Effect of alirocumab on major adverse cardiovascular events according to renal function in patients with a recent acute coronary syndrome: prespecified analysis from the ODYSSEY OUTCOMES randomized clinical trial.
Tu??n J, Steg PG, Bhatt DL, Bittner VA, D?az R, Goodman SG, Jukema JW, Kim YU, Li QH, Mueller C, Parkhomenko A, Pordy R, Sritara P, Szarek M, White HD, Zeiher AM, Schwartz GG. Effect of alirocumab on major adverse cardiovascular events according to renal function in patients with a recent acute coronary syndrome: prespecified analysis from the ODYSSEY OUTCOMES randomized clinical trial. Eur Heart J. 2020 11 07; 41(42):4114-4123.