Stephanie Ann Santorico
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Denver Campus |
Department | CLAS-Mathematics |
Title | Dean |
Institution | University of Colorado Denver - Denver Campus |
Department | VCASA/EVCASA Academic&Stdnt Af |
Null M, Yilmaz F, Astling D, Yu HC, Cole JB, Hallgr?msson B, Santorico SA, Spritz RA, Shaikh TH, Hendricks AE. Genome-wide analysis of copy number variants and normal facial variation in a large cohort of Bantu Africans. HGG Adv. 2022 Jan 13; 3(1):100082. PMID: 35047866.
Wan JY, Goodman DL, Willems EL, Freedland AR, Norden-Krichmar TM, Santorico SA, Edwards KL. Genome-wide association analysis of metabolic syndrome quantitative traits in the GENNID multiethnic family study. Diabetol Metab Syndr. 2021 Jun 01; 13(1):59. PMID: 34074324.
Yilmaz F, Null M, Astling D, Yu HC, Cole J, Santorico SA, Hallgrimsson B, Manyama M, Spritz RA, Hendricks AE, Shaikh TH. Genome-wide copy number variations in a large cohort of bantu African children. BMC Med Genomics. 2021 May 17; 14(1):129. PMID: 34001112.
Miranda AM, Ingram M, Nuessle TM, Santorico SA, Garneau NL. Factors affecting detection of bimodal sour-savory mixture and inter-individual umami taste perception. Food Qual Prefer. 2021 Apr; 89. PMID: 33311858.
Spritz RA, Santorico SA. The Genetic Basis of Vitiligo. J Invest Dermatol. 2021 02; 141(2):265-273. PMID: 32778407.
Roberts GHL, Santorico SA, Spritz RA. Deep genotype imputation captures virtually all heritability of autoimmune vitiligo. Hum Mol Genet. 2020 03 27; 29(5):859-863. PMID: 31943001.
Wan JY, Cataby C, Liem A, Jeffrey E, Norden-Krichmar TM, Goodman D, Santorico SA, Edwards KL. Evidence for gene-smoking interactions for hearing loss and deafness in Japanese American families. Hear Res. 2020 03 01; 387:107875. PMID: 31896498.
Roberts GHL, Santorico SA, Spritz RA. The genetic architecture of vitiligo. Pigment Cell Melanoma Res. 2020 01; 33(1):8-15. PMID: 31743585.
Kooakachai M, LaBerge G, Santorico SA. A new framework to test parent-child and full sibling relationships with population substructure. Forensic Sci Int. 2019 Dec; 305:110012. PMID: 31759292.
Willems EL, Wan JY, Norden-Krichmar TM, Edwards KL, Santorico SA. Transethnic meta-analysis of metabolic syndrome in a multiethnic study. Genet Epidemiol. 2020 01; 44(1):16-25. PMID: 31647587.
Pouget JG, Han B, Wu Y, Mignot E, Ollila HM, Barker J, Spain S, Dand N, Trembath R, Martin J, Mayes MD, Bossini-Castillo L, L?pez-Isac E, Jin Y, Santorico SA, Spritz RA, Hakonarson H, Polychronakos C, Raychaudhuri S, Knight J. Cross-disorder analysis of schizophrenia and 19 immune-mediated diseases identifies shared genetic risk. Hum Mol Genet. 2019 10 15; 28(20):3498-3513. PMID: 31211845.
Roberts GHL, Paul S, Yorgov D, Santorico SA, Spritz RA. Family Clustering of Autoimmune Vitiligo Results Principally from Polygenic Inheritance of Common Risk Alleles. Am J Hum Genet. 2019 08 01; 105(2):364-372. PMID: 31327509.
Jin Y, Santorico SA, Spritz RA. Pediatric to Adult Shift in Vitiligo Onset Suggests Altered Environmental Triggering. J Invest Dermatol. 2020 01; 140(1):241-243.e4. PMID: 31260671.
Jin Y, Roberts GHL, Ferrara TM, Ben S, van Geel N, Wolkerstorfer A, Ezzedine K, Siebert J, Neff CP, Palmer BE, Santorico SA, Spritz RA. Early-onset autoimmune vitiligo associated with an enhancer variant haplotype that upregulates class II HLA expression. Nat Commun. 2019 01 23; 10(1):391. PMID: 30674883.
Hendricks AE, Billups SC, Pike HNC, Farooqi IS, Zeggini E, Santorico SA, Barroso I, Dupuis J. ProxECAT: Proxy External Controls Association Test. A new case-control gene region association test using allele frequencies from public controls. PLoS Genet. 2018 10; 14(10):e1007591. PMID: 30325923.
Kinney GL, Santorico SA, Young KA, Cho MH, Castaldi PJ, San Jos? Est?par R, Ross JC, Dy JG, Make BJ, Regan EA, Lynch DA, Everett DC, Lutz SM, Silverman EK, Washko GR, Crapo JD, Hokanson JE. Identification of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Axes That Predict All-Cause Mortality: The COPDGene Study. Am J Epidemiol. 2018 10 01; 187(10):2109-2116. PMID: 29771274.
Ben S, Jin Y, Santorico SA, Spritz RA. Genome-Wide Association of PVT1 with?Vitiligo. J Invest Dermatol. 2018 08; 138(8):1884-1886. PMID: 29505758.
Cole JB, Manyama MF, Nikitovic D, Gonzalez PN, Liberton DK, Wilson WM, Rolian C, Larson JR, Kimwaga E, Mathayo J, Roseman CC, Santorico SA, Lukowiak K, Spritz RA, Hallgrimsson B. Facial shape manifestations of growth faltering in Tanzanian children. J Anat. 2018 02; 232(2):250-262. PMID: 29193055.
Garneau NL, Nuessle TM, Tucker RM, Yao M, Santorico SA, Mattes RD. Taste Responses to Linoleic Acid: A Crowdsourced Population Study. Chem Senses. 2017 Oct 31; 42(9):769-775. PMID: 28968903.
Wang Z, Manichukal A, Goff DC, Mora S, Ordovas JM, Pajewski NM, Post WS, Rotter JI, Sale MM, Santorico SA, Siscovick D, Tsai MY, Arnett DK, Rich S, Frazier-Wood AC. Genetic associations with lipoprotein subfraction measures differ by ethnicity in the multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis (MESA). Hum Genet. 2017 06; 136(6):715-726. PMID: 28352986.
Li M, Cole JB, Manyama M, Larson JR, Liberton DK, Riccardi SL, Ferrara TM, Santorico SA, Bannister JJ, Forkert ND, Spritz RA, Mio W, Hallgrimsson B. Rapid automated landmarking for morphometric analysis of three-dimensional facial scans. J Anat. 2017 Apr; 230(4):607-618. PMID: 28078731.
Friedman JE, Young BE, Lemas DJ, Barbour LA, Frank DN, Santorico SA. Reply to M Gotteland and F Magne. Am J Clin Nutr. 2017 01; 105(1):234-236. PMID: 28049665.
Cole JB, Manyama M, Larson JR, Liberton DK, Ferrara TM, Riccardi SL, Li M, Mio W, Klein OD, Santorico SA, Hallgr?msson B, Spritz RA. Human Facial Shape and Size Heritability and Genetic Correlations. Genetics. 2017 02; 205(2):967-978. PMID: 27974501.
Engelman CD, Greenwood CM, Bailey JN, Cantor RM, Kent JW, K?nig IR, Bermejo JL, Melton PE, Santorico SA, Schillert A, Wijsman EM, MacCluer JW, Almasy L. Genetic Analysis Workshop 19: methods and strategies for analyzing human sequence and gene expression data in extended families and unrelated individuals. BMC Proc. 2016; 10(Suppl 7):67-70. PMID: 27980613.
Jin Y, Andersen G, Yorgov D, Ferrara TM, Ben S, Brownson KM, Holland PJ, Birlea SA, Siebert J, Hartmann A, Lienert A, van Geel N, Lambert J, Luiten RM, Wolkerstorfer A, Wietze van der Veen JP, Bennett DC, Ta?eb A, Ezzedine K, Kemp EH, Gawkrodger DJ, Weetman AP, K?ks S, Prans E, Kingo K, Karelson M, Wallace MR, McCormack WT, Overbeck A, Moretti S, Colucci R, Picardo M, Silverberg NB, Olsson M, Valle Y, Korobko I, B?hm M, Lim HW, Hamzavi I, Zhou L, Mi QS, Fain PR, Santorico SA, Spritz RA. Genome-wide association studies of autoimmune vitiligo identify 23 new risk loci and highlight key pathways and regulatory variants. Nat Genet. 2016 11; 48(11):1418-1424. PMID: 27723757.
Jin Y, Andersen GHL, Santorico SA, Spritz RA. Multiple Functional Variants of IFIH1, a Gene Involved in Triggering Innate Immune Responses, Protect against Vitiligo. J Invest Dermatol. 2017 02; 137(2):522-524. PMID: 27720759.
Brumbaugh DE, Arruda J, Robbins K, Ir D, Santorico SA, Robertson CE, Frank DN. Mode of Delivery Determines Neonatal Pharyngeal Bacterial Composition and Early Intestinal Colonization. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2016 09; 63(3):320-8. PMID: 27035381.
Cole JB, Manyama M, Kimwaga E, Mathayo J, Larson JR, Liberton DK, Lukowiak K, Ferrara TM, Riccardi SL, Li M, Mio W, Prochazkova M, Williams T, Li H, Jones KL, Klein OD, Santorico SA, Hallgrimsson B, Spritz RA. Genomewide Association Study of African Children Identifies Association of SCHIP1 and PDE8A with Facial Size and Shape. PLoS Genet. 2016 08; 12(8):e1006174. PMID: 27560698.
Shaffer JR, Orlova E, Lee MK, Leslie EJ, Raffensperger ZD, Heike CL, Cunningham ML, Hecht JT, Kau CH, Nidey NL, Moreno LM, Wehby GL, Murray JC, Laurie CA, Laurie CC, Cole J, Ferrara T, Santorico S, Klein O, Mio W, Feingold E, Hallgrimsson B, Spritz RA, Marazita ML, Weinberg SM. Genome-Wide Association Study Reveals Multiple Loci Influencing Normal Human Facial Morphology. PLoS Genet. 2016 Aug; 12(8):e1006149. PMID: 27560520.
Lemas DJ, Young BE, Baker PR, Tomczik AC, Soderborg TK, Hernandez TL, de la Houssaye BA, Robertson CE, Rudolph MC, Ir D, Patinkin ZW, Krebs NF, Santorico SA, Weir T, Barbour LA, Frank DN, Friedman JE. Alterations in human milk leptin and insulin are associated with early changes in the infant intestinal microbiome. Am J Clin Nutr. 2016 May; 103(5):1291-300. PMID: 27140533.
Santorico SA, Hendricks AE. Progress in methods for rare variant association. BMC Genet. 2016 Feb 03; 17 Suppl 2:6. PMID: 26866487.
Cavalli G, Hayashi M, Jin Y, Yorgov D, Santorico SA, Holcomb C, Rastrou M, Erlich H, Tengesdal IW, Dagna L, Neff CP, Palmer BE, Spritz RA, Dinarello CA. MHC class II super-enhancer increases surface expression of HLA-DR and HLA-DQ and affects cytokine production in autoimmune vitiligo. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016 Feb 02; 113(5):1363-8. PMID: 26787888.
Hayashi M, Jin Y, Yorgov D, Santorico SA, Hagman J, Ferrara TM, Jones KL, Cavalli G, Dinarello CA, Spritz RA. Autoimmune vitiligo is associated with gain-of-function by a transcriptional regulator that elevates expression of HLA-A*02:01 in vivo. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016 Feb 02; 113(5):1357-62. PMID: 26787886.
Feazel LM, Santorico SA, Robertson CE, Bashraheil M, Scott JA, Frank DN, Hammitt LL. Effects of Vaccination with 10-Valent Pneumococcal Non-Typeable Haemophilus influenza Protein D Conjugate Vaccine (PHiD-CV) on the Nasopharyngeal Microbiome of Kenyan Toddlers. PLoS One. 2015; 10(6):e0128064. PMID: 26083474.
Nuessle TM, Garneau NL, Sloan MM, Santorico SA. Denver Papillae Protocol for Objective Analysis of Fungiform Papillae. J Vis Exp. 2015 Jun 08; (100):e52860. PMID: 26131644.
Bowler RP, Kim V, Regan E, Williams AAA, Santorico SA, Make BJ, Lynch DA, Hokanson JE, Washko GR, Bercz P, Soler X, Marchetti N, Criner GJ, Ramsdell J, Han MK, Demeo D, Anzueto A, Comellas A, Crapo JD, Dransfield M, Wells JM, Hersh CP, MacIntyre N, Martinez F, Nath HP, Niewoehner D, Sciurba F, Sharafkhaneh A, Silverman EK, van Beek EJR, Wilson C, Wendt C, Wise RA. Prediction of acute respiratory disease in current and former smokers with and without COPD. Chest. 2014 Oct; 146(4):941-950. PMID: 24945159.
Santorico SA, Edwards KL. Challenges of linkage analysis in the era of whole-genome sequencing. Genet Epidemiol. 2014 Sep; 38 Suppl 1:S92-6. PMID: 25112196.
Bickeb?ller H, Bailey JN, Beyene J, Cantor RM, Cordell HJ, Culverhouse RC, Engelman CD, Fardo DW, Ghosh S, K?nig IR, Lorenzo Bermejo J, Melton PE, Santorico SA, Satten GA, Sun L, Tintle NL, Ziegler A, MacCluer JW, Almasy L. Genetic Analysis Workshop 18: Methods and strategies for analyzing human sequence and phenotype data in members of extended pedigrees. BMC Proc. 2014; 8(Suppl 1):S1. PMID: 25519310.
Yorgov D, Edwards KL, Santorico SA. Use of admixture and association for detection of quantitative trait loci in the Type 2 Diabetes Genetic Exploration by Next-Generation Sequencing in Ethnic Samples (T2D-GENES) study. BMC Proc. 2014; 8(Suppl 1):S6. PMID: 25519335.
Garneau NL, Nuessle TM, Sloan MM, Santorico SA, Coughlin BC, Hayes JE. Crowdsourcing taste research: genetic and phenotypic predictors of bitter taste perception as a model. Front Integr Neurosci. 2014; 8:33. PMID: 24904324.
Castaldi PJ, Dy J, Ross J, Chang Y, Washko GR, Curran-Everett D, Williams A, Lynch DA, Make BJ, Crapo JD, Bowler RP, Regan EA, Hokanson JE, Kinney GL, Han MK, Soler X, Ramsdell JW, Barr RG, Foreman M, van Beek E, Casaburi R, Criner GJ, Lutz SM, Rennard SI, Santorico S, Sciurba FC, DeMeo DL, Hersh CP, Silverman EK, Cho MH. Cluster analysis in the COPDGene study identifies subtypes of smokers with distinct patterns of airway disease and emphysema. Thorax. 2014 May; 69(5):415-22. PMID: 24563194.
Razzaghi H, Tempczyk-Russell A, Haubold K, Santorico SA, Shokati T, Christians U, Churchill ME. Genetic and structure-function studies of missense mutations in human endothelial lipase. PLoS One. 2013; 8(3):e55716. PMID: 23536757.
Wu H, Wu MC, Zhi D, Santorico SA, Cui X. Statistics for next generation sequencing - meeting report. Front Genet. 2012; 3:128. PMID: 22811695.
Razzaghi H, Santorico SA, Kamboh MI. Population-Based Resequencing of LIPG and ZNF202 Genes in Subjects with Extreme HDL Levels. Front Genet. 2012; 3:89. PMID: 22723803.
Edwards KL, Wan JY, Hutter CM, Fong PY, Santorico SA. Multivariate linkage scan for metabolic syndrome traits in families with type 2 diabetes. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2011 Jun; 19(6):1235-43. PMID: 21183932.
Kippola TA, Santorico SA. Methods for combining multiple genome-wide linkage studies. Methods Mol Biol. 2010; 620:541-60. PMID: 20652521.
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