Daniel J. Scheeres
Title | Distinguished Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Boulder |
Department | Aero-Aerospace Engineering Sci |
Phone | 303/492-7420 |
Lujan D, Scheeres DJ. Dynamics in the Vicinity of the Stable Halo Orbits. J Astronaut Sci. 2023; 70(4):20. PMID: 37388626.
Daly RT, Ernst CM, Barnouin OS, Chabot NL, Rivkin AS, Cheng AF, Adams EY, Agrusa HF, Abel ED, Alford AL, Asphaug EI, Atchison JA, Badger AR, Baki P, Ballouz RL, Bekker DL, Bellerose J, Bhaskaran S, Buratti BJ, Cambioni S, Chen MH, Chesley SR, Chiu G, Collins GS, Cox MW, DeCoster ME, Ericksen PS, Espiritu RC, Faber AS, Farnham TL, Ferrari F, Fletcher ZJ, Gaskell RW, Graninger DM, Haque MA, Harrington-Duff PA, Hefter S, Herreros I, Hirabayashi M, Huang PM, Hsieh SW, Jacobson SA, Jenkins SN, Jensenius MA, John JW, Jutzi M, Kohout T, Krueger TO, Laipert FE, Lopez NR, Luther R, Lucchetti A, Mages DM, Marchi S, Martin AC, McQuaide ME, Michel P, Moskovitz NA, Murphy IW, Murdoch N, Naidu SP, Nair H, Nolan MC, Orm? J, Pajola M, Palmer EE, Peachey JM, Pravec P, Raducan SD, Ramesh KT, Ramirez JR, Reynolds EL, Richman JE, Robin CQ, Rodriguez LM, Roufberg LM, Rush BP, Sawyer CA, Scheeres DJ, Scheirich P, Schwartz SR, Shannon MP, Shapiro BN, Shearer CE, Smith EJ, Steele RJ, Steckloff JK, Stickle AM, Sunshine JM, Superfin EA, Tarzi ZB, Thomas CA, Thomas JR, Trigo-Rodr?guez JM, Tropf BT, Vaughan AT, Velez D, Waller CD, Wilson DS, Wortman KA, Zhang Y. Successful kinetic impact into an asteroid for planetary defence. Nature. 2023 04; 616(7957):443-447. PMID: 36858073.
Cheng AF, Agrusa HF, Barbee BW, Meyer AJ, Farnham TL, Raducan SD, Richardson DC, Dotto E, Zinzi A, Della Corte V, Statler TS, Chesley S, Naidu SP, Hirabayashi M, Li JY, Eggl S, Barnouin OS, Chabot NL, Chocron S, Collins GS, Daly RT, Davison TM, DeCoster ME, Ernst CM, Ferrari F, Graninger DM, Jacobson SA, Jutzi M, Kumamoto KM, Luther R, Lyzhoft JR, Michel P, Murdoch N, Nakano R, Palmer E, Rivkin AS, Scheeres DJ, Stickle AM, Sunshine JM, Trigo-Rodriguez JM, Vincent JB, Walker JD, W?nnemann K, Zhang Y, Amoroso M, Bertini I, Brucato JR, Capannolo A, Cremonese G, Dall'Ora M, Deshapriya PJD, Gai I, Hasselmann PH, Ieva S, Impresario G, Ivanovski SL, Lavagna M, Lucchetti A, Epifani EM, Modenini D, Pajola M, Palumbo P, Perna D, Pirrotta S, Poggiali G, Rossi A, Tortora P, Zannoni M, Zanotti G. Momentum transfer from the DART mission kinetic impact on asteroid Dimorphos. Nature. 2023 04; 616(7957):457-460. PMID: 36858075.
Li JY, Hirabayashi M, Farnham TL, Sunshine JM, Knight MM, Tancredi G, Moreno F, Murphy B, Opitom C, Chesley S, Scheeres DJ, Thomas CA, Fahnestock EG, Cheng AF, Dressel L, Ernst CM, Ferrari F, Fitzsimmons A, Ieva S, Ivanovski SL, Kareta T, Kolokolova L, Lister T, Raducan SD, Rivkin AS, Rossi A, Soldini S, Stickle AM, Vick A, Vincent JB, Weaver HA, Bagnulo S, Bannister MT, Cambioni S, Campo Bagatin A, Chabot NL, Cremonese G, Daly RT, Dotto E, Glenar DA, Granvik M, Hasselmann PH, Herreros I, Jacobson S, Jutzi M, Kohout T, La Forgia F, Lazzarin M, Lin ZY, Lolachi R, Lucchetti A, Makadia R, Mazzotta Epifani E, Michel P, Migliorini A, Moskovitz NA, Orm? J, Pajola M, S?nchez P, Schwartz SR, Snodgrass C, Steckloff J, Stubbs TJ, Trigo-Rodr?guez JM. Ejecta from the DART-produced active asteroid Dimorphos. Nature. 2023 04; 616(7957):452-456. PMID: 36858074.
Walsh KJ, Ballouz RL, Jawin ER, Avdellidou C, Barnouin OS, Bennett CA, Bierhaus EB, Bos BJ, Cambioni S, Connolly HC, Delbo M, DellaGiustina DN, DeMartini J, Emery JP, Golish DR, Haas PC, Hergenrother CW, Ma H, Michel P, Nolan MC, Olds R, Rozitis B, Richardson DC, Rizk B, Ryan AJ, S?nchez P, Scheeres DJ, Schwartz SR, Selznick SH, Zhang Y, Lauretta DS. Near-zero cohesion and loose packing of Bennu's near subsurface revealed by spacecraft contact. Sci Adv. 2022 Jul 08; 8(27):eabm6229. PMID: 35857450.
Scheeres DJ, French AS, Tricarico P, Chesley SR, Takahashi Y, Farnocchia D, McMahon JW, Brack DN, Davis AB, Ballouz RL, Jawin ER, Rozitis B, Emery JP, Ryan AJ, Park RS, Rush BP, Mastrodemos N, Kennedy BM, Bellerose J, Lubey DP, Velez D, Vaughan AT, Leonard JM, Geeraert J, Page B, Antreasian P, Mazarico E, Getzandanner K, Rowlands D, Moreau MC, Small J, Highsmith DE, Goossens S, Palmer EE, Weirich JR, Gaskell RW, Barnouin OS, Daly MG, Seabrook JA, Al Asad MM, Philpott LC, Johnson CL, Hartzell CM, Hamilton VE, Michel P, Walsh KJ, Nolan MC, Lauretta DS. Heterogeneous mass distribution of the rubble-pile asteroid (101955) Bennu. Sci Adv. 2020 Oct; 6(41). PMID: 33033036.
Scheeres DJ, McMahon JW, Brack DN, French AS, Chesley SR, Farnocchia D, Vokrouhlick? D, Ballouz RL, Emery JP, Rozitis B, Nolan MC, Hergenrother CW, Lauretta DS. Particle Ejection Contributions to the Rotational Acceleration and Orbit Evolution of Asteroid (101955) Bennu. J Geophys Res Planets. 2020 Mar; 125(3):e2019JE006284. PMID: 32714726.
Lauretta DS, Hergenrother CW, Chesley SR, Leonard JM, Pelgrift JY, Adam CD, Al Asad M, Antreasian PG, Ballouz RL, Becker KJ, Bennett CA, Bos BJ, Bottke WF, Brozovic M, Campins H, Connolly HC, Daly MG, Davis AB, de Le?n J, DellaGiustina DN, Drouet d'Aubigny CY, Dworkin JP, Emery JP, Farnocchia D, Glavin DP, Golish DR, Hartzell CM, Jacobson RA, Jawin ER, Jenniskens P, Kidd JN, Lessac-Chenen EJ, Li JY, Libourel G, Licandro J, Liounis AJ, Maleszewski CK, Manzoni C, May B, McCarthy LK, McMahon JW, Michel P, Molaro JL, Moreau MC, Nelson DS, Owen WM, Rizk B, Roper HL, Rozitis B, Sahr EM, Scheeres DJ, Seabrook JA, Selznick SH, Takahashi Y, Thuillet F, Tricarico P, Vokrouhlick? D, Wolner CWV. Episodes of particle ejection from the surface of the active asteroid (101955) Bennu. Science. 2019 12 06; 366(6470). PMID: 31806784.
Scheeres DJ, McMahon JW, French AS, Brack DN, Chesley SR, Farnocchia D, Takahashi Y, Leonard JM, Geeraert J, Page B, Antreasian P, Getzandanner K, Rowlands D, Mazarico E, Small J, Highsmith DE, Moreau M, Emery JP, Rozitis B, Hirabayashi M, S?nchez P, Wal SV, Tricarico P, Ballouz RL, Johnson CL, Asad MMA, Susorney HCM, Barnouin OS, Daly MG, Seabrook J, Gaskell RW, Palmer EE, Weirich JR, Walsh KJ, Jawin ER, Bierhaus EB, Michel P, Bottke WF, Nolan MC, Connolly HC, Lauretta DS. The dynamic geophysical environment of (101955) Bennu based on OSIRIS-REx measurements. Nat Astron. 2019 Apr; 3(4):352-361. PMID: 32601603.
Watanabe S, Hirabayashi M, Hirata N, Hirata N, Noguchi R, Shimaki Y, Ikeda H, Tatsumi E, Yoshikawa M, Kikuchi S, Yabuta H, Nakamura T, Tachibana S, Ishihara Y, Morota T, Kitazato K, Sakatani N, Matsumoto K, Wada K, Senshu H, Honda C, Michikami T, Takeuchi H, Kouyama T, Honda R, Kameda S, Fuse T, Miyamoto H, Komatsu G, Sugita S, Okada T, Namiki N, Arakawa M, Ishiguro M, Abe M, Gaskell R, Palmer E, Barnouin OS, Michel P, French AS, McMahon JW, Scheeres DJ, Abell PA, Yamamoto Y, Tanaka S, Shirai K, Matsuoka M, Yamada M, Yokota Y, Suzuki H, Yoshioka K, Cho Y, Tanaka S, Nishikawa N, Sugiyama T, Kikuchi H, Hemmi R, Yamaguchi T, Ogawa N, Ono G, Mimasu Y, Yoshikawa K, Takahashi T, Takei Y, Fujii A, Hirose C, Iwata T, Hayakawa M, Hosoda S, Mori O, Sawada H, Shimada T, Soldini S, Yano H, Tsukizaki R, Ozaki M, Iijima Y, Ogawa K, Fujimoto M, Ho TM, Moussi A, Jaumann R, Bibring JP, Krause C, Terui F, Saiki T, Nakazawa S, Tsuda Y. Hayabusa2 arrives at the carbonaceous asteroid 162173 Ryugu-A spinning top-shaped rubble pile. Science. 2019 04 19; 364(6437):268-272. PMID: 30890588.
Lauretta DS, DellaGiustina DN, Bennett CA, Golish DR, Becker KJ, Balram-Knutson SS, Barnouin OS, Becker TL, Bottke WF, Boynton WV, Campins H, Clark BE, Connolly HC, Drouet d'Aubigny CY, Dworkin JP, Emery JP, Enos HL, Hamilton VE, Hergenrother CW, Howell ES, Izawa MRM, Kaplan HH, Nolan MC, Rizk B, Roper HL, Scheeres DJ, Smith PH, Walsh KJ, Wolner CWV. The unexpected surface of asteroid (101955) Bennu. Nature. 2019 04; 568(7750):55-60. PMID: 30890786.
Hergenrother CW, Maleszewski CK, Nolan MC, Li JY, Drouet d'Aubigny CY, Shelly FC, Howell ES, Kareta TR, Izawa MRM, Barucci MA, Bierhaus EB, Campins H, Chesley SR, Clark BE, Christensen EJ, DellaGiustina DN, Fornasier S, Golish DR, Hartzell CM, Rizk B, Scheeres DJ, Smith PH, Zou XD, Lauretta DS. The operational environment and rotational acceleration of asteroid (101955) Bennu from OSIRIS-REx observations. Nat Commun. 2019 03 19; 10(1):1291. PMID: 30890725.
Barnouin OS, Daly MG, Palmer EE, Gaskell RW, Weirich JR, Johnson CL, Asad MMA, Roberts JH, Perry ME, Susorney HCM, Daly RT, Bierhaus EB, Seabrook JA, Espiritu RC, Nair AH, Nguyen L, Neumann GA, Ernst CM, Boynton WV, Nolan MC, Adam CD, Moreau MC, Risk B, D'Aubigny CD, Jawin ER, Walsh KJ, Michel P, Schwartz SR, Ballouz RL, Mazarico EM, Scheeres DJ, McMahon J, Bottke W, Sugita S, Hirata N, Hirata N, Watanabe S, Burke KN, DellaGuistina DN, Bennett CA, Lauretta DS. Shape of (101955) Bennu indicative of a rubble pile with internal stiffness. Nat Geosci. 2019 Apr; 12(4):247-252. PMID: 31080497.
Hirabayashi M, Scheeres DJ, Chesley SR, Marchi S, McMahon JW, Steckloff J, Mottola S, Naidu SP, Bowling T. Fission and reconfiguration of bilobate comets as revealed by 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Nature. 2016 06 16; 534(7607):352-5. PMID: 27281196.
Scheeres DJ. Relative Equilibria in the Spherical, Finite Density Three-Body Problem. J Nonlinear Sci. 2016; 26(5):1445-1482. PMID: 28690365.
Scheeres DJ. Solar system: Sandcastles in space. Nature. 2014 Aug 14; 512(7513):139-40. PMID: 25119230.
Pravec P, Vokrouhlick? D, Polishook D, Scheeres DJ, Harris AW, Gal?d A, Vaduvescu O, Pozo F, Barr A, Longa P, Vachier F, Colas F, Pray DP, Pollock J, Reichart D, Ivarsen K, Haislip J, Lacluyze A, Kusnir?k P, Henych T, Marchis F, Macomber B, Jacobson SA, Krugly YN, Sergeev AV, Leroy A. Formation of asteroid pairs by rotational fission. Nature. 2010 Aug 26; 466(7310):1085-8. PMID: 20740010.
Miyamoto H, Yano H, Scheeres DJ, Abe S, Barnouin-Jha O, Cheng AF, Demura H, Gaskell RW, Hirata N, Ishiguro M, Michikami T, Nakamura AM, Nakamura R, Saito J, Sasaki S. Regolith migration and sorting on asteroid Itokawa. Science. 2007 May 18; 316(5827):1011-4. PMID: 17446355.
Taylor PA, Margot JL, Vokrouhlicky D, Scheeres DJ, Pravec P, Lowry SC, Fitzsimmons A, Nolan MC, Ostro SJ, Benner LA, Giorgini JD, Magri C. Spin rate of asteroid (54509) 2000 PH5 increasing due to the YORP effect. Science. 2007 Apr 13; 316(5822):274-7. PMID: 17347415.
Ostro SJ, Margot JL, Benner LA, Giorgini JD, Scheeres DJ, Fahnestock EG, Broschart SB, Bellerose J, Nolan MC, Magri C, Pravec P, Scheirich P, Rose R, Jurgens RF, De Jong EM, Suzuki S. Radar imaging of binary near-Earth asteroid (66391) 1999 KW4. Science. 2006 Nov 24; 314(5803):1276-80. PMID: 17038586.
Scheeres DJ, Fahnestock EG, Ostro SJ, Margot JL, Benner LA, Broschart SB, Bellerose J, Giorgini JD, Nolan MC, Magri C, Pravec P, Scheirich P, Rose R, Jurgens RF, De Jong EM, Suzuki S. Dynamical configuration of binary near-Earth asteroid (66391) 1999 KW4. Science. 2006 Nov 24; 314(5803):1280-3. PMID: 17038588.
Yano H, Kubota T, Miyamoto H, Okada T, Scheeres D, Takagi Y, Yoshida K, Abe M, Abe S, Barnouin-Jha O, Fujiwara A, Hasegawa S, Hashimoto T, Ishiguro M, Kato M, Kawaguchi J, Mukai T, Saito J, Sasaki S, Yoshikawa M. Touchdown of the Hayabusa spacecraft at the Muses Sea on Itokawa. Science. 2006 Jun 02; 312(5778):1350-3. PMID: 16741113.
Abe S, Mukai T, Hirata N, Barnouin-Jha OS, Cheng AF, Demura H, Gaskell RW, Hashimoto T, Hiraoka K, Honda T, Kubota T, Matsuoka M, Mizuno T, Nakamura R, Scheeres DJ, Yoshikawa M. Mass and local topography measurements of Itokawa by Hayabusa. Science. 2006 Jun 02; 312(5778):1344-7. PMID: 16741111.
Fujiwara A, Kawaguchi J, Yeomans DK, Abe M, Mukai T, Okada T, Saito J, Yano H, Yoshikawa M, Scheeres DJ, Barnouin-Jha O, Cheng AF, Demura H, Gaskell RW, Hirata N, Ikeda H, Kominato T, Miyamoto H, Nakamura AM, Nakamura R, Sasaki S, Uesugi K. The rubble-pile asteroid Itokawa as observed by Hayabusa. Science. 2006 Jun 02; 312(5778):1330-4. PMID: 16741107.
Scheeres DJ. Relative equilibria for general gravity fields in the sphere-restricted full two-body problem. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2005 Dec; 1065:375-90. PMID: 16510421.
Koon WS, Marsden JE, Ross SD, Lo M, Scheeres DJ. Geometric mechanics and the dynamics of asteroid pairs. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2004 May; 1017:11-38. PMID: 15220138.
Villac BF, Scheeres DJ. Optimal plane changes using third-body forces. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2004 May; 1017:255-66. PMID: 15220151.
Scheeres DJ. Stability of relative equilibria in the full two-body problem. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2004 May; 1017:81-94. PMID: 15220142.
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2004 | 3 | 2005 | 1 | 2006 | 5 | 2007 | 2 | 2010 | 1 | 2014 | 1 | 2016 | 2 | 2019 | 6 | 2020 | 2 | 2022 | 1 | 2023 | 4 |
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