Mark Randall Opp
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Boulder |
Department | Integrative Physiology |
Research R01AG064465 (OPP, MARK R)Aug 1, 2019 - Apr 30, 2024 NIH/NIA Sleep Disruption and Alzheimer's Disease Pathology Role: Principal Investigator |
| RF1AG064465 (OPP, MARK R)Aug 1, 2019 - Mar 31, 2024 NIH Sleep Disruption and Alzheimer's Disease Pathology Role: Principal Investigator |
| R21AI115706 (OPP, MARK R)May 1, 2015 - Apr 30, 2018 NIH Asytrocytes, sleep and neuroinflammation Role: Principal Investigator |
| R13NS086119 (OPP, MARK R)Sep 30, 2013 - Aug 31, 2014 NIH 2014 Sleep Regulation and Function Gordon Research Conference Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01AG041287 (OPP, MARK R)Sep 30, 2012 - May 31, 2018 NIH Sepsis Outcomes and Aging: Role of Sleep Disruption and the Blood Brain Barrier Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01HL080972 (OPP, MARK R)Sep 27, 2004 - May 31, 2009 NIH Sleep, Cytokines and Infection Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01MH064843 (OPP, MARK R)Mar 15, 2001 - Mar 31, 2014 NIH Cytokine and Neurotransmitter Interactions in Sleep Regulation Role: Principal Investigator |
| R56MH064843 (OPP, MARK R)Mar 15, 2001 - Apr 14, 2009 NIH Cytokine and neurotransmitter interactions in sleep regulation Role: Principal Investigator |
| R03MH056873 (OPP, MARK R)Mar 1, 1998 - Feb 28, 2001 NIH IL-1 &D5-HT INTERACTIONS--INVOLVEMENT IN SLEEP REGULATI Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01MH054976 (OPP, MARK R)Sep 1, 1996 - Dec 31, 2002 NIH MECHANISMS OF HIV-INDUCED ALTERATIONS IN SLEEP Role: Principal Investigator |
| R29MH052275 (OPP, MARK R)Aug 1, 1995 - Jul 31, 2001 NIH HUMORAL REGULATION OF WAKING--THE ROLE OF CRH Role: Principal Investigator |
| R03MH047103 (OPP, MARK R)Sep 1, 1990 - Aug 31, 1992 NIH SOMNOGENIC MURAMYL PEPTIDES PRODUCED BY MACROPHAGES Role: Principal Investigator |
Raizen DM, Mullington J, Anaclet C, Clarke G, Critchley H, Dantzer R, Davis R, Drew KL, Fessel J, Fuller PM, Gibson EM, Harrington M, Ian Lipkin W, Klerman EB, Klimas N, Komaroff AL, Koroshetz W, Krupp L, Kuppuswamy A, Lasselin J, Lewis LD, Magistretti PJ, Matos HY, Miaskowski C, Miller AH, Nath A, Nedergaard M, Opp MR, Ritchie MD, Rogulja D, Rolls A, Salamone JD, Saper C, Whittemore V, Wylie G, Younger J, Zee PC, Craig Heller H. Beyond the symptom: the biology of fatigue. Sleep. 2023 09 08; 46(9). PMID: 37224457.
Opp MR. Sleep: Not getting enough diminishes vaccine responses. Curr Biol. 2023 03 13; 33(5):R192-R194. PMID: 36917943.
Rowe RK, Green TRF, Giordano KR, Ortiz JB, Murphy SM, Opp MR. Microglia Are Necessary to Regulate Sleep after an Immune Challenge. Biology (Basel). 2022 Aug 19; 11(8). PMID: 36009868.
Kamp KJ, Han C, Shulman RJ, Cain KC, Barney P, Opp MR, Chang L, Burr RL, Heitkemper MM. Cytokine Levels and Symptoms Among Women with Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Considering the Role of Hormonal Contraceptive Use. Biol Res Nurs. 2021 04; 23(2):171-179. PMID: 32677464.
Byun E, McCurry SM, Opp M, Liu D, Becker KJ, Thompson HJ. Self-efficacy is associated with better sleep quality and sleep efficiency in adults with subarachnoid hemorrhage. J Clin Neurosci. 2020 Mar; 73:173-178. PMID: 31899084.
Thomasy HE, Opp MR. Hypocretin Mediates Sleep and Wake Disturbances in a Mouse Model of Traumatic Brain Injury. J Neurotrauma. 2019 03 01; 36(5):802-814. PMID: 30136622.
Ho JM, Ducich NH, Nguyen NK, Opp MR. Acute sleep disruption- and high-fat diet-induced hypothalamic inflammation are not related to glucose tolerance in mice. Neurobiol Sleep Circadian Rhythms. 2018 Jan; 4:1-9. PMID: 29732438.
Krueger JM, Opp MR. Sleep and Microbes. Int Rev Neurobiol. 2016; 131:207-225. PMID: 27793219.
Irwin MR, Opp MR. Sleep Health: Reciprocal Regulation of Sleep and Innate Immunity. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2017 01; 42(1):129-155. PMID: 27510422.
Thomasy HE, Febinger HY, Ringgold KM, Gemma C, Opp MR. Hypocretinergic and cholinergic contributions to sleep-wake disturbances in a mouse model of traumatic brain injury. Neurobiol Sleep Circadian Rhythms. 2017 Jan; 2:71-84. PMID: 31236496.
Page GG, Opp MR, Kozachik SL. Sex differences in sleep, anhedonia, and HPA axis activity in a rat model of chronic social defeat. Neurobiol Stress. 2016 Jun; 3:105-113. PMID: 27981183.
Ho JM, Barf RP, Opp MR. Effects of sleep disruption and high fat intake on glucose metabolism in mice. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2016 06; 68:47-56. PMID: 26943344.
Ingiosi AM, Opp MR. Sleep and immunomodulatory responses to systemic lipopolysaccharide in mice selectively expressing interleukin-1 receptor 1 on neurons or astrocytes. Glia. 2016 May; 64(5):780-91. PMID: 26775112.
Febinger HY, Thomasy HE, Pavlova MN, Ringgold KM, Barf PR, George AM, Grillo JN, Bachstetter AD, Garcia JA, Cardona AE, Opp MR, Gemma C. Time-dependent effects of CX3CR1 in a mouse model of mild traumatic brain injury. J Neuroinflammation. 2015 Sep 02; 12:154. PMID: 26329692.
Opp MR, George A, Ringgold KM, Hansen KM, Bullock KM, Banks WA. Sleep fragmentation and sepsis differentially impact blood-brain barrier integrity and transport of tumor necrosis factor-a in aging. Brain Behav Immun. 2015 Nov; 50:259-265. PMID: 26218294.
Ingiosi AM, Raymond RM, Pavlova MN, Opp MR. Selective contributions of neuronal and astroglial interleukin-1 receptor 1 to the regulation of sleep. Brain Behav Immun. 2015 Aug; 48:244-57. PMID: 25849975.
Opp MR, Krueger JM. Sleep and immunity: A growing field with clinical impact. Brain Behav Immun. 2015 Jul; 47:1-3. PMID: 25849976.
Davis CJ, Dunbrasky D, Oonk M, Taishi P, Opp MR, Krueger JM. The neuron-specific interleukin-1 receptor accessory protein is required for homeostatic sleep and sleep responses to influenza viral challenge in mice. Brain Behav Immun. 2015 Jul; 47:35-43. PMID: 25449578.
Sutton BC, Opp MR. Acute increases in intramuscular inflammatory cytokines are necessary for the development of mechanical hypersensitivity in a mouse model of musculoskeletal sensitization. Brain Behav Immun. 2015 Feb; 44:213-20. PMID: 25449670.
Greenwood BN, Thompson RS, Opp MR, Fleshner M. Repeated exposure to conditioned fear stress increases anxiety and delays sleep recovery following exposure to an acute traumatic stressor. Front Psychiatry. 2014; 5:146. PMID: 25368585.
Kozachik SL, Opp MR, Page GG. Recovery sleep does not mitigate the effects of prior sleep loss on paclitaxel-induced mechanical hypersensitivity in Sprague-Dawley rats. Biol Res Nurs. 2015 Mar; 17(2):207-13. PMID: 25037450.
Del Gallo F, Opp MR, Imeri L. The reciprocal link between sleep and immune responses. Arch Ital Biol. 2014 Jun-Sep; 152(2-3):93-102. PMID: 25828681.
Page GG, Opp MR, Kozachik SL. Reduced sleep, stress responsivity, and female sex contribute to persistent inflammation-induced mechanical hypersensitivity in rats. Brain Behav Immun. 2014 Aug; 40:244-51. PMID: 24594386.
Sutton BC, Opp MR. Musculoskeletal sensitization and sleep: chronic muscle pain fragments sleep of mice without altering its duration. Sleep. 2014 Mar 01; 37(3):505-13. PMID: 24587573.
Sutton BC, Opp MR. Sleep fragmentation exacerbates mechanical hypersensitivity and alters subsequent sleep-wake behavior in a mouse model of musculoskeletal sensitization. Sleep. 2014 Mar 01; 37(3):515-24. PMID: 24587574.
Febinger HY, George A, Priestley J, Toth LA, Opp MR. Effects of housing condition and cage change on characteristics of sleep in mice. J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci. 2014 Jan; 53(1):29-37. PMID: 24411777.
Gu H, Gowda GA, Neto FC, Opp MR, Raftery D. RAMSY: ratio analysis of mass spectrometry to improve compound identification. Anal Chem. 2013 Nov 19; 85(22):10771-9. PMID: 24168717.
Ringgold KM, Barf RP, George A, Sutton BC, Opp MR. Prolonged sleep fragmentation of mice exacerbates febrile responses to lipopolysaccharide. J Neurosci Methods. 2013 Sep 30; 219(1):104-12. PMID: 23872243.
Ingiosi AM, Opp MR, Krueger JM. Sleep and immune function: glial contributions and consequences of aging. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 2013 Oct; 23(5):806-11. PMID: 23452941.
Granger JI, Ratti PL, Datta SC, Raymond RM, Opp MR. Sepsis-induced morbidity in mice: effects on body temperature, body weight, cage activity, social behavior and cytokines in brain. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2013 Jul; 38(7):1047-57. PMID: 23146654.
Baracchi F, Ingiosi AM, Raymond RM, Opp MR. Sepsis-induced alterations in sleep of rats. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2011 Nov; 301(5):R1467-78. PMID: 21900639.
Ahmed S, Meng H, Liu T, Sutton BC, Opp MR, Borjigin J, Wang MM. Ischemic stroke selectively inhibits REM sleep of rats. Exp Neurol. 2011 Dec; 232(2):168-75. PMID: 21906592.
Olivadoti MD, Weinberg JB, Toth LA, Opp MR. Sleep and fatigue in mice infected with murine gammaherpesvirus 68. Brain Behav Immun. 2011 May; 25(4):696-705. PMID: 21272632.
Brambilla D, Barajon I, Bianchi S, Opp MR, Imeri L. Interleukin-1 inhibits putative cholinergic neurons in vitro and REM sleep when microinjected into the rat laterodorsal tegmental nucleus. Sleep. 2010 Jul; 33(7):919-29. PMID: 20614852.
Wada M, Saunders TL, Morrow J, Milne GL, Walker KP, Dey SK, Brock TG, Opp MR, Aronoff DM, Smith WL. Two pathways for cyclooxygenase-2 protein degradation in vivo. J Biol Chem. 2009 Nov 06; 284(45):30742-53. PMID: 19758985.
Opp MR. Sleep and psychoneuroimmunology. Immunol Allergy Clin North Am. 2009 May; 29(2):295-307. PMID: 19389583.
Imeri L, Opp MR. How (and why) the immune system makes us sleep. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2009 Mar; 10(3):199-210. PMID: 19209176.
Opp MR. Sleeping to fuel the immune system: mammalian sleep and resistance to parasites. BMC Evol Biol. 2009 Jan 09; 9:8. PMID: 19134176.
Datta SC, Opp MR. Lipopolysaccharide-induced increases in cytokines in discrete mouse brain regions are detectable using Luminex xMAP technology. J Neurosci Methods. 2008 Oct 30; 175(1):119-24. PMID: 18771691.
Nemzek JA, Hugunin KM, Opp MR. Modeling sepsis in the laboratory: merging sound science with animal well-being. Comp Med. 2008 Apr; 58(2):120-8. PMID: 18524169.
Baracchi F, Opp MR. Sleep-wake behavior and responses to sleep deprivation of mice lacking both interleukin-1 beta receptor 1 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha receptor 1. Brain Behav Immun. 2008 Aug; 22(6):982-93. PMID: 18329246.
Olivadoti MD, Opp MR. Effects of i.c.v. administration of interleukin-1 on sleep and body temperature of interleukin-6-deficient mice. Neuroscience. 2008 Apr 22; 153(1):338-48. PMID: 18367337.
Morrow JD, Vikraman S, Imeri L, Opp MR. Effects of serotonergic activation by 5-hydroxytryptophan on sleep and body temperature of C57BL/6J and interleukin-6-deficient mice are dose and time related. Sleep. 2008 Jan; 31(1):21-33. PMID: 18220075.
Brambilla D, Franciosi S, Opp MR, Imeri L. Interleukin-1 inhibits firing of serotonergic neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus and enhances GABAergic inhibitory post-synaptic potentials. Eur J Neurosci. 2007 Oct; 26(7):1862-9. PMID: 17868373.
Olivadoti M, Toth LA, Weinberg J, Opp MR. Murine gammaherpesvirus 68: a model for the study of Epstein-Barr virus infections and related diseases. Comp Med. 2007 Feb; 57(1):44-50. PMID: 17348290.
McClintock SD, Barron AG, Olle EW, Deogracias MP, Warner RL, Opp MR, Johnson KJ. Role of interleukin-6 in a glucan-induced model of granulomatous vasculitis. Exp Mol Pathol. 2007 Apr; 82(2):203-9. PMID: 17222822.
Opp MR. Sleep and psychoneuroimmunology. Neurol Clin. 2006 Aug; 24(3):493-506. PMID: 16877120.
Imeri L, Bianchi S, Opp MR. Inhibition of caspase-1 in rat brain reduces spontaneous nonrapid eye movement sleep and nonrapid eye movement sleep enhancement induced by lipopolysaccharide. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2006 Jul; 291(1):R197-204. PMID: 16455762.
McClintock SD, Barron AG, Olle EW, Deogracias MP, Warner RL, Opp M, Johnson KJ. Role of interleukin-6 in immune complex induced models of vascular injury. Inflammation. 2005 Dec; 29(4-6):154-62. PMID: 17089190.
Kapsimalis F, Richardson G, Opp MR, Kryger M. Cytokines and normal sleep. Curr Opin Pulm Med. 2005 Nov; 11(6):481-4. PMID: 16217172.
Opp MR. Cytokines and sleep. Sleep Med Rev. 2005 Oct; 9(5):355-64. PMID: 16102986.
Imeri L, Bianchi S, Opp MR. Antagonism of corticotropin-releasing hormone alters serotonergic-induced changes in brain temperature, but not sleep, of rats. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2005 Oct; 289(4):R1116-23. PMID: 15994374.
Morrow JD, Opp MR. Sleep-wake behavior and responses of interleukin-6-deficient mice to sleep deprivation. Brain Behav Immun. 2005 Jan; 19(1):28-39. PMID: 15581736.
Morrow JD, Opp MR. Diurnal variation of lipopolysaccharide-induced alterations in sleep and body temperature of interleukin-6-deficient mice. Brain Behav Immun. 2005 Jan; 19(1):40-51. PMID: 15581737.
Baker FC, Shah S, Stewart D, Angara C, Gong H, Szymusiak R, Opp MR, McGinty D. Interleukin 1beta enhances non-rapid eye movement sleep and increases c-Fos protein expression in the median preoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2005 Apr; 288(4):R998-R1005. PMID: 15604300.
Opp MR. Cytokines and sleep: the first hundred years. Brain Behav Immun. 2004 Jul; 18(4):295-7. PMID: 15157945.
Alam MN, McGinty D, Bashir T, Kumar S, Imeri L, Opp MR, Szymusiak R. Interleukin-1beta modulates state-dependent discharge activity of preoptic area and basal forebrain neurons: role in sleep regulation. Eur J Neurosci. 2004 Jul; 20(1):207-16. PMID: 15245493.
Imeri L, Ceccarelli P, Mariotti M, Manfridi A, Opp MR, Mancia M. Sleep, but not febrile responses of Fisher 344 rats to immune challenge are affected by aging. Brain Behav Immun. 2004 Jul; 18(4):399-404. PMID: 15157957.
Longo KA, Wright WS, Kang S, Gerin I, Chiang SH, Lucas PC, Opp MR, MacDougald OA. Wnt10b inhibits development of white and brown adipose tissues. J Biol Chem. 2004 Aug 20; 279(34):35503-9. PMID: 15190075.
Chang FC, Opp MR. A corticotropin-releasing hormone antisense oligodeoxynucleotide reduces spontaneous waking in the rat. Regul Pept. 2004 Jan 15; 117(1):43-52. PMID: 14687700.
Gemma C, Imeri L, Opp MR. Serotonergic activation stimulates the pituitary-adrenal axis and alters interleukin-1 mRNA expression in rat brain. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2003 Oct; 28(7):875-84. PMID: 12892655.
Manfridi A, Brambilla D, Bianchi S, Mariotti M, Opp MR, Imeri L. Interleukin-1beta enhances non-rapid eye movement sleep when microinjected into the dorsal raphe nucleus and inhibits serotonergic neurons in vitro. Eur J Neurosci. 2003 Sep; 18(5):1041-9. PMID: 12956704.
Opp MR, Toth LA. Neural-immune interactions in the regulation of sleep. Front Biosci. 2003 May 01; 8:d768-79. PMID: 12700057.
Hogan D, Morrow JD, Smith EM, Opp MR. Interleukin-6 alters sleep of rats. J Neuroimmunol. 2003 Apr; 137(1-2):59-66. PMID: 12667648.
Chang FC, Opp MR. Role of corticotropin-releasing hormone in stressor-induced alterations of sleep in rat. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2002 Aug; 283(2):R400-7. PMID: 12121853.
Chang FC, Opp MR. Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) as a regulator of waking. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2001 Jul; 25(5):445-53. PMID: 11566481.
Toth LA, Opp MR. Cytokine- and microbially induced sleep responses of interleukin-10 deficient mice. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2001 Jun; 280(6):R1806-14. PMID: 11353686.
Opp MR, Imeri L. Rat strains that differ in corticotropin-releasing hormone production exhibit different sleep-wake responses to interleukin 1. Neuroendocrinology. 2001 Apr; 73(4):272-84. PMID: 11340341.
Chang FC, Opp MR. IL-1 is a mediator of increases in slow-wave sleep induced by CRH receptor blockade. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2000 Sep; 279(3):R793-802. PMID: 10956236.
Gemma C, Smith EM, Hughes TK, Opp MR. Human immunodeficiency virus glycoprotein 160 induces cytokine mRNA expression in the rat central nervous system. Cell Mol Neurobiol. 2000 Aug; 20(4):419-31. PMID: 10901264.
Imeri L, Mancia M, Bianchi S, Opp MR. 5-Hydroxytryptophan, but not L-tryptophan, alters sleep and brain temperature in rats. Neuroscience. 2000; 95(2):445-52. PMID: 10658624.
Smith EM, Cadet P, Stefano GB, Opp MR, Hughes TK. IL-10 as a mediator in the HPA axis and brain. J Neuroimmunol. 1999 Dec; 100(1-2):140-8. PMID: 10695724.
Chang FC, Opp MR. Pituitary CRH receptor blockade reduces waking in the rat. Physiol Behav. 1999 Nov; 67(5):691-6. PMID: 10604839.
Gemma C, Opp MR. Human immunodeficiency virus glycoproteins 160 and 41 alter sleep and brain temperature of rats. J Neuroimmunol. 1999 Jun 01; 97(1-2):94-101. PMID: 10408985.
Opp MR, Imeri L. Sleep as a behavioral model of neuro-immune interactions. Acta Neurobiol Exp (Wars). 1999; 59(1):45-53. PMID: 10230076.
Imeri L, Mancia M, Opp MR. Blockade of 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin)-2 receptors alters interleukin-1-induced changes in rat sleep. Neuroscience. 1999; 92(2):745-9. PMID: 10408622.
Imeri L, Gemma C, De Simoni MG, Opp MR, Mancia M. Hypothalamic serotonergic activity correlates better with brain temperature than with sleep-wake cycle and muscle tone in rats. Neuroscience. 1999; 89(4):1241-6. PMID: 10362311.
Chang FC, Opp MR. Blockade of corticotropin-releasing hormone receptors reduces spontaneous waking in the rat. Am J Physiol. 1998 09; 275(3):R793-802. PMID: 9728077.
Opp MR, Toth LA. Somnogenic and pyrogenic effects of interleukin-1beta and lipopolysaccharide in intact and vagotomized rats. Life Sci. 1998; 62(10):923-36. PMID: 9496715.
Opp MR. Rat strain differences suggest a role for corticotropin-releasing hormone in modulating sleep. Physiol Behav. 1997 Dec 31; 63(1):67-74. PMID: 9402617.
Opp MR, Toth LA. Circadian modulation of interleukin-1-induced fever in intact and vagotomized rats. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1997 Mar 15; 813:435-6. PMID: 9100917.
Opp MR, Toth LA, Tolley EA. EEG delta power and auditory arousal in rested and sleep-deprived rabbits. Am J Physiol. 1997 Feb; 272(2 Pt 2):R648-55. PMID: 9124490.
Opp MR, Rady PL, Hughes TK, Cadet P, Tyring SK, Smith EM. Human immunodeficiency virus envelope glycoprotein 120 alters sleep and induces cytokine mRNA expression in rats [published errata appear in Am J Physiol 1996 Aug;271(2 Pt 2):section R following table of contents and 1996 Dec;271(6 Pt 3):section R following table of contents]. Am J Physiol. 1996 May; 270(5 Pt 2):R963-70. PMID: 8928927.
Opp MR, Smith EM, Hughes TK. Interleukin-10 (cytokine synthesis inhibitory factor) acts in the central nervous system of rats to reduce sleep. J Neuroimmunol. 1995 Jul; 60(1-2):165-8. PMID: 7642744.
Rady PL, Smith EM, Cadet P, Opp MR, Tyring SK, Hughes TK. Presence of interleukin-10 transcripts in human pituitary and hypothalamus. Cell Mol Neurobiol. 1995 Apr; 15(2):289-96. PMID: 8590458.
Opp MR. Corticotropin-releasing hormone involvement in stressor-induced alterations in sleep and in the regulation of waking. Adv Neuroimmunol. 1995; 5(2):127-43. PMID: 7496608.
Kimura M, Majde JA, Toth LA, Opp MR, Krueger JM. Somnogenic effects of rabbit and recombinant human interferons in rabbits. Am J Physiol. 1994 Jul; 267(1 Pt 2):R53-61. PMID: 7519411.
Ob?l F, Payne L, Kacsoh B, Opp M, Kap?s L, Grosvenor CE, Krueger JM. Involvement of prolactin in the REM sleep-promoting activity of systemic vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP). Brain Res. 1994 May 09; 645(1-2):143-9. PMID: 8062077.
Opp MR, Krueger JM. Interleukin-1 is involved in responses to sleep deprivation in the rabbit. Brain Res. 1994 Mar 07; 639(1):57-65. PMID: 8180839.
Opp MR, Krueger JM. Anti-interleukin-1 beta reduces sleep and sleep rebound after sleep deprivation in rats. Am J Physiol. 1994 Mar; 266(3 Pt 2):R688-95. PMID: 8160860.
Imeri L, Opp MR, Krueger JM. An IL-1 receptor and an IL-1 receptor antagonist attenuate muramyl dipeptide- and IL-1-induced sleep and fever. Am J Physiol. 1993 Oct; 265(4 Pt 2):R907-13. PMID: 8238464.
Hong L, Imeri L, Opp MR, Postlethwaite AE, Seyer JM, Krueger JM. Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 expression induced by interleukin (IL)-1 beta or an IL-1 beta fragment is blocked by an IL-1 receptor antagonist and a soluble IL-1 receptor. J Neuroimmunol. 1993 May; 44(2):163-70. PMID: 8099361.
Ob?l F, Payne L, Opp M, Alf?ldi P, Kap?s L, Krueger JM. Growth hormone-releasing hormone antibodies suppress sleep and prevent enhancement of sleep after sleep deprivation. Am J Physiol. 1992 Nov; 263(5 Pt 2):R1078-85. PMID: 1443226.
Opp MR, Kap?s L, Toth LA. Cytokine involvement in the regulation of sleep. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 1992 Oct; 201(1):16-27. PMID: 1382300.
Kap?s L, Hong L, Cady AB, Opp MR, Postlethwaite AE, Seyer JM, Krueger JM. Somnogenic, pyrogenic, and anorectic activities of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and TNF-alpha fragments. Am J Physiol. 1992 Sep; 263(3 Pt 2):R708-15. PMID: 1357984.
Payne LC, Obal F, Opp MR, Krueger JM. Stimulation and inhibition of growth hormone secretion by interleukin-1 beta: the involvement of growth hormone-releasing hormone. Neuroendocrinology. 1992 Jul; 56(1):118-23. PMID: 1641070.
Opp MR, Postlethwaite AE, Seyer JM, Krueger JM. Interleukin 1 receptor antagonist blocks somnogenic and pyrogenic responses to an interleukin 1 fragment. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1992 May 01; 89(9):3726-30. PMID: 1533282.
Krueger JM, Kap?s L, Opp MR, Ob?l F. Prostaglandins E2 and D2 have little effect on rabbit sleep. Physiol Behav. 1992 Mar; 51(3):481-5. PMID: 1523224.
Kap?s L, Ob?l F, Opp MR, Johannsen L, Krueger JM. Intraperitoneal injection of cholecystokinin elicits sleep in rabbits. Physiol Behav. 1991 Dec; 50(6):1241-4. PMID: 1798781.
Ob?l F, Payne L, Kap?s L, Opp M, Krueger JM. Inhibition of growth hormone-releasing factor suppresses both sleep and growth hormone secretion in the rat. Brain Res. 1991 Aug 23; 557(1-2):149-53. PMID: 1747749.
Kap?s L, Payne L, Ob?l F, Opp M, Johannsen L, Krueger JM. Sleep in diabetic rats: effects of interleukin 1. Am J Physiol. 1991 May; 260(5 Pt 2):R995-9. PMID: 2035711.
Opp MR, Krueger JM. Interleukin 1-receptor antagonist blocks interleukin 1-induced sleep and fever. Am J Physiol. 1991 Feb; 260(2 Pt 2):R453-7. PMID: 1825458.
Opp MR, Obal F, Krueger JM. Interleukin 1 alters rat sleep: temporal and dose-related effects. Am J Physiol. 1991 Jan; 260(1 Pt 2):R52-8. PMID: 1992828.
Obal F, Opp M, Cady AB, Johannsen L, Postlethwaite AE, Poppleton HM, Seyer JM, Krueger JM. Interleukin 1 alpha and an interleukin 1 beta fragment are somnogenic. Am J Physiol. 1990 Sep; 259(3 Pt 2):R439-46. PMID: 2396703.
Opp MR, Obal F, Payne L, Krueger JM. Responsiveness of rats to interleukin-1: effects of monosodium glutamate treatment of neonates. Physiol Behav. 1990 Sep; 48(3):451-7. PMID: 2176294.
Krueger JM, Toth LA, Johannsen L, Opp MR. Infectious disease and sleep: involvement of neuroendocrine-neuroimmune mechanisms. Int J Neurosci. 1990 Apr; 51(3-4):359-62. PMID: 2279902.
Krueger JM, Obal F, Opp M, Toth L, Johannsen L, Cady AB. Somnogenic cytokines and models concerning their effects on sleep. Yale J Biol Med. 1990 Mar-Apr; 63(2):157-72. PMID: 2205056.
Johannsen L, Toth LA, Rosenthal RS, Opp MR, Obal F, Cady AB, Krueger JM. Somnogenic, pyrogenic, and hematologic effects of bacterial peptidoglycan. Am J Physiol. 1990 Jan; 258(1 Pt 2):R182-6. PMID: 2105668.
Krueger JM, Obal F, Johannsen L, Opp MR, Toth LA, Cady AB. Endogenous sleep factors: relationships to physiological variables. Prog Clin Biol Res. 1990; 345:1-6; discussion 7-8. PMID: 2198588.
Opp M, Ob?l F, Krueger JM. Corticotropin-releasing factor attenuates interleukin 1-induced sleep and fever in rabbits. Am J Physiol. 1989 Sep; 257(3 Pt 2):R528-35. PMID: 2789476.
Obal F, Opp M, Cady AB, Johannsen L, Krueger JM. Prolactin, vasoactive intestinal peptide, and peptide histidine methionine elicit selective increases in REM sleep in rabbits. Brain Res. 1989 Jun 26; 490(2):292-300. PMID: 2765864.
Opp M, Obal F, Cady AB, Johannsen L, Krueger JM. Interleukin-6 is pyrogenic but not somnogenic. Physiol Behav. 1989 May; 45(5):1069-72. PMID: 2476835.
Opp MR, Ob?l F, Krueger JM. Effects of alpha-MSH on sleep, behavior, and brain temperature: interactions with IL 1. Am J Physiol. 1988 Dec; 255(6 Pt 2):R914-22. PMID: 2849324.
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