Stacey Robyn Gundry
Title | Senior Instructor |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus |
Department | SOM-PEDS |
Bennett AH, O'Donohue MF, Gundry SR, Chan AT, Widrick J, Draper I, Chakraborty A, Zhou Y, Zon LI, Gleizes PE, Beggs AH, Gupta VA. RNA helicase, DDX27 regulates skeletal muscle growth and regeneration by modulation of translational processes. PLoS Genet. 2018 03; 14(3):e1007226. PMID: 29518074.
Gupta VA, Hnia K, Smith LL, Gundry SR, McIntire JE, Shimazu J, Bass JR, Talbot EA, Amoasii L, Goldman NE, Laporte J, Beggs AH. Loss of catalytically inactive lipid phosphatase myotubularin-related protein 12 impairs myotubularin stability and promotes centronuclear myopathy in zebrafish. PLoS Genet. 2013 Jun; 9(6):e1003583. PMID: 23818870.
Gupta V, Kawahara G, Gundry SR, Chen AT, Lencer WI, Zhou Y, Zon LI, Kunkel LM, Beggs AH. The zebrafish dag1 mutant: a novel genetic model for dystroglycanopathies. Hum Mol Genet. 2011 May 01; 20(9):1712-25. PMID: 21296866.
Razzouk AJ, Cecere R, Gundry SR, Wang N, Bailey LL. Emergency implantation of a left ventricular assist device in adolescents with biventricular failure. ASAIO J. 2000 Sep-Oct; 46(5):573-5. PMID: 11016509.
Izutani H, Gundry SR, Vricella LA, Xu H, Bailey LL. Right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction using a Goretex membrane monocusp valve in infant animals. ASAIO J. 2000 Sep-Oct; 46(5):553-5. PMID: 11016505.
Xu H, Gundry SR, Hancock WW, Zuppan C, Izutani H, Bailey LL. Effects of pretransplant splenectomy and immunosuppression of humoral immunity in a pig-to-newborn goat cardiac xenograft model. Transplant Proc. 2000 Aug; 32(5):1010-4. PMID: 10936324.
Xu H, Fagoaga O, Gundry SR, Bailey LL. The role of human T cells in human anti-pig xenogeneic cellular responses. Transplant Proc. 2000 Aug; 32(5):952-3. PMID: 10936292.
Xu H, Gundry SR, Hancock W, Matsumiya G, Bailey LL. Delayed cardiac xenograft rejection in a pig-to-baboon model treated with a tolerance-inducing regimen and donor bone marrow infusion. Transplant Proc. 2000 Aug; 32(5):1084-5. PMID: 10936368.
Xu H, Gundry SR, Bailey LL. Xenoreactivity of fetal and neonatal baboon intracellular antibody against the pig. Transplant Proc. 2000 Aug; 32(5):869-71. PMID: 10936251.
Razzouk AJ, Gundry SR, Wang N, del Rio MJ, Varnell D, Bailey LL. Repair of traumatic aortic rupture: a 25-year experience. Arch Surg. 2000 Aug; 135(8):913-8; discussion 919. PMID: 10922251.
Izutani H, Gundry SR, Asano M, Fagoaga O, Zuppan CW, Bailey LL. Probable failure of chimerism induction in orthotopically transplanted monkey hearts in baboons. Transplant Proc. 2000 Aug; 32(5):1049-51. PMID: 10936348.
Xu H, Fagoaga O, Gundry SR, Bailey LL. Cellular adhesion and proliferative responses of neonatal human lymphocytes to pig endothelial cells. Transplant Proc. 2000 Aug; 32(5):948-9. PMID: 10936290.
Vricella LA, Gundry SR, Larsen RL, Bailey LL. Successful myocardial volume reduction in a 9-month-old infant. Ann Thorac Surg. 2000 Apr; 69(4):1253-5. PMID: 10800832.
Vricella LA, Dearani JA, Gundry SR, Razzouk AJ, Brauer SD, Bailey LL. Ultra fast track in elective congenital cardiac surgery. Ann Thorac Surg. 2000 Mar; 69(3):865-71. PMID: 10750774.
Tan HP, Razzouk A, Gundry SR, Bailey L. Pulmonary Rhizopus rhizopodiformis cavitary abscess in a cardiac allograft recipient. J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino). 1999 Apr; 40(2):223-6. PMID: 10350106.
Vricella LA, Razzouk AJ, del Rio M, Gundry SR, Bailey LL. Heart transplantation for hypoplastic left heart syndrome: modified technique for reducing circulatory arrest time. J Heart Lung Transplant. 1998 Dec; 17(12):1167-71. PMID: 9883756.
Shirali GS, Cephus CE, Kuhn MA, Ogata KK, Vander Dussen LK, Chinnock RE, Mulla NF, Johnston JK, Bailey LL, Gundry SR, Razzouk AJ, Larsen RL. Posttransplant recoarctation of the aorta: a twelve year experience. J Am Coll Cardiol. 1998 Aug; 32(2):509-14. PMID: 9708484.
Razzouk AJ, Chinnock RE, Dearani JA, Gundry SR, Bailey LL. Cardiac retransplantation for graft vasculopathy in children: should we continue to do it? Arch Surg. 1998 Aug; 133(8):881-5. PMID: 9711963.
Vricella LA, Razzouk AJ, Gundry SR, Larsen RL, Kuhn MA, Bailey LL. Heart transplantation in infants and children with situs inversus. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1998 Jul; 116(1):82-9. PMID: 9671901.
Xu H, Gundry SR, Hancock WW, Matsumiya G, Zuppan CW, Morimoto T, Slater J, Bailey LL. Prolonged discordant xenograft survival and delayed xenograft rejection in a pig-to-baboon orthotopic cardiac xenograft model. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1998 Jun; 115(6):1342-9. PMID: 9628677.
Gundry SR, Romano MA, Shattuck OH, Razzouk AJ, Bailey LL. Seven-year follow-up of coronary artery bypasses performed with and without cardiopulmonary bypass. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1998 Jun; 115(6):1273-7; discussion 1277-8. PMID: 9628668.
Xu H, Gundry SR, Hancock WW, Izutani H, Zuppan CW, Bailey LL. Effects of immunosuppression and pretransplant splenectomy in newborn cardiac xenograft survival. Transplant Proc. 1998 Jun; 30(4):1084. PMID: 9636440.
Gundry SR, Shattuck OH, Razzouk AJ, del Rio MJ, Sardari FF, Bailey LL. Facile minimally invasive cardiac surgery via ministernotomy. Ann Thorac Surg. 1998 Apr; 65(4):1100-4. PMID: 9564935.
Johnston JK, Chinnock RE, Zuppan CW, Razzouk AJ, Gundry SR, Bailey LL. Limitations to survival for infants with hypoplastic left heart syndrome before and after transplant: the Loma Linda experience. J Transpl Coord. 1997 Dec; 7(4):180-4; quiz 185-6. PMID: 9510731.
Xu H, Gundry SR, Hill AC, Zuppan CW, Morimoto T, Matsumiya G, Fagoaga O, Bailey LL. Prolonged discordant cardiac xenograft survival in newborn recipients. Circulation. 1997 Nov 04; 96(9 Suppl):II-364-7. PMID: 9386125.
Bailey LL, Gundry SR. Survival following orthotopic cardiac xenotransplantation between juvenile baboon recipients and concordant and discordant donor species: foundation for clinical trials. World J Surg. 1997 Nov-Dec; 21(9):943-50. PMID: 9361509.
Bailey LL, Gundry SR. Evolving status of xenotransplantation: introduction. World J Surg. 1997 Nov-Dec; 21(9):899-900. PMID: 9361501.
Gundry SR, Razzouk AJ, del Rio MJ, Shirali G, Bailey LL. The optimal Fontan connection: a growing extracardiac lateral tunnel with pedicled pericardium. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1997 Oct; 114(4):552-8; discussion 558-9. PMID: 9338640.
Hill AC, Bansal RC, Razzouk AJ, Liu M, Bailey LL, Gundry SR. Echocardiographic recognition of iatrogenic aortic valve leaflet perforation. Ann Thorac Surg. 1997 Sep; 64(3):684-9. PMID: 9307457.
Eke CC, Gundry SR, Fukushima N, Bailey LL. Is there a safe limit to coronary sinus pressure during retrograde cardioplegia? Am Surg. 1997 May; 63(5):417-20. PMID: 9128230.
Matsumiya G, Gundry SR, Nehlsen-Cannarella S, Fagoaga OR, Morimoto T, Arai S, Fukushima N, Zuppan CW, Bailey LL. Serum interleukin-6 level after cardiac xenotransplantation in primates. Transplant Proc. 1997 Feb-Mar; 29(1-2):916-9. PMID: 9123586.
Orr RD, Gundry SR, Bailey LL. Reanimation: overcoming objections and obstacles to organ retrieval from non-heart-beating cadaver donors. J Med Ethics. 1997 Feb; 23(1):7-11. PMID: 9055155.
Razzouk AJ, Chinnock RE, Gundry SR, Johnston JK, Larsen RL, Baum MF, Mulla NF, Bailey LL. Transplantation as a primary treatment for hypoplastic left heart syndrome: intermediate-term results. Ann Thorac Surg. 1996 Jul; 62(1):1-7; discussion 8. PMID: 8678626.
Sardari F, Gundry SR, Razzouk AJ, Shirali GS, Bailey LL. The use of larger size pulmonary homografts for the Ross operation in children. J Heart Valve Dis. 1996 Jul; 5(4):410-3. PMID: 8858505.
Fukushima N, Gundry SR, Matsumiya G, Bouchart F, Zuppan C, Bailey LL. Histological findings in heart grafts after orthotopic pig to baboon cardiac transplantation. Transplant Proc. 1996 Apr; 28(2):788-90. PMID: 8623400.
Matsumiya G, Gundry SR, Nehlsen-Cannarella S, Fagoaga O, Morimoto T, Arai S, Folz J, Bailey LL. Successful long-term concordant xenografts in primates: alteration of the immune response with methotrexate. Transplant Proc. 1996 Apr; 28(2):751-3. PMID: 8623380.
Eke CC, Gundry SR, Baum MF, Chinnock RE, Razzouk AJ, Bailey LL. Neurologic sequelae of deep hypothermic circulatory arrest in cardiac transplant infants. Ann Thorac Surg. 1996 Mar; 61(3):783-8. PMID: 8619693.
Wang N, Razzouk AJ, Safavi A, Gan K, Van Arsdell GS, Burton PM, Fandrich BL, Wood MJ, Hill AC, Vyhmeister EE, Miranda R, Ahn C, Gundry SR. Delayed primary repair of intrathoracic esophageal perforation: is it safe? J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1996 Jan; 111(1):114-21; discussion 121-2. PMID: 8551755.
Gundry SR, Wang N, Sciolaro CM, Van Arsdell GS, Razzouk AJ, Hill AC, Bailey LL. Uniformity of perfusion in all regions of the human heart by warm continuous retrograde cardioplegia. Ann Thorac Surg. 1996 Jan; 61(1):33-5. PMID: 8561599.
Shirali GS, Lombano F, Beeson WL, Dyar DA, Mulla NF, Khan A, Johnston JK, Chinnock RE, Gundry SR, Razzouk AJ, et al. Ventricular remodeling following infant-pediatric cardiac transplantation. Does age at transplantation or size disparity matter? Transplantation. 1995 Dec 27; 60(12):1467-72. PMID: 8545876.
Fukushima N, Gundry SR, Razzouk AJ, Bailey LL. Growth of oversized grafts in neonatal heart transplantation. Ann Thorac Surg. 1995 Dec; 60(6):1659-63; discussion 1663-4. PMID: 8787459.
Safavi A, Wang N, Razzouk A, Gan K, Sciolaro C, Wood M, Vyhmeister EE, Miranda R, Ahn C, Gundry SR. One-stage primary repair of distal esophageal perforation using fundic wrap. Am Surg. 1995 Oct; 61(10):919-24. PMID: 7668469.
Razzouk AJ, Gundry SR, Chinnock RE, Larsen RL, Ruiz C, Zuppan CW, Bailey LL. Orthotopic transplantation for total anomalous pulmonary venous connection associated with complex congenital heart disease. J Heart Lung Transplant. 1995 Jul-Aug; 14(4):713-7. PMID: 7578180.
Chinnock R, Emery J, Larsen R, Baum M, Janner D, Razzouk A, Gundry S, Nehlsen-Cannarella S, Bailey L. Methotrexate therapy for complex graft rejection in pediatric heart transplant recipients. The Pediatric Heart Transplant Team--Loma Linda. J Heart Lung Transplant. 1995 Jul-Aug; 14(4):726-33. PMID: 7578182.
Wang N, Gundry SR, Van Arsdell G, Razzouk AJ, Hill AC, Sjolander M, Cavazos KA, Brewer JM, Vyhmeister EE, Bailey LL. Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty failures in patients with multivessel disease. Is there an increased risk? J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1995 Jul; 110(1):214-21; discussion 221-3. PMID: 7609545.
Gundry SR, Fukushima N, Eke CC, Hill AC, Zuppan C, Bailey LL. Successful survival of primates receiving transplantation with "dead," nonbeating donor hearts. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1995 Jun; 109(6):1097-10; discussion 1101-2. PMID: 7776674.
Bailey LL, Zuppan CW, Chinnock RE, Johnston JK, Razzouk AJ, Gundry SR. Graft vasculopathy among recipients of heart transplantation during the first 12 years of life. The Pediatric Heart Transplant Group. Transplant Proc. 1995 Jun; 27(3):1921-5. PMID: 7792838.
Fukushima N, Kawauchi M, Bouchart F, Gundry SR, Zuppan CW, Ruiz CE, Bailey LL. Graft atherosclerosis in concordant cardiac transplantation. Transplant Proc. 1994 Jun; 26(3):1059-60. PMID: 8029830.
Kawauchi M, Fukushima N, Gundry SR, de Begona JA, Nehlsen-Cannarella S, Bailey LL. Lymphocyte subset monitoring can detect xenoheart rejection in primates. Transplant Proc. 1994 Jun; 26(3):1067-9. PMID: 7518103.
Vyhmeister EE, Razzouk AJ, Van Arsdell GS, Torres VI, Gundry SR, Bailey LL. Simple approach for extrapericardial placement of defibrillator patches via median sternotomy. Ann Thorac Surg. 1994 May; 57(5):1341-2. PMID: 8179419.
Fukushima N, Gundry SR, Razzouk AJ, Bailey LL. Risk factors for graft failure associated with pulmonary hypertension after pediatric heart transplantation. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1994 Apr; 107(4):985-9. PMID: 7512678.
Fukushima N, Bouchart F, Gundry SR, Nehlsen-Cannarella S, Gusewitch G, Chang L, Fagoaga O, Bailey LL. The role of anti-pig antibody in pig-to-baboon cardiac xenotransplant rejection. Transplantation. 1994 Mar 27; 57(6):923-8. PMID: 8154041.
Gundry SR, Razzouk AJ, Boskind JF, Bansal R, Bailey LL. Fate of the pericardial monocusp pulmonary valve for right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction. Early function, late failure without obstruction. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1994 Mar; 107(3):908-12; discussion 912-3. PMID: 8127122.
Boucek MM, Mathis CM, Boucek RJ, Hodgkin DD, Kanakriyeh MS, McCormack J, Gundry SR, Bailey LL. Prospective evaluation of echocardiography for primary rejection surveillance after infant heart transplantation: comparison with endomyocardial biopsy. J Heart Lung Transplant. 1994 Jan-Feb; 13(1 Pt 1):66-73. PMID: 8167130.
de Begona JA, Gundry SR, Razzouk AJ, Boucek MM, Kawauchi M, Bailey LL. Transplantation of hearts after arrest and resuscitation. Early and long-term results. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1993 Dec; 106(6):1196-201; discussion 1200-1. PMID: 8246560.
Chiavarelli M, Gundry SR, Razzouk AJ, Bailey LL. Cardiac transplantation for infants with hypoplastic left-heart syndrome. JAMA. 1993 Dec 22-29; 270(24):2944-7. PMID: 8254855.
Razzouk A, Gundry S, Wang N, Heyner R, Sciolaro C, Van Arsdell G, Bansal R, Vyhmeister E, Bailey L. Pseudoaneurysms of the aorta after cardiac surgery or chest trauma. Am Surg. 1993 Dec; 59(12):818-23. PMID: 8256935.
Boucek MM, Mathis CM, Razzouk A, Gundry SR, Bailey LL, Fullerton DA, Campbell DN. Indications and contraindications for heart transplantation in infancy. J Heart Lung Transplant. 1993 Nov-Dec; 12(6 Pt 2):S154-8. PMID: 8312327.
Kawauchi M, Gundry SR, de Begona JA, Razzouk AJ, Bouchart F, Fukushima N, Hauck AJ, Weeks DA, Nehlsen-Cannarella S, Bailey LL. Prolonged survival of orthotopically transplanted heart xenograft in infant baboons. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1993 Nov; 106(5):779-86. PMID: 7693999.
Mullen JC, Bailey LL, Razzouk AJ, Gundry SR. Pediatric cardiac transplantation. Semin Pediatr Surg. 1993 Nov; 2(4):254-64. PMID: 8062046.
Boucek MM, Mathis CM, Kanakriyeh MS, McCormack J, Razzouk A, Gundry SR, Bailey L. Donor shortage: use of the dysfunctional donor heart. J Heart Lung Transplant. 1993 Nov-Dec; 12(6 Pt 2):S186-90. PMID: 8312334.
Gundry SR, Alonso de Begona J, Kawauchi M, Liu H, Razzouk AJ, Bailey LL. Transplantation and reanimation of hearts removed from donors 30 minutes after warm, asystolic 'death'. Arch Surg. 1993 Sep; 128(9):989-91; discussion 992-3. PMID: 8368936.
Kawauchi M, Gundry SR, Beierle F, Alonso de Begona J, Bailey LL. Myosin light chain efflux after heart transplantation in infants and children and its correlation with ischemic preservation time. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1993 Sep; 106(3):458-62. PMID: 8361187.
Bailey LL, Gundry SR, Razzouk AJ, Wang N, Sciolaro CM, Chiavarelli M. Bless the babies: one hundred fifteen late survivors of heart transplantation during the first year of life. The Loma Linda University Pediatric Heart Transplant Group. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1993 May; 105(5):805-14; discussion 814-5. PMID: 8487560.
Bouchart F, Gundry SR, Van Schaack-Gonzales J, Razzouk AJ, Marsa RJ, Kawauchi M, de Begona JA, Bailey LL. Methotrexate as rescue/adjunctive immunotherapy in infant and adult heart transplantation. J Heart Lung Transplant. 1993 May-Jun; 12(3):427-33. PMID: 8329413.
Kawauchi M, Gundry SR, de Begona JA, Fullerton DA, Razzouk AJ, Boucek MM, Nehlsen-Cannarella S, Bailey LL. Male donor into female recipient increases the risk of pediatric heart allograft rejection. Ann Thorac Surg. 1993 Mar; 55(3):716-8. PMID: 8452436.
Kawauchi M, Gundry SR, de Bego?a JA, Razzouk AJ, Bailey LL. Utilization of pediatric donors salvaged by cardiopulmonary resuscitation. J Heart Lung Transplant. 1993 Mar-Apr; 12(2):185-8. PMID: 8476889.
Fukushima N, Gundry SR, Razzouk AJ, Bailey LL. Cytomegalovirus infection in pediatric heart transplantation. Transplant Proc. 1993 Feb; 25(1 Pt 2):1423-5. PMID: 8382868.
Alonso de Begona J, Gundry SR, Razzouk AJ, Boucek MM, Bailey LL. Prolonged ischemic times in pediatric heart transplantation: early and late results. Transplant Proc. 1993 Feb; 25(1 Pt 2):1645-8. PMID: 8442222.
Gundry SR, Wang N, Bannon D, Vigesaa RE, Eke C, Pain S, Bailey LL. Retrograde continuous warm blood cardioplegia: maintenance of myocardial homeostasis in humans. Ann Thorac Surg. 1993 Feb; 55(2):358-61; discussion 361-3. PMID: 8431041.
Kawauchi M, Gundry SR, de Begona JA, Fullerton DA, Razzouk AJ, Boucek M, Kanakriyeh M, Bailey LL. Prolonged preservation of human pediatric hearts for transplantation: correlation of ischemic time and subsequent function. J Heart Lung Transplant. 1993 Jan-Feb; 12(1 Pt 1):55-8. PMID: 8443202.
Fullerton DA, Gundry SR, Alonso de Begona J, Kawauchi M, Razzouk AJ, Bailey LL. The effects of donor-recipient size disparity in infant and pediatric heart transplantation. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1992 Nov; 104(5):1314-9. PMID: 1434712.
Alonso de Begona J, Kawauchi M, Fullerton D, Razzouk AJ, Gundry SR, Bailey LL. The Mustard procedure for correction of simple transposition of the great arteries before 1 month of age. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1992 Nov; 104(5):1218-24. PMID: 1434698.
Chiavarelli M, Boucek MM, Nehlsen-Cannarella SL, Gundry SR, Razzouk AJ, Bailey LL. Neonatal cardiac transplantation. Intermediate-term results and incidence of rejection. Loma Linda University Pediatric Heart Transplant Group. Arch Surg. 1992 Sep; 127(9):1072-5; discussion 1075-6. PMID: 1514909.
Bailey L, Gundry S, Razzouk A, Wang N. Pediatric heart transplantation: issues relating to outcome and results. The Loma Linda University Pediatric Heart Transplant Group. J Heart Lung Transplant. 1992 Jul-Aug; 11(4 Pt 2):S267-71. PMID: 1515449.
Gundry SR, Razzouk AJ, Vigesaa RE, Wang N, Bailey LL. Optimal delivery of cardioplegic solution for "redo" operations. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1992 May; 103(5):896-901. PMID: 1569772.
Gundry SR, de Begona JA, Kawauchi M, Bailey LL. Successful transplantation of hearts harvested 30 minutes after death from exsanguination. Ann Thorac Surg. 1992 May; 53(5):772-4; discussion 774-5. PMID: 1570968.
Alonso de Begona J, Gundry S, Kawauchi M, Bailey L, Gusewitch G, Fagoaga O, Chritton D, Folz J, Chang L, Darras D, et al. Assessment of baboon lymphocyte subsets and activity in cardiac xenobridging to allotransplantation. Transplant Proc. 1992 Apr; 24(2):453-4. PMID: 1566387.
Vricella LA, de Begona JA, Gundry SR, Vigesaa RE, Kawauchi M, Bailey LL. Aggressive peritoneal dialysis for treatment of acute kidney failure after neonatal heart transplantation. J Heart Lung Transplant. 1992 Mar-Apr; 11(2 Pt 1):320-9. PMID: 1576138.
Kawauchi M, Gundry SR, Boucek MM, de Begona JA, Vigesaa R, Bailey LL. Real-time monitoring of the endomyocardial biopsy site with pediatric transesophageal echocardiography. J Heart Lung Transplant. 1992 Mar-Apr; 11(2 Pt 1):306-10. PMID: 1576136.
Kawauchi M, Boucek MM, Gundry SR, Kanakriyeh MS, de Begona JA, Razzouk AJ, Bailey LL. Changes in left ventricular mass with rejection after heart transplantation in infants. J Heart Lung Transplant. 1992 Jan-Feb; 11(1 Pt 1):99-102. PMID: 1531770.
Kawauchi M, Gundry SR, Alonso de Begona J, Beierle F, Feikes R, Bailey LL. Xenotransplantation in newborn goats with FK 506. Transplant Proc. 1991 Dec; 23(6):3293-5. PMID: 1750092.
Kawauchi M, Van Arsdell G, Alonso de Begona J, Gundry SR, Bailey LL, Nehlsen-Cannarella S. Flow cytometric analysis of lymphocyte populations in FK 506-treated newborn goats. Transplant Proc. 1991 Dec; 23(6):2970-1. PMID: 1721331.
Kawauchi M, Gundry SR, Alonso de Begona J, Beierle F, Bailey LL. Plasma level of FK 506 in newborn goats and infant baboons. Transplant Proc. 1991 Dec; 23(6):2755-6. PMID: 1721267.
Burton PB, Hauck A, Nehlsen-Cannarella SL, Gusewitch GA, Sorensen CM, Gundry SR, Bailey LL. Hypoplastic left heart syndrome: some clues to its aetiology. Lancet. 1991 Nov 02; 338(8775):1148. PMID: 1682568.
Benson L, Freedom RM, Gersony W, Gundry SR, Sauer U, Boucek M. Session II: Cardiac replacement in infants and children: indication and limitations. J Heart Lung Transplant. 1991 Sep-Oct; 10(5 Pt 2):791-801. PMID: 1742292.
Kawauchi M, Gundry SR, Bailey LL. [Selection and management of donor hearts in infant and pediatric heart transplantation: Loma Linda experience]. Kyobu Geka. 1991 Sep; 44(10):828-32. PMID: 1921000.
Kawauchi M, Gundry SR, Bailey LL. [Infant and pediatric heart transplantation: Loma Linda experience]. Kyobu Geka. 1991 Aug; 44(9):748-52. PMID: 1956135.
Alonso de Begona J, Gundry SR, Nehlsen-Cannarella SL, Fullerton DA, Kawauchi M, Razzouk AJ, Vigesaa R, Kanakriyeh M, Boucek M, Bailey LL. HLA matching and its effect on infant and pediatric cardiac graft survival. The Loma Linda Pediatric Cardiac Transplant Team. Transplant Proc. 1991 Feb; 23(1 Pt 2):1139-41. PMID: 1989171.
Bouchart F, Gundry SR, Bailey LL. Infant heart transplantation 1991. Clin Transpl. 1991; 97-104. PMID: 1820150.
Gundry SR, Sequiera A, Razzouk AM, McLaughlin JS, Bailey LL. Facile retrograde cardioplegia: transatrial cannulation of the coronary sinus. Ann Thorac Surg. 1990 Dec; 50(6):882-6; discussion 886-7. PMID: 2241379.
De Begona JA, Kawauchi M, Fullerton D, Razzouk A, Gundry SR, Bailey LL. Heart transplantation in children. Compr Ther. 1990 Jun; 16(6):61-4. PMID: 2373005.
Bailey LL, Gundry SR. Hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Pediatr Clin North Am. 1990 Feb; 37(1):137-50. PMID: 1689814.
Bailey LL, Wood M, Razzouk A, Van Arsdell G, Gundry S. Heart transplantation during the first 12 years of life. Loma Linda University Pediatric Heart Transplant Group. Arch Surg. 1989 Oct; 124(10):1221-5; discussion 1226. PMID: 2802987.
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