Vanja Dukic
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Boulder |
Department | Applied Mathematics |
Research R21DA027624 (DUKIC, VANJA)Sep 30, 2009 - Aug 31, 2012 NIH Translational approaches to multilevel models of prenatal exposure to cigarettes Role: Principal Investigator |
Bortz DM, Messenger DA, Dukic V. Direct Estimation of Parameters in ODE Models Using WENDy: Weak-Form Estimation of Nonlinear Dynamics. Bull Math Biol. 2023 10 05; 85(11):110. PMID: 37796411.
Bortz DM, Messenger DA, Dukic V. Direct Estimation of Parameters in ODE Models Using WENDy: Weak-form Estimation of Nonlinear Dynamics. ArXiv. 2023 Apr 08. PMID: 36911272.
Van Allen BG, Dillemuth F, Dukic V, Elderd BD. Viral transmission and infection prevalence in a cannibalistic host-pathogen system. Oecologia. 2023 Feb; 201(2):499-511. PMID: 36633676.
Dwyer G, Mihaljevic JR, Dukic V. Can Eco-Evo Theory Explain Population Cycles in the Field? Am Nat. 2022 01; 199(1):108-125. PMID: 34978965.
Shaffery P, Elderd BD, Dukic V. A note on species richness and the variance of epidemic severity. J Math Biol. 2020 06; 80(7):2055-2074. PMID: 32314014.
Mihaljevic JR, Polivka CM, Mehmel CJ, Li C, Dukic V, Dwyer G. An Empirical Test of the Role of Small-Scale Transmission in Large-Scale Disease Dynamics. Am Nat. 2020 04; 195(4):616-635. PMID: 32216670.
Kyle CH, Liu J, Gallagher ME, Dukic V, Dwyer G. Stochasticity and Infectious Disease Dynamics: Density and Weather Effects on a Fungal Insect Pathogen. Am Nat. 2020 03; 195(3):504-523. PMID: 32097039.
Arehart CH, David MZ, Dukic V. Tracking U.S. Pertussis Incidence: Correlation of Public Health Surveillance and Google Search Data Varies by State. Sci Rep. 2019 12 24; 9(1):19801. PMID: 31875051.
Ranjeva SL, Baskerville EB, Dukic V, Villa LL, Lazcano-Ponce E, Giuliano AR, Dwyer G, Cobey S. Recurring infection with ecologically distinct HPV types can explain high prevalence and diversity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017 12 19; 114(51):13573-13578. PMID: 29208707.
P?ez DJ, Dukic V, Dushoff J, Fleming-Davies A, Dwyer G. Eco-Evolutionary Theory and Insect Outbreaks. Am Nat. 2017 Jun; 189(6):616-629. PMID: 28514636.
Hagar Y, Dignam JJ, Dukic V. Flexible modeling of the hazard rate and treatment effects in long-term survival studies. Stat Methods Med Res. 2017 Oct; 26(5):2455-2480. PMID: 28150523.
Hagar Y, Hayden M, Wiedinmyer C, Dukic V. Comparison of Models Analyzing a Small Number of Observed Meningitis Cases in Navrongo, Ghana. J Agric Biol Environ Stat. 2017 Mar; 22(1):76-104. PMID: 38178919.
Fleming-Davies AE, Dukic V, Andreasen V, Dwyer G. Effects of host heterogeneity on pathogen diversity and evolution. Ecol Lett. 2015 Nov; 18(11):1252-1261. PMID: 26365355.
Dickinson KL, Kanyomse E, Piedrahita R, Coffey E, Rivera IJ, Adoctor J, Alirigia R, Muvandimwe D, Dove M, Dukic V, Hayden MH, Diaz-Sanchez D, Abisiba AV, Anaseba D, Hagar Y, Masson N, Monaghan A, Titiati A, Steinhoff DF, Hsu YY, Kaspar R, Brooks B, Hodgson A, Hannigan M, Oduro AR, Wiedinmyer C. Research on Emissions, Air quality, Climate, and Cooking Technologies in Northern Ghana (REACCTING): study rationale and protocol. BMC Public Health. 2015 Feb 12; 15:126. PMID: 25885780.
Hagar Y, Albers D, Pivovarov R, Chase H, Dukic V, Elhadad N. Survival Analysis with Electronic Health Record Data: Experiments with Chronic Kidney Disease. Stat Anal Data Min. 2014 Oct; 7(5):385-403. PMID: 33981381.
Kennedy DA, Dukic V, Dwyer G. Pathogen growth in insect hosts: inferring the importance of different mechanisms using stochastic models and response-time data. Am Nat. 2014 Sep; 184(3):407-23. PMID: 25141148.
Claassen J, Albers D, Schmidt JM, De Marchis GM, Pugin D, Falo CM, Mayer SA, Cremers S, Agarwal S, Elkind MS, Connolly ES, Dukic V, Hripcsak G, Badjatia N. Nonconvulsive seizures in subarachnoid hemorrhage link inflammation and outcome. Ann Neurol. 2014 May; 75(5):771-81. PMID: 24771589.
Macal CM, North MJ, Collier N, Dukic VM, Wegener DT, David MZ, Daum RS, Schumm P, Evans JA, Wilder JR, Miller LG, Eells SJ, Lauderdale DS. Modeling the transmission of community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: a dynamic agent-based simulation. J Transl Med. 2014 May 12; 12:124. PMID: 24886400.
Elderd BD, Dwyer G, Dukic V. Population-level differences in disease transmission: a Bayesian analysis of multiple smallpox epidemics. Epidemics. 2013 Sep; 5(3):146-56. PMID: 24021521.
Dukic VM, Lauderdale DS, Wilder J, Daum RS, David MZ. Epidemics of community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in the United States: a meta-analysis. PLoS One. 2013; 8(1):e52722. PMID: 23300988.
Dukic V, Lopes HF, Polson NG. Tracking Epidemics With Google Flu Trends Data and a State-Space SEIR Model. J Am Stat Assoc. 2012; 107(500):1410-1426. PMID: 37583443.
Dukic V, Hayden M, Hopson T, Monaghan A, Adams Forgor A, Akweongo P, Hodgson A, Wiedinmyer C, Yoksas T, Pandya R, Thomson MC, Trzaska S. The Role of Weather in Meningitis Outbreaks in Navrongo, Ghana: A Generalized Additive Modeling Approach. J Agric Biol Environ Stat. 2012 Sep; 17(3):442-460. PMID: 38179552.
Land TG, Landau AS, Manning SE, Purtill JK, Pickett K, Wakschlag L, Dukic VM. Who underreports smoking on birth records: a Monte Carlo predictive model with validation. PLoS One. 2012; 7(4):e34853. PMID: 22545091.
Fang H, Dukic V, Pickett KE, Wakschlag L, Espy KA. Detecting graded exposure effects: a report on an East Boston pregnancy cohort. Nicotine Tob Res. 2012 Sep; 14(9):1115-20. PMID: 22266824.
Dukic VM, David MZ, Lauderdale DS. Internet queries and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus surveillance. Emerg Infect Dis. 2011 Jun; 17(6):1068-70. PMID: 21749772.
Dukic V, Udiljak N, Bartolic N, Vargovic M, Kuduz R, Boban N, Pecina M, Polasek O. Surgical scientific publication and the 1991-1995 war in Croatia. Coll Antropol. 2011 Jun; 35(2):409-12. PMID: 21755711.
Wakschlag LS, Henry DB, Blair RJ, Dukic V, Burns J, Pickett KE. Unpacking the association: Individual differences in the relation of prenatal exposure to cigarettes and disruptive behavior phenotypes. Neurotoxicol Teratol. 2011 Jan-Feb; 33(1):145-54. PMID: 21256429.
Dukic VM, Niessner M, Pickett KE, Benowitz NL, Wakschlag LS. Calibrating self-reported measures of maternal smoking in pregnancy via bioassays using a Monte Carlo approach. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2009 06; 6(6):1744-59. PMID: 19578458.
Wakschlag LS, Kistner EO, Pine DS, Biesecker G, Pickett KE, Skol AD, Dukic V, Blair RJ, Leventhal BL, Cox NJ, Burns JL, Kasza KE, Wright RJ, Cook EH. Interaction of prenatal exposure to cigarettes and MAOA genotype in pathways to youth antisocial behavior. Mol Psychiatry. 2010 Sep; 15(9):928-37. PMID: 19255579.
Pickett KE, Rathouz PJ, Dukic V, Kasza K, Niessner M, Wright RJ, Wakschlag LS. The complex enterprise of modelling prenatal exposure to cigarettes: what is 'enough'? Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2009 Mar; 23(2):160-70. PMID: 19159402.
Dignam JJ, Dukic V, Anderson SJ, Mamounas EP, Wickerham DL, Wolmark N. Hazard of recurrence and adjuvant treatment effects over time in lymph node-negative breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2009 Aug; 116(3):595-602. PMID: 18830816.
Dignam JJ, Dukic VM. Comments on: Yin W, Di G, Zhou L, Lu J, Liu G, Wu J, Shen K, Han Q, Shen Z, Shao Z. Time-varying pattern of recurrence risk for Chinese breast cancer patients. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2009 Jul; 116(1):209-10. PMID: 18568398.
Bouman P, Meng XL, Dignam J, Dukic V. A Multiresolution Hazard Model for Multicenter Survival Studies: Application to Tamoxifen Treatment in Early Stage Breast Cancer. J Am Stat Assoc. 2007 12; 102(480):1145-1157. PMID: 25620824.
Dukic V, Dignam J. Bayesian Hierarchical Multiresolution Hazard Model for the Study of Time-Dependent Failure Patterns in Early Stage Breast Cancer. Bayesian Anal. 2007 May 17; 2(3):591-610. PMID: 21412443.
Dukic VM, Niessner M, Benowitz N, Hans S, Wakschlag L. Modeling the relationship of cotinine and self-reported measures of maternal smoking during pregnancy: a deterministic approach. Nicotine Tob Res. 2007 Apr; 9(4):453-65. PMID: 17454700.
Elderd BD, Dukic VM, Dwyer G. Uncertainty in predictions of disease spread and public health responses to bioterrorism and emerging diseases. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006 Oct 17; 103(42):15693-7. PMID: 17030819.
Basu A, Meltzer HY, Dukic V. Estimating transitions between symptom severity states over time in schizophrenia: a Bayesian meta-analytic approach. Stat Med. 2006 Sep 15; 25(17):2886-910. PMID: 16220519.
Louis GB, Dukic V, Heagerty PJ, Louis TA, Lynch CD, Ryan LM, Schisterman EF, Trumble A. Analysis of repeated pregnancy outcomes. Stat Methods Med Res. 2006 Apr; 15(2):103-26. PMID: 16615652.
Naureckas ET, Dukic V, Bao X, Rathouz P. Short-acting beta-agonist prescription fills as a marker for asthma morbidity. Chest. 2005 Aug; 128(2):602-8. PMID: 16100144.
Dukic VM, Pe?a EA. Variance Estimation in a Model with Gaussian Sub-Models. J Am Stat Assoc. 2005 03 01; 100(469):296-309. PMID: 20198124.
Buck Louis GM, Schisterman EF, Dukic VM, Schieve LA. Research hurdles complicating the analysis of infertility treatment and child health. Hum Reprod. 2005 Jan; 20(1):12-8. PMID: 15489239.
Dukic V, Gatsonis C. Meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy assessment studies with varying number of thresholds. Biometrics. 2003 Dec; 59(4):936-46. PMID: 14969472.
Dukic V, Hogan JW. A hierarchical Bayesian approach to modeling embryo implantation following in vitro fertilization. Biostatistics. 2002 Sep; 3(3):361-77. PMID: 12933603.
Kurjak A, Dudenhausen JW, Kos M, Kupesic S, Dukic V, Hafner T, Marton U, Ujevic B. Doppler information pertaining to the intrapartum period. J Perinat Med. 1996; 24(3):271-6. PMID: 8827576.
Popovic M, Radovic Z, Pesco P, Dukic V, Raznatovic Z, Petrovic M, Jovanovic M, Lausevic Z, Kerkez M, Jovanovic M, et al. [Experience of the surgical service and surgeons at the 1st Surgical Clinical Center in Belgrade in the primary care of abdominal war injuries 1991-1992]. Acta Chir Iugosl. 1994; 41(1):53-7. PMID: 7785379.
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