Colorado PROFILES, The Colorado Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CCTSI)
Last Name

James Gordon Brasseur

TitleResearch Professor
InstitutionUniversity of Colorado Boulder
DepartmentAero-Aerospace Engineering Sci

    Collapse Research 
    Collapse research activities and funding
    R42DK052058     (BRASSEUR, JAMES G)Sep 30, 1996 - Nov 30, 2000
    Role: Principal Investigator

    R41DK052058     (BRASSEUR, JAMES G)Sep 30, 1996 - Sep 29, 1997
    Role: Principal Investigator

    R01DK041436     (BRASSEUR, JAMES G)Aug 1, 1988 - Jun 30, 1997
    Role: Principal Investigator

    Collapse Bibliographic 
    Collapse selected publications
    Publications listed below are automatically derived from MEDLINE/PubMed and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing publications. Faculty can login to make corrections and additions.
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    1. Heissam K, Abrehart N, Hoad CL, Wright J, Menys A, Murray K, Glover PM, Hebbard G, Gowland PA, Baker J, Hasler WL, Spiller RC, Corsetti M, Brasseur JG, Hens B, Shedden K, Dickens J, Mudie DM, Amidon GE, Amidon GL, Marciani L. Measurement of fasted state gastric antral motility before and after a standard bioavailability and bioequivalence 240 mL drink of water: Validation of MRI method against concomitant perfused manometry in healthy participants. PLoS One. 2020; 15(11):e0241441. PMID: 33175860.
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    2. Baker JR, Dickens JR, Koenigsknecht M, Frances A, Lee AA, Shedden KA, Brasseur JG, Amidon GL, Sun D, Hasler WL. Propagation Characteristics of Fasting Duodeno-Jejunal Contractions in Healthy Controls Measured by Clustered Closely-spaced Manometric Sensors. J Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2019 Jan 31; 25(1):100-112. PMID: 30646481.
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    3. Tsume Y, Patel S, Fotaki N, Bergstr?m C, Amidon GL, Brasseur JG, Mudie DM, Sun D, Bermejo M, Gao P, Zhu W, Sperry DC, Vertzoni M, Parrott N, Lionberger R, Kambayashi A, Hermans A, Lu X, Amidon GE. In Vivo Predictive Dissolution and Simulation Workshop Report: Facilitating the Development of Oral Drug Formulation and the Prediction of Oral Bioperformance. AAPS J. 2018 09 06; 20(6):100. PMID: 30191341.
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    4. Hens B, Sinko PD, Job N, Dean M, Al-Gousous J, Salehi N, Ziff RM, Tsume Y, Bermejo M, Paix?o P, Brasseur JG, Yu A, Talattof A, Benninghoff G, Langguth P, Lennern?s H, Hasler WL, Marciani L, Dickens J, Shedden K, Sun D, Amidon GE, Amidon GL. Formulation predictive dissolution (fPD) testing to advance oral drug product development: An introduction to the US FDA funded '21st Century BA/BE' project. Int J Pharm. 2018 Sep 05; 548(1):120-127. PMID: 29944899.
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    5. Wang Y, Brasseur JG. Three-dimensional mechanisms of macro-to-micro-scale transport and absorption enhancement by gut villi motions. Phys Rev E. 2017 Jun; 95(6-1):062412. PMID: 28709220.
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    6. Nandi TN, Herrig A, Brasseur JG. Non-steady wind turbine response to daytime atmospheric turbulence. Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci. 2017 Apr 13; 375(2091). PMID: 28265026.
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    7. Gregersen H, Liao D, Brasseur JG. The Esophagiome: concept, status, and future perspectives. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2016 09; 1380(1):6-18. PMID: 27570939.
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    8. Wang Y, Abrahamsson B, Lindfors L, Brasseur JG. Analysis of Diffusion-Controlled Dissolution from Polydisperse Collections of Drug Particles with an Assessed Mathematical Model. J Pharm Sci. 2015 Sep; 104(9):2998-3017. PMID: 25989144.
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    9. Lindfors L, Jonsson M, Weibull E, Brasseur JG, Abrahamsson B. Hydrodynamic Effects on Drug Dissolution and Deaggregation in the Small Intestine-A Study with Felodipine as a Model Drug. J Pharm Sci. 2015 Sep; 104(9):2969-76. PMID: 25980801.
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    10. Ailiani AC, Neuberger T, Brasseur JG, Banco G, Wang Y, Smith NB, Webb AG. Quantifying the effects of inactin vs Isoflurane anesthesia on gastrointestinal motility in rats using dynamic magnetic resonance imaging and spatio-temporal maps. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2014 Oct; 26(10):1477-86. PMID: 25257924.
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    11. Costanzo F, Brasseur JG. The invalidity of the Laplace law for biological vessels and of estimating elastic modulus from total stress vs. strain: a new practical method. Math Med Biol. 2015 Mar; 32(1):1-37. PMID: 24071531.
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    12. Wang Y, Abrahamsson B, Lindfors L, Brasseur JG. Comparison and analysis of theoretical models for diffusion-controlled dissolution. Mol Pharm. 2012 May 07; 9(5):1052-66. PMID: 22384832.
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    13. Miller LS, Vegesna AK, Brasseur JG, Braverman AS, Ruggieri MR. The esophagogastric junction. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2011 Sep; 1232:323-30. PMID: 21950822.
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    14. Wang Y, Brasseur JG, Banco GG, Webb AG, Ailiani AC, Neuberger T. A multiscale lattice Boltzmann model of macro- to micro-scale transport, with applications to gut function. Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci. 2010 Jun 28; 368(1921):2863-80. PMID: 20478911.
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    15. Ailiani AC, Neuberger T, Brasseur JG, Banco G, Wang Y, Smith NB, Webb AG. Quantitative analysis of peristaltic and segmental motion in vivo in the rat small intestine using dynamic MRI. Magn Reson Med. 2009 Jul; 62(1):116-26. PMID: 19353667.
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    16. Kwiatek MA, Fox MR, Steingoetter A, Menne D, Pal A, Fruehauf H, Kaufman E, Forras-Kaufman Z, Brasseur JG, Goetze O, Hebbard GS, Boesiger P, Thumshirn M, Fried M, Schwizer W. Effects of clonidine and sumatriptan on postprandial gastric volume response, antral contraction waves and emptying: an MRI study. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2009 Sep; 21(9):928-e71. PMID: 19413683.
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    17. Ghosh SK, Kahrilas PJ, Brasseur JG. Liquid in the gastroesophageal segment promotes reflux, but compliance does not: a mathematical modeling study. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2008 Nov; 295(5):G920-33. PMID: 18718998.
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    18. Ghosh SK, Janiak P, Fox M, Schwizer W, Hebbard GS, Brasseur JG. Physiology of the oesophageal transition zone in the presence of chronic bolus retention: studies using concurrent high resolution manometry and digital fluoroscopy. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2008 Jul; 20(7):750-9. PMID: 18422907.
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    19. Miller L, Vegesna A, Kalra A, Besetty R, Dai Q, Korimilli A, Brasseur JG. New observations on the gastroesophageal antireflux barrier. Gastroenterol Clin North Am. 2007 Sep; 36(3):601-17, ix. PMID: 17950440.
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    20. Brasseur JG, Nicosia MA, Pal A, Miller LS. Function of longitudinal vs circular muscle fibers in esophageal peristalsis, deduced with mathematical modeling. World J Gastroenterol. 2007 Mar 07; 13(9):1335-46. PMID: 17457963.
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    21. Brasseur JG, Ulerich R, Dai Q, Patel DK, Soliman AM, Miller LS. Pharmacological dissection of the human gastro-oesophageal segment into three sphincteric components. J Physiol. 2007 May 01; 580(Pt.3):961-75. PMID: 17289789.
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    22. Kwiatek MA, Steingoetter A, Pal A, Menne D, Brasseur JG, Hebbard GS, Boesiger P, Thumshirn M, Fried M, Schwizer W. Quantification of distal antral contractile motility in healthy human stomach with magnetic resonance imaging. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2006 Nov; 24(5):1101-9. PMID: 17031837.
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    23. Pal A, Brasseur JG, Abrahamsson B. A stomach road or "Magenstrasse" for gastric emptying. J Biomech. 2007; 40(6):1202-10. PMID: 16934271.
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    24. Dai Q, Korimilli A, Thangada VK, Chung CY, Parkman H, Brasseur J, Miller LS. Muscle shortening along the normal esophagus during swallowing. Dig Dis Sci. 2006 Jan; 51(1):105-9. PMID: 16416220.
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    25. Miller L, Dai Q, Korimilli A, Levitt B, Ramzan Z, Brasseur J. Use of endoluminal ultrasound to evaluate gastrointestinal motility. Dig Dis. 2006; 24(3-4):319-41. PMID: 16849860.
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    26. Ghosh SK, Janiak P, Schwizer W, Hebbard GS, Brasseur JG. Physiology of the esophageal pressure transition zone: separate contraction waves above and below. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2006 Mar; 290(3):G568-76. PMID: 16282364.
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    27. Abrahamsson B, Pal A, Sj?berg M, Carlsson M, Laurell E, Brasseur JG. A novel in vitro and numerical analysis of shear-induced drug release from extended-release tablets in the fed stomach. Pharm Res. 2005 Aug; 22(8):1215-26. PMID: 16078131.
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    28. Pandolfino JE, Curry J, Shi G, Joehl RJ, Brasseur JG, Kahrilas PJ. Restoration of normal distensive characteristics of the esophagogastric junction after fundoplication. Ann Surg. 2005 Jul; 242(1):43-8. PMID: 15973100.
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    29. Pandolfino JE, Shi G, Zhang Q, Ghosh S, Brasseur JG, Kahrilas PJ. Measuring EGJ opening patterns using high resolution intraluminal impedance. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2005 Apr; 17(2):200-6. PMID: 15787940.
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    30. Ghosh SK, Kahrilas PJ, Zaki T, Pandolfino JE, Joehl RJ, Brasseur JG. The mechanical basis of impaired esophageal emptying postfundoplication. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2005 Jul; 289(1):G21-35. PMID: 15691873.
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    31. Pal A, Indireshkumar K, Schwizer W, Abrahamsson B, Fried M, Brasseur JG. Gastric flow and mixing studied using computer simulation. Proc Biol Sci. 2004 Dec 22; 271(1557):2587-94. PMID: 15615685.
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    32. Fox M, Hebbard G, Janiak P, Brasseur JG, Ghosh S, Thumshirn M, Fried M, Schwizer W. High-resolution manometry predicts the success of oesophageal bolus transport and identifies clinically important abnormalities not detected by conventional manometry. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2004 Oct; 16(5):533-42. PMID: 15500509.
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    33. Miller LS, Kim JK, Dai Q, Mekapati J, Izanec J, Chung C, Liu JB, Sanderson A, Bohning M, Desipio J, Gandegok J, Harberson JJ, Schneck C, Nicosia MA, Thangada V, Thomas B, Copeland B, Miller E, Miller A, Ahmed N, Brasseur JG. Mechanics and hemodynamics of esophageal varices during peristaltic contraction. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2004 Oct; 287(4):G830-5. PMID: 15361363.
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    34. Dai Q, Liu JB, Brasseur JG, Thangada VK, Thomas B, Parkman H, Miller LS. Volume (3-dimensional) space-time reconstruction of esophageal peristaltic contraction by using simultaneous US and manometry. Gastrointest Endosc. 2003 Dec; 58(6):913-9. PMID: 14652565.
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    35. Pal A, Williams RB, Cook IJ, Brasseur JG. Intrabolus pressure gradient identifies pathological constriction in the upper esophageal sphincter during flow. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2003 Nov; 285(5):G1037-48. PMID: 12842820.
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    36. Pandolfino JE, Shi G, Curry J, Joehl RJ, Brasseur JG, Kahrilas PJ. Esophagogastric junction distensibility: a factor contributing to sphincter incompetence. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2002 Jun; 282(6):G1052-8. PMID: 12016131.
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    37. Pal A, Brasseur JG. The mechanical advantage of local longitudinal shortening on peristaltic transport. J Biomech Eng. 2002 Feb; 124(1):94-100. PMID: 11871611.
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    38. Nicosia MA, Brasseur JG, Liu JB, Miller LS. Local longitudinal muscle shortening of the human esophagus from high-frequency ultrasonography. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2001 Oct; 281(4):G1022-33. PMID: 11557523.
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    39. Bardan E, Xie P, Brasseur J, Dua K, Ulualp SO, Kern M, Shaker R. Effect of ageing on the upper and lower oesophageal sphincters. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2000 Nov; 12(11):1221-5. PMID: 11111779.
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    40. Tatum RP, Shi G, Manka MA, Brasseur JG, Joehl RJ, Kahrilas PJ. Bolus transit assessed by an esophageal stress test in postfundoplication dysphagia. J Surg Res. 2000 Jun 01; 91(1):56-60. PMID: 10816350.
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    41. Indireshkumar K, Brasseur JG, Faas H, Hebbard GS, Kunz P, Dent J, Feinle C, Li M, Boesiger P, Fried M, Schwizer W. Relative contributions of "pressure pump" and "peristaltic pump" to gastric emptying. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2000 Apr; 278(4):G604-16. PMID: 10762615.
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    42. Kahrilas PJ, Lin S, Spiess AE, Brasseur JG, Joehl RJ, Manka M. Impact of fundoplication on bolus transit across esophagogastric junction. Am J Physiol. 1998 12; 275(6):G1386-93. PMID: 9843776.
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    43. Wu SJ, Shung KK, Brasseur JG. In situ measurements of Doppler power vs. flow turbulence intensity in red cell suspensions. Ultrasound Med Biol. 1998 Sep; 24(7):1009-21. PMID: 9809635.
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    44. Lin S, Brasseur JG, Pouderoux P, Kahrilas PJ. The phrenic ampulla: distal esophagus or potential hiatal hernia? Am J Physiol. 1995 Feb; 268(2 Pt 1):G320-7. PMID: 7864129.
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    45. Li M, Brasseur JG, Dodds WJ. Analyses of normal and abnormal esophageal transport using computer simulations. Am J Physiol. 1994 Apr; 266(4 Pt 1):G525-43. PMID: 8178991.
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    46. Ren J, Massey BT, Dodds WJ, Kern MK, Brasseur JG, Shaker R, Harrington SS, Hogan WJ, Arndorfer RC. Determinants of intrabolus pressure during esophageal peristaltic bolus transport. Am J Physiol. 1993 Mar; 264(3 Pt 1):G407-13. PMID: 8460696.
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    47. Brasseur JG. Mechanical studies of the esophageal function. Dysphagia. 1993; 8(4):384-6. PMID: 8269733.
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    48. Li M, Brasseur JG, Kern MK, Dodds WJ. Viscosity measurements of barium sulfate mixtures for use in motility studies of the pharynx and esophagus. Dysphagia. 1992; 7(1):17-30. PMID: 1424824.
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    49. Ren JL, Dodds WJ, Martin CJ, Dantas RO, Mittal RK, Harrington SS, Kern MK, Brasseur JG. Effect of increased intra-abdominal pressure on peristalsis in feline esophagus. Am J Physiol. 1991 Sep; 261(3 Pt 1):G417-25. PMID: 1887890.
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    50. Massey BT, Dodds WJ, Hogan WJ, Brasseur JG, Helm JF. Abnormal esophageal motility. An analysis of concurrent radiographic and manometric findings. Gastroenterology. 1991 Aug; 101(2):344-54. PMID: 2065909.
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    51. Brasseur JG, Dodds WJ. Interpretation of intraluminal manometric measurements in terms of swallowing mechanics. Dysphagia. 1991; 6(2):100-19. PMID: 1935258.
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    52. Dantas RO, Cook IJ, Dodds WJ, Kern MK, Lang IM, Brasseur JG. Biomechanics of cricopharyngeal bars. Gastroenterology. 1990 Nov; 99(5):1269-74. PMID: 2210235.
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    53. Dantas RO, Kern MK, Massey BT, Dodds WJ, Kahrilas PJ, Brasseur JG, Cook IJ, Lang IM. Effect of swallowed bolus variables on oral and pharyngeal phases of swallowing. Am J Physiol. 1990 May; 258(5 Pt 1):G675-81. PMID: 2333995.
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    54. Cook IJ, Dodds WJ, Dantas RO, Massey B, Kern MK, Lang IM, Brasseur JG, Hogan WJ. Opening mechanisms of the human upper esophageal sphincter. Am J Physiol. 1989 Nov; 257(5 Pt 1):G748-59. PMID: 2596608.
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    55. Brasseur JG. A fluid mechanical perspective on esophageal bolus transport. Dysphagia. 1987; 2(1):32-9. PMID: 3507289.
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