Ann-Christine Nyquist
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | SOM-PEDS |
Phone | 720/777-6025 |
Chatterjee A, Ambrose K, Canaday DH, Delair S, Ezike N, Huber VC, Jhaveri R, Nyquist AC, Sporer A, Varman M, Vivekanandan R, Wojcik R, Jandhyala R. The association between influenza vaccine effectiveness and egg-based manufacturing technology: literature review and US expert consensus. Curr Med Res Opin. 2024 02; 40(2):335-343. PMID: 38054898.
Calderwood MS, Anderson DJ, Bratzler DW, Dellinger EP, Garcia-Houchins S, Maragakis LL, Nyquist AC, Perkins KM, Preas MA, Saiman L, Schaffzin JK, Schweizer M, Yokoe DS, Kaye KS. Strategies to prevent surgical site infections in acute-care hospitals: 2022 Update. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2023 05; 44(5):695-720. PMID: 37137483.
Most ZM, Nyquist AC, Radonovich LJ, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Price CS, Simberkoff MS, Bessesen MT, Cummings DAT, Rattigan SM, Warren-Gash C, Gaydos CA, Gibert CL, Gorse GJ, Perl TM. Preschool-Aged Household Contacts as a Risk Factor for Viral Respiratory Infections in Healthcare Personnel. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2023 Feb; 10(2):ofad057. PMID: 36824623.
Valdez S, Walton K, Loresto F, Nyquist AC, Givens P. Protecting Pediatric Healthcare Personnel With Personal Protective Equipment-Specific Roles. J Nurs Adm. 2022 Jun 01; 52(6):330-331. PMID: 35608976.
Gorse GJ, Rattigan SM, Kirpich A, Simberkoff MS, Bessesen MT, Gibert C, Nyquist AC, Price CS, Gaydos CA, Radonovich LJ, Perl TM, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Cummings DAT. Influence of Preseason Antibodies Against Influenza Virus on Risk of Influenza Infection Among Healthcare Personnel. J Infect Dis. 2022 03 02; 225(5):891-902. PMID: 34534319.
Cummings DAT, Radonovich LJ, Gorse GJ, Gaydos CA, Bessesen MT, Brown AC, Gibert CL, Hitchings MDT, Lessler J, Nyquist AC, Rattigan SM, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Price CS, Reich NG, Simberkoff MS, Perl TM. Risk Factors for Healthcare Personnel Infection With Endemic Coronaviruses (HKU1, OC43, NL63, 229E): Results from the Respiratory Protection Effectiveness Clinical Trial (ResPECT). Clin Infect Dis. 2021 12 06; 73(11):e4428-e4432. PMID: 32645144.
Simberkoff MS, Rattigan SM, Gaydos CA, Gibert CL, Gorse GJ, Nyquist AC, Price CS, Reich N, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Bessesen M, Brown A, Cummings DAT, Radonovich LJ, Perl TM. Impact of mandatory vaccination of healthcare personnel on rates of influenza and other viral respiratory pathogens. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2022 09; 43(9):1216-1220. PMID: 34350820.
Bessesen MT, Rattigan S, Frederick J, Cummings DAT, Gaydos CA, Gibert CL, Gorse GJ, Nyquist AC, Price CS, Reich NG, Simberkoff MS, Brown AC, Radonovich LJ, Perl TM, Rodriguez-Barradas MC. Outpatient healthcare personnel knowledge and attitudes towards infection prevention measures for protection from respiratory infections. Am J Infect Control. 2021 11; 49(11):1369-1375. PMID: 34182066.
Los J, Gaydos CA, Gibert CL, Gorse GJ, Lykken J, Nyquist AC, Price CS, Radonovich LJ, Rattigan S, Reich N, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Simberkoff M, Bessesen M, Brown A, Cummings DAT, Perl TM. Take-home kits to detect respiratory viruses among healthcare personnel: Lessons learned from a cluster randomized clinical trial. Am J Infect Control. 2021 07; 49(7):893-899. PMID: 33581146.
Coffin SE, Abanyie F, Bryant K, Cantey J, Fiore A, Fritz S, Guzman-Cottrill J, Hersh AL, Huskins WC, Kociolek LK, Kronman M, Lautenbach E, Lee G, Linam M, Logan LK, Milstone A, Newland J, Nyquist AC, Palazzi DL, Patel S, Puopolo K, Reddy SC, Saiman L, Sandora T, Shane AL, Smith M, Tamma PD, Zaoutis T, Zerr D, Gerber JS. Pediatric research priorities in healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial stewardship. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2021 05; 42(5):519-522. PMID: 33239122.
Chung S, Baum CR, Nyquist AC. Chemical-Biological Terrorism and Its Impact on Children. Pediatrics. 2020 02; 145(2). PMID: 31988169.
Chung S, Baum CR, Nyquist AC. Chemical-Biological Terrorism and Its Impact on Children. Pediatrics. 2020 02; 145(2). PMID: 31988168.
Brown AC, Lauer SA, Robinson CC, Nyquist AC, Rao S, Reich NG. Evaluating the ALERT algorithm for local outbreak onset detection in seasonal infectious disease surveillance data. Stat Med. 2020 04 15; 39(8):1145-1155. PMID: 31985869.
Radonovich LJ, Simberkoff MS, Bessesen MT, Brown AC, Cummings DAT, Gaydos CA, Los JG, Krosche AE, Gibert CL, Gorse GJ, Nyquist AC, Reich NG, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Price CS, Perl TM. N95 Respirators vs Medical Masks for Preventing Influenza Among Health Care Personnel: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2019 09 03; 322(9):824-833. PMID: 31479137.
West K, Janelle S, Schutz K, Hamilton S, Mayo K, Cichon MK, Nyquist AC, Bamberg WM, Dominguez SR. Outbreak of Serratia marcescens bacteremia in pediatric patients epidemiologically linked to pre-filled heparin flushes. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2019 10; 40(10):1201-1202. PMID: 31340879.
Rao S, Nyquist AC. The Power of the Nudge to Decrease Decision Fatigue and Increase Influenza Vaccination Rates. JAMA Netw Open. 2018 09 07; 1(5):e181754. PMID: 30646149.
Frederick J, Brown AC, Cummings DA, Gaydos CA, Gibert CL, Gorse GJ, Los JG, Nyquist AC, Perl TM, Price CS, Radonovich LJ, Reich NG, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Bessesen MT, Simberkoff MS. Protecting Healthcare Personnel in Outpatient Settings: The Influence of Mandatory Versus Nonmandatory Influenza Vaccination Policies on Workplace Absenteeism During Multiple Respiratory Virus Seasons. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2018 04; 39(4):452-461. PMID: 29514719.
Harris AD, Pineles L, Anderson D, Woeltje KF, Trick WE, Kaye KS, Yokoe DS, Nyquist AC, Calfee DP, Leekha S. Which Comorbid Conditions Should We Be Analyzing as Risk Factors for Healthcare-Associated Infections? Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2017 04; 38(4):449-454. PMID: 28031061.
Radonovich LJ, Bessesen MT, Cummings DA, Eagan A, Gaydos C, Gibert C, Gorse GJ, Nyquist AC, Reich NG, Rodrigues-Barradas M, Savor-Price C, Shaffer RE, Simberkoff MS, Perl TM. The Respiratory Protection Effectiveness Clinical Trial (ResPECT): a cluster-randomized comparison of respirator and medical mask effectiveness against respiratory infections in healthcare personnel. BMC Infect Dis. 2016 06 02; 16:243. PMID: 27255755.
Midgley CM, Watson JT, Nix WA, Curns AT, Rogers SL, Brown BA, Conover C, Dominguez SR, Feikin DR, Gray S, Hassan F, Hoferka S, Jackson MA, Johnson D, Leshem E, Miller L, Nichols JB, Nyquist AC, Obringer E, Patel A, Patel M, Rha B, Schneider E, Schuster JE, Selvarangan R, Seward JF, Turabelidze G, Oberste MS, Pallansch MA, Gerber SI. Severe respiratory illness associated with a nationwide outbreak of enterovirus D68 in the USA (2014): a descriptive epidemiological investigation. Lancet Respir Med. 2015 Nov; 3(11):879-87. PMID: 26482320.
Nyquist AC. Unexplained Fever. It's Hot. J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc. 2016 Sep; 5(3):257-8. PMID: 26407278.
Reich NG, Cummings DA, Lauer SA, Zorn M, Robinson C, Nyquist AC, Price CS, Simberkoff M, Radonovich LJ, Perl TM. Triggering interventions for influenza: the ALERT algorithm. Clin Infect Dis. 2015 Feb 15; 60(4):499-504. PMID: 25414260.
Anderson DJ, Podgorny K, Berr?os-Torres SI, Bratzler DW, Dellinger EP, Greene L, Nyquist AC, Saiman L, Yokoe DS, Maragakis LL, Kaye KS. Strategies to prevent surgical site infections in acute care hospitals: 2014 update. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2014 Sep; 35 Suppl 2:S66-88. PMID: 25376070.
Rao S, Nyquist AC. Respiratory viruses and their impact in healthcare. Curr Opin Infect Dis. 2014 Aug; 27(4):342-7. PMID: 24977685.
Anderson DJ, Podgorny K, Berr?os-Torres SI, Bratzler DW, Dellinger EP, Greene L, Nyquist AC, Saiman L, Yokoe DS, Maragakis LL, Kaye KS. Strategies to prevent surgical site infections in acute care hospitals: 2014 update. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2014 Jun; 35(6):605-27. PMID: 24799638.
LaGreca J, Hotchkiss M, Carry P, Messacar K, Nyquist AC, Erickson M, Garg S. Bacteriology and Risk Factors for Development of Late (Greater Than One Year) Deep Infection Following Spinal Fusion With Instrumentation. Spine Deform. 2014 May; 2(3):186-190. PMID: 27927416.
Smit MA, Nyquist AC, Todd JK. Infectious shock and toxic shock syndrome diagnoses in hospitals, Colorado, USA. Emerg Infect Dis. 2013 Nov; 19(11):1855-8. PMID: 24188357.
Vitale MG, Riedel MD, Glotzbecker MP, Matsumoto H, Roye DP, Akbarnia BA, Anderson RC, Brockmeyer DL, Emans JB, Erickson M, Flynn JM, Lenke LG, Lewis SJ, Luhmann SJ, McLeod LM, Newton PO, Nyquist AC, Richards BS, Shah SA, Skaggs DL, Smith JT, Sponseller PD, Sucato DJ, Zeller RD, Saiman L. Building consensus: development of a Best Practice Guideline (BPG) for surgical site infection (SSI) prevention in high-risk pediatric spine surgery. J Pediatr Orthop. 2013 Jul-Aug; 33(5):471-8. PMID: 23752142.
Guzman-Cottrill JA, Phillipi CA, Dolan SA, Nyquist AC, Win A, Siegel J. Free vaccine programs to cocoon high-risk infants and children against influenza and pertussis. Am J Infect Control. 2012 Nov; 40(9):872-6. PMID: 23116758.
Dolan SA, Littlehorn C, Glod? MP, Dowell E, Xavier K, Nyquist AC, Todd JK. Association of Bacillus cereus infection with contaminated alcohol prep pads. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2012 Jul; 33(7):666-71. PMID: 22669227.
Ballard MR, Miller NH, Nyquist AC, Elise B, Baulesh DM, Erickson MA. A multidisciplinary approach improves infection rates in pediatric spine surgery. J Pediatr Orthop. 2012 Apr-May; 32(3):266-70. PMID: 22411332.
Basmaci R, Mariani P, Delacroix G, Azib S, Faye A, Taha MK, Bingen E, Bonacorsi S, Romero JR, Rotbart HA, Nyquist AC, Nolte FS. Enteroviral meningitis does not exclude concurrent bacterial meningitis. J Clin Microbiol. 2011 Sep; 49(9):3442-3. PMID: 21878585.
Nolte FS, Rogers BB, Tang YW, Oberste MS, Robinson CC, Kehl KS, Rand KA, Rotbart HA, Romero JR, Nyquist AC, Persing DH. Evaluation of a rapid and completely automated real-time reverse transcriptase PCR assay for diagnosis of enteroviral meningitis. J Clin Microbiol. 2011 Feb; 49(2):528-33. PMID: 21159942.
Cowden J, Crane L, Lezotte D, Glover J, Nyquist AC. Pre-pandemic planning survey of healthcare workers at a tertiary care children's hospital: ethical and workforce issues. Influenza Other Respir Viruses. 2010 Jul; 4(4):213-22. PMID: 20836796.
Pilishvili T, Zell ER, Farley MM, Schaffner W, Lynfield R, Nyquist AC, Vazquez M, Bennett NM, Reingold A, Thomas A, Jackson D, Schuchat A, Whitney CG. Risk factors for invasive pneumococcal disease in children in the era of conjugate vaccine use. Pediatrics. 2010 Jul; 126(1):e9-17. PMID: 20547641.
Ling SB, Richardson DB, Mettenbrink CJ, Westergaard BC, Sapp-Jones TD, Crane LA, Nyquist AC, McFarlane M, Kachur R, Rietmeijer CA. Evaluating a web-based test results system at an urban STI clinic. Sex Transm Dis. 2010 Apr; 37(4):259-63. PMID: 20220562.
Ivy DD, Calderbank M, Wagner BD, Dolan S, Nyquist AC, Wade M, Nickels WM, Doran AK. Closed-hub systems with protected connections and the reduction of risk of catheter-related bloodstream infection in pediatric patients receiving intravenous prostanoid therapy for pulmonary hypertension. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2009 Sep; 30(9):823-9. PMID: 19637961.
Proff R, Gershman K, Lezotte D, Nyquist AC. Case-based surveillance of influenza hospitalizations during 2004-2008, Colorado, USA. Emerg Infect Dis. 2009 Jun; 15(6):892-8. PMID: 19523287.
Nyquist AC, Todd JK. The epidemiology, microbiology, and antimimcrobial management of head and neck infections in children--a different perspective. Adv Pediatr. 2008; 55:327-8. PMID: 19048736.
Nyquist AC. Influenza virus mutation and transmission. Manag Care. 2007 Aug; 16(8 Suppl 8):6-10; discussion 17-9. PMID: 17927017.
Whitney CG, Pilishvili T, Farley MM, Schaffner W, Craig AS, Lynfield R, Nyquist AC, Gershman KA, Vazquez M, Bennett NM, Reingold A, Thomas A, Glode MP, Zell ER, Jorgensen JH, Beall B, Schuchat A. Effectiveness of seven-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine against invasive pneumococcal disease: a matched case-control study. Lancet. 2006 Oct 28; 368(9546):1495-502. PMID: 17071283.
Dominguez SR, Littlehorn C, Nyquist AC. Mycoplasma hominis endocarditis in a child with a complex congenital heart defect. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2006 Sep; 25(9):851-2. PMID: 16940850.
Voit SB, Todd JK, Nelson B, Nyquist AC. Electronic surveillance system for monitoring surgical antimicrobial prophylaxis. Pediatrics. 2005 Dec; 116(6):1317-22. PMID: 16322153.
Osguthorpe RJ, Parker S, Nyquist AC. Case report: two-year-old boy with a limp. Curr Opin Pediatr. 2001 Dec; 13(6):598-602. PMID: 11753114.
Nyquist AC. Rotavirus vaccine. Pediatr Ann. 1999 Aug; 28(8):533-9. PMID: 10483598.
Nyquist AC. Antibiotic use and abuse in clinical practice. Pediatr Ann. 1999 Jul; 28(7):453-9. PMID: 10884856.
Nyquist AC, Gonzales R, Steiner JF, Sande MA. Antibiotic prescribing for children with colds, upper respiratory tract infections, and bronchitis. JAMA. 1998 Mar 18; 279(11):875-7. PMID: 9516004.
Conway JH, Nyquist AC, Goldson E. Posterior mediastinal abscess caused by invasive group A Streptococcus infection. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 1996 Jun; 15(6):547-9. PMID: 8783358.
Nyquist AC, Rotbart HA, Cotton M, Robinson C, Weinberg A, Hayward AR, Berens RL, Levin MJ. Acyclovir-resistant neonatal herpes simplex virus infection of the larynx. J Pediatr. 1994 Jun; 124(6):967-71. PMID: 8201488.
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