Laura Danielle Scherer
Title | Associate Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | SOM-MED |
Phone | 314/750-3509 |
Research R01CA279953 (SCHERER, LAURA D.)Aug 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2028 NIH Understanding and addressing rejection of personalized cancer risk information Role: Principal Investigator |
| R37CA254926 (SCHERER, LAURA D.)Feb 1, 2021 - Jan 31, 2026 NIH Understanding affective processing of scientific evidence to promote informed choice for breast cancer screening Role: Principal Investigator |
Montembeau SC, Rao BR, Mitchell AR, Speight CD, Allen LA, Halpern SD, Ko YA, Matlock DD, Moore MA, Morris AA, Scherer LD, Ubel P, Dickert NW. Integrating Cost into Shared Decision-Making for Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction (POCKET-COST-HF): A Trial Providing Out-of-Pocket Costs for Heart Failure Medications during Clinical Encounters. Am Heart J. 2024 03; 269:84-93. PMID: 38096946.
Lum HD, Fischer S, Ytell K, Scherer L, O'Leary ST, Elk R, Hurley S, Washington KT, DeCamp M. Elevating Home Health Aide Input in Co-Creation of COVID-19 Vaccine Messaging. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2024 Sep; 41(9):1094-1103. PMID: 37991051.
Butler JM, Wang X, Riddoch M, Thorpe A, Stevens V, Scherer LD, Drews FA, Shoemaker H, Fagerlin A. Veterans and Nonveterans Coping With Stress During 4 Months of COVID-19. Ann Fam Med. 2023 Nov-Dec; 21(6):508-516. PMID: 38012035.
Hutten RJ, Weil CR, King AJ, Barney B, Bylund CL, Fagerlin A, Gaffney DK, Gill D, Scherer L, Suneja G, Tward JD, Warner EL, Werner TL, Whipple G, Evans J, Johnson SB. Multi-Institutional Analysis of Cancer Patient Exposure, Perceptions, and Trust in Information Sources Regarding Complementary and Alternative Medicine. JCO Oncol Pract. 2023 11; 19(11):1000-1008. PMID: 37722084.
Scherer LD, Suresh K, Lewis CL, McCaffery KJ, Hersch J, Cappella JN, Morse B, Tate CE, Mosley BS, Schmiege S, Schapira MM. Assessing and Understanding Reactance, Self-Exemption, Disbelief, Source Derogation and Information Conflict in Reaction to Overdiagnosis in Mammography Screening: Scale Development and Preliminary Validation. Med Decis Making. 2023 Oct-Nov; 43(7-8):789-802. PMID: 37705500.
Shoemaker HE, Thorpe A, Stevens V, Butler JM, Drews FA, Burpo N, Scherer LD, Fagerlin A. Telehealth Use During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Veterans and Nonveterans: Web-Based Survey Study. JMIR Form Res. 2023 Sep 08; 7:e42217. PMID: 37527547.
Thorpe A, Gurmankin Levy A, Scherer LD, Scherer AM, Drews FA, Butler JM, Fagerlin A. Impact of prior COVID-19 infection on perceptions about the benefit and safety of COVID-19 vaccines. Am J Infect Control. 2024 01; 52(1):125-128. PMID: 37544513.
Bayerman SF, Li M, Syed A, Scherer LD. Development of a Naturalness Preference Scale. Med Decis Making. 2023 Oct-Nov; 43(7-8):821-834. PMID: 37522395.
Thorpe A, Zhong L, Scherer LD, Drews FA, Shoemaker H, Fagerlin A. Demographic, structural, and psychological predictors of risk-increasing and mask wearing behaviors among US adults between December 2020-March 2021. Patient Educ Couns. 2023 09; 114:107792. PMID: 37201301.
Waters EA, Taber JM, Ackermann N, Maki J, McQueen AM, Scherer LD. Testing Explanations for Skepticism of Personalized Risk Information. Med Decis Making. 2023 05; 43(4):430-444. PMID: 37005827.
Levy AG, Thorpe A, Scherer LD, Scherer AM, Butler JM, Shoemaker H, Fagerlin A. Parental Nonadherence to Health Policy Recommendations for Prevention of COVID-19 Transmission Among Children. JAMA Netw Open. 2023 03 01; 6(3):e231587. PMID: 36877524.
R?ssell EL, Bo A, Gr?nborg TK, Kristiansen IS, Borgquist S, Scherer LD, St?vring H. Danish Women Want to Participate in a Hypothetical Breast Cancer Screening with Harms and No Reduction in Mortality: A Cross-Sectional Survey. Med Decis Making. 2023 05; 43(4):403-416. PMID: 36734154.
Vemuru S, Smith S, Colborn K, Huynh V, Leonard L, Bonnell L, Scherer L, Matlock D, Lee C, Kim S, Tevis S. Access to Results of Patient Reported Outcome Surveys Does Not Improve Survey Response Rates. J Surg Res. 2023 03; 283:945-952. PMID: 36915023.
Navanandan N, McNulty MC, Suresh K, Freeman J, Scherer LD, Tyler A. Factors Associated With Clinician Self-Reported Resource Use in Acute Care and Ambulatory Pediatrics. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2023 05; 62(4):329-337. PMID: 36199256.
Levy AG, Thorpe A, Scherer LD, Scherer AM, Drews FA, Butler JM, Burpo N, Shoemaker H, Stevens V, Fagerlin A. Misrepresentation and Nonadherence Regarding COVID-19 Public Health Measures. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 10 03; 5(10):e2235837. PMID: 36215070.
Silverstein MC, Lee CN, Scherer LD, Phommasathit C, Merrill AL, Peters E. Operating on Anxiety: Negative Affect toward Breast Cancer and Choosing Contralateral Prophylactic Mastectomy. Med Decis Making. 2023 02; 43(2):152-163. PMID: 36059240.
Thorpe A, Fagerlin A, Butler J, Stevens V, Drews FA, Shoemaker H, Riddoch MS, Scherer LD. Communicating about COVID-19 vaccine development and safety. PLoS One. 2022; 17(8):e0272426. PMID: 35930557.
Johnson SB, Parsons M, Dorff T, Moran MS, Ward JH, Cohen SA, Akerley W, Bauman J, Hubbard J, Spratt DE, Bylund CL, Swire-Thompson B, Onega T, Scherer LD, Tward J, Fagerlin A. Cancer Misinformation and Harmful Information on Facebook and Other Social Media: A Brief Report. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2022 07 11; 114(7):1036-1039. PMID: 34291289.
Rao BR, Speight CD, Allen LA, Halpern SD, Ko YA, Matlock DD, Moore MA, Morris AA, Scherer LD, Thomson MC, Ubel P, Dickert NW. Impact of Financial Considerations on Willingness to Take Sacubitril/Valsartan for Heart Failure. J Am Heart Assoc. 2022 Jun 20; e023789. PMID: 35723002.
Thorpe A, Fagerlin A, Drews FA, Shoemaker H, Scherer LD. Self-reported health behaviors and risk perceptions following the COVID-19 vaccination rollout in the USA: an online survey study. Public Health. 2022 Jul; 208:68-71. PMID: 35717747.
Baghdadi JD, Korenstein D, Pineles L, Scherer LD, Lydecker AD, Magder L, Stevens DN, Morgan DJ. Exploration of Primary Care Clinician Attitudes and Cognitive Characteristics Associated With Prescribing Antibiotics for Asymptomatic Bacteriuria. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 05 02; 5(5):e2214268. PMID: 35622364.
Thorpe A, Fagerlin A, Drews FA, Butler J, Stevens V, Riddoch MS, Scherer LD. Communications to Promote Interest and Confidence in COVID-19 Vaccines. Am J Health Promot. 2022 07; 36(6):976-986. PMID: 35411819.
Korenstein D, Scherer LD, Foy A, Pineles L, Lydecker AD, Owczarzak J, Magder L, Brown JP, Pfeiffer CD, Terndrup C, Leykum L, Stevens D, Feldstein DA, Weisenberg SA, Baghdadi JD, Morgan DJ. Clinician Attitudes and Beliefs Associated with More Aggressive Diagnostic Testing. Am J Med. 2022 07; 135(7):e182-e193. PMID: 35307357.
Nosek BA, Hardwicke TE, Moshontz H, Allard A, Corker KS, Dreber A, Fidler F, Hilgard J, Kline Struhl M, Nuijten MB, Rohrer JM, Romero F, Scheel AM, Scherer LD, Sch?nbrodt FD, Vazire S. Replicability, Robustness, and Reproducibility in Psychological Science. Annu Rev Psychol. 2022 01 04; 73:719-748. PMID: 34665669.
Thomson MC, Allen LA, Halpern SD, Ko YA, Matlock DD, Mitchell AR, Moore MA, Morris AA, Rao BR, Scherer LD, Speight CD, Ubel PA, Dickert NW. Framing Benefits in Decision Aids: Effects of Varying Contextualizing Statements on Decisions About Sacubitril-Valsartan for Heart Failure. MDM Policy Pract. 2021 Jul-Dec; 6(2):23814683211041623. PMID: 34693019.
Pickles K, Scherer LD, Cvejic E, Hersch J, Barratt A, McCaffery KJ. Preferences for More or Less Health Care and Association With Health Literacy of Men Eligible for Prostate-Specific Antigen Screening in Australia. JAMA Netw Open. 2021 10 01; 4(10):e2128380. PMID: 34636915.
Valentine KD, Wegier P, Shaffer VA, Scherer LD. The Impact of 4 Risk Communication Interventions on Cancer Screening Preferences and Knowledge. Med Decis Making. 2022 04; 42(3):387-397. PMID: 34470536.
Valentine KD, Scherer LD. Interpersonal (mis)perceptions and (mis)predictions in patient-clinician interactions. Curr Opin Psychol. 2022 02; 43:244-248. PMID: 34461604.
Knoepke CE, Chaussee EL, Matlock DD, Thompson JS, McIlvennan CK, Ambardekar AV, Schaffer EM, Khazanie P, Scherer L, Arnold RM, Allen LA. Changes over Time in Patient Stated Values and Treatment Preferences Regarding Aggressive Therapies: Insights from the DECIDE-LVAD Trial. Med Decis Making. 2022 04; 42(3):404-414. PMID: 34296623.
Holtrop JS, Scherer LD, Matlock DD, Glasgow RE, Green LA. The Importance of Mental Models in Implementation Science. Front Public Health. 2021; 9:680316. PMID: 34295871.
Scherer LD, Matlock DD, Allen LA, Knoepke CE, McIlvennan CK, Fitzgerald MD, Kini V, Tate CE, Lin G, Lum HD. Patient Roadmaps for Chronic Illness: Introducing a New Approach for Fostering Patient-Centered Care. MDM Policy Pract. 2021 Jan-Jun; 6(1):23814683211019947. PMID: 34277949.
Morgan DJ, Pineles L, Owczarzak J, Magder L, Scherer L, Brown JP, Pfeiffer C, Terndrup C, Leykum L, Feldstein D, Foy A, Stevens D, Koch C, Masnick M, Weisenberg S, Korenstein D. Clinician Conceptualization of the Benefits of Treatments for Individual Patients. JAMA Netw Open. 2021 07 01; 4(7):e2119747. PMID: 34287630.
Morgan DJ, Pineles L, Owczarzak J, Magder L, Scherer L, Brown JP, Pfeiffer C, Terndrup C, Leykum L, Feldstein D, Foy A, Stevens D, Koch C, Masnick M, Weisenberg S, Korenstein D. Accuracy of Practitioner Estimates of Probability of Diagnosis Before and After Testing. JAMA Intern Med. 2021 06 01; 181(6):747-755. PMID: 33818595.
Wallace B, Matlock DD, Scherer A, Fagerlin A, Scherer LD. Life Support Preferences in the Context of COVID-19: Results from a National US Survey. Med Decis Making. 2021 11; 41(8):963-969. PMID: 34053355.
Scherer LD, Pennycook G. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2021; 45:e53. PMID: 33995520.
Ingle MP, Lammons W, Guigli R, Kini V, Matlock DD, Brereton E, Scherer LD. Patient Perspectives on the Benefits and Risks of Percutaneous Coronary Interventions: A Qualitative Study. Patient Prefer Adherence. 2021; 15:721-728. PMID: 33883883.
McVay MA, Cooper KB, Seoane MC, Donahue ML, Scherer LD. Transparent reporting of hypotheses and analyses in behavioral medicine research: An audit of publications in 2018 and 2008. Health Psychol Behav Med. 2021; 9(1):285-297. PMID: 34046250.
Scherer LD, McPhetres J, Pennycook G, Kempe A, Allen LA, Knoepke CE, Tate CE, Matlock DD. Who is susceptible to online health misinformation? A test of four psychosocial hypotheses. Health Psychol. 2021 Apr; 40(4):274-284. PMID: 33646806.
Zikmund-Fisher BJ, Shaffer VA, Scherer LD. Promoting Reflection on Medical Maximizing-Minimizing Preferences May Create Undesired Effects on Decisions About Low-Benefit and High-Benefit Care. MDM Policy Pract. 2021 Jan-Jun; 6(1):2381468320987498. PMID: 33598547.
Waters EA, Foust JL, Scherer LD, McQueen A, Taber JM. Adherence of Internet-Based Cancer Risk Assessment Tools to Best Practices in Risk Communication: Content Analysis. J Med Internet Res. 2021 01 25; 23(1):e23318. PMID: 33492238.
Thorpe A, Scherer AM, Han PKJ, Burpo N, Shaffer V, Scherer L, Fagerlin A. Exposure to Common Geographic COVID-19 Prevalence Maps and Public Knowledge, Risk Perceptions, and Behavioral Intentions. JAMA Netw Open. 2021 01 04; 4(1):e2033538. PMID: 33404615.
Waters EA, Taber JM, McQueen A, Housten AJ, Studts JL, Scherer LD. Translating Cancer Risk Prediction Models into Personalized Cancer Risk Assessment Tools: Stumbling Blocks and Strategies for Success. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2020 12; 29(12):2389-2394. PMID: 33046450.
Scherer LD, Pennycook G. Who Is Susceptible to Online Health Misinformation? Am J Public Health. 2020 10; 110(S3):S276-S277. PMID: 33001736.
Morgan DJ, Scherer LD, Korenstein D. Improving Physician Communication About Treatment Decisions: Reconsideration of "Risks vs Benefits". JAMA. 2020 Sep 08; 324(10):937-938. PMID: 32150219.
Fridman I, Fagerlin A, Scherr KA, Scherer LD, Huffstetler H, Ubel PA. Gain-loss framing and patients' decisions: a linguistic examination of information framing in physician-patient conversations. J Behav Med. 2021 02; 44(1):38-52. PMID: 32725580.
Scherer LD, Zikmund-Fisher BJ. Eliciting Medical Maximizing-Minimizing Preferences with a Single Question: Development and Validation of the MM1. Med Decis Making. 2020 05; 40(4):545-550. PMID: 32522094.
Langford AT, Scherer LD, Ubel PA, Holmes-Rovner M, Scherr KA, Fagerlin A. Racial differences in veterans' response to a standard vs. patient-centered decision aid for prostate cancer: Implications for decision making in African American and White men. Patient Educ Couns. 2020 Jun 03. PMID: 32591257.
Saffran L, Hu S, Hinnant A, Scherer LD, Nagel SC. Constructing and influencing perceived authenticity in science communication: Experimenting with narrative. PLoS One. 2020; 15(1):e0226711. PMID: 31940373.
Scherer LD, Shaffer VA, Caverly T, DeWitt J, Zikmund-Fisher BJ. Medical Maximizing-Minimizing Predicts Patient Preferences for High- and Low-Benefit Care. Med Decis Making. 2020 01; 40(1):72-80. PMID: 31975657.
Volpert-Esmond HI, Scherer LD, Bartholow BD. Dissociating Automatic Associations: Comparing Two Implicit Measurements of Race Bias. Eur J Soc Psychol. 2020 Jun; 50(4):876-888. PMID: 33071368.
Evron JM, Reyes-Gastelum D, Banerjee M, Scherer LD, Wallner LP, Hamilton AS, Ward KC, Hawley ST, Zikmund-Fisher BJ, Haymart MR. Role of Patient Maximizing-Minimizing Preferences in Thyroid Cancer Surveillance. J Clin Oncol. 2019 11 10; 37(32):3042-3049. PMID: 31573822.
Scherer LD, Lin G. Decision Aids for Prostate Cancer Screening-The True Potential Remains Unknown. JAMA Intern Med. 2019 Aug 01; 179(8):1082-1083. PMID: 31233089.
Piltch-Loeb R, Zikmund-Fisher BJ, Shaffer VA, Scherer LD, Knaus M, Fagerlin A, Abramson DM, Scherer AM. Cross-Sectional Psychological and Demographic Associations of Zika Knowledge and Conspiracy Beliefs Before and After Local Zika Transmission. Risk Anal. 2019 12; 39(12):2683-2693. PMID: 31290166.
Patel N, Baker SG, Scherer LD. Evaluating the cognitive reflection test as a measure of intuition/reflection, numeracy, and insight problem solving, and the implications for understanding real-world judgments and beliefs. J Exp Psychol Gen. 2019 Dec; 148(12):2129-2153. PMID: 31021149.
Scherer LD, Fagerlin A. Shared Decision-Making in Revascularization Decisions. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2019 02; 12(2):e005446. PMID: 30764653.
Scherer LD, Valentine KD, Patel N, Baker SG, Fagerlin A. A bias for action in cancer screening? J Exp Psychol Appl. 2019 Jun; 25(2):149-161. PMID: 30024212.
Kwon R, Allen LA, Scherer LD, Thompson JS, Abdel-Maksoud MF, McIlvennan CK, Matlock DD. The Effect of Total Cost Information on Consumer Treatment Decisions: An Experimental Survey. Med Decis Making. 2018 07; 38(5):584-592. PMID: 29847252.
Scherer LD, Kullgren JT, Caverly T, Scherer AM, Shaffer VA, Fagerlin A, Zikmund-Fisher BJ. Medical Maximizing-Minimizing Preferences Predict Responses to Information about Prostate-Specific Antigen Screening. Med Decis Making. 2018 08; 38(6):708-718. PMID: 29916784.
Shaffer VA, Focella ES, Hathaway A, Scherer LD, Zikmund-Fisher BJ. On the Usefulness of Narratives: An Interdisciplinary Review and Theoretical Model. Ann Behav Med. 2018 04 19; 52(5):429-442. PMID: 29684135.
Kang SK, Scherer LD, Megibow AJ, Higuita LJ, Kim N, Braithwaite RS, Fagerlin A. A Randomized Study of Patient Risk Perception for Incidental Renal Findings on Diagnostic Imaging Tests. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2018 Feb; 210(2):369-375. PMID: 29140116.
Shaffer VA, Scherer LD, Focella ES, Hinnant A, Len-R?os ME, Zikmund-Fisher BJ. What Is the Story with Narratives? How Using Narratives in Journalism Changes Health Behavior. Health Commun. 2018 09; 33(9):1151-1157. PMID: 28657356.
Scherer LD, Shaffer VA, Caverly T, Scherer AM, Zikmund-Fisher BJ, Kullgren JT, Fagerlin A. The role of the affect heuristic and cancer anxiety in responding to negative information about medical tests. Psychol Health. 2018 02; 33(2):292-312. PMID: 28535696.
Scherer LD, Yates JF, Baker SG, Valentine KD. The Influence of Effortful Thought and Cognitive Proficiencies on the Conjunction Fallacy: Implications for Dual-Process Theories of Reasoning and Judgment. Pers Soc Psychol Bull. 2017 Jun; 43(6):874-887. PMID: 28903676.
Yap SCY, Wortman J, Anusic I, Baker SG, Scherer LD, Donnellan MB, Lucas RE. The effect of mood on judgments of subjective well-being: Nine tests of the judgment model. J Pers Soc Psychol. 2017 Dec; 113(6):939-961. PMID: 27936835.
Dillard AJ, Scherer LD, Ubel PA, Alexander S, Fagerlin A. Anxiety symptoms prior to a prostate cancer diagnosis: Associations with knowledge and openness to treatment. Br J Health Psychol. 2017 Feb; 22(1):151-168. PMID: 27882638.
Von Gunten CD, Bartholow BD, Scherer LD. Using ERPs to investigate valence processing in the affect misattribution procedure. Psychophysiology. 2017 02; 54(2):172-181. PMID: 27754548.
Scherer LD, Caverly TJ, Burke J, Zikmund-Fisher BJ, Kullgren JT, Steinley D, McCarthy DM, Roney M, Fagerlin A. Development of the Medical Maximizer-Minimizer Scale. Health Psychol. 2016 Nov; 35(11):1276-1287. PMID: 27617512.
Hamilton JG, Lillie SE, Alden DL, Scherer L, Oser M, Rini C, Tanaka M, Baleix J, Brewster M, Craddock Lee S, Goldstein MK, Jacobson RM, Myers RE, Zikmund-Fisher BJ, Waters EA. What is a good medical decision? A research agenda guided by perspectives from multiple stakeholders. J Behav Med. 2017 Feb; 40(1):52-68. PMID: 27566316.
Scherr KA, Fagerlin A, Hofer T, Scherer LD, Holmes-Rovner M, Williamson LD, Kahn VC, Montgomery JS, Greene KL, Zhang B, Ubel PA. Physician Recommendations Trump Patient Preferences in Prostate Cancer Treatment Decisions. Med Decis Making. 2017 01; 37(1):56-69. PMID: 27510740.
Shaffer VA, Focella ES, Scherer LD, Zikmund-Fisher BJ. Debiasing affective forecasting errors with targeted, but not representative, experience narratives. Patient Educ Couns. 2016 10; 99(10):1611-9. PMID: 27090559.
Witteman HO, Gavaruzzi T, Scherer LD, Pieterse AH, Fuhrel-Forbis A, Chipenda Dansokho S, Exe N, Kahn VC, Feldman-Stewart D, Col NF, Turgeon AF, Fagerlin A. Effects of Design Features of Explicit Values Clarification Methods: A Systematic Review. Med Decis Making. 2016 08; 36(6):760-76. PMID: 27044883.
Scherer LD, Shaffer VA, Patel N, Zikmund-Fisher BJ. Can the vaccine adverse event reporting system be used to increase vaccine acceptance and trust? Vaccine. 2016 05 05; 34(21):2424-2429. PMID: 27049120.
Hoerger M, Scherer LD, Fagerlin A. Affective forecasting and medication decision making in breast-cancer prevention. Health Psychol. 2016 Jun; 35(6):594-603. PMID: 26867042.
McCaffery KJ, Jansen J, Scherer LD, Thornton H, Hersch J, Carter SM, Barratt A, Sheridan S, Moynihan R, Waller J, Brodersen J, Pickles K, Edwards A. Walking the tightrope: communicating overdiagnosis in modern healthcare. BMJ. 2016 Feb 05; 352:i348. PMID: 26850726.
Witteman HO, Scherer LD, Gavaruzzi T, Pieterse AH, Fuhrel-Forbis A, Chipenda Dansokho S, Exe N, Kahn VC, Feldman-Stewart D, Col NF, Turgeon AF, Fagerlin A. Design Features of Explicit Values Clarification Methods: A Systematic Review. Med Decis Making. 2016 05; 36(4):453-71. PMID: 26826032.
Holmes-Rovner M, Montgomery JS, Rovner DR, Scherer LD, Whitfield J, Kahn VC, Merkle EC, Ubel PA, Fagerlin A. Informed Decision Making: Assessment of the Quality of Physician Communication about Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment. Med Decis Making. 2015 11; 35(8):999-1009. PMID: 26304063.
Scherer LD, Finan C, Simancek D, Finkelstein JI, Tarini BA. Effect of "Pink Eye" Label on Parents' Intent to Use Antibiotics and Perceived Contagiousness. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2016 06; 55(6):543-8. PMID: 26294761.
Scherer LD, de Vries M, Zikmund-Fisher BJ, Witteman HO, Fagerlin A. Trust in deliberation: The consequences of deliberative decision strategies for medical decisions. Health Psychol. 2015 Nov; 34(11):1090-9. PMID: 25844905.
Scherer LD, Maynard A, Dolinoy DC, Fagerlin A, Zikmund-Fisher BJ. The psychology of 'regrettable substitutions': Examining consumer judgements of Bisphenol A and its alternatives. Health Risk Soc. 2014; 16(7-8):649-666. PMID: 29386966.
Rothberg MB, Scherer L, Kashef MA, Coylewright M, Ting HH, Hu B, Zikmund-Fisher BJ. The effect of information presentation on beliefs about the benefits of elective percutaneous coronary intervention. JAMA Intern Med. 2014 Oct; 174(10):1623-9. PMID: 25156687.
Lambert AJ, Eadeh FR, Peak SA, Scherer LD, Schott JP, Slochower JM. Toward a greater understanding of the emotional dynamics of the mortality salience manipulation: revisiting the "affect-free" claim of terror management research. J Pers Soc Psychol. 2014 May; 106(5):655-78. PMID: 24749817.
Scherer AM, Scherer LD, Fagerlin A. Getting ahead of illness: using metaphors to influence medical decision making. Med Decis Making. 2015 01; 35(1):37-45. PMID: 24615273.
Fagerlin A, Pignone M, Abhyankar P, Col N, Feldman-Stewart D, Gavaruzzi T, Kryworuchko J, Levin CA, Pieterse AH, Reyna V, Stiggelbout A, Scherer LD, Wills C, Witteman HO. Clarifying values: an updated review. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2013; 13 Suppl 2:S8. PMID: 24625261.
Zikmund-Fisher BJ, Witteman HO, Dickson M, Fuhrel-Forbis A, Kahn VC, Exe NL, Valerio M, Holtzman LG, Scherer LD, Fagerlin A. Blocks, ovals, or people? Icon type affects risk perceptions and recall of pictographs. Med Decis Making. 2014 05; 34(4):443-53. PMID: 24246564.
Scherer LD, Ubel PA, McClure J, Greene SM, Alford SH, Holtzman L, Exe N, Fagerlin A. Belief in numbers: When and why women disbelieve tailored breast cancer risk statistics. Patient Educ Couns. 2013 Aug; 92(2):253-9. PMID: 23623330.
Scherer LD, Zikmund-Fisher BJ, Fagerlin A, Tarini BA. Influence of "GERD" label on parents' decision to medicate infants. Pediatrics. 2013 May; 131(5):839-45. PMID: 23545371.
de Vries M, Fagerlin A, Witteman HO, Scherer LD. Combining deliberation and intuition in patient decision support. Patient Educ Couns. 2013 May; 91(2):154-60. PMID: 23265430.
Dillard AJ, Scherer L, Ubel PA, Smith DM, Zikmund-Fisher BJ, McClure JB, Greene S, Stark A, Fagerlin A. Breast cancer anxiety's associations with responses to a chemoprevention decision aid. Soc Sci Med. 2013 Jan; 77:13-9. PMID: 23200299.
Scherer LD, Larsen RJ. Cross-modal evaluative priming: emotional sounds influence the processing of emotion words. Emotion. 2011 Feb; 11(1):203-8. PMID: 21401242.
Lambert AJ, Scherer LD, Schott JP, Olson KR, Andrews RK, O'Brien TC, Zisser AR. Rally effects, threat, and attitude change: an integrative approach to understanding the role of emotion. J Pers Soc Psychol. 2010 Jun; 98(6):886-903. PMID: 20515245.
Scherer LD, Lambert AJ. Contrast effects in priming paradigms: Implications for theory and research on implicit attitudes. J Pers Soc Psychol. 2009 Sep; 97(3):383-403. PMID: 19685997.
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