW, Abrams JS. Retear rates and clinical outcomes at 1 year after repair of full-thickness rotator cuff tears augmented with a bioinductive collagen implant: a prospective multicenter study. JSES Int. 2021 Mar; 5(2):228-237. PMID: 33681842.
Lockard CA, Stake IK, Brady AW, DeClercq MG, Tanghe KK, Douglass BW, Nott E, Ho CP, Clanton TO. Accuracy of MRI-Based Talar Cartilage Thickness Measurement and Talus Bone and Cartilage Modeling: Comparison with Ground-Truth Laser Scan Measurements. Cartilage. 2021 12; 13(1_suppl):674S-684S. PMID: 33269605.
Schlegel TF, Abrams JS, Angelo RL, Getelman MH, Ho CP, Bushnell BD. Isolated bioinductive repair of partial-thickness rotator cuff tears using a resorbable bovine collagen implant: two-year radiologic and clinical outcomes from a prospective multicenter study. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2021 Aug; 30(8):1938-1948. PMID: 33220413.
Lockard CA, Chang A, Clanton TO, Ho CP. T2* mapping and subregion analysis of the tibialis posterior tendon using 3 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging. Br J Radiol. 2019 Dec; 92(1104):20190221. PMID: 31596118.
Wilson KJ, Fripp J, Lockard CA, Shin RC, Engstrom C, Ho CP, LaPrade RF. Quantitative mapping of acute and chronic PCL pathology with 3?T MRI: a prospectively enrolled patient cohort. J Exp Orthop. 2019 May 28; 6(1):22. PMID: 31139976.
Lockard CA, Chang A, Shin RC, Clanton TO, Ho CP. Regional variation of ankle and hindfoot cartilage T2 mapping values at 3 T: A feasibility study. Eur J Radiol. 2019 Apr; 113:209-216. PMID: 30927949.
Millett PJ, Espinoza C, Horan MP, Ho CP, Warth RJ, Dornan GJ, Katthagen JC. Correction to: Predictors of outcomes after arthroscopic transosseous equivalent rotator cuff repair in 155 cases: a propensity score weighted analysis of knotted and knotless self-reinforcing repair techniques at a minimum of 2?years. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2017 12; 137(12):1761. PMID: 29063182.
Lockard CA, Wilson KJ, Ho CP, Shin RC, Katthagen JC, Millett PJ. Quantitative mapping of glenohumeral cartilage in asymptomatic subjects using 3?T magnetic resonance imaging. Skeletal Radiol. 2018 May; 47(5):671-682. PMID: 29196823.
Schlegel TF, Abrams JS, Bushnell BD, Brock JL, Ho CP. Radiologic and clinical evaluation of a bioabsorbable collagen implant to treat partial-thickness tears: a prospective multicenter study. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2018 Feb; 27(2):242-251. PMID: 29157898.
Millett PJ, Espinoza C, Horan MP, Ho CP, Warth RJ, Dornan GJ, Katthagen JC. Predictors of outcomes after arthroscopic transosseous equivalent rotator cuff repair in 155 cases: a propensity score weighted analysis of knotted and knotless self-reinforcing repair techniques at a minimum of 2?years. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2017 10; 137(10):1399-1408. PMID: 28748291.
Neubert A, Wilson KJ, Engstrom C, Surowiec RK, Paproki A, Johnson N, Crozier S, Fripp J, Ho CP. Comparison of 3D bone models of the knee joint derived from CT and 3T MR imaging. Eur J Radiol. 2017 Aug; 93:178-184. PMID: 28668413.
Wilson KJ, Surowiec RK, Johnson NS, Lockard CA, Clanton TO, Ho CP. T2* Mapping of Peroneal Tendons Using Clinically Relevant Subregions in an Asymptomatic Population. Foot Ankle Int. 2017 Jun; 38(6):677-683. PMID: 28552042.
Ho CP, Ommen ND, Bhatia S, Saroki AJ, Goljan P, Briggs KK, Philippon MJ. Predictive Value of 3-T Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Diagnosing Grade 3 and 4 Chondral Lesions in the Hip. Arthroscopy. 2016 09; 32(9):1808-13. PMID: 27209619.
Ho CP, Surowiec RK, Frisbie DD, Ferro FP, Wilson KJ, Saroki AJ, Fitzcharles EK, Dornan GJ, Philippon MJ. Prospective In?Vivo Comparison of Damaged and Healthy-Appearing Articular Cartilage Specimens in Patients With Femoroacetabular Impingement: Comparison of T2 Mapping, Histologic Endpoints, and Arthroscopic Grading. Arthroscopy. 2016 08; 32(8):1601-11. PMID: 27132779.
Wilson KJ, Surowiec RK, Ho CP, Devitt BM, Fripp J, Smith WS, Spiegl UJ, Dornan GJ, LaPrade RF. Quantifiable Imaging Biomarkers for Evaluation of the Posterior Cruciate Ligament Using 3-T Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Feasibility Study. Orthop J Sports Med. 2016 Apr; 4(4):2325967116639044. PMID: 27104206.
Ferro FP, Ho CP, Dornan GJ, Surowiec RK, Philippon MJ. Comparison of T2 Values in the Lateral and Medial Portions of the Weight-Bearing Cartilage of the Hip for Patients With Symptomatic Femoroacetabular Impingement and Asymptomatic Volunteers. Arthroscopy. 2015 Aug; 31(8):1497-506. PMID: 25896275.
Spiegl UJ, Horan MP, Smith SW, Ho CP, Millett PJ. The critical shoulder angle is associated with rotator cuff tears and shoulder osteoarthritis and is better assessed with radiographs over MRI. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2016 Jul; 24(7):2244-51. PMID: 25820655.
Ganal E, Ho CP, Wilson KJ, Surowiec RK, Smith WS, Dornan GJ, Millett PJ. Quantitative MRI characterization of arthroscopically verified supraspinatus pathology: comparison of tendon tears, tendinosis and asymptomatic supraspinatus tendons with T2 mapping. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2016 Jul; 24(7):2216-24. PMID: 25739912.
Spiegl UJ, Petri M, Smith SW, Ho CP, Millett PJ. Association between scapula bony morphology and snapping scapula syndrome. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2015 Aug; 24(8):1289-95. PMID: 25690534.
Ho CP, James EW, Surowiec RK, Gatlin CC, Ellman MB, Cram TR, Dornan GJ, LaPrade RF. Systematic technique-dependent differences in CT versus MRI measurement of the tibial tubercle-trochlear groove distance. Am J Sports Med. 2015 Mar; 43(3):675-82. PMID: 25575535.
Ferro FP, Ho CP, Briggs KK, Philippon MJ. Patient-centered outcomes after hip arthroscopy for femoroacetabular impingement and labral tears are not different in patients with normal, high, or low femoral version. Arthroscopy. 2015 Mar; 31(3):454-9. PMID: 25498873.
Clanton TO, Ho CP, Williams BT, Surowiec RK, Gatlin CC, Haytmanek CT, LaPrade RF. Magnetic resonance imaging characterization of individual ankle syndesmosis structures in asymptomatic and surgically treated cohorts. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2016 Jul; 24(7):2089-102. PMID: 25398368.
LaPrade RF, Ho CP, James E, Crespo B, LaPrade CM, Matheny LM. Diagnostic accuracy of 3.0 T magnetic resonance imaging for the detection of meniscus posterior root pathology. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2015 Jan; 23(1):152-7. PMID: 25377189.
Philippon MJ, Devitt BM, Ho CP, Goljan P, Peixoto LP, Briggs KK. Corrections to our article "preoperative diagnosis of pathologic conditions of the ligamentum teres: is MRI a valuable imaging modality?". Arthroscopy. 2014 Oct; 30(10):1219-20. PMID: 25281348.
Gatlin CC, Matheny LM, Ho CP, Johnson NS, Clanton TO. Diagnostic accuracy of 3.0 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging for the detection of articular cartilage lesions of the talus. Foot Ankle Int. 2015 Mar; 36(3):288-92. PMID: 25253576.
Ho CP, Surowiec RK, Ferro FP, Lucas EP, Saroki AJ, Dornan GJ, Fitzcharles EK, Anz AW, Smith WS, Wilson KJ, Philippon MJ. Subregional Anatomical Distribution of T2 Values of Articular Cartilage in Asymptomatic Hips. Cartilage. 2014 Jul; 5(3):154-64. PMID: 26069695.
Devitt BM, Philippon MJ, Goljan P, Peixoto LP, Briggs KK, Ho CP. Preoperative diagnosis of pathologic conditions of the ligamentum teres: is MRI a valuable imaging modality? Arthroscopy. 2014 May; 30(5):568-74. PMID: 24630124.
Xue N, Doellinger M, Fripp J, Ho CP, Surowiec RK, Schwarz R. Automatic model-based semantic registration of multimodal MRI knee data. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2015 Mar; 41(3):633-44. PMID: 24591252.
Anz AW, Lucas EP, Fitzcharles EK, Surowiec RK, Millett PJ, Ho CP. MRI T2 mapping of the asymptomatic supraspinatus tendon by age and imaging plane using clinically relevant subregions. Eur J Radiol. 2014 May; 83(5):801-5. PMID: 24613548.
Xue N, Doellinger M, Ho CP, Surowiec RK, Schwarz R. Automatic detection of anatomical landmarks on the knee joint using MRI data. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2015 Jan; 41(1):183-92. PMID: 24431181.
Surowiec RK, Lucas EP, Wilson KJ, Saroki AJ, Ho CP. Clinically Relevant Subregions of Articular Cartilage of the Hip for Analysis and Reporting Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Technical Note. Cartilage. 2014 Jan; 5(1):11-5. PMID: 26069681.
Surowiec RK, Lucas EP, Fitzcharles EK, Petre BM, Dornan GJ, Giphart JE, LaPrade RF, Ho CP. T2 values of articular cartilage in clinically relevant subregions of the asymptomatic knee. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2014 Jun; 22(6):1404-14. PMID: 24271329.
Surowiec RK, Lucas EP, Ho CP. Quantitative MRI in the evaluation of articular cartilage health: reproducibility and variability with a focus on T2 mapping. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2014 Jun; 22(6):1385-95. PMID: 24170187.
Clanton TO, Chacko AK, Matheny LM, Hartline BE, Ho CP. Magnetic resonance imaging findings of snowboarding osteochondral injuries to the middle talocalcaneal articulation. Sports Health. 2013 Sep; 5(5):470-5. PMID: 24427420.
Philippon MJ, Ho CP, Briggs KK, Stull J, LaPrade RF. Prevalence of increased alpha angles as a measure of cam-type femoroacetabular impingement in youth ice hockey players. Am J Sports Med. 2013 Jun; 41(6):1357-62. PMID: 23562808.
Ejnisman L, Philippon MJ, Lertwanich P, Pennock AT, Herzog MM, Briggs KK, Ho CP. Relationship between femoral anteversion and findings in hips with femoroacetabular impingement. Orthopedics. 2013 Mar; 36(3):e293-300. PMID: 23464948.
Register B, Pennock AT, Ho CP, Strickland CD, Lawand A, Philippon MJ. Prevalence of abnormal hip findings in asymptomatic participants: a prospective, blinded study. Am J Sports Med. 2012 Dec; 40(12):2720-4. PMID: 23104610.
Werpy NM, Ho CP, Garcia EB, Kawcak CE. The effect of varying echo time using T2-weighted FSE sequences on the magic angle effect in the collateral ligaments of the distal interphalangeal joint in horses. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2013 Jan-Feb; 54(1):31-5. PMID: 22897415.
Werpy NM, Ho CP, Pease AP, Kawcak CE. The effect of sequence selection and field strength on detection of osteochondral defects in the metacarpophalangeal joint. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2011 Mar-Apr; 52(2):154-60. PMID: 21388466.
Werpy NM, Ho CP, Kawcak CE. Magic angle effect in normal collateral ligaments of the distal interphalangeal joint in horses imaged with a high-field magnetic resonance imaging system. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2010 Jan-Feb; 51(1):2-10. PMID: 20166386.
Sampson SN, Schneider RK, Gavin PR, Ho CP, Tucker RL, Charles EM. Magnetic resonance imaging findings in horses with recent onset navicular syndrome but without radiographic abnormalities. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2009 Jul-Aug; 50(4):339-46. PMID: 19697596.
Brokken MT, Schneider RK, Sampson SN, Tucker RL, Gavin PR, Ho CP. Magnetic resonance imaging features of proximal metacarpal and metatarsal injuries in the horse. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2007 Nov-Dec; 48(6):507-17. PMID: 18018721.
Sampson SN, Schneider RK, Tucker RL, Gavin PR, Zubrod CJ, Ho CP. Magnetic resonance imaging features of oblique and straight distal sesamoidean desmitis in 27 horses. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2007 Jul-Aug; 48(4):303-11. PMID: 17691627.
Ramappa AJ, Gill TJ, Bradford CH, Ho CP, Steadman JR. Magnetic resonance imaging to assess knee cartilage repair tissue after microfracture of chondral defects. J Knee Surg. 2007 Jul; 20(3):228-34. PMID: 17665786.
Frisbie DD, Morisset S, Ho CP, Rodkey WG, Steadman JR, McIlwraith CW. Effects of calcified cartilage on healing of chondral defects treated with microfracture in horses. Am J Sports Med. 2006 Nov; 34(11):1824-31. PMID: 16832126.
Monto RR, Cameron-Donaldson ML, Close MA, Ho CP, Hawkins RJ. Magnetic resonance imaging in the evaluation of tibial eminence fractures in adults. J Knee Surg. 2006 Jul; 19(3):187-90. PMID: 16893157.
Wasudev NP, Ho CP. Mechanisms and imaging of football-related injuries. Semin Musculoskelet Radiol. 2005 Dec; 9(4):302-15. PMID: 16315114.
Piatt BE, Hawkins RJ, Fritz RC, Ho CP, Wolf E, Schickendantz M. Clinical evaluation and treatment of spinoglenoid notch ganglion cysts. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2002 Nov-Dec; 11(6):600-4. PMID: 12469086.
Schickendantz MS, Ho CP, Koh J. Stress injury of the proximal ulna in professional baseball players. Am J Sports Med. 2002 Sep-Oct; 30(5):737-41. PMID: 12239011.
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